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When subjects track with the eyes an arm-attached target, eye latency is shorter than when tracking an external target. This improved synchrony could result from either a common command addressed to the two systems or from an influence of the arm command on eye motion initiation. According to the first hypothesis, the eyes should start moving long before the arm, because of the difference in dynamics. We recorded arm and eye motion together with biceps muscle activity in controls and a deafferented subject. Data support the second hypothesis. Moreover, the deafferented subject showed a lesser correlation between arm and eye motions than controls, suggesting a role for arm proprioception in the calibration of the temporal relationship between arm and eye movements.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that muscle fiber length and joint moment arm are combined in such a way that maximum muscle force is produced during locomotion. Plantarflexor (soleus, SOL and medial gastrocnemius, MG) and dorsiflexor (extensor digitorum longus, EDL and tibialis anterior, TA) muscle architecture in the mouse was measured along with their associated moment arms. Fiber length varied significantly between muscles ranging from 5.7 +/- 0.2 mm (MG) to 7.6 +/- 0.2 mm (TA). Plantarflexor moment arms were over twice as large as dorsiflexor moment arms (1.88 +/- 0.06 mm vs. 0.84 +/- 0.03 mm) suggesting a greater muscle length change with joint angle for plantarflexors compared to dorsiflexors. Using a simple muscle-joint model, the active sarcomere length range in these muscle groups was calculated and proved to be quite similar between functional groups. The active range for dorsiflexors was 2.2-2.4 microns, while the active range for plantarflexors was 2.2-2.5 microns, indicating that both muscle groups operate primarily near the plateau of their length tension-relation. Finally, when calculating force produced by muscles during locomotion, the combination of moment arm and fiber length measured in all muscle groups yielded muscle-joint systems that produced near maximal forces at the velocities modeled. These data indicate that fiber length and moment arm appear to be coordinated to yield the greatest possible force production during locomotion.  相似文献   

We have examined EMG-movement relations in two-joint planar arm movements to determine the influence of interactional torques on movement coordination. Explicitly defined combinations of elbow movements (ranging from 20 to 70 degrees) and wrist movements (ranging from 20 to 40 degrees) were performed during a visual, step-tracking task in which subjects were specifically required to attend to the initial and final angles at each joint. In all conditions the wrist and elbow rotated in the same direction, that is, flexion-flexion or extension-extension. Elbow movement kinematics were only slightly influenced by motion about the wrist. In contrast, the trajectory of the wrist movement was significantly influenced by uncompensated reaction torques resulting from movement about the elbow joint. At any given wrist amplitude, wrist movement duration increased and peak velocity decreased as elbow amplitude increased. In addition, as elbow amplitude increased, wrist movement onset was progressively delayed relative to this elbow movement. Surprisingly, the changes between joint movement onsets were not accompanied by corresponding changes between agonist EMG onsets at the elbow and wrist joints. The mean difference in onset times between elbow and wrist agonists (22-30 ms) remained unchanged across conditions. In addition, a basic pattern of muscle activation that scaled with movement amplitude was observed at each joint. Phasic agonist activity at the wrist and elbow joints remained remarkably similar across conditions and thus the changes in joint movement onset could not be attributed to changes in the motor commands.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The extent to which children with either specific language impairment (SLI) or developmental coordination disorder (DCD) could be considered dyspraxic was examined using three tasks involving either familiar, or unfamiliar actions. SLI is diagnosed in children who fail to develop language in the normal fashion for no apparent reason, while the DCD diagnosis is applied to a child who experiences problems with movement in the absence of other difficulties. Seventy-two children aged between 5 and 13 years participated, falling into one of four groups: (1) children with specific language impairment (SLI), (2) children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD), (3) age-matched control children, and (4) younger control children. The performance of the clinical groups resembled that of younger normally developing children. Children with SLI, DCD, and the younger controls showed significant difficulty on the task requiring the production of familiar, but not unfamiliar postures. The deficit observed in the SLI group is particularly striking because it was seen both in those with and those without recognized motor difficulties.  相似文献   

When the eyes and arm are involved in a tracking task, the characteristics of each system differ from those observed when they act alone: smooth pursuit (SP) latency decreases from 130 ms in external target tracking tasks to 0 ms in self-moved target tracking tasks. Two models have been proposed to explain this coordination. The common command model suggests that the same command be addressed to the two sensorimotor systems, which are otherwise organized in parallel, while the coordination control model proposes that coordination is due to a mutual exchange of information between the motor systems. In both cases, the interaction should take into account the dynamic differences between the two systems. However, the nature of the adaptation depends on the model. During self-moved target tracking a perturbation was applied to the arm through the use of an electromagnetic brake. A randomized perturbation of the arm increased the arm motor reaction time without affecting SP. In contrast, a constant perturbation produced an adaptation of the coordination control characterized by a decrease in arm latency and an increase in SP latency relative to motor command. This brought the arm-to-SP latency back to 0 ms. These results support the coordination control model.  相似文献   

With the use of a computer-controlled torque motor, experiments were carried out on 11 patients with essential tremor and 13 with parkinsonian tremor to determine the effect of mechanical displacements at the wrist joint on the established pattern of tremor. Analysis of the timing of tremor bursts in electromyographic recordings before and following the stimuli revealed that the phase of essential tremor could be readily reset by external perturbations. In the majority of the parkinsonian patients the same type of stimuli had very little effect on the pattern of tremor. Differences between predicted and actual times of occurrence of tremor bursts following the stimuli were used to calculate a normalized resetting index, with 0 representing no resetting and 1, complete resetting. For the patients with essential tremor the mean resetting index was 0.64 +/- 0.14 (SD); for the parkinsonian patients the generation of essential tremor. Reflex mechanisms are less important in parkinsonian tremor, which is more likely dependent on oscillations originating in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

International joint ventures in construction often face a highly complex and dynamic environment because, in most instances, they are formed to build large-scale engineering projects. One can distinguish two organizational levels that together constitute the joint venture system: (1) the interorganizational level formed by the partners and (2) the intraorganizational level of the joint venture. The partners seek to reconcile their different interests on the interorganizational level, as each of them follows the goal of profit optimization. Here, formal control mechanisms are more important than trust. Actors on the intraorganizational level face the construction task. One of the primary requirements is to reduce the project complexity. Within the joint venture, many international construction joint ventures disentangle their responsibilities by functional separation and delegation of work. In a social group, delegation of work requires trust in the capability and willingness of others to perform their duties without supervision. Especially during the initial phase, international construction joint ventures are high-pressure environments without established teams. Trust is a mechanism that allows to reach goals efficiently within this setting. As a consequence, we can find a special form of trust in international construction joint ventures: necessitated general trust that is extended to everyone even without prior knowledge. These findings are new and have high practical relevance as trust proves to be a most important success factor.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We hypothesized that endotoxin (LPS) would impair bradykinin (BK)-induced calcium (Ca2+) mobilization in aortic endothelial cells, perhaps due to cytotoxicity or via stimulation of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis. As well, we sought to define contributions of LPS-stimulated Ca2+ mobilization to these effects. METHODS: LPS- or BK-induced increments of intracellular Ca2+ were assessed by microspectrofluorimetry with fura-2 in passaged bovine aortic endothelial cells. Time- and dose-dependent effects of LPS exposure (+/- inhibitors of NO or prostaglandin synthesis) on subsequent BK-induced Ca2+ mobilization and on attached cell counts were determined. RESULTS: LPS (0.1 to 1.0 mg/ml) led to rapid increments of Ca2+, while Ca2+ responses were delayed following LPS (1 to 10 microg/ml) and lower doses were without effect. By contrast, LPS more potently (1.0 pg to 1.0 microg/ml) led to dose- and time-dependent impairment of subsequent BK-induced Ca2+ mobilization, with peak effect at four to six hours, persisting for at least 18 hours. This delayed effect on BK-response was unaltered by inhibition of either NO synthase or cyclooxygenase. The effect of LPS on BK-responsivity depended importantly on cell confluence, as it was not observed in subconfluent cells. By contrast, LPS-induced cell detachment, which was observed only at doses > or = 1.0 microg/ml, did not depend on confluence. CONCLUSIONS: Different mechanisms lead to endothelial cytotoxicity and to impaired BK-response following LPS. Only the former effect, occurring at higher doses, might depend on initial LPS-induced Ca2+ mobilization.  相似文献   

We report two siblings with palatal tremor (PT) and ear clicks who can voluntarily elicit or suppress both PT and ear clicks by just "thinking" about starting or stopping the sounds. The patients were also able to voluntarily modulate the frequency of their ear clicks and PT. They did not have any signs of cerebellar, brain stem, or other neurologic disease. These familial palatal movements may represent a variant of palatal tremor but can not satisfactorily be classified as either symptomatic or essential PT.  相似文献   

The analysis of the electrophoretic chromosome patterns of the species of the genus Kluyveromyces, reveals a high polymorphism in size, number and intensity of bands. Different sets of electrophoresis running conditions were used to establish species-specific patterns and also to detect intraspecific variation. According to their karyotypes, the species of this genus can be divided into two major groups. The first group includes the species K. africanus, K. bacillisporus, K. delphensis, K. lodderae, K. phaffi, K. polysporus and K. yarrowii, composing the so-called 'Saccharomyces cerevisiae-like' group, because their karyotypes resemble that of the species S. cerevisiae. The second group comprises the species K. aestuarii, K. blattae, K. dobzhanskii, K. lactis, K. marxianus, K. thermotolerans, K. waltii and K. wickerhamii, whose chromosomal patterns exhibit common characteristics very different to those of the species included in the 'S. cerevisiae-like' group. This division is concordant with the position of these species in previous phylogenetic reconstructions. Additionally, the intraspecific analysis of the chromosome patterns show a rich polymorphism in the heterogeneous species K. dobzhanskii, K. lactis, and K. marxianus, which is in concordance with the variability observed with other phenotypic or genetic markers. On the contrary, K. thermotolerans exhibits a homogeneous karyotype indicative of a very low level of chromosomal polymorphism, which is congruent with the reduced variability found in this species with other molecular markers.  相似文献   

We used transcranial magnetic stimulation in 10 patients with essential tremor and 8 matched healthy subjects. A round stimulating coil was placed over the vertex and electromyographic activity was recorded from the first dorsal interosseous muscle. Paired transcranial stimuli were delivered at interstimulus intervals of 3, 5, 20, 100, 150, and 200 ms. The intensity of the conditioning stimulus was 80% of motor threshold at short and 150% at long interstimulus intervals (ISIs). We also measured the silent period obtained after a single magnetic pulse delivered at 150% of motor threshold during a submaximal muscle contraction. Patients and controls had similar motor threshold and similar latencies. Paired magnetic stimuli given at short and long ISIs at rest, and during a voluntary muscle contraction, elicited similar responses in both groups. The silent period evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation had a similar duration in patients with ET and controls. In conclusion, these findings suggest that patients with essential tremor have normal cortical motor area excitability.  相似文献   

We studied 30 patients whose primary complaint was head tremor in an attempt to characterize neurophysiological aspects of their abnormal movement. Based on family medical history and physical examination, 23 patients had definite or probable essential tremor (essential head tremor, EHT). The remaining seven had mild dystonic signs accompanying their head tremor (head tremor plus dystonic signs, HT + DS). We recorded head movement and the electromyographic (EMG) activity of the sternomastoid and splenius capitis muscles, determined the spontaneous blinking rate, and measured the excitability recovery curve of the blink reflex and of the masseteric inhibitory reflex. All patients had tremor bursts at a frequency ranging between 3 and 9 Hz in at least one of the muscles examined. The predominant pattern seen when patients were sitting relaxed and facing forward was that of synchronized EMG bursts in both splenius capitis muscles. Maintenance of extreme head postures demonstrated two types of additional abnormalities: type 1 (enhancement of tremor), which was observed in 11 patients (47.8%) with EHT and in two (28.5%) with HT + DS; and type 2 (activation of neck muscles not required for maintenance of the posture), which was observed in two patients (8.7%) with EHT and in five (71.5%) with HT + DS (chi 2 = 26.4; p < 0.001). Mean blinking rate per minute was 24.9 +/- 14.6 in patients with EHT and 42.3 +/- 10.5 in patients with HT + DS (paired t test, p = 0.001). The blink reflex and masseteric inhibitory reflex excitability recovery curves showed an abnormal interneuronal excitability enhancement in seven (30.4%) of the 23 patients with EHT and in two (28.5%) of the seven with HT + DS (chi 2 = 3.1; p > 0.05). Abnormal patterns of EMG activity of the neck muscles correlated well with the presence of mild dystonic signs. However, the analysis of brainstem interneuronal excitability did not enable recognition of those patients with head tremor who could potentially develop cervical dystonia. The enhancement of brainstem interneuronal excitability found in approximately 30% of patients with head tremor could be related to plastic changes triggered by increased activity of the cranial muscles.  相似文献   

Orthostatic tremor, sometimes known as "shaky legs syndrome," is a disorder of middle-aged or elderly people characterized by feelings of unsteadiness in the legs and a fear of falling when standing. Patients stand on a wide base but walk normally. These symptoms are due to high-frequency (13-18 Hz) burst firing in weight-bearing muscles. They are attenuated by walking and are abolished immediately by sitting. Some authors believe that the disorder is a variant of essential tremor. This study reports the clinical and electrophysiologic features of orthostatic tremor in 30 patients. The findings indicate that orthostatic tremor is distinct from essential tremor, both clinically and electrophysiologically. The major differences are the frequency of electromyographic burst firing, the invariable involvement of lower limb and paraspinal muscles, and the task-specific nature of the tremor in orthostatic tremor. The study shows that the diagnosis can be established rapidly with surface electromyographic recordings.  相似文献   

分析了单极主体性思想政治教育的局限和弊病,阐述了思想政治教育由单极主体性走向交互主体性的意义.认为由单极主体性走向交互主体性是思想政治教育与时俱进的表现,是提高思想政治教育实效的客观要求.实现思想政治教育主体间性转向,需要构建主体间的平等地位,强化教育内容与现实生活的联系,坚持以人为本,彰显人文关怀.  相似文献   

Currently laparoscopic surgery is limited by several factors. One of them is the precise handling of optics. Up to now, in our hospital 52 laparoscopic operations have been done with a voice-controlled robot arm to handle the optics in gallbladder, stomach, large bowel and hernia operations. The visual field is determined by the surgeon. In all cases handling of the robot arm was precise and the voice response exact and without technical problems. Twenty-nine operations were done by one operator as "solo surgeries". In 20 further cases there was one assistant. A robot arm can be used successfully without problems by any laparoscopic surgeon in any operating theater.  相似文献   

The brain cholecystokinin-B/gastrin receptor (CCK-BR) is a major target for drug development because of its postulated role in modulating anxiety, memory, and the perception of pain. Drug discovery efforts have resulted in the identification of small synthetic molecules that can selectively activate this receptor subtype. These drugs include the peptide-derived compound PD135,158 as well as the nonpeptide benzodiazepine-based ligand, L-740,093 (S enantiomer). We now report that the maximal level of receptor-mediated second messenger signaling that can be achieved by these compounds (drug efficacy) markedly differs among species homologs of the CCK-BR. Further analysis reveals that the observed differences in drug efficacy are in large part explained by single or double aliphatic amino acid substitutions between respective species homologs. This interspecies variability in ligand efficacy introduces the possibility of species differences in receptor-mediated function, an important consideration when selecting animal models for preclinical drug testing. The finding that even single amino acid substitutions can significantly affect drug efficacy prompted us to examine ligand-induced signaling by a known naturally occurring human CCK-BR variant (glutamic acid replaced by lysine in position 288; 288E --> K). When examined using the 288E --> K receptor, the efficacies of both PD135,158 and L-740, 093 (S) were markedly increased compared with values obtained with the wild-type human protein. These observations suggest that functional variability resulting from human receptor polymorphisms may contribute to interindividual differences in drug effects.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate different arm supports by comparing the activity of shoulder and arm muscles during various work tasks, with and without the lower arm supported. Twelve female subjects, aged between 23 and 37 years, were asked to perform three types of tasks: typing, simulated assembly work (in two different positions), and pipetting. The supports used were: fixed arm support (FIX), horizontal movable arm support (HOR), and spring-loaded arm support (SLA). During the experiments, the electromyograms (EMG) of four muscles were simultaneously recorded: m. deltoideus anterior and lateralis, m. trapezius pars descendens and m. extensor carpi radialis brevis. Normalization was made against maximum isometric contraction. The mean values of the normalized EMG levels showed a reduced EMG level of the shoulder muscles when using arm supports in all the tasks, and for all muscles but the wrist extensor, compared to the EMG levels without arm supports. The horizontal movable support was more effective in reducing the EMG levels of the shoulder muscles than other arm supports, in tasks at table height. Thus, it is possible to reduce muscle activity of the shoulder region by using arm supports. Further research is needed to make biomechanical calculations to compare the EMG level of these muscles using suspension and the effects of inclination of work task.  相似文献   

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