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在HgBr_2-N_2-Ne混合气体中,利用横向快速脉冲放电激励,实现了HgB_rB~2∑→X~2∑的激光作用,获得了约10mJ的蓝绿激输出,测量了一些光电参量,并成功地进行了泵浦染料的试验。  相似文献   

通过气相亘运HgBr2光解产生HgBr2 β2Σ+→X2Σ+跃迁而获得了激光作用。泵浦辐射是ArF受激准分子激光器的193亳微米输出。测得的激光波长在502与505亳微米之同。横向激励时HgBr激光器的输出能量在泵浦能为7亳焦耳时为0.25亳焦耳。  相似文献   

美国海军海洋系统中心(圣地亚哥)由实验首次获得了分子的两个电子态之间的可见激光作用,其中的高能态是直接由光解产生的。这种溴化汞光解激光器由该中心通讯系统和技术部的Erhard J. Schimetsohek等研制。  相似文献   

通过横向放电中的电子碰撞现象来离解 HgBr_2蒸汽,产生了 HgBr_2的B~2∑~ →X~2∑~ 跃迁的激光作用。由502和505nm 之间的六条谱线组成的激光波长同以前光致离解激发测得的波长相同。  相似文献   

用紫外予电离横向放电溴化汞激光器泵浦若丹明6G和若丹明B,得到的染料激光可在5580A~6430A范围内调谐,其能量转换效率分别为35%和30%,激光脉冲半峰值宽度分别为50毫微秒和40毫微秒。实验表明,溴化汞激光器是一种大有潜力的染料激光泵浦源。  相似文献   

用紫外预电离横向放电溴化汞激光器泵浦若丹明6G和若丹明B,得到的染料激光可在5580~6430ns范围内调谐,其能量转换效率分别为35%和30%,激光脉冲半峰值宽度为50ns 和40ns。实验表明,溴化汞激光器是一种很有潜力的染料激光泵浦源。  相似文献   

声荣 《激光技术》1981,5(5):10-10
据大量的非官方报导,对用作潜艇连续工作的战术激光通讯,美国防高级研究计划局(DARPA)选用溴化汞激光器的可能性大大超过选用氯化氙准分子激光器。DARPA和海军正发起的这项研究,其目的是建立与载导弹潜艇的可靠通讯。目前军方通常使用的是低频无线电通讯,然而这种通讯方式相当麻烦,而且还要辅助系统保持在附近海面。  相似文献   

1961年 C. Γ. Pаутиан等提出了光致离解激光器的特性是吸收泵浦辐射带足够宽(~103厘米-1),这接近于固体激光的吸收带,同时包。含有较窄的荧光光谱线10—2~10-1厘米-1,这就有可能获得较髙的增益系数和较低的振荡阈值。  相似文献   

测量了光离解XeF激光器的振荡瞬时效率,这是由振荡功率与泵浦电源的电功率的比值确定的。用开放式强流放电的真空紫外辐射实现激光泵浦。振荡脉冲最大效率,对波长353亳微米是0.8%,波长485亳微米是1%(利用泵浦电源辐射对几何因素的修正)。振荡脉冲能量和平均输出比能量,对波长亳微米分别为28焦耳和18焦耳/升,对波长485亳微米分别为14.5焦耳和10焦耳/升。  相似文献   

Detailed operating characteristics of transversely excited (TE) double-pulse copper bromide lasers employing discharge stabilization techniques are reported. With careful optimization of operating temperature, buffer gas pressure, dissociation and excitation energies, and pulse delay times, specific output energies up to 35μJ/cm3have been obtained for a device of active volume 150 cm3. The nature of the dominant processes influencing ground state and metastable copper atom densities in the interpulse region are discussed in terms of the observed effects of temperature and gas pressure on the characteristic delay times.  相似文献   

Emission spectra of the HgBr (B2Σ+-Z 2Σ+) band system and atomic mercury lines observed during collisions of HgBr2 with N+/N2+ ions at different laboratory kinetic energies are discussed. Emission cross sections of the most intense band of the HgBr transition at 502 nm have been measured at low energies of the projectile ions. Collision-induced dissociative excitation processes appear to be the dominant mechanism producing these emissions  相似文献   

Comparative measurements of discharge electrical waveforms have been carried out with a Ne-H2-CuBr laser, a Ne-CuBr laser, and a Cu HyBrID laser, each of the same size and geometry, and under the same conditions of excitation. From the general similarity of the electrical characteristics of the HyBrID laser and the Ne-H2-CuBr laser, together with a reappraisal of the role of hydrogen, it is concluded that the main characteristics of these lasers (high efficiency, high average output power, and special features of their excitation pulse waveforms) can all be qualitatively explained if we assume that HBr and not hydrogen (molecular, atomic, or ionic) is the responsible agent which acts via the process of dissociative attachment of electrons to HBr during the interpulse period and during the early stages of the discharge current pulse  相似文献   

We propose a fast effective intracavity technique for optical shuttering and wavelength selection in copper vapor lasers and copper bromide lasers by inserting a polychromatic acoustooptic modulator in a low-intensity section of a classical negative branch unstable resonator. Single-pulse or multiple-pulse operation in one- or two-wavelength emission was achieved in a CuBr laser system. The spatial distributions of the output laser beam as recorded by a CCD camera showed neither power losses nor worsening of the beam quality in comparison with the classical scheme without the modulator. The laser output was characterized with a high degree of linear polarization.  相似文献   

We present a systematic study of the effect of hydrogen additive on the beam quality of copper bromide lasers. It is a well-established fact that the addition of small amounts of hydrogen to the neon buffer gas of this class of laser will dramatically increase their average output power and efficiency. Our results show that the partial pressure of hydrogen used to maximize the total output power is not the same as that which optimizes the power density in the drilling plane of a copper bromide laser based micro-machining system  相似文献   

可与固体激光器性能相媲美的陶瓷激光器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
激光陶瓷是一种由细小、紧密填充的晶粒构成的马赛克结构。该材料除具有陶瓷的多晶体性质外,采用烧结方法制备的激光陶瓷还展现出非常接近于单晶的透明性和热机械特性。激光陶瓷对激光器性能起关键作用,特别是在光传输损耗、导热率、掺杂物质的吸收和发射特性以及光学各向异性等,这些特性匀类似于单晶激光基质的特性。  相似文献   

The use of cavity to manipulate photon emission of quantum dots (QDs) has been opening unprecedented opportunities for realizing quantum functional nanophotonic devices and quantum information devices....  相似文献   

综述了近5年来固体Raman激光器和光参量振荡(OPO)激光器的发展情况,并对Raman激光器和OPO激光器在工作原理、晶体材料方面进行了比较。Raman激光器在光束质量、光路稳定方面存在优势,而OPO激光器调谐范围大,输出功率高。最后对固体Raman激光器和OPO激光器发展前景进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   

Tunable lasers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tunable lasers are a key component for building flexible and streamlined optical networks capable of increasing functionality with lower overall network cost. It is in the nature of technological evolution that many avenues are initially explored with elaborate schemes. Despite the allure of ingenuity, however, the winning solutions are usually the simple ones that leverage an existing technology and market base. The outlined approach of full-band tunable lasers based on DFB technology meet the existing performance specifications and possess a cost structure that will ultimately displace static-wavelength DFBs, making tunability ubiquitous.  相似文献   

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