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Temperature and spectral dependences of photoinduced changes of resistance were measured in YBa2Cu3O x thin films with oxygen content ranging as 6.35 <x < 6.75. The absolute value of efficiency of initiation of photoinduced changes decreases with increase in oxygen content, but the position of peaks in the spectral dependence does not change with a change ofx. Temperature dependences of efficiency have an anomaly atT∽220 K, which is present in all the samples studied, and correlates with anomalies observed by other experimental techniques. Qualitatively similar temperature and spectral dependences of efficiency for the samples in both the insulating and metallic phases may be considered as an indication that the persistent photoconductivity effect in YBCO on both sides of the metal-insulator transition has a common origin.  相似文献   

YBa2Cu3O x ceramics were recrystallized in vacuum at high temperatures. Recrystallized layers consisting of small grains were observed near the surfaces of the original large-grain 1 2 3 ceramics. The small grains consisted of transformation twins and were identified to orthorhombic 1 2 3 using X-ray diffraction. As vacuum annealing time increased, the thickness of the recrystallized layer increased. The relationship between the thickness and the annealing time showed a linear relationship and an effective diffusion coefficient of 6.25 × 10–10cm2s–1. The recrystallized layer showed a critical temperature of 90 K.  相似文献   

Surface impedance measurements in the normal and superconducting state are an excellent method to study the conduction electron dynamics in metals. This holds especially in the relaxation range, i.e., for distances traveled in one r.f. periods=υ F/ωf is the Fermi velocity) being smaller or of the order of the penetration depth λ and mean free pathl. For materials withυ F<-107 cm/sec the relaxation range is easily accessible forf>0.1 THz. Then, in the normal state, relaxation defines the surface impedance with a penetration depth approaching the London penetration depth λL, andRμ 0λl/2τ as surface resistance allowing a measure of λL and relaxation time τ(T, ω). In the superconducting state the photon interaction scales withξ FL=l/γ (ξ f is the dimension of Cooper pairs for l→∞) and causes at low frequencies an absorption rate growing withγ, which is decreasing withξ F/l. The rate increase proportional toγ turns to a decrease above 0.1 THz, being accompanied by a decrease ofγ with frequency which is stronger for largeγ and smallξ F/l. These characteristic dependences allow a measurement of material parameters, anisotropy, and dynamics of electrons. To evaluate the consequences of theâ, b, and?-direction anisotropy, the integral kernels for normal and superconducting surface impedances in its nonintegrated, angle-dependent form are presented, analyzed, and compared with impedance measurements above 0.1 THz of YBa2Cu3Ox.  相似文献   

The arc plasma spraying process has been applied to deposit YBaCuO superconductors on to steel substrates. Detached, as-sprayed coatings were heat treated at 950 °C in air in order to restore superconductivity. Oxygen annealing at temperatures 400–500 °C has been used as the final stage in material preparation. The changes in the microstructure of the material during heat treatment have been followed with the aid of scanning electron and optical microscopy. The phase transformations resulting from heat treatment have been studied by differential thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction.  相似文献   

The internal friction (Q –1) spectrum of YBa2Cu3Ox superconducting ceramic exhibits several peaks. It has been confirmed that the high-temperature peak (around 240 K) depends on structural changes and varies during subsequent cycles of cooling and heating.Q –1 conductivity, X-ray spectra and the shielding effect have been measured on several samples having different superconducting properties obtained by various thermal treatments. Splitting is a characteristic feature of the high-temperature internal friction peak of the sample which exhibits good superconducting properties. In the case of the specimen exhibiting the worst properties the peaks decrease and overlap. In both cases an increase can be observed of this peak with the number of thermal cycles. After ageing at 470 K, the high-temperature peak disappears. Subsequent thermal cycles slightly recover it. Hysteresis of the Young modulus is also observed. The results are interpreted as transition of the 04 oxygen atom between two energy minima in the O4-Cu-O4 chain.  相似文献   

The solid-state reaction method to form the superconducting oxide YBa2Cu3O x was studied. It was found that the starting cupric and yttrium components accelerated the decomposition of the BaCO3 component. At a constant heating rate of 10 ° Cmin–1 in thermogravimetric analysis, the temperature of complete decomposition,T f, was lowered from greater than 1000 ° C in pure BaCO3 to between 915 and 985 ° C. The effectiveness in decreasingT f can be ranked in the order of oxalate, carbonate and oxide. The highest sintered density achieved in this study was 6.03 g cm–3 (/th = 95%) at 990 ° C and 5.85 g cm–3 (/th = 92%) at 960 ° C. The source of cupric ion had the largest effect on densification. The use of cupric carbonate resulted in a consistently high Archimedes density of about 6.00gcm–3 and large dimensional shrinkage of about 20% at 990 ° C for 12h. In contrast, the use of cupric oxide gave the lowest density and smallest shrinkage. Within the same powder lot, higher sintered density and smaller dimensional shrinkage were observed in samples with higher initial green density and compaction pressure. However, the data suggested that the enhanced densification and higher density achieved by the use of cupric carbonate and oxalate cannot be accounted for by the different physical characteristics of the powders and the mechanics of powder compaction, measured collectively by the green density.  相似文献   

Polymer coating for filamentary YBa2Cu3O x superconductors was examined. The precursor filaments were prepared by solution spinning through aqueous poly(vinyl alcohol) solution containing mixed acetates of Y, Ba and Cu. The as-drawn filaments were heated to remove volatile components and to generate a superconducting phase. The synthesis of polyamide acid for the polymer coating was made. The filamentary superconductors were coated with the polyamide acid and cured to convert to the polyimide. The surface of the sample was an insulator. The critical current (I c) value of the filamentary sample at 77 K was preserved by the polyimide coating. Moreover, the I c for the polyimide-coated sample was maintained after holding at room temperature for more than 6 months. After thermal cycling between 77 K and room temperature 10 times, the I c for the coated sample did not deteriorate, whereas the I c for the sample without polymer coating disappeared. Polymer coating using epoxy resin applied to the filamentary superconductors was also examined.  相似文献   

In the past few years, there has been growing evidence for unusual behavior of phonon modes related to the Cu–O bond stretching vibrations in several members of the high-T c cuprates, which suggest a peculiar interaction between electronic and lattice degrees of freedom. Here, we analyze some of these anomalies in the light of density-functional calculations of phonon dispersions for optimally doped YBa2Cu3O7 and for underdoped YBa2Cu3O6.5 in the ortho-II structure with the goal to clarify which of the observed properties can not be accounted for by a local-density type screening, and thus may be seen as fingerprints for more subtle electron-correlation effects.  相似文献   

YBa2Cu3O x (YBCO) films, Zn-doped YBCO (YBCO : Zn) films, and their bilayers have been epitaxially grown on SrTiO3(100) and single-crystal YBCO(001) substrates by metalorganic chemical vapour deposition. The YBCO(001) films homoepitaxially grown on YBCO(001) substrates have flat surfaces on an atomic scale, and interfaces free from crystalline defects. We can systematically reduce the superconducting transition temperature (T c) of YBCO : Zn films from 90 K to 37 K by increasing Zn concentration. The bilayers have a sharp distribution of Zn as evaluated fromT c measurements of the upper YBCO films and depth profiles of secondary ion mass spectrometer, suggesting the possibility to form the homoepitaxial SNS (S, superconductor; N, normal metal) junction operatable between 40 K and 90 K.  相似文献   

Measuring the power release after rapid cooling a YBa2Cu3O7 sample (m=42.85 g, Tc=91 K) from the equilibrium temperature T1 (2.35 KT115.1 K) to T0=1.5 K, we observed a time dependence typical of a glass: is proportional to t–1. The results allow us to determine the linear term of the heat capacity (0.8 mJ/mole · K2) due to the two-level systems. While the low-temperature heat capacity anomaly noticeably decreases, the power release is essentially unchanged after oxygen reduction of the sample.  相似文献   

《Materials Research Bulletin》1987,22(12):1709-1714
Thermogravimetric analysis and pressure (p) monitoring in known volume systems are used to give phase diagram information (e.g. vant Hoff plots) for roughly 6<x<7 in YBa2Cu3Ox. As an example we find for O2 desorption for the important composition x = 6.8, beyond which superconductivity with transition temperature, Ts > 90 K becomes essentially independent of x, ΔHo = 43.4 ±1 kcal/mo (O2) and ΔSo = 48.6 ±1 cal/Kmo (O2). ΔSo stays roughly constant for x > 6.7 but decreases for x < 6.7 indicating increased disorder on the O substructure. p (x) curves do not show phase separation which corresponds to above critical behavior, but given indications for limiting compositions near x = 6 and x = 7. Accordingly a model is proposed in which these compositions correspond to valencies of Cu+ and Cu3+ respectively for the symmetric Cu site (Ba coordinated) while the asymmetric Cu (Ba and Y coordinated) is taken to be 2+ over this whole range in x.  相似文献   

Thick films of YBa2Cu3Ox (123) prepared on a number of substrate materials, namely Si, Al2O3, SrTiO3, MgO and YSZ, have been investigated for the compositional variations/impurity phases present, microstructure, grain orientation etc. Energy-dispersive X-ray and X-ray diffraction analyses for as-prepared films of two different thicknesses, 2–3 m and 10–15 m, and after their partial and complete etching, are reported. The results show that the film-substrate reaction dominates up to 2–3 m thickness of a film. The decomposition of 123 material at the processing temperature and the substrate-film reaction together are seen to govern the crystallization behaviour, compositional variations and the superconducting properties of the films. In various cases, the films have been found to undergo superconducting phase transitions at temperatures between 66 and 89.5 K.  相似文献   

The Variation of the transition temperature Tc of YBa2Cu3Ox with hydrostatic He-gas pressure depends on the oxygen content x. The pressure effect dTc/dp increases from small negative values at x=7 to dTc/dp=7.4 K/GPa at x=6.7. For oxygen contents below x=6.7 dTc/dp drops to 3 K/GPa and remains nearly constant1. The charge transfer model2 cannot explain the drop at x=6.7.Thermal expansion measurements on YBa2Cu3Ox indicated that the uniaxial pressure effects along the three crystal axes are different3,4 To investigate the uniaxial pressure effects inductively an experimental setup was constructed. The Tc-change of several YBa2Cu3Ox single crystals with different oxygen contents has been investigated under pressure along the c-axis. To avoid oxygen ordering processes the samples were held below 105 K during the measurements. The results of uniaxial pressure measurements in c-axis direction fit to former uniaxial pressure data3,4,5 and are explained within the charge transfer model. Hydrostatic pressure data12 of overdoped samples fit to the same curve. However, this is not the case for underdoped samples. From this we conclude that only a part of the hydrostatic pressure effect can be explained by charge transfer in the underdoped region. The remaining part can be ascribed to uniaxial pressure effects along the a- and b-axis.  相似文献   

We report on the photoinduced changes of the electronic properties of YBa2Cu3Ox (x 6.6) thin films, focussing on the electrical anisotropy in the normal and the superconducting state. The latter was determined from magnetoconductivity measurements, performed before and after light excitation, and fitting the experimental results to the Aslamazov–Larkin theory of superconducting order-parameter fluctuations. The normal-state anisotropy ab/c was calculated from resistance measurements carried out on samples grown on vicinal substrates. We observed that the photodoping process enhanced superconducting coherence lengths c(0) and ab(0), but reduced the superconducting anisotropy ab(0)/c(0) at all studied temperatures. In contrast, ab/c was enhanced by photodoping at low temperatures, but reduced at high temperature. Our results strongly suggest that two different mechanisms contribute to the photodoping process, with one affecting only the normal-state properties.  相似文献   

YBa2Cu3O x bulk ceramics have been simultaneously investigated by the thermal expansion and the acoustic emission methods in the 500–600 K temperature range. An error of the differential dilatometer does not exceed 10?7. At T = 555 K, the dilatation anomaly accompanied by the acoustic emission has been observed and measured. Based on this measured anomaly, a value of Δc = ?0.003 μm has been determined. And based on this Δc size the stoichiometric coefficient x = 7.01 has been calculated too. The possible mechanism for T c increase in YBa2Cu3O x as a result of closing b axis by the absorbed oxygen atoms during the samples' heating through 500–600 K has been discussed.  相似文献   

《Materials Letters》2007,61(14-15):2859-2861
Reaction of Y2O3, BaCo3 and CuO for 4 h at 800 °C in flowing O2 with a total pressure of about 2.7 × 102 Pa, followed by cooling in O2 at ambient pressure, has produced phase-pure orthorhombic YBa2Cu3Ox. Keeping the ratio of O2 to evolved CO2 above 50 was necessary to ensure phase purity. The resultant powder yielded pressed and inserted pellets with improved superconducting properties.  相似文献   

Three YBa2Cu3O x samples (A, B, and C) were prepared under similar conditions. The starting materials were Y2O3 (99.99%), CuO (99.999%), and BaCO3 (99.999%). All the specimens demonstrated a Meissner effect at liquid-nitrogen temperature. From temperature-dependent resistivity measurements, theT c for the three samples was found to be aroundT c =93 K, in agreement with other reports [1].  相似文献   

We have expanded our studies on illuminated YBa2Cu3O x grain boundary Josephson junctions (GBJJ) which show both dc Josephson properties (Fraunhofer pattern) and ac Josephson properties (Fiske resonance). Illuminating GBJJs with visible light changes the Josephson coupling. This change is characterized by an increase of the critical current and a large shift in the voltage position of the Fiske resonances. This effect is due to persistent photoinduced superconductivity (PPS) of the oxygen-depleted YBa2Cu3O x barrier, similar to the PPS found in illuminated oxygen-deficient YBa2Cu3O x thin films. From Fiske resonance experiments in GBJJs of different lengths, it is possible to study the velocity of the electromagnetic wave in the barrier and its change after illumination. Information on the parameters of the barrier, before and after illumination, is obtained from this study.  相似文献   

S. V. Starodubtsev Physicotechnical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR, Tashkent. Translated from Inzhenerno-fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 62, No. 1, pp. 5–9, January, 1992.  相似文献   

Superconducting thin films of YBa2Cu3Ox (YBaCuO) and NdBa2Cu3Ox (NdBaCuO) were grown by mist microwave-plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD) using a CeO2 buffer layer on a MgO (001) substrate. In this method, the CeO2 buffer layer was deposited on the MgO (001) substrate at 1173 K by MPCVD. YBaCuO and NdBaCuO films were then grown at 1073 K and 1223 K, respectively. The Tc (zero resistance) values of the YBaCuO and NdBaCuO films obtained with a CeO2 buffer layer were 90.1 K and 94.1 K, respectively, about 10 K higher than those without a CeO2 buffer layer. The surface roughness of the films was less than 5 nm in each case. The interface between the substrate and the grown layer was confirmed to be extremely sharp by Auger profile analysis.  相似文献   

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