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首批国家健康住宅诞生,北京规范健全建材市场,6种建材品强制退出京城市场,变色保温的“智能玻璃”将登陆北京市场,沪上玻璃幕墙问题多931幢建筑中90幢有隐患,广州推广建筑节能标准,广州8月起禁用13种建材,西安建材合格率不足七成,武汉40家水泥企业被依法关停,闽南首家建材超市落户泉州,家具销售出新规没说明书将受罚,实木地板发布消费白皮书。  相似文献   

美标邀欧洲顶级设计师推出卫浴新品;日本开发新型光触媒清洁玻璃;2005年瓷砖大块头受宠;时尚白领女性新潮流——居家SPA释放自我;日本建材市场招商中国企业营造21世纪中华街;节能多功能灯具成消费新宠;全市首个室内环境试验舱启用可测试7种有害物质;防盗装置会报警“尖叫阳台”展会出风头;京城实木地板集体涨价。  相似文献   

2005年我国船舶用涂料竞争将趋激烈,陶瓷类卫浴产品进口关税下降,明年饰材产业需求可望超过6500亿,欧洲进口地板欲涨价,2005年流行木纹砖和复古砖,北京新建住宅外窗改用中空玻璃,广州市场彩涂价格趋涨成交呈现减弱,深圳市场建筑钢材资源少价格稳中有升,上海灯具价格泡沫越吹越大,  相似文献   

我国建材业将禁止发展六类产品,北京:新节能标准对建筑造价影响不大,天津公布第三季度内墙涂料质检结果,广东今年评名牌陶瓷品牌16家,哈市“绿色涂料”市场急需治理  相似文献   

我国家具走俏中亚市场据中国建材报报道今年年初以来,我国家具产品以其优良质地及适中价格深受中亚各国消费者青睐。据统计,今年第一季度,阿拉山口口岸共出口我国家具类产品近2000 吨,贸易额达130万美元。出口种类有大班椅、办公桌、文件柜、沙发、桌子、茶几及塑料家具等,主要销往哈萨克斯坦,吉尔吉斯斯坦、土库曼斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦及阿富汗等国家。  相似文献   

中国建材行业工会工作研究会2004年年会召开 据中国建材报报道中国建材行业工 会工作研究会2004年年会日前在杭州 市召开。会议围绕工会十四大提出的今 后5年工会工作目标和建材行业工作实 际,交流研讨新时期做好职工民主管理 与工会工作的新思路。与会的各位代表 就各单位在民主管理与工会工作时间当 中如何贯彻工会十四大精神,如何探索 新方法、新思路进行了交流。  相似文献   

中国1.8万种产品获中国环境标志,北京将建“外贸型”五金建材市场,景德镇“美人醉”首次进京,新疆规划大型环氧树脂项目,湖北省塑料管材合格率为80.4%  相似文献   

中国1.8万种产品获中国环境标志据《中国建材报》报道国家环保总局授权开展环境标志产品认证工作的中环联合认证中心有限公司近日披露,中国在家电、办公设备、日用品、纺织品、建材等领域的56大类产品开展的环境标志认证进展喜人,到目前为止,已有900多家企业生产的1.8万种产品获得了中国环境标志。  相似文献   

新华网北京3月5日电 国务院总理温家宝5日在十届全国人大二次会议上作政府工作报告时说,要抓紧解决城镇房屋拆迁和农村土地征用中存在的问题,切实保障农民工工资按时足额支付。 温家宝说,在城镇房屋拆迁中,要  相似文献   

Nakeel公司的开发项目可减少人们对汽车的依赖;Aedas建筑师事务所在巴基斯坦Mai Kclachi设计新建筑将动工;YVS+BIAD联合体设计新中国国际展览中心。  相似文献   

我们一直在追寻着一种视觉唯美所带来的超然之感,犹如茅塞顿悟、响彻心脾,仿佛此刻一切变得无欲无求……当设计一词公然于世,人类对于居所概念的理解已宛然而变。记得《礼记》中曾提到“昔者先王未有宫室,冬则居营窟,夏则居槽巢”,古人的土垒居穴与树上巢室也只能停留那尘封的史书之中,我们享受着人类文明演绎的新生活。家已然成为栖息心灵的住所, 而家居一直努力的营造着那种温馨与和谐。设计界仿佛一直存在着一种天生的矛盾,视觉感受与身心享受犹如成了两条永不相交的直线或是很难兼顾的函数。唯美与舒适先且不论孰轻孰重,家居的视觉盛宴绝不能抛弃人最基础的使用需求,功能环境与家居设计的完美融合已成为我们为之追求的终点。  相似文献   

The Karamba plug-in developed by Clemens Preisinger in collaboration with Bollinger + Grohmann Engineers has been developed to predict the behaviour of structures under external loads. Intended to be used by architects rather than being solely confined to an engineering setting, it enables a seamless flow of data between structural and geometric models. Preisinger here describes the program's evolution and application.  相似文献   

为期3天的第二届中国国际混凝土周于2010年4月2日在北京国家会议中心落下帷幕.本次活动是在中国建筑材料联合会支持下,由中国混凝土与水泥制品协会联合中国国际贸易促进委员会建筑材料行业分会等13家建材行业协会(分会)共同主办的,包括"中国国际混凝土技术及装备展览会"、"中国国际水泥技术及装备展览会"、"中国国际矿山开采及分体加工技术及装备展览会"、"中国国际建筑模板及脚手架施工技术展览会"以及多项活动,旨在打通矿山开采、水泥生产、混凝土生产及建筑应用四者联系,贯通全行业上下游产业链.  相似文献   

Resilience and sustainability have both gained traction in civil engineering. There is significant overlap between both fields, but practitioners tend to remain confined to their niche. This paper clarifies the link between both fields, reflects on the underlying concepts, and identifies challenges and opportunities in understanding complex problems involving both resilience and sustainability. A conceptual framework is proposed for understanding resilience and sustainability together. The example of a coastal town subject to sea-level rise and large storms is used to motivate the framework. The example is used to evaluate the use of discount rates for events in the distant future. The results are discussed to determine our ability to decide whether such scenarios are sustainable. The conclusion is that computational approaches will be inadequate. Rather, there is a need for qualitative thinking that embraces ambiguity and unmeasurable uncertainty.  相似文献   

This article argues that, even in cases where energy represents only a small percentage of costs, improvements in efficiency can nevertheless make a significant impact on business performance. Good energy management can be readily achieved by linking it into existing company activities and so improvements are not difficult to make  相似文献   

There is a poor connection between Australian urban research and metropolitan and local planning practice. This review suggests a number of principles that could be followed in conducting urban research to provide more effective points of attachment for urban policy and metropolitan and local planning practice. In the nature of the discussion, the principles identified overlap reflecting considerable resonance in the points made.  相似文献   

The Building Research & Information special issue ‘Developing Theories of the Built Environment’ (volume 36(3), 2008) explores the epistemology that underpins design research and the built environment. This commentary considers alternative models and processes of research that can assist with addressing the complexity and vast theoretical territory constituting the built environment. The continuing disciplinary fragmentation within universities and the separation of much university research from real data and from the needs of practice have been disastrous. A clear need exists for integrating knowledge across disciplinary boundaries and for crossing the chasm between university-based research and the users of research in practices. Important precedents provided by the Tavistock Institute, Space Syntax and Building Use Studies illustrate the virtues of combining field-based research, theory and practice, and demonstrate real benefits. Increasing recognition is necessary of the interdependence and linkage between the realms of practice and university-based research. It is vital to energize data that exist within practice through new, more flexible institutions and new, more inventive modes of research.

Ce numéro spécial de Building Research & Information consacré aux théories de développement du milieu bâti (volume 36(3), 2008) explore l'épistémologie qui étaye la recherche conceptuelle et le milieu bâti. Cet article considère d'autres modèles et processus de recherche capables d'aider à aborder la complexité et l'immense domaine théorique constituant le milieu bâti. La fragmentation disciplinaire permanente au sein des universités et la distanciation d'une grande partie de la recherche universitaire par rapport aux données réelles et aux besoins de la pratique ont eu des effets désastreux. Il est sans aucun doute nécessaire de faire traverser les barrières des disciplines à la connaissance et de combler le gouffre entre la recherche universitaire et les utilisateurs de la recherche dans la pratique. D'importants précédents fournis par le Tavistock Institute, Space Syntax and Building Use Studies, démontrent combien il est intéressant de combiner la recherche sur le terrain, la théorie et la pratique et font ressortir les avantages réels obtenus. Il faut de plus en plus reconnaître l'interdépendance et les liens entre les domaines de la pratique et la recherche universitaire. Il est essentiel de valoriser les données qui existent dans la pratique au moyen d'institutions nouvelles et plus souples et de modes de recherche nouveaux et ayant une plus grande capacité d'invention.

Mots clés: recherche conceptuelle, epistémologie, phronesis, raison pratique, sagesse pratique, pratique professionnelle, capacités de recherche, infrastructure de recherche, politique de recherche  相似文献   

Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) is a strategic posture of an organization, and it is related to basic policies and practices for the development of entrepreneurial actions looking for creating competitive advantages. This study develops and tests a model of the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and project success in Brazilian context. As quantitative research, a survey was used to collect data. A sample of 100 valid answers from project practitioners was treated through the structural equation modeling method. As research implications, the main result points out the positive correlation between the entrepreneurial orientation and the project success, contributing to the development of this research subject and helping to minimize the gap in the literature that addresses the relationship between project success and EO. In practical terms, understanding that innovativeness, risk taking, proactiveness, autonomy and competitive aggressiveness (the dimensions of the EO) can contribute to project success and can also indirectly impact on organizational performance, could help organizations get competitive advantage when developing correlate factors. Finally, the results suggest that practices of project management can be aligned to the firm's entrepreneurial orientation to enable firms to attain better results in their projects and generate a competitive advantage. On other hand, given the proportion of the impact of EO on project success (20.3%) identified in this study, it is critical that project management professionals expand their horizon to recognize other factors that affect project success.  相似文献   

英国卡迪夫大学城市与区域规划学院(CPLAN)成立至今已经有40多年的历史,经过逐步发展壮大,成为综合多学科的规划院系。其研究和教学领域涉及空间规划、区域规划与管治、土地利用规划、交通规划、环境与可持续发展、农业与乡村发展和规划、城市复兴、城市设计、城市交通和住宅政策等,无论在研究水平和教学水平上都具有国际知名度,成为国际著名的规划院系。  相似文献   

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