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本文根据南水北调工程受水区不同省市挤占农业与生态用水的实际调研结果,分析了受水区挤占农业与生态用水的返还方案,结合实际阐述了研究和完善返还政策的重要意义,梳理了制定和完善返还政策的总体思路和应遵循的基本原则,根据各省市不同情况,研究提出了部分提高水资源费标准、适当增加政府财政预算拨款、有效利用水利建设基金等筹措资金政策和理顺水管单位管理体制、合理确定补贴额度、拓宽补贴经费来源等激励返还政策,并从强化法规建设、制定管理制度两个方面提出了返还保障措施。  相似文献   

针对我国目前的农业非点源污染特点和成因,借鉴吸收国外相关领域的研究成果及经验,着重从理论上对控制农业污染的经济政策体系进行了阐述和探讨,提出基于限制和约束功能的税费政策,包括输入税以及费用分摊等,并对征收对象、思路以及各经济政策的功能和适用情况进行了分析。讨论不同信息条件下农用化学品输入税的确定方法。  相似文献   

水环境污染控制经济学方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对国内外水环境污染控制相关经济政策进行了阐述,表明一种恰当的水污染控制经济方法主要取决于水污染在本质上应归于点源污染还是非点源污染。对点源污染而言,主要依靠排污收费、补贴和市场许可证等市场手段作为控制污染的工具。就非点源污染来说,应用点源污染控制的方法并不合适,因为这些方法不能在污染的源头直接对排污进行监测。本文阐述了几种可行性方法来克服对污染物不易直接监测的缺点。结果表明:对水环境污染控制究竟采用哪种最适宜的经济方法取决于所研究的水污染类型的特殊性。使用一种综合性的经济学方法用于控制点源污染和非点源污染是不现实的。  相似文献   

为了能够有效地将高效节水灌溉技术推广应用到农业生产中,通过对甘肃省已实施高效节水灌溉示范区项目的白银地区5个县(区)245个农户进行实地调查,从农户特征、政策层面、社会层面、经济效益层面对农户采用节水灌溉技术意愿的影响因素进行分析,发现补贴政策对该地区农户的选择行为影响最为显著,节水效果、水权政策、用水者协会等对农户的选择行为影响较大,提出制定激励和补贴政策、建立健全水权制度和土地流转制度等促进节水技术推广的思路和建议。  相似文献   

农业作为我国用水量最大的行业,节水的潜力巨大,但目前我国农民节水灌溉的投资意愿不高、节水灌溉的普及率还很低。水资源作为一种公共物品,农民采用节水灌溉时会产生明显的外部性,文章运用外部性理论和进化博弈论对我国农民的节水灌溉选择行为进行分析,进而得出我国农业节水灌溉的普及离不开政府对节水灌溉的行为进行补偿和对浪费水资源的行为进行惩处,同时采用机会成本对我国农业节水灌溉所需的补偿额进行了估算,最后对我国如何在农业中推广节水灌溉提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

农业水价综合改革是调节农户灌溉行为,促进实现农业节水的重要经济手段。以杭州市萧山区为例,对农业用水定额管理及水价改革机制建设进行研究与探讨,研究结果表明,确定作物控制用水定额及灌区综合用水定额,是落实"总量控制、定额管理"的前提;萧山区现状支付水价成本与运维水价成本存在145.0元/hm2的缺口,通过精准补贴落实;定额内精准补贴对象为村集体,奖励对象为放水员,超定额用水不予补贴与奖励。  相似文献   

文章在跟踪各省区贯彻落实《国务院办公厅关于推进农业水价综合改革的意见》(国办发[2016]2号)情况的基础上,梳理了关于农业用水精准补贴机制的相关规定,从补贴对象、补贴标准、补贴程序及经费来源等方面进行了总结归类;分析明确了当前农业用水精准补贴机制存在的差距与不足,提出了完善顶层设计、加强地方实践以及多渠道筹集资金等方面的对策建议。  相似文献   

文章对江苏农业水价综合改革的进展及成效做了简要介绍,对在实践中探索出的路径从构建改革评价指标体系、建立农业水价形成机制、大力发展高效节水灌溉、落实精准补贴节水奖励、加强基层水利服务体系建设等五个方面结合典型案例进行了分析介绍。同时,还对下一步在推进农业水价综合改革需重点把握的环节,从科学合理核定水价、规范运转用水合作组织、节水奖励精准补贴、完善监督考核机制等四个方面进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

我国水库移民后期扶持政策的经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯璐璐 《人民长江》2009,40(1):94-96
〗新中国成立以来,我国兴建了一大批大中型水库,在防洪、发电、灌溉、供水、生态等方面发挥了巨大效益,但由于水库移民前期补偿标准偏低、后期扶持政策不统一等原因,严重影响移民区经济社会发展和移民的脱贫解困。为此,有必要从经济学的角度解读后期扶持政策的理论依据,运用经济外部性的基本原理论述政策出台的必要性、可能性、科学性,分析移民安置方式、现行货币政策及财政政策对后期扶持政策执行的影响,并从调整后期扶持对象与标准、扶持期限及投资主体多元化等方面对进一步完善政策提出了建议,对促进政策的贯彻执行具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

基于帕累托最优的新安江流域生态补偿标准   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
从福祉经济学的角度,借助边际价值的概念,认为由于生态环境保护活动存在的外部性,将会导致流域的经济、环境不能自动达到帕累托最优状态,因此需要对流域上游保护区进行补偿。分析了3种实现帕累托最优的方法:对上游给予补贴、在对上游给予补贴的同时对下游征税、谈判。以新安江流域为例,对1990—2004年流域上、下游环境保护投入和经济发展水平的数据进行计算,结果表明:当对上游给予补贴的同时对下游征税,为使上、下游地区达到各自利益的最大化,流域达到帕累托最优状态,上游地区应获补贴最小为5.2亿元,同等条件下下游地区缴税5.2亿元;通过谈判的方式实现新安江流域的生态补偿,则为使流域整体最优,上、下游可在5.2亿元以上选择合适的补偿量。建议采用谈判的方式在补偿方式和补偿额度上达成一致,使全流域的经济、环境达到帕累托最优状态。  相似文献   

Phosphorus loads from agricultural non-point source pollution (NPSP) significantly degrade reservoir water quality, making adequate control of agricultural NPSP necessary for improving the water quality. Controlling NPSP is generally accomplished using various Best Management Practices (BMPs). The present study applies the Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution (AGNPS) model to simulate NPSP loading and BMP efficiencies and establishes an enhanced multiobjective mixed-integer programming model for NPSP control strategy analyses based on these results. Cost, phosphorus load, sediment load and equity are the four major objectives considered. A case study for the Posan reservoir is presented. Four commonly proposed and applicable BMPs are chosen. Non-inferior solutions obtained using the constraint method and trade-off relationships among different control objectives are described and discussed. Compared with a previously proposed fertilizer control model, results show that the model established herein is more cost-effective and achieves better phosphorus and sediment loading reduction and equity goals. Furthermore, the current model is expected to facilitate decision-making analysis for development of an appropriate cost-sharing program to encourage adoption of appropriate BMPs by farmers.  相似文献   


State and federal conservation compliance policies in the United States are aimed, in part, at reducing non-point pollution and maintaining long-term agricultural productivity. These policies affect land use and management practices on the nation's farms. Farms and farmers, however, are part of a larger agri-ecological system and changes in farming practices affect linked socio-economic, biologic, and hydrologic systems. It is difficult, therefore, to foresee the wide ranging and long-term consequences that are set into motion by changes in agricultural policy. Yet, these consequences must be understood if we are to avoid the deleterious side effects or capture the collateral benefits associated with specific policies. A Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) has been developed here to help understand some of these consequences within the context of watershed management and the control of non-point source pollution. This SDSS consists of a Geographic Information System (GIS), two spatial models (GEOLP and AGNPS), and a graphical user interface. The purpose of this SDSS is to assist decision-makers as they investigate the impact of agricultural policy on non-point source pollution and the local economy. The SDSS is used to simulate the potential impacts of alternative policy scenarios in the Big Creek watershed. The models and methodologies described here, however, are general and can provide benefits to a variety of decision-makers engaged in watershed management and the reduction of non-point pollution.  相似文献   

Nonpoint source pollution (NPSP) is the export to receiving waters of nutrients originating from diffuse sources. This research documents a methodology for confirming reductions in NPSP resulting from implementation of agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs). It employs that methodology to confirm the success of BMPs implemented in Graywood Gully, a study sub-watershed that drains into Conesus Lake, NY. Evaluating the effects of BMPs in agricultural watersheds is often complicated by significant temporal variability in weather and hydrologic conditions. In many cases NPSP demonstrates much greater variability in response to antecedent hydrologic/meteorologic conditions than to commonly implemented BMPs. In essence, weather variability can mask the beneficial effects of the BMPs. By using the Thornthwaite–Mather procedure to model soil moisture status in addition to event rainfall total, it is possible to remove the major sources of weather/hydrologic-related variability, essentially reducing the number of experimental variables to the BMP itself. Application of this method to the Graywood sub-watershed reveals that BMPs can greatly reduce export of NPSP generated pollutants to receiving waters. Estimates of NPSP reductions range from 53% for soluble reactive phosphorus to 89% for nitrate.  相似文献   

辽河源头区流域农业非点源污染负荷估算   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,非点源污染已成为我国水体污染的主要来源,其中又以农业非点源贡献最大。为探究辽河源头区流域农业非点源污染程度,运用排污系数法估算1999-2009年流域非点源污染负荷进行估算,对COD、TN、TP和氨氮的污染负荷变化趋势进行分析,应用等标污染负荷法对流域农业非点源污染状态进行评价。结果表明:1999-2009年辽河源头区流域农业非点源污染COD,TN,TP,NH3-N平均入河总量分别为35 899.67,10 402.40,1 258.56,4 306.22t/a。从不同污染物看,TN是辽河源头区流域面源污染的主要污染物,占污染物比重的47.21%。从不同污染源分析,畜禽养殖的污染负荷比为70.56%,远远超过另外三种类型的非点源污染负荷的总和,畜禽养殖污染是辽河流域非点源污染的主要来源,农村生活源的污染负荷比为19.33%,高于种植业及水产养殖业。从流域不同地区看,梨树、公主岭、东辽、双辽4市县对流域污染贡献较大,是辽河源头区流域的主要污染区域。  相似文献   

Water quality in China shows an overall trend of deterioration in recent years. Nonpoint source pollution from agricultural and rural regions is the leading source of water pollution. The agricultural nonpoint source pollutants are mainly from fertilization of cropland, excessive livestock and poultry breeding and undefined disposal of daily living wastes in rural areas. Agricultural nonpoint sources contribute the main source of pollution to most watersheds in China, but they are ignored in management strategy and policy. Due to the lack of full understanding of water pollution control and management and the lack of perfect water quality standard systems and practical legislative regulations, agricultural nonpoint source pollution will become one of the biggest challenges to the sustainable development of rural areas and to society as a whole. The system for agricultural nonpoint source pollution control in China should include an appropriate legislation and policy framework, financing mechanisms, monitoring system, and technical guidelines and standards. The management of agricultural nonpoint source pollution requires multidisciplinary approaches that will involve a range of government departments, institutions and the public.  相似文献   

针对长江流域水环境保护与农业面源污染防治中存在的主要问题,从流域可持续发展的角度,对流域水环境保护立法、面源污染防治条例及其配套政策和市场机制进行了探讨,提出制定流域性的水环境保护法规和农业面源污染防治条例建议。  相似文献   

农村水污染成因及其治理对策研究   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
根据我国农村水土流失严重、生态环境恶化、面源污染严重等水污染现状以及污染物控制收集困难、先进的处理技术难以应用等农村污染治理现状 ,提出发展污水无害化资源化技术 ,加强生态农业的建设 ,改革农业运作方式 ,加强人工及自然生物处理技术研究等水污染治理对策。  相似文献   

通过对沙河水库水环境污染状况调查结果表明,沙河水库的主要污染为农业面源污染,在保护水库水生态环境的基础上,从政策法规、生态保护和污染治理等方面探讨了饮用水源地污染治理措施,指出制定水源地保护规划的重要意义,并对加强饮用水源地的环境管理提出建议。  相似文献   

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