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针对常见手持式低频动物标签阅读器阅读距离较短,以及实际使用中的不便,提出了一种基于Android系统手持机的低频动物标签阅读器,以离散元件搭建硬件电路实现了更远的阅读距离,同时可通过上层应用软件查看和管理动物标签号及其它信息,以方便动物养殖管理系统的现代化、智能化管理与生产。重点介绍了系统的硬件组成、放大电路的设计、软件的流程设计及最终实现。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于ISO/IEC15693标准PPM编码的识别及其解码电路的设计。详细分析了PPM编码的帧结构,说明了脉冲编号的解码方案以及电路的实现原理,最终给出电路的仿真测试结果。该电路具有解码思想简单、硬件资源利用率低、抗干扰性强等特点,并已成功应用于基于ISO/IEC 15693标准的RFID标签芯片的项目中。  相似文献   

乐硌  杨智应 《计算机工程》2008,34(16):277-279
提出一种基于电子标签Tag的ID返回及模式串识别过程的RFID标签识别算法,解决了RFID仲裁过程中存在的零标签响应问题。实验结果表明,对5 000个标签样本进行处理时,该算法所需平均标签响应次数为经典算法Memoryless的48.74%,为Tree Split的33.89%。对标签ID的广播次数平均不超过上述2种算法的76.35%,缩短了标签识别时间,提高了标签识别效率。  相似文献   

一种RFID标签芯片数字部分状态机的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了符合ISO/IEC15693标准的RFID标签芯片数字部分的基本架构。设计了一种符合ISO/IEC15693标准的RFID标签芯片数字部分状态机。采用Verilog语言编写了程序,用Modelsim5.7进行了功能仿真,并用XilinxFPGAXC3S200进行了下载验证。该电路可应用于符合ISO/IEC15693标准的RFID标签芯片的数字部分,对其它标准的RFID标签芯片数字部分的设计也有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

正SMARTRAC正推出一个新型1.4×10 mm玻璃标签,尤其适用于对小型宠物以及飞鸟、鱼类和小鼠等动物进行标记。该标签使用较长的直接粘结式铁氧体天线,相比其他1.4 mm标签,其识读距离大幅拉长,且性能与典型的2×12mm玻璃应答器不相上下。领先的RFID应答器、标签和嵌入式标签的开发商、制造商和供应商通过加入这一新型1.4×10 mm标签版本,可完善其玻璃标签产品组合,该新型标签集极轻巧型体积  相似文献   

张瑛琪  彭大卫  李森  孙莹  牛强 《计算机应用》2022,42(6):1762-1769
近年来,有研究提出了使用多个定制且可拉伸的射频识别(RFID)标签进行语音识别的无线平台,但该标签难以精准捕捉拉伸引起的大频率偏移,而且需要探测多个标签,标签脱落或自然磨损时还须重新校准。针对以上问题,提出基于单标签RFID的唇语识别算法,将灵活、易于隐藏且没有侵入性的单个通用RFID标签贴在脸上,即使用户不发出声音,仅依靠面部的微动作也可进行唇语识别。首先建立模型处理RFID阅读器接收的单个标签随时间和频率响应的接收信号强度(RSS)和相位变化,然后采用高斯函数对原始数据的噪点进行平滑去噪预处理,再采用动态时间规整(DTW)算法对收集到的信号特征进行评估分析,以解决发音长短不匹配的问题;最后创建无线语音识别系统来识别区分与声音相对应的面部表情,从而达到识别唇语的目的。实验结果表明,对于识别不同用户的200组数字信号特征,该方法的RSS准确率可以达到86.5%以上。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于ISO/IEC15693协议的标签芯片编解码系统设计的实现方法,使编解码更加完整准确。采用Verilog HDL建立RTL模型,用ModelSim进行功能仿真,并在Altera DE2-115与射频前端搭建的平台上进行了FPGA验证。最后不仅功能验证正确,而且比协议中要求的识别凹槽宽度范围广,处理更加灵活,同时减小了射频前端模拟解调的压力。对其他编解码系统的实现也有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

基于RCS的无源超高频RFID标签识别距离研究*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对无源超高频RFID系统中标签功率的获取、传递以及反射的研究,提出了一种基于雷达散射截面(RCS)对标签识别距离进行计算的新方法。采用高频电磁场仿真软件FEKO对不同标签天线进行建模与仿真,计算标签天线在不同负载下的RCS;再结合识别距离表达式计算该标签的最大识别距离,与标签已有的实测参数进行比较,计算结果与实际参数吻合。研究结果证实了该方法对研究标签识别性能具有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

射频识别读写设备应用设计   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
主要结合对射频识别原理和组成的分析采用符合ISO/IEC 14443A标准的Philips公司MIFARE技术的MFRC500射频集成电路芯片、ATMEL89C5l单片机芯片及辅助电子元器件等来实现射频卡读写设备的设计。该设计首先对射频IC卡读写设备原理进行分析,再根据其原理完成硬件电路设计和软件功能实现,最后在此基础上配置相应的通信协议,来具体实现射频IC卡读写设备的各种操作接口以供射频识别系统的应用。  相似文献   

电子标签和识读终端是构成射频识别系统的基本条件。本文对低频电子标签与识读终端之间的作用基理进行了研究分析,据此提出了以基站芯片EM4095为射频接口的识读终端硬件设计,并对解码程序设计中的关键问题进行了具体论述。  相似文献   

韦小刚  黄益彬  杨维永 《微机发展》2012,(3):230-232,236
文中通过对智能卡协议规范ISO/IEC 7816的研究,提出了一种应用于安全芯片的COS系统的设计方案。该系统能够有效地调用安全芯片中非对称算法RSA及国密对称算法SM1等算法资源。其中,生成的RSA私钥可以得到有效地保护和存储,私钥加密用作数字签名,对应的RSA公钥用于对数字签名的验签;SM1算法用于加密通信,对报文进行加解密处理,实现信息的安全防护。测试结果及试点情况表明这种设计方案具有实际的应用价值和良好的使用效果。  相似文献   

陈壮 《中文信息学报》2007,21(4):122-128
标准化是实现技术产业化的基础。中文信息处理技术是我国特有的、具有国际领先水平的技术。我国自 20 世纪80 年代参与ISO/ IEC J TC1/ SC2 的活动以来,在中文编码技术的国际标准化工作中取得了显著成绩。本文介绍了ISO/ IEC J TC1/ SC2 的工作领域、工作方式和组织结构;我国参与ISO/ IEC J TC1/ SC2 及其下属该组织活动的方式;国际标准ISO/ IEC 10646 的大致情况和我国在参与此国际标准研制工作中取得的成绩、当前的工作和未来工作的计划。本文论述了我国参与本文ISO/ IEC J TC1/ SC2 活动的意义,以及我国在ISO/ IEC J TC1/ SC2 活动中的作用、地位和影响。作者还提出了对未来工作的建议。  相似文献   

武利星  师卫 《软件》2011,(12):55-58,62
摘要:针对一般采用计算机记录巡更信息的巡更模式,本文设计了一种新型的微电脑无线巡更系统,包括改进的微电脑巡视记录仪、手持巡更器以及站点信息钮。本系统以低功耗、高性能的PIC单片机为控制核心:微电脑记录仪初始化各手持巡更器,并对巡视站点信息钮进行认证;手持巡更器采用了无线射频识别技术,实现了对认证的各个巡视站点信息钮数据的采集,通过串口连接微电脑记录仪来读取信息,并打印出来,达到了正确记:录巡视人员巡视时间等的目的。系统采用了自行编写的通信协议,操作简单,便于管理,能有效的提高安防工作的效率,具有一定的:实用和应用价值。  相似文献   

Riders of twelve motorcycles, comprising 6 full-scale motorbikes and 6 motor-scooters, and 5 sedan vehicles, performed test runs on a 20.6 km paved road composed of 5 km, 5 km, and 10.6 km of rural, provincial and urban routes, respectively. Each test run of motorcycle was separately performed under speed limits of 55 km/h and 40 km/h. Tri-axial accelerations of whole-body vibration (WBV) were obtained by using a seat pad and a portable data logger, and the driver's view was videotaped with a portable media recorder. Root mean square (RMS) acceleration, 8-h estimated vibration dose value (VDV(8)) and 8-h estimated daily dose of static compression dose (Sed) were determined from the collected data in accordance with ISO 2631-1 and ISO 2631-5 standards. Experimental results indicate that the WBV values of the sedan vehicle drivers have low RMS, VDV(8) and Sed values (RMS 0.27–0.32 m/s2; VDV(8) 6.3–8.3 m/s1.75; Sed 0.21–0.26 MPa). However, over 90% of the motorcycle riders had VDV(8) (mean 23.5 m/s1.75) exceeding the upper boundary of health guidance caution zone (17 m/s1.75) recommended by ISO 2631-1, or had Sed (mean 1.17 MPa) exceeding the value associated with a high probability of adverse health effects (0.8 MPa) recommended by ISO 2631-5. Over 50% of the motorcycle riders reached these boundary values for VDV and Se in less than 2 h. The WBV exposure levels of the full-scale motorbikes riders and motor-scooter riders were not significantly different. However, the RMS and VDV(8) values of motorcycle riders indicate significant roadway effect (p < 0.001), while their Sed values indicate significant speed limit effect (p < 0.05). This study concludes that the WBV exposure levels of common motorcycle riders are distinctively higher than those of sedans, even on a regular paved road. The impact on health of WBV exposure in motorcycle riders should be carefully addressed with reference to ISO 2631-1 and ISO 2631-5.

Relevance to industry

This study compares the predicted health risks of motorcycle riders according to ISO 2631-1 and ISO 2631-5 standards. Experimental data suggest that the vibration dose value of ISO 2631-1 and daily dose of equivalent static compression stress of ISO 2631-5 have roughly equivalent boundaries for probable health effects.  相似文献   

随着网络的不断发展,ISO/OSI模型的第1~3层(网络低层)已不能防护网络的安全了,攻击瞄准了ISO/OSI模型的更高层第4~7层(网络高层)进行,分析了基于第4~7层的安全防护技术.  相似文献   

In the late 1980s, traditional standards development organisations (SDOs) were moving toward creating anticipatory standards as a way of coping with the fast growth in new technology in the computing industry. The development of anticipatory standards (standards developed ahead of the technology) was seen as a possible way for the formal standards bodies to keep abreast of these rapid changes. By creating standards ahead of the technology, the standards would act as “change agents” and guide the market. Anticipatory standards were seen as one way of addressing the problem of arriving at suboptimal de facto standards. If the industry can be guided before the technology develops, this will encourage the use of optimal products. This paper considers the diffusion pattern of the ISO/IEC Information Resource Dictionary System (IRDS) Framework standard that fits into the category of an anticipatory standard. Comparisons are made between the diffusion patterns of the ISO/IEC IRDS standard and the ISO/IEC Open Standards Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model as they were both anticipatory in nature, both framework/reference standards, both originated at approximately the same time and were both developed in traditional standards development organisations.  相似文献   

Limited studies were carried out to evaluate the whole-body vibration (WBV) exposure experienced by operators of compact wheel loaders (CWLs) according to ISO 2631-1:1997. No study was carried out according to ISO 2631-5:2004. Therefore, evaluation of the WBV exposure using these two standards was carried out and the results were compared in this study. Tri-axial accelerations were measured at the seat/operator interface on a medium-sized CWL. The vibration measurements were carried out in ten different operations, such as the V-cycle and the driving over different road surfaces. In order to represent the daily work of the CWL, seven scenarios were proposed. These scenarios are comprised of V-cycle and driving over different distances. The evaluation result according to ISO 2631-1:1997 showed that the permitted daily exposure durations of six scenarios estimated using the vibration dose value (VDV) method did not exceed 8 h. For the pure V-cycle and the combination of V-cycle and slow driving, the permitted daily exposure durations estimated according to ISO 2631-1:1997 were shorter than those estimated according to ISO 2631-5:2004. However, for the combination of V-cycle and fast driving, the permitted daily exposure durations estimated according to ISO 2631-1:1997 were longer than those estimated according to ISO 2631-5:2004.Relevance to industryThis study evaluated the effect of WBV arising from a CWL on human health according to ISO 2631-1:1997 and ISO 2631-5:2004. Evaluation results show that boundaries of the health guidance caution zone in ISO 2631-5:2004 are higher than those in ISO 2631-1:1997.  相似文献   

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