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This paper presents the following results on sets that are complete for NP.
  1. If there is a problem in NP that requires $2^{n^{\Omega(1)}}$ time at almost all lengths, then every many-one NP-complete set is complete under length-increasing reductions that are computed by polynomial-size circuits.
  2. If there is a problem in co-NP that cannot be solved by polynomial-size nondeterministic circuits, then every many-one NP-complete set is complete under length-increasing reductions that are computed by polynomial-size circuits.
  3. If there exist a one-way permutation that is secure against subexponential-size circuits and there is a hard tally language in NP??co-NP, then there is a Turing complete language for NP that is not many-one complete.
Our first two results use worst-case hardness hypotheses whereas earlier work that showed similar results relied on average-case or almost-everywhere hardness assumptions. The use of average-case and worst-case hypotheses in the last result is unique as previous results obtaining the same consequence relied on almost-everywhere hardness results.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the existence of inseparable disjoint pairs of NP languages and related strong hypotheses in computational complexity. Our main theorem says that, if NP does not have measure 0 in EXP, then there exist disjoint pairs of NP languages that are P-inseparable, in fact ${\mathrm {TIME}(2^{n^{k}})}$ -inseparable. We also relate these conditions to strong hypotheses concerning randomness and genericity of disjoint pairs.  相似文献   

We define a class ofn-ary relations on strings called the regular prefix relations, and give four alternative characterizations of this class:
  1. the relations recognized by a new type of automaton, the prefix automata,
  2. the relations recognized by tree automata specialized to relations on strings,
  3. the relations between strings definable in the second order theory ofk successors,
  4. the smallest class containing the regular sets and the prefix relation, and closed under the Boolean operations, Cartesian product, projection, explicit transformation, and concatenation with Cartesian products of regular sets.
We give concrete examples of regular prefix relations, and a pumping argument for prefix automata. An application of these results to the study of inductive inference of regular sets is described.  相似文献   

This paper presents an assumption/commitment specification technique and a refinement calculus for networks of agents communicating asynchronously via unbounded FIFO channels in the tradition of Kahn.
  • We define two types of assumption/commitment specifications, namely simple and general specifications.
  • It is shown that semantically, any deterministic agent can be uniquely characterized by a simple specification, and any nondeterministic agent can be uniquely characterized by a general specification.
  • We define two sets of refinement rules, one for simple specifications and one for general specifications. The rules are Hoare-logic inspired. In particular the feedback rules employ invariants in the style of a traditional while-rule.
  • Both sets of rules have been proved to be sound and also (semantic) relative complete.
  • Conversion rules allow the two logics to be combined. This means that general specifications and the rules for general specifications have to be introduced only at the point in a system development where they are really needed.
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    A common thread in the social sciences is to identify sets of alternatives that satisfy certain notions of stability according to some binary dominance relation. Examples can be found in areas as diverse as voting theory, game theory, and argumentation theory. Brandt and Fischer (in Math. Soc. Sci. 56(2):254–268, 2008) proved that it is NP-hard to decide whether an alternative is contained in some inclusion-minimal unidirectional (i.e., either upward or downward) covering set. For both problems, we raise this lower bound to the $\varTheta_{2}^{p}$ level of the polynomial hierarchy and provide a $\varSigma_{2}^{p}$ upper bound. Relatedly, we show that a variety of other natural problems regarding minimal or minimum-size unidirectional covering sets are hard or complete for either of NP, coNP, and  $\varTheta_{2}^{p}$ . An important consequence of our results is that neither minimal upward nor minimal downward covering sets (even when guaranteed to exist) can be computed in polynomial time unless P=NP. This sharply contrasts with Brandt and Fischer’s result that minimal bidirectional covering sets are polynomial-time computable.  相似文献   

    We present a uniform approach to problems involving lines in 3-space. This approach is based on mapping lines inR 3 into points and hyperplanes in five-dimensional projective space (Plücker space). We obtain new results on the following problems:
    1. Preprocessn triangles so as to answer efficiently the query: “Given a ray, which is the first triangle hit?” (Ray- shooting problem). We discuss the ray-shooting problem for both disjoint and nondisjoint triangles.
    2. Construct the intersection of two nonconvex polyhedra in an output sensitive way with asubquadratic overhead term.
    3. Construct the arrangement ofn intersecting triangles in 3-space in an output-sensitive way, with asubquadratic overhead term.
    4. Efficiently detect the first face hit by any ray in a set of axis-oriented polyhedra.
    5. Preprocessn lines (segments) so as to answer efficiently the query “Given two lines, is it possible to move one into the other without crossing any of the initial lines (segments)?” (Isotopy problem). If the movement is possible produce an explicit representation of it.

    We present three new approximation algorithms with improved constant ratios for selecting n points in n disks such that the minimum pairwise distance among the points is maximized.
    1. A very simple O(nlog?n)-time algorithm with ratio 0.511 for disjoint unit disks.
    2. An LP-based algorithm with ratio 0.707 for disjoint disks of arbitrary radii that uses a linear number of variables and constraints, and runs in polynomial time.
    3. A hybrid algorithm with ratio either 0.4487 or 0.4674 for (not necessarily disjoint) unit disks that uses an algorithm of Cabello in combination with either the simple O(nlog?n)-time algorithm or the LP-based algorithm.
    The LP algorithm can be extended for disjoint balls of arbitrary radii in ? d , for any (fixed) dimension d, while preserving the features of the planar algorithm. The algorithm introduces a novel technique which combines linear programming and projections for approximating Euclidean distances. The previous best approximation ratio for dispersion in disjoint disks, even when all disks have the same radius, was 1/2. Our results give a positive answer to an open question raised by Cabello, who asked whether the ratio 1/2 could be improved.  相似文献   

    This paper presents a kernel language KLND on the basis of analysing the kernel languagerequirements of new generation computer systems. These requirements are: the ability ofknow-ledge processing, the parallelism, the elegant mathematical properties of the comput-ation model which is appropriate for working as the basis of the novel architecture design, andthe suitability for writing large scale softwares. The main features of KLND are as follows: 1. several new language concepts. 2. the modularity, 3. the unification of logical and functional programming styles, 4. the exploitation of the parallelism. 5. the introduction of the type concept, 6. the introduction of the storage concept.  相似文献   

    Stable semantics for disjunctive programs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    We introduce the stable model semantics fordisjunctive logic programs and deductive databases, which generalizes the stable model semantics, defined earlier for normal (i.e., non-disjunctive) programs. Depending on whether only total (2-valued) or all partial (3-valued) models are used we obtain thedisjunctive stable semantics or thepartial disjunctive stable semantics, respectively. The proposed semantics are shown to have the following properties:
  • ? For normal programs, the disjunctive (respectively, partial disjunctive) stable semantics coincides with thestable (respectively,partial stable) semantics.
  • ? For normal programs, the partial disjunctive stable semantics also coincides with thewell-founded semantics.
  • ? For locally stratified disjunctive programs both (total and partial) disjunctive stable semantics coincide with theperfect model semantics.
  • ? The partial disjunctive stable semantics can be generalized to the class ofall disjunctive logic programs.
  • ? Both (total and partial) disjunctive stable semantics can be naturally extended to a broader class of disjunctive programs that permit the use ofclassical negation.
  • ? After translation of the programP into a suitable autoepistemic theory \( \hat P \) the disjunctive (respectively, partial disjunctive) stable semantics ofP coincides with the autoepistemic (respectively, 3-valued autoepistemic) semantics of \( \hat P \) .
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    If you are familiar with Prolog but not with Parlog then this tutorial is aimed at you. In what follows I attempt to:

  • ? explain the basics of Parlog
  • ? demonstrate that Parlog programs can be powerful and elegant
  • ? discuss the relationship of Parlog to Prolog, and
  • ? identify some resources which will take you further.
  • These are what I call ‘four steps to Parlog’.  相似文献   

    In this paper, for a finitely generated monoid M, we tackle the following three questions:
    1. Is it possible to give a characterization of rational subsets of M which have polynomial growth?
    2. What is the structure of the counting function of rational sets which have polynomial growth?
    3. Is it true that every rational subset of M has either exponential growth or it has polynomial growth? Can one decide for a given rational set which of the two options holds?
    We give a positive answer to all the previous questions in the case that M is a direct product of free monoids. Some of the proved results also extend to trace monoid.  相似文献   

    This paper studies the class ofinfinite sets that have minimal perfect hash functions—one-to-one onto maps between the sets and *-computable in polynomial time. We will call such sets P-compressible. We show that all standard NP-complete sets are P-compressible, and give a structural condition,E = 2 E , sufficient to ensure thatall infinite NP sets are P-compressible. On the other hand, we present evidence that some infinite NP sets, and indeed some infinite P sets, are not P-compressible: if an infinite NP setA is P-compressible, thenA has an infinite sparse NP subset, yet we construct a relativized world in which some infinite NP sets lack infinite sparse NP subsets. This world is built upon a result that is of interest in its own right; we determine optimally—with respect to any relativizable proof technique—the complexity of the easiest infinite sparse subsets that infinite P sets are guaranteed to have.  相似文献   

    A sequence of natural numbers is said to have level k, for some natural integer k, if it can be computed by a deterministic pushdown automaton of level k (Fratani and Sénizergues in Ann Pure Appl. Log. 141:363–411, 2006). We show here that the sequences of level 2 are exactly the rational formal power series over one undeterminate. More generally, we study mappings from words to words and show that the following classes coincide:
  • the mappings which are computable by deterministic pushdown automata of level 2
  • the mappings which are solution of a system of catenative recurrence equations
  • the mappings which are definable as a Lindenmayer system of type HDT0L.
  • We illustrate the usefulness of this characterization by proving three statements about formal power series, rational sets of homomorphisms and equations in words.  相似文献   

    A DIN Kernel LISP Draft (DKLisp) has been developed by DIN as Reaction to Action D1 (N79), short term goal, of ISO WG16. It defines a subset language, as compatible as possible with the ANSICommon-Lisp draft, but also with theEuLisp draft. It combines the most important LISP main stream features in a single, compact, but nevertheless complete language definition, which thereby could be well suited as basis for a short term InternationalLisp Standard. Besides the functional and knowledge processing features, the expressive power of the language is well comparable with contemporary procedural languages, as e.g. C++ (of course without libraries). Important features ofDKLisp are:
  • to be a “Lisp-1,” but allowing an easy “Lisp-2” transformation;
  • to be a simple, powerful and standardized educationalLisp;
  • to omit all features, which are unclean or in heavy discussion;
  • DKLisp programs run nearly unchanged inCommon-Lisp;
  • DKLisp contains a simple object and package system;
  • DKLisp contains those data classes and control structures also common to most modernLisp and non-Lisp languages;
  • DKLisp offers a simple stream I/O;
  • DKLisp contains a clean unified hierarchical class/type system;
  • DKLisp contains the typical “Lisp-features” in an orthogonal way;
  • DKLisp allows and encourages really small but powerful implementations;
  • DKLisp comes in levels, so allowing ANSICommon-Lisp to be an extension ofDKLisp level-1.
  • The present is the second version of the proposal, namely version 1.2, with slight differences with respect to the one sent to ISO. Sources of such changes were the remarks generously sent by many readers of the previous attempt.  相似文献   

    In this paper we give efficient parallel algorithms for a number of problems from computational geometry by using versions of parallel plane sweeping. We illustrate our approach with a number of applications, which include:
  • General hidden-surface elimination (even if the overlap relation contains cycles).
  • CSG boundary evaluation.
  • Computing the contour of a collection of rectangles.
  • Hidden-surface elimination for rectangles.
  • There are interesting subproblems that we solve as a part of each parallelization. For example, we give an optimal parallel method for building a data structure for line-stabbing queries (which, incidentally, improves the sequential complexity of this problem). Our algorithms are for the CREW PRAM, unless otherwise noted.  相似文献   

    S. De Zuccoli 《Calcolo》1981,18(1):19-40
    We introduce a numerical method for solving nonlinear algebraic equations related to linear least squares fitting with moving weights. The method considered introduces little overhead in the process. The approach is based on updating two matrices so that the product is an approximation of the inverse Jacobian. We may expect:
    1. The tecnique performs good for stochastic systems
    2. We never may yield an unbounded correction
    3. We can use the algorithm for ill-conditioned, also completely singular problems.
    Numerical results are given. It seems that experimental efficiency of the method compares well with mostly used iterative algorithms.  相似文献   

    Inventive Machine project is the matter of discussion. The project aims to develop a family of AI systems for intelligent support of all stages of engineering design. Peculiarities of the IM project:
    1. deep and comprehensive knowledge base — the theory of inventive problem solving (TIPS)
    2. solving complex problems at the level of inventions
    3. application in any area of engineering
    4. structural prediction of engineering system development
    The systems of the second generation are described in detail  相似文献   

    The RoomComputer is an embedded system and as such offers unprecedented chances to manage buildings. Several RoomComputers can be networked via the Intra-/Internet, which makes it possible to monitor, control, and manage rooms and buildings on a unified worldwide accessible platform, irrespective of any particular local technology. It can be easily installed in any building and gives access to a full set of services. It implements a distributed system, which provides secure and controlled access to services like
    1. control of light, heating, ventilation, air and climate
    2. communication facilities like unified messaging, telephone, fax, etc.
    3. reservation of rooms and required resources
    4. localization of persons and equipment within rooms and buildings
    5. entrance control (i.e. locking/unlocking doors)
    6. organization of maintenance and house keeping, and
    7. charging and billing.

    The general specifications and design for a High-Speed General Information Management System, HSGIMS, to serve as the basis for a Global Information Network are given. Some of the key specifications that have been confirmed in experiments with a prototype of the HSGIMS are:
    1. Information (or data) and Question-type (or logical data) independence.
    2. Very small bounded search times that are independent of the amount of information that is managed and can be computed exactly.
    3. A fool-proof security system that can be used to protect databases against viruses and can also be easily invoked to deny unauthorized access by users.
    4. Efficient use of all storage and communications resources.

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