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Conclusions On the basis of the molecular-mechanical theory of friction of solids a relationship has been obtained which makes it possible to utilize the known frictional parameters of dense metals and determine by calculation coefficients of external friction in the pressing of metal powders. A check revealed good agreement between data yielded by the theoretical relationship between the coefficient of friction and pressing pressure and experimental results for PO2 tin and PMS-2 copper powders.Translated from Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No. 5(221), pp. 11–15, May, 1981.  相似文献   


Numerical simulations of manufacturing processes rely on material characterisation. This highlights the need for a close combination of experimental and numerical work to model cold die powder compaction. Based on a previous experimental work by the authors, this document shows how the data collected can be used to formulate a constitutive model reflecting the material behaviour in a broad range of conditions. A plasticity model based on pressure and deviatoric stress was chosen. Particular attention was given to the definition of the yield properties under low pressure levels. This choice was motivated by the previous review of experimental techniques for powder characterisation and, in contrast with popular models which focus on the behaviour of the powder in conditions close to idealised frictionless uniaxial compaction, the updated model achieves a very good agreement with out of die tests for two different materials while retaining a single equation formulation for the yield surface.  相似文献   

Experiments have been done on the friction in powder magnetic-abrasive tool made up of mixtures of ferroabrasive powders of various types, which differ in composition, properties, and particle size and shape. Regularities are established for the coefficients of internal friction between layers in mixtures. A model relationship is proposed for the structuring of a magnetic abrasive tool containing a powder mixture. Translated from Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, Nos. 3-4(412), pp. 62–67, March–April, 2000.  相似文献   

采用高温摩擦磨损试验机研究了HTCS-130和DAC55两种热作模具钢在100~700℃范围内的耐磨性差异及磨损机制,并结合X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、光学轮廓仪等手段对表面相组成、磨损表面、截面形貌等进行分析.结果表明:两种钢的磨损率均在100~700℃范围内呈现先增后减的趋势;其磨损机制表现为在100℃和300℃分别发生黏着磨损和黏着-轻微氧化磨损; 500℃时磨损机制转变为单一氧化磨损,磨损表面氧化层由Fe O、Fe2O3和Fe3O4组成,亚表面发生轻微软化并出现塑性变形层; 700℃时磨损进入严重氧化磨损阶段,氧化物数量急剧增多,同时由于马氏体基体回复导致材料出现严重软化,磨损表面形成连续的氧化层. HTCS-130钢优异的热稳定性能使得基体具有较高硬度和更窄的摩擦软化区,能够更好地支撑氧化层,从而在700℃下比DAC55钢更耐磨.  相似文献   

采用高温摩擦磨损试验机研究了HTCS-130和DAC55两种热作模具钢在100~700℃范围内的耐磨性差异及磨损机制, 并结合X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、光学轮廓仪等手段对表面相组成、磨损表面、截面形貌等进行分析. 结果表明: 两种钢的磨损率均在100~700℃范围内呈现先增后减的趋势; 其磨损机制表现为在100℃和300℃分别发生黏着磨损和黏着-轻微氧化磨损; 500℃时磨损机制转变为单一氧化磨损, 磨损表面氧化层由FeO、Fe2O3和Fe3O4组成, 亚表面发生轻微软化并出现塑性变形层; 700℃时磨损进入严重氧化磨损阶段, 氧化物数量急剧增多, 同时由于马氏体基体回复导致材料出现严重软化, 磨损表面形成连续的氧化层. HTCS-130钢优异的热稳定性能使得基体具有较高硬度和更窄的摩擦软化区, 能够更好地支撑氧化层, 从而在700℃下比DAC55钢更耐磨.   相似文献   


Forming of PM components through powder pressing is a process, which is influenced by the friction between the powder and the tool walls. For good performance of the pressing process it is of great interest to understand and estimate the effects of powder–wall friction. However, quantification of the friction coefficient between the powder and the tool is a delicate task. Local contact conditions, such as contact stress, must be measured or otherwise estimated in order to evaluate the coefficient of friction. Here, the friction coefficient is estimated by combining an experiment with modelling of the experiment. Two methods for assessment of friction are presented, an optimisation approach using finite element analyses and an analytical approach. Experimental data are taken from the single action cold pressing of a cylinder shaped component.  相似文献   

铜-石墨复合材料是一种优良的导电耐磨材料,但铜与石墨润湿性很差,导致材料的耐磨性能不足。本文通过向原料中加入与石墨亲和性良好的SnO2,利用粉末冶金的方法制得Cu-C-SnO2多孔材料,研究了烧结温度及成分配比对烧结体孔隙率、物理特性及摩擦磨损性能的影响。结果表明:烧结体的孔隙率随烧结温度升高而降低,随石墨/SnO2质量比增大而增大,随非金属/Cu质量比增大而减小;烧结体的密度、硬度、渗油率等与孔隙率密切相关,随孔隙率升高,密度和硬度呈降低趋势,渗油率呈上升趋势;但试样硬度受Cu2O产生和Cu颗粒再结晶的影响而变化复杂,在烧结温度830℃附近出现突变。干摩擦条件下,试样摩擦磨损特性受材料硬度和石墨相自润滑作用等多重因素影响而变化复杂,随试样硬度和石墨含量的升高而降低;渗油后试样的摩擦磨损特性则主要受油膜润滑控制,与干摩擦相比,相对摩擦因数和磨损率均显著减小,试样磨损率随渗油率的增大而减小,但在石墨/SnO2质量比0.155附近存在突变。  相似文献   

Translated from Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No. 4(316), pp. 92–94, April, 1989.  相似文献   

经过液氮循环工艺获得了塑韧性更优的Fe基粉末,通过超音速火焰喷涂(high velocity oxy-fuel,HVOF)法对建筑用316L钢基体表面造成高速撞击生成Fe基粉末涂层,分析涂层摩擦学特性与液氮循环工艺间的关系。研究结果表明:液氮循环处理粉末和未处理原始粉末都属于非晶态,粉末外观形貌都属于椭球形,没有开裂或破碎。在液氮循环处理粉末涂层组织中只存在少量的未铺展颗粒,孔隙率也发生了明显减小,形成了更致密组织。采用液氮循环方法来改善粉末塑性,使粉末以更好的铺展状态完成沉积过程。经过液氮循环处理的粉末涂层可以获得更稳定的摩擦学性能,形成了更致密的组织,孔隙与裂纹数量明显降低,摩擦系数明显减小,主要发生氧化磨损,表现出更低的磨痕深度与磨损率误差。  相似文献   

316L不锈钢粉末温压与模壁润滑的高密度成形   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通常在室温下,用内润滑厅式难以将316L不锈钢粉末压制成高密度生坯。本工作研究了316L不锈钢粉末的温压、模壁润滑和同时使用温压与模壁润滑的压制过程。研究发现:(1)模壁润滑和温压的同时使用可大幅度提高316L粉末的模压生坯密度。(2)复合润滑剂比单质EBS蜡更适用于有模壁润滑的温压过程,在工业常用的压制压力下,粒度〈74μm的316L粉末的生坯密度超过7.4g/cm^3。(3)316L粉末的高密度成形使得粉末颗粒强烈塑性变形,出现了晶粒内的亚晶结构。(4)同时使用模壁润滑和温压得到的高密度生坯在烧结过程不会发生体积膨胀,烧结密度超过7.56g/cm^3。  相似文献   

The photocatalytic reduction of aqueous solutions containing Se(VI) and Se(IV) was studied using TiO2 powders and an HCOOH reductant. Without the addition of a suitable reductant and UV irradiation, no significant reduction of Se(VI) and Se(IV) can proceed. The ability of Se ions to be adsorbed onto TiO2 is an important factor in the ease of reduction of these ions. Elemental Se is directly produced from both Se(VI) and Se(IV) solutions. The maximum yield of elemental Se never reaches 100 pct, due to the initiation of H2Se generation.  相似文献   

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