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Iodine-131 (physical half-life: 8.04 days) was detected in brown algae collected off the Japanese coast. Brown algae have been extensively used as bioindicators for radioiodine because of their ability to accumulate radionuclides in high concentration factors. The maximum measured specific activity of 131I in brown algae was 0.37 ± 0.010 Bq/kg-wet. Cesium-137 was also detected in all brown algal samples used in this study. There was no correlation between specific activities of 131I and 137Cs in these seaweeds. The specific activity of 137Cs ranged from 0.0034 ± 0.00075 to 0.090 ± 0.014 Bq/kg-wet. Low specific activity and minimal variability of 137Cs in brown algae indicated that past nuclear weapon tests were the source of 137Cs. Although nuclear power stations and nuclear fuel reprocessing plants are known to be pollution sources of 131I, there was no relationship between the sites where 131I was detected and the locations of nuclear power facilities. Most of the sites where 131I was detected were near big cities with large populations. Iodine-131 is frequently used in diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine. On the basis of the results, we suggest that the likely pollution source of 131I, detected in brown seaweeds, is not nuclear power facilities, but nuclear medicine procedures.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal patterns of in-stream nitrate concentrations for the upper Thames and selected tributaries are described in relation to point and diffuse sources for these rural catchments. The rivers associated with catchments dominated by permeable (Cretaceous Chalk) bedrock show a smaller range in nitrate concentrations than those associated with clay and mixed sedimentary bedrock of lower permeability. The differences reflect the contrasting nature of water storage within the catchments and the influence of point and diffuse sources of nitrate. Nitrate concentrations often increase in a gradual way as a function of flow for the rivers draining the permeable catchments, although there is usually a minor dip in nitrate concentrations at low to intermediate flow due to (1) within-river uptake of nitrate during the spring and the summer when biological activity is particularly high and (2) a seasonal fall in the water table and a change in preferential flow-pathway in the Chalk. There is also a decrease in the average nitrate concentration downstream for the Kennet where average concentrations decrease from around 35 to 25 mg NO(3) l(-1). For the lower permeability catchments, when point source inputs are not of major significance, nitrate concentrations in the rivers increase strongly with increasing flow and level off and in some cases then decline at higher flows. When point source inputs are important, the initial increase in nitrate concentrations do not always occur and there can even be an initial dilution, since the dilution of point sources of nitrate will be lowest under low-flow conditions. For the only two tributaries of the Thames which we have monitored for over 5 years (the Pang and the Kennet), nitrate concentrations have increased over time. For the main stem of the Thames, which was also monitored for over 5 years, there is no clear increase over time. As the Pang and the Kennet river water is mainly supplied from the Chalk, the increasing nitrate concentrations over time clearly reflect increasing nitrate concentrations within the groundwater. It primarily reflects long-term trends for agricultural fertilizer inputs and significant aquifer storage and long water residence times. The results are discussed in terms of hydrogeochemical processes and the Water Framework Directive and are compared with data from other eastern UK rivers. The importance of diffuse sources of nitrate contamination is highlighted. On a flow weighted basis, the average diffuse component of nitrate is around 95% for the Thames Basin rivers draining Chalk and for the corresponding rivers draining less permeable strata, there is a more significant but not major point source component (at least in terms of flux); the average diffuse component is 79% in this case. These data fit well with earlier assessments of agricultural sources to UK surface waters. Under baseflow conditions the diffuse sources remain dominant for the Chalk fed Thames Basin rivers, but point sources can be dominant for the low permeability cases. On a proportionate basis, the Thames Basin rivers are similar to the rural rivers of the Tweed and Humber Basins in terms of percentage diffuse components although the lower intensity agriculture occurring for the rivers monitored means that the average nitrate concentrations are lower for the rural rivers of central and northern England and the borders with Scotland: the Humber and Tweed.  相似文献   

Common carp (Cyprinus carpio), black bass (Micropterus spp.), and channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) were collected from 14 sites in the Colorado River Basin (CRB) to document spatial trends in accumulative contaminants, health indicators, and reproductive biomarkers. Organochlorine residues, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin-like activity (TCDD-EQ), and elemental contaminants were measured in composite samples of whole fish, grouped by species and gender, from each site. Selenium (Se) and mercury (Hg) concentrations in fish were elevated throughout the CRB, and pesticide concentrations were greatest in fish from agricultural areas in the Lower Colorado River and Gila River. Selenium concentrations exceeded toxicity thresholds for fish (>1.0 microg/g ww) at all CRB sites except the Gila River at Hayden, Arizona. Mercury concentrations were elevated (>0.1 microg/g ww) in fish from the Yampa River at Lay, Colorado; the Green River at Ouray National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), Utah and San Rafael, Utah; the San Juan River at Hogback Diversion, New Mexico; and the Colorado River at Gold Bar Canyon, Utah, Needles, California, and Imperial Dam, Arizona. Concentrations of p,p'-DDE were relatively high in fish from the Gila River at Arlington, Arizona (>1.0 microg/g ww) and Phoenix, Arizona (>0.5 microg/g ww). Concentrations of other formerly used pesticides including toxaphene, total chlordanes, and dieldrin were also greatest at these two sites but did not exceed toxicity thresholds. Currently used pesticides such as Dacthal, endosulfan, gamma-HCH, and methoxychlor were also greatest in fish from the Gila River downstream of Phoenix. Total polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs; >0.11 microg/g ww) and TCDD-EQs (>5 pg/g ww) exceeded wildlife guidelines in fish from the Gila River at Phoenix. Hepatic ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) activity was also relatively high in carp from the Gila River at Phoenix and in bass from the Green River at Ouray NWR. Fish from some sites showed evidence of contaminant exposure as indicated by fish health indicators and reproductive biomarker results. Multiple health indicators including altered body and organ weights and high health assessment index scores may be associated with elevated Se concentrations in fish from the Colorado River at Loma, Colorado and Needles. Although grossly visible external or internal lesions were found on most fish from some sites, histopathological analysis determined many of these to be inflammatory responses associated with parasites. Edema, exophthalmos, and cataracts were noted in fish from sites with elevated Se concentrations. Intersex fish were found at seven of 14 sites and included smallmouth bass (M. dolomieu), largemouth bass (M. salmoides), catfish, and carp and may indicate exposure to endocrine disrupting compounds. A high proportion of smallmouth bass from the Yampa River at Lay (70%) was intersex but the cause of this condition is unknown. Male carp, bass, and catfish with low concentrations of vitellogenin were common in the CRB. Comparatively high vitellogenin concentrations (>0.2 mg/mL) were measured in male bass from the Green River at Ouray NWR and the Colorado River at Imperial Dam and indicate exposure to estrogenic or anti-androgenic chemicals. Anomalous reproductive biomarkers including low GSI and gonadal abnormalities (calcifications, edema, and parasites) observed in fish downstream of Phoenix are likely related to the poor water-quality of the Gila River in this area.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive counting system has been used to measure radio-iodine in environmental samples from the Thames Valley. Iodine-125 and occasionally iodine-131 have been found in the thyroid glands of most of the swans that have died on the River Thames, the River Wey and the Grand Union Canal, and in algae and water samples from the Thames and many of its tributaries. The presence of this activity is ascribed to the waste discarded into the drainage system by hospitals and research laboratories, reaching the rivers via the effluent from sewage treatment works. The Thames is used as a source of drinking water, particularly in London and its western approaches. Weed and water samples collected from river water abstraction points, reservoirs, tap water supplies, and animal water troughs fed from this supply all contained low levels of iodine-125. The drinking water route can account for the iodine-125 found in the thyroids of farm animals from west Surrey and in a few people living in London. The amounts found constitute a trivial radiation dose to man and animals as they are far below the acceptable limit of exposure for man.  相似文献   

D. Airey  P.D. Jones   《Water research》1982,16(5):565-577
Mercury levels found in waters and suspended matter from 53 stations, occupied four times at 3-monthly intervals, showed that most mercury was associated with particulates but the amount varied during the year. In the polluted region between Warrington and Runcorn, where fresh-water and sea-water converge, >80% of the mercury was associated with the particulates. Dissolved mercury concentrations and the mercury load on particulate matter were always greater in freshwater than in tidal waters, except during a flood. A model of partitioning of mercury between particulate and dissolved phases is presented. The River Weaver and the Manchester Ship Canal were grossly polluted with mercury throughout that year due to a Castner-Kelner plant at Runcorn. Dredge spoils and water flow transport 17 (range 8–138) and 1.55 ± 65% tonnes yr−1 respectively of mercury into Liverpool Bay.  相似文献   

描述了积冰的研究方法,对Dulgalakh和Adycha流域中冻土—水文条件作出评估,着重阐述了在积冰融化中大气降水所起的重要作用。  相似文献   

While the 2005 progress report of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals stresses out the need of a dramatic increase in investment to meet the sanitation target in the third world, it is important to anticipate about some parallel negative impacts that may have this optimistic programme (extension of sewer networks without sufficient treatment works). Research was initiated on Lerma River (Mexico), subjected to many rejects disposal, to design a monitoring network and evaluate the impact of wastewaters on its water quality. The discharges was inventorized, geo-positioned with a GPS and mapped, while the physico-chemical characteristics of the river water, its tributaries and main rejects were evaluated. Microtox system was used as an additional screening tool. Along the 60 km of the High Course of Lerma River (HCLR), 51 discharges, with a diameter or width larger than 0.3 m (including 7 small tributaries) were identified. Based on the inventory, a monitoring network of 21 sampling stations in the river and 13 in the important discharges (>2 m) was proposed. A great similitude was found between the average characteristics of the discharges and the river itself, in both the wet and dry seasons. Oxygen was found exhausted (<0.5 mg/L) almost all along the high course of the river, with COD and TDS average levels of 390 and 1980 mg/L in the dry season, against 150 and 400 mg/L in the wet season. In the dry season, almost all the sites along the river revealed some toxicity to the bacteria test species (2.9 to 150 TU, with an average of 27 TU). Same septic conditions and toxicity levels were observed in many of the discharges. Four of the six evaluated tributaries, as well as the lagoon (origin of the river), were relatively in better conditions (2 to 8 mg/L D.O., TU<1) than for the Lerma, acting as diluents and renewal of the HCLR flow rate. The river was shown to be quite a main sewer collector. The high surface water contamination by untreated wastewaters that is depicted in this research should be taken into account in the Millennium Goals strategies, by promoting treatment plan works simultaneously, when sewer networks in the third world would extend.  相似文献   

We investigated long-term variations in dissolved chemical species in water sampled from the Sagami River and its tributaries, Japan. The samples were taken monthly from May 1993 to April 2000 at 28 sampling sites in the Sagami River system. In this paper, we concentrate on 17 sites in the upper catchment. Twenty-four major to trace elements (Li, Mg, Al, Ca, V, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sb, Cs, Ba, W, Tl, Pb, U) were determined by using conventional Q-pole ICP-MS with direct nebulizalion. Water flux was measured from 1995. The data for most species were subjected to fast Fourier transformation (FFT) to extract dominant periodicities, their magnitudes, and their phases. Clear seasonal variations were observed for Al, V, As, Rb and Cs at some sampling points, especially in the tributaries. The seasonal variations may be due to either anthropogenic causes, such as irrigation or wastewater discharge, or natural causes, such as water temperature, pH, redox condition, water flux, or activity of microorganisms. We found no correlation with pH. Water temperature may not be a main controlling factor, although the seasonal variability would be correlated with it. Hydrologic factors may have only minor effects. We suggest that most of the seasonal variation might be correlated with the irrigation of rice paddies. It was difficult to identify all the causes of the seasonal variability. To investigate interannual trends, we used centered 12-month moving averages to eliminate seasonal variations. The water quality of the uppermost streams was generally constant, being controlled by springs on Mt. Fuji. However, in 1993 and 1998, V, As, Rb, Cs and U were depleted briefly, possibly by dilution by overflow from Lakes Kawaguchi and Yamanaka. Hydrologic factors may be more important for interannual variability than seasonal variability. Some heavy trace elements (Zn, Ni, Cd and Sb) showed very irregular variations with high concentration peaks. These elements were discharged from either factories or abandoned mine tailings.  相似文献   

Fish were collected from 16 sites on rivers in the Columbia River Basin (CRB) from September 1997 to April 1998 to document temporal and spatial trends in the concentrations of accumulative contaminants and to assess contaminant effects on the fish. Sites were located on the mainstem of the Columbia River and on the Snake, Willamette, Yakima, Salmon, and Flathead Rivers. Common carp (Cyprinus carpio), black bass (Micropterus sp.), and largescale sucker (Catostomus macrocheilus) were the targeted species. Fish were field-examined for external and internal lesions, selected organs were weighed to compute somatic indices, and tissue and fluid samples were preserved for fish health and reproductive biomarker analyses. Composite samples of whole fish, grouped by species and gender, from each site were analyzed for organochlorine and elemental contaminants using instrumental methods and for 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro dibenzo-p-dioxin-like activity (TCDD-EQ) using the H4IIE rat hepatoma cell bioassay. Overall, pesticide concentrations were greatest in fish from lower CRB sites and elemental concentrations were greatest in fish from upper CRB sites. These patterns reflected land uses. Lead (Pb) concentrations in fish from the Columbia River at Northport and Grand Coulee, Washington (WA) exceeded fish and wildlife toxicity thresholds (>0.4 microg/g). Selenium (Se) concentrations in fish from the Salmon River at Riggins, Idaho (ID), the Columbia River at Vernita Bridge, WA, and the Yakima River at Granger, WA exceeded toxicity thresholds for piscivorous wildlife (>0.6 microg/g). Mercury (Hg) concentrations in fish were elevated throughout the basin but were greatest (>0.4 microg/g) in predatory fish from the Salmon River at Riggins, ID, the Yakima River at Granger, WA, and the Columbia River at Warrendale, Oregon (OR). Residues of p,p'-DDE were greatest (>0.8 microg/g) in fish from agricultural areas of the Snake, Yakima, and Columbia River basins but were not detected in upper CRB fish. Other organochlorine pesticides did not exceed toxicity thresholds in fish or were detected infrequently. Total polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs; >0.11 microg/g) and TCDD-EQs (>5 pg/g) exceeded wildlife guidelines in fish from the middle and lower CRB, and ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) activity was also elevated at many of the same sites. Temporal trend analysis indicated decreasing or stable concentrations of Pb, Se, Hg, p,p'-DDE, and PCBs at most sites where historical data were available. Altered biomarkers were noted in fish throughout the CRB. Fish from some stations had responded to chronic contaminant exposure as indicated by fish health and reproductive biomarker results. Although most fish from some sites had grossly visible external or internal lesions, histopathological analysis determined these to be inflammatory responses associated with helminth or myxosporidian parasites. Many largescale sucker from the Columbia River at Northport and Grand Coulee, WA had external lesions and enlarged spleens, which were likely associated with infections. Intersex male smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) were found in the Snake River at Lewiston, ID and the Columbia River at Warrendale, OR. Male bass, carp, and largescale sucker containing low concentrations of vitellogenin were common in the CRB, and comparatively high concentrations (>0.3 mg/mL) were measured in male fish from the Flathead River at Creston, Montana, the Snake River at Ice Harbor Dam, WA, and the Columbia River at Vernita Bridge, WA and Warrendale, OR. Results from our study and other investigations indicate that continued monitoring in the CRB is warranted to identify consistently degraded sites and those with emerging problems.  相似文献   

The Sava River, the largest and most commercially valuable water body in the riparian countries, receives inputs of organic and inorganic compounds from a variety of domestic and industrial activities that may affect the health of human beings and wildlife. In this work, the chronic toxicity of sediment, sediment porewater and surface water from the Sava River and connecting tributaries to the freshwater algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata was assessed to characterise the potential impact on aquatic organisms. Samples of different environmental matrices were either tested directly (porewater) or subjected to pre-concentration (sediments and surface water) prior to testing in a 72 h growth inhibition assay using P. subcapitata. The results show that a combination of pre-concentration and bioassay testing was able to characterise the toxic potential and to identify several compartment-specific "hot spots" along the Sava River. Based on the resulting data, a crude risk assessment identified that some of the locations may represent a risk to algae. Additional testing using multiple species and exposure phases is required to conduct a thorough risk assessment, however.  相似文献   

Polar water-soluble organic contaminants were analysed in the dissolved liquid water phase of river water samples from the Danube River and its major tributaries (within the Joint Danube Survey 2). Analyses were performed by solid-phase extraction (SPE) followed by triple-quadrupole liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS2). In total, 34 different polar organic compounds were screened. Focus was given on pharmaceutical compounds (such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, sulfamethoxazole, carbamazepine), pesticides and their degradation products (e.g. bentazone, 2,4-D, mecoprop, atrazine, terbutylazine, desethylterbutylazine), perfluorinated acids (PFOS; PFOA), and endocrine disrupting compounds (nonylphenol, NPE1C, bisphenol A, estrone). The most relevant polar compounds identified in the Danube River basin in terms of frequency of detection, persistency, and concentration levels were 1H-benzotriazole (median concentration 185 ng/L), caffeine (87 ng/L), tolyltriazole (73 ng/L), nonylphenoxy acetic acid (49 ng/L), carbamazepine (33 ng/L), 4-nitrophenol (29 ng/L), 2,4-dinitrophenol (19 ng/L), PFOA (17 ng/L), sulfamethoxazole (16 ng/L), desethylatrazine (11 ng/L), and 2,4-D (10 ng/L). The highest contamination levels were found in the area around Budapest and in the tributary rivers Arges (Romania), Timok (Bulgaria), Rusenski Lom (Bulgaria), and Velika Morava (Serbia).  相似文献   

Forty-eight soil profiles down to a depth of 40 cm were taken in Russia and Ukraine in 1995 and 1997, respectively, in order to investigate the feasibility of retrospective dosimetry of the 131I exposure after the Chernobyl accident via the long-lived 129I. The sampling sites covered areas almost not affected by fallout from the Chernobyl accident such as Moscow/Russia and the Zhitomir district in Ukraine as well as the highly contaminated Korosten and Narodici districts in Ukraine. 129I was analyzed by radiochemical neutron activation analysis (RNAA) and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). 127I was measured for some profiles by RNAA or ion chromatography (IC). The results for 127I demonstrated large differences in the capabilities of the soils to store iodine over long time spans. The depth profiles of 129I and of 137Cs showed large differences in the migration behavior between the two nuclides but also for each nuclide among the different sampling sites. Though it cannot be quantified how much 129I and 137Cs was lost out of the soil columns into deeper depths, the inventories in the columns were taken as proxies for the total inventories. For 129I, these inventories were at least three orders of magnitude higher than a pre-nuclear value of 0.084+/-0.017 mBq m(-2) derived from a soil profile taken in 1939 in Lutovinovo/Russia. From the samples from Moscow and Zhitomir, a pre-Chernobyl 129I inventory of (44+/-24) mBq m(-2) was determined, limiting the feasibility of 129I retrospective dosimetry to areas where the 129I inventories exceed 100 mBq m(-2). Higher average 129I inventories in the Korosten and Narodici districts of 130 and 848 mBq m(-2), respectively, allowed determination of the 129I fallout due to the Chernobyl accident. Based on the total 129I inventories and on literature data for the atomic ratio of 129I/131I=13.6+/-2.8 for the Chernobyl emissions and on aggregated dose coefficients for 131I, the thyroid exposure due to 131I after the Chernobyl accident was estimated for the inhabitants of four villages in the Korosten and of three villages in the Narodici districts. The limitations and uncertainties of the 129I retrospective dosimetry are discussed.  相似文献   

The performance of aquatic bryophytes for detecting metal pollution was tested along the River Brenta, in NE Italy. Nine sampling sites were selected, three of them along short tributaries with no anthropic influence upstream, the others along the main bed of the river. Two sites were deliberately placed downstream from a previously known pollution focus. The multivariate analysis (classification and ordination) of the matrix of 10 metals and 38 samples revealed: (i) a good discrimination between 'clean' and potentially polluted sites; (ii) two contamination syndromes, one by As and, to a lesser degree, Pb, and the other by Cr, due to agricultural and industrial activities, respectively; and (iii) the previously known pollution focus was clearly detected. The magnitude of contamination was estimated by means of a comparison between local backgrounds and concentrations of metals measured. The distance of aquatic bryophytes from the center of the river was negatively correlated with metal concentrations, which suggests that this factor should be taken into account in the implementation of sampling protocols.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that bacteriophages can provide useful information about the pathogenic microorganisms, particularly enteric viruses, present in water. This information is complementary to that obtained from bacterial indicators of faecal contamination, which would be of great value for evaluating the risks associated with the use of certain types of water. Before bacteriophages can be used as indicators of faecal contamination, we need to confirm that bacteriophages give a different response to that given by the well-known bacteria indicators and to determine what happens to bacteriophages in river water. Indeed, drinking water is often produced from river water, either by natural filtration through the soil or after undergoing various treatments. We collected 96 river water samples from six different sites between February and November 2000. The samples were analysed for three faecal indicator bacteria (thermotolerant coliforms, enterococci and spores of sulphite-reducing anaerobes) and three types of bacteriophages (somatic coliphages, F-specific phages and Bacteroides fragilis phages). The densities of thermotolerant coliforms and enterococci depended mainly on physical factors such as flow rate and water temperature. High temperature and low flow rate led to a decrease in the density of these microorganisms, especially in the absence of a major input of faecal pollution. Conversely, the densities of somatic coliphages, F-specific phages and spores of sulphite-reducing anaerobes remained constant regardless of the flow rate and temperature. The density of Bacteroides fragilis phages was too low for unambiguous determination of their fate in river water.  相似文献   

孙俊峰  李涛 《供水技术》2008,2(4):30-31
针对黄河水藻类高发的现象,对水源地和沉砂池进行了取样分析,确定藻类为异味产生的根源.预处理试验结果表明,在投加20 mg/L聚合铁和10 mg/L硅酸钠的同时,投加0.4-1.0 mg/L聚二烯丙基二甲基氯化铵(FL45C)对藻类和浊度的去除以及臭和味的控制效果较好.  相似文献   

Current-use pesticides associated with suspended sediments were measured in the San Joaquin River, California and its tributaries during two storm events in 2008. Nineteen pesticides were detected: eight herbicides, nine insecticides, one fungicide and one insecticide synergist. Concentrations for the herbicides (0.1 to 3000 ng/g; median of 6.1 ng/g) were generally greater than those for the insecticides (0.2 to 51 ng/g; median of 1.5 ng/g). Concentrations in the tributaries were usually greater than in the mainstem San Joaquin River and the west side tributaries were higher than the east side tributaries. Estimated instantaneous loads ranged from 1.3 to 320 g/day for herbicides and 0.03 to 53 g/day for insecticides. The greatest instantaneous loads came from the Merced River on the east side. Instantaneous loads were greater for the first storm of 2008 than the second storm in the tributaries while the instantaneous loads within the San Joaquin River were greater during the second storm. Pesticide detections generally reflected pesticide application, but other factors such as physical-chemical properties and timing of application were also important to pesticide loads.  相似文献   

A reliable indicator is needed to predict and reduce the risk of infection associated with fecal contamination of surface water. Since Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV), human picobirnaviruses (hPBV) and Torque teno virus (TTV) have been detected at substantial levels in human feces, we explored whether detection of nucleic acids of these viruses is a suitable indicator of fecal contamination in river water. From September 2008 to December 2009, water samples (n = 111) were collected from the Ruhr and Rhine rivers and from the influents and effluents of a wastewater plant (n = 12). Quantitative real time (RT-) PCR was used to determine the abundance of PMMoV, hPBV, and TTV in comparison to human adenoviruses (HAdV) and human polyomaviruses (HPyV) that are frequently detected in surface water and were previously proposed as indicators. While PMMoV was detected in all river water samples, the other viruses were detected less frequently. The concentration of the studied viruses in positive river water ranged from 5 × 101 to 1.07 × 106 genome equivalents per liter (gen.equ./l). All wastewater samples were positive for PMMoV, HAdV and HPyV, while TTV and hPBV were detected in 6/12 and 3/12 of samples, respectively. To determine if PMMoV is specific to human-derived fecal waste, fecal samples from human (n = 20) and animal (n = 53) were also tested. In contrast to the ubiquity of PMMoV in human feces (19/20) the virus was only detected at low concentration in a minority of the animal fecal samples tested (7/15 from chicken, 1/10 from Geese and 1/6 from cows). Therefore, in this setting TTV and hPBV do not seem to be suitable indicators of fecal contamination in water. Whereas, the high excretion level and dissemination of PMMoV in human sewage and river water suggest that PMMoV could be a promising indicator of fecal pollution in surface water.  相似文献   

Indicators specifically designed to detect changes in the seasonality, frequency and duration of medium and high river flows have been developed to monitor river flow regimes. Four primary methods to display and interpret the indicator results have been developed to meet the needs of different target audiences. The variability in annual indicator values is accommodated by comparing the probability distributions of the annual values rather than seeking to identify trends in annual values themselves. Changes in the distribution of indicator values are consistent with those anticipated to arise as a result of climate change. This finding is confirmed by calculating the indicators from example flow data for catchments across England and Wales, which has been perturbed to reflect climate change scenario model outputs.  相似文献   

针对潍坊市峡山水库、白浪河水库中的藻类进行了监测.结果表明,这两个水源地的藻含量随季节变化特征比较明显.在水温较低的春季和冬季,藻类数量较少,峡山水库藻类种类以裸藻、绿藻、硅藻占优势,白浪河水库藻类种类以金藻、绿藻、硅藻占优势;在水温高的夏季和秋初,藻类大量繁殖,蓝藻成为两个水库的优势种群,白浪河水库水质状况相对较好,峡山水库出现水华.  相似文献   

杜彩虹 《山西建筑》2014,(32):217-218
以黄河宁夏河道工程地形图测绘为例,探讨了利用无人机低空摄影技术制作正射影像和地形图的作业流程和技术方法,论证了其可行性,并分析了无人机低空摄影测量的特点,以供参考。  相似文献   

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