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通过对涉及AGV产品的专利文献进行统计分析,分别从专利区域分布、国内外申请人数据、技术分支构成的角度进行了初步研究和分析,从宏观上把握AGV产品专利布局的概况,并基于专利布局的分析,提出相关建议,为企业发展提供信息情报参考。  相似文献   

风力发电技术最早起源于德国和丹麦,随着全球能源问题日益突显,各国纷纷将风力发电作为重点扶持的新能源产业,风力发电产业得以迅速发展。本文对德温特数据库和中国专利数据库中检索得到的1985年以来风力发电领域国内、外公开的专利申请数据进行统计分析,并重点分析了中国专利申请的构成情况以及国外重点企业在我国的布局状况。本文从专利文献的视角反映风力发电领域的技术发展隋况,从而为我国企业了解本领域的发展趋势和国外竞争者的技术研发动向提供参考。  相似文献   

可调谐激光器在激光器的市场上有着重要的地位,通过对可调谐激光器专利的检索和分析,本文对可调谐激光器的专利申请量、申请人、申请人国别以及申请人在国内的地域分布,进行梳理和整理,对行业的发展以及知识产权保护提供说明.  相似文献   

对二甲醚(DME)用作冰箱制冷剂进行理论分析,比较制冷剂DME与冰箱制冷剂HFC134a和HC600a的基础热物理性质。对它们的冰箱标准工况制冷循环性能和变工况制冷循环性能进行理论计算及分析。分析表明:制冷剂DME的制冷性能与HFC134a和HC600a的制冷性能基本相似,性能系数(COP)却优于HFC134a和HC600a。并且,二甲醚具有环保、无毒和与材料兼容的特点。因此,二甲醚适合做新一代的冰箱制冷剂。  相似文献   

通过对无线充电领域技术专利的统计分析,包括对专利地区分布、专利权人、专利分类号及高被引专利的分析,研究了全球无线充电领域的专利竞争态势,客观地揭示了全球无线充电技术的研究状态以及我国在该领域中的研究现状和地位。并通过构建专利权人-分类号隶属网络进一步分析了企业之间的竞争关系和核心技术领域。研究结果显示,无线充电领域专利多集中在美国、韩国、日本等国家,中国的专利数量多集中在台湾地区。丰田、索尼、三星等企业在专有技术因子上的负载值很高,专利技术与无线充电领域更为密切,在核心技术创新方面具有较强竞争优势。庞巴迪运输公司、沃达丰公司、罗克韦尔国际公司在通用技术因子上的负载值很高,专利技术的通用性强、适用范围广泛,在技术应用领域竞争优势明显。  相似文献   

为了了解一直致力于研发无线充电技术的美国重要创新型公司——WiTricity公司的核心技术的研发情况,通过专利计量的方法对该公司的专利申请情况进行详细分析。利用美国USPTO的数据,根据专利申请数量、专利申请类型、技术领域分布、技术合作、专利发明人等指标研究了WiTricity公司的专利布局和申请策略。总体来看,目前WiTricity公司仍然处在技术研发的快速增长阶段,公司的整体研发实力较强。  相似文献   

合理的专利布局设计能够使企业全面掌握行业内的技术实力,准确识别竞争对手,抢占技术制高点.专利地图可以将相关专利信息系统化、直观化、图形化,为了解行业动向、指引研发方向,从而进行专利布局提供依据.从专利布局角度出发并结合专利地图知识,将企业专利布局设计流程简化为4种模型,即专利数据采集模型、企业发展状态模型、竞争对手定位模型和技术潜力发展模型,通过对每一种模型的制作和分析,使企业明确自身的发展状态、竞争者的威胁以及行业技术发展潜力,从而有效地进行专利布局设计,提高竞争力.最后以金刚石工具行业中的某企业为例进行验证.  相似文献   

对1989年到2011年期间在我国申请的海水淡化专利进行专利分析研究,揭示国内海水淡化领域创新活动的发展状况、特点、发展规律,并对海水淡化技术的发展提出建议,以期为企业和科研机构的创新活动提供参考和帮助.  相似文献   

经过十几年的氢医学研究,“氢健康产业”正在悄然兴起,氢健康相关产品特别是富氢水进入大健康领域发挥作用,成为中国健康消费领域新的经济增长点。本文通过检索全球富氢水领域的相关专利,从专利申请趋势、创新主体竞争态势、核心技术焦点等多个维度展开分析,明晰全球富氢水领域发展现状。  相似文献   

基于市场分析的冰箱产品造型评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对冰箱产品传统造型主观评价方法效率低、可信度差的弱点,以市场分析为基础,研究了一种结合客观计算和专家主观判断的冰箱产品造型评价方法。以大量地调研数据为基础,以科学分析为手段,构建了造型评价指标,提出了评价指标评分算法及评价指标权重确定方法,最终建立冰箱产品造型评价模型,并通过实例验证该方法的有效性和快捷性。  相似文献   

AIDB, the Italian Patent Information Users Group   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Michele   《World Patent Information》2005,27(4):316-318
The Italian Patent Information Users Group (AIDB—Associazione Italiana Documentalisti Brevettuali) was founded on February 24, 2004. At the end of that year, AIDB had 58 members, coming from different environments such as industry, private practice, public institutions, and content providers. During its first months of existence, AIDB coordinated various activities such as checking the extent and quality of documentation services offered by the Italian Patent and Trade Mark Office (UIBM), and promoting discussions about suitable certification schemes for professional patent searchers. In November 2004, AIDB organized a two-day national patent information conference, focused on the business impact of patent information and on the certification of patent searchers.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, the French Patent Information User Group (CFIB) has re-organized itself and considerably developed its activities. This article is an overview of the association's current activities.  相似文献   

Bob  John  Neil  Jeanette 《World Patent Information》2006,28(4):319-322
The forerunner to the UK-based Thomson Scientific User Group (TSUG) was formed in 1990 as a professional interest group for patent information searchers using Derwent patent abstracts and related products. Although discussion and activities still revolve around this area, the group today also exchanges information on and searching experience with any other patent-related information products of interest and relevance to members. The group and its members maintain close links with Thomson Scientific for the purposes of product development and product evaluation.  相似文献   

秦妍 《中国科技博览》2013,(28):147-147
本文以北京市属高校的科研专利发展为研究对象,选取北京工业大学、北京工商大学等5所具有代表性的高校,通过实地调研和查阅相关数据文献,对5髓售在;003至2011年间的专利申请及专利持有的数据进行年度统计,并分析数据变化趋势,从而探讨市属高校专利发展现状和趋势。  相似文献   

为了保证药品的安全存放和管理,带有可视玻璃门药品冷藏箱已广泛应用,但玻璃门表面容易凝结水雾而失去透明效果。本研究通过对玻璃门表面结露条件的分析,试验研究了玻璃门不同部分结露情况及玻璃门内充入不同惰性气体对玻璃门表面结露影响。结果表明:在药品冷藏箱的玻璃门体上门框结露最严重;双层玻璃门内充入惰性气体可以提高玻璃外表面的温度,提高了玻璃门结露的极限环境空气相对湿度;氩气与氪气相比,氪气的防结露效果更好。  相似文献   

Patent is strongly meaningful for most countries’ technology development and economy growth. China is the world largest patent application country and has the world No.2 stock market. In this research, China listed companies (A-shares) in Shanghai main board, Shenzhen main board, GE board, and SME board from 2016 to 2018 were applied to discuss the prediction ability of patent indicators to financial performance. The patent prediction equations for quantitatively predicting the price-to-book ratio (PB) by patent indicators were constructed via Granger Causality test and time series regression. The stock selection criteria based on the patent predictive PB were further discussed. The traditional value investors consider stocks with PB values under 3.0 are undervalued. It was found that most stock portfolios selected by either the lower predictive PB or the higher predictive PB growth rate had higher performance above the traditional PB investment strategy. The criteria also worked well on GE board and SME board even though these stock boards were seriously impacted to decline by the China-US trade conflict. Though the overall economic environment fluctuated, the patent prediction algorithm proposed was proved to be useful to discover good stock portfolios and improve traditional PB investment strategy  相似文献   

纳米技术在生物医学领域有广泛的应用前景,其中纳米药物是目前飞速发展的一个分支。文章利用TDA专利分析工具及中科院专利在线分析系统,从年度申请趋势、重要国家/地区专利申请态势、以及专利技术布局等方面,对纳米药物领域的专利申请与研发情况进行分析。  相似文献   

Patent analyses in the changed legal regime of the US Patent Law since 2001   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ulrich   《World Patent Information》2009,31(4):299-303
In 2001, a new ruling for the publication of patent applications at the United States Patent and Trademark Office came into effect. Since then, all applications which are also filed with foreign offices have to be published 18 months after the application date, in analogy to the ruling in Europe and Japan. This new regime replaces the former system where only granted patents were published. With about 70% of all applications the share of pre-grant publications of applications of US origin is quite high, allowing new types of statistical analysis. In particular, the investigations of time series based on priority years instead of grant years can thus be performed much more topically. On the one hand, a larger dataset for applications of US origin is available; on the other hand, the sample of applications from Asian countries is generally much larger at the US Patent Office than at the European Patent Office. Despite these new opportunities, searches at low levels of aggregation by codes of the International Patent Classification still have to be handled with care.  相似文献   

More than 11 100 plant patents have been granted US Patent and Trademark Office since 1931. The system for classifying such patents for efficient retrieval is a specialized part of the United States Patent Classification. It is described here under the following topics: purpose, the classification schedule, schedule organisation, relationship to design and utility patent classification, class definition, search notes, line notes, hierarchy, and special features of plant patents, such as coloration and the effect of commercial or market practice. The article then considers placement rules for consistent classification of such patents, searching for a patented plant, and aids for such searching. Illustrative examples of the schedule, and of the placement of and retrieval of plant patents are provided.  相似文献   

Studying the distribution of the patent cooperation networks from the perspective of assignees provides a very important reference to improve the analysis of the market situation, master the layout of industrial technology and seek partners or mergers and acquisitions. This study uses the Derwent patent database and the patent metric approach to investigate the cooperative network structure of the assignees. The overall patent output in the artificial intelligence field on a global scale exhibited a rapid growth, and the proportion of cooperative patents significantly increased; the cooperation structure between the assignees was loose, and the innovation efficiency was low.  相似文献   

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