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With the rapid deployments of the active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) as a bonafide industrial technology in the background, this paper summarizes some recent results in the analysis of linear ADRC and offers explanations in the frequency response language with which practicing engineers are familiar. Critical to this endeavor is the concept of bandwidth, which has been used in a more general sense. It is this concept that can serve as the link between the otherwise opaque state space formulation of the ADRC and the command design considerations and concerns shared by practicing engineers. The remarkable characteristics of a simple linear ADRC was first shown in the frequency domain, followed by the corresponding analysis in time domain, where the relationship between the tracking error and the ADRC bandwidth is established. It is shown that such insight is only possible by using the method of solving linear differential equations, instead of the more traditional techniques such as the Lyapunov methods, which tend to be more conservative and difficult to grasp by engineers. The insight obtained from such analysis is further demonstrated in the simulation validation.  相似文献   


In this paper, we apply the active disturbance rejection control, an emerging control technology, to output-feedback stabilisation for a class of uncertain multi-input multi-output nonlinear systems with vast stochastic uncertainties. Two types of extended state observers (ESO) are designed to estimate both unmeasured states and stochastic total disturbance which includes unknown system dynamics, unknown stochastic inverse dynamics, external stochastic disturbance without requiring the statistical characteristics, uncertain nonlinear interactions between subsystems, and uncertainties caused by the deviation of control parameters from their nominal values. The estimations decouple approximately the system after cancelling stochastic total disturbance in the feedback loop. As a result, we are able to design an ESO-based stabilising output-feedback and prove the practical mean square stability for the closed-loop system with constant gain ESO and the asymptotic mean square stability with time-varying gain ESO, respectively. Some numerical simulations are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed output-feedback control scheme.  相似文献   

推力矢量飞行器的自抗扰控制设计及控制分配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈森  薛文超  黄一 《控制理论与应用》2018,35(11):1591-1600
推力矢量飞行器往往需要在大功角等具有大不确定性和强非线性的区域高质量地完成飞行动作,因此,如何应对大范围不确定性是推力矢量飞行器控制设计的关键问题.另一方面,推力矢量飞行器包含多种控制输入并且不同控制输入具有不同物理特性.因此,控制输入分配也是推力矢量飞行器控制设计的关键问题.为了对付大范围的不确定性,本文引入虚拟控制量的概念,采用自抗扰控制技术实现对飞行过程中的总扰动的实时估计和补偿.进一步,考虑控制输入的物理约束条件,提出了保证虚拟控制量达到设计值并使得发动机能耗最小的控制输入分配方案.通过建立对应的优化问题,严格分析其最优解的性质并提出了有限步求解最优控制分配输入量的算法.在仿真环境下,提出的控制算法有效实现了推力矢量飞行器大功角区域的机动动作,并能应对大范围的气动参数不确定性.  相似文献   

Stability of active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) is analysed in the presence of unknown, nonlinear, and time-varying dynamics. In the framework of singular perturbations, the closed-loop error dynamics are semi-decoupled into a relatively slow subsystem (the feedback loop) and a relatively fast subsystem (the extended state observer), respectively. It is shown, analytically and geometrically, that there exists a unique exponential stable solution if the size of the initial observer error is sufficiently small, i.e. in the same order of the inverse of the observer bandwidth. The process of developing the uniformly asymptotic solution of the system reveals the condition on the stability of the ADRC and the relationship between the rate of change in the total disturbance and the size of the estimation error. The differentiability of the total disturbance is the only assumption made.  相似文献   

黄东  孙国法 《控制理论与应用》2016,33(11):1501-1507
本文针对高阶时延系统同时存在系统不确定性和未知输入时延的情况,考虑控制器信号的复杂性问题,在动态面控制方法的基础上,引入自抗扰控制技术设计了自抗扰动态面控制器.利用反步法设计动态面控制信号,采用跟踪微分器对虚拟控制信号滤波,避免了由于对虚拟控制信号重复微分产生的"复杂性爆炸"问题;在控制信号的基础上叠加扰动补偿项,补偿项由扩张状态观测器实时在线估计产生,保证了控制信号的实时性,同时简化了控制器结构以便于实际应用.在闭环系统稳定性判别中运用李雅普诺夫理论做出详细分析.最后,数值仿真结果验证了所提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对航天器动力学参数不确定性以及系统存在外部持续干扰的问题, 提出了一种自抗扰姿态控制器的设计方法. 在为期望姿态安排过渡过程的基础上, 设计了扩张状态观测器, 对参数不确定性和外部干扰进行估计, 并实时补偿. 为抑制跟踪误差, 设计了非线性状态误差反馈律. 仿真结果表明, 该控制器不仅能很好地估计并补偿系统受到的持续干扰, 而且对航天器动力学参数的不确定性具有较强的鲁棒性, 满足航天器姿态快速机动和高稳定度的控制要求, 性能指标明显优于PD控制.  相似文献   

针对具有内部参数不确定性和外部扰动的海上船舶设计了航向自抗扰控制器,并解决了舵机模型中舵角的限幅和限速问题,基于滑模控制理论提出了反馈控制带宽的计算方法.采用频域分析的方法,系统地分析了自抗扰控制器对外部波浪扰动的抑制能力、模型参数不确定时的鲁棒性;结合作者实船工作经验以及系统动态特性与控制参数的关系,提出了船舶航向控制器参数的配置规律;最后以一艘57000吨级散货船为控制对象,验证了航向控制器的鲁棒性和本文所述参数配置规律的有效性.为将自抗扰控制算法应用于船舶自动舵设计提供理论依据和实践参考.  相似文献   

凹印机套色系统的自抗扰解耦控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
无轴凹印机套色系统的运行过程中存在各种形式的扰动,且各色组的套色误差通过张力传递相互耦合,严重影响系统的套准精度,必须进行解耦和抗扰控制.本文在建立了凹印机套色系统的近似数学模型的基础上,将扩张状态观测器与前馈相结合,提出了一种新的自抗扰控制策略.把一个强耦合、大扰动、模型不确定的复杂非线性系统动态补偿为近似的二阶线性系统,降低了系统的控制难度,改善了系统的动态性能,并使系统具有自抗扰的能力.仿真结果表明,与传统的前馈控制和非线性控制相比,该算法使系统控制误差的收敛速度加快,动态响应性能更优越,实现了色组间的解耦并使系统具有良好的抗扰性能.  相似文献   

航天机电伺服系统作用是接收火箭控制系统的指令信号并带动空气舵或者喷管跟随指令信号运动,其在应用上的主要特点是负载特性变化大.传统的PID算法在航天机电伺服系统上的应用已经比较成熟,但是在空气舵或者喷管本身负载特性发生改变时,传统的PID算法的控制效果会明显下降.因此,本文建立了航天机电伺服系统柔性运动模型,并提出了将自...  相似文献   

主要研究新颖实用非线性自抗扰控制算法,在结晶器多变量耦合系统中的应用.自抗扰控制主要特性是实时估计对象模型摄动和外扰的总和作用量,并在控制信号中补偿掉,实现不确定性强非线性对象的实时动态反馈线性化.结合控制对象,建立了结晶器多变量耦合自抗扰控制系统.数值仿真试验表明自抗扰耦合控制的协调性、自适应跟随性和抗干扰性优于传统的PID解耦控制.  相似文献   

获得期望的共轨压力是保证缸内直喷发动机(GDI)稳定工作和喷油量精确控制的一个重要前提. 本文针对缸内直喷汽油发动机轨压控制问题, 首先通过动力学分析建立了共轨燃油喷射系统的数学模型; 由于系统中存在有较强的非线性和不确定性, 采用基于模型但对模型的精确形式依赖较小的自抗扰控制技术设计轨压跟踪控制器,其中线性扩张状态观测器(ESO) 对系统存在的总扰动和不确定性进行了估计, 非线性误差反馈控制(NLSEF) 则采用反馈补偿实现扰动的抑制. 最后, 通过给定不同的参考轨压对控制器的有效性进行验证, 仿真结果表明控制性能是满意的.  相似文献   

The existing active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) method may not provide sufficient disturbance rejection to multiple mismatched disturbances for the fractional order systems. In this paper, a composite disturbance rejection approach is developed for a class of fractional order uncertain systems, by synthesizing the fractional order ADRC (FOADRC) approach and a disturbance observer (DO)-based compensation scheme. Taking advantage of more disturbance information and a filter structure, an improved DO is developed to achieve precise estimation of disturbances in the presence of sensor noises. In addition, a state transformation is developed to convert the system into a simple integral chain model with only matched disturbances. Then a composite control law is designed to compensate the disturbances and provide satisfying dynamic performance. The efficiency of the proposed method is demonstrated by a numerical simulation and an actual servo control simulation, as well as the comparison with two kinds of the existing ADRC methods and the commonly used integral sliding mode control (I-SMC) method.  相似文献   

This paper investigates active disturbance rejection control involving the fractional‐order tracking differentiator, the fractional‐order PID controller with compensation and the fractional‐order extended state observer for nonlinear fractional‐order systems. Firstly, the fractional‐order optimal‐time control scheme is studied to propose the fractional‐order tracking differentiator by the Hamilton function and fractional‐order optimal conditions. Secondly, the linear fractional‐order extend state observer is offered to acquire the estimated value of the sum of nonlinear functions and disturbances existing in the investigated nonlinear fractional‐order plant. For the disturbance existing in the feedback output, the effect of the disturbance is discussed to choose a reasonable parameter in fractional‐order extended state observer. Thirdly, by this observed value, the nonlinear fractional‐order plant is converted into a linear fractional‐order plant by adding the compensation in the controller. With the aid of real root boundary, complex root boundary, and imaginary boot boundary, the approximate stabilizing boundary with respect to the integral and differential coefficients is determined for the given proportional coefficient, integral order and differential order. By choosing the suitable parameters, the fractional‐order active disturbance rejection control scheme can deal with the unknown nonlinear functions and disturbances. Finally, the illustrative examples are given to verify the effectiveness of fractional‐order active disturbance rejection control scheme. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对一类含有未知死区输入的不确定纯反馈非线性系统,为实现精准控制,提出一种新的基于扩张状态观测器的动态面控制算法.用扩张状态观测器代替函数逼近器在线估计高阶系统动态面控制中每一步的不确定函数.结果表明,估计误差显著降低,闭环控制性能得到实质性改善.此外,设计跟踪微分器来消除传统反推方案中计算复杂的问题.通过李雅普诺夫方法分析了具有自适应鲁棒控制器的闭环系统的稳定性.最后,对所提出的自适应鲁棒控制方案进行仿真,取得了满意的结果.  相似文献   

Electrohydrostatic actuators (EHAs) are used to replace traditional centralized hydraulic systems to reduce weight and improve efficiency and maintainability. This paper proposes a cascade active disturbance rejection control (C-ADRC) method for single-rod EHAs with parametric uncertainties and severe external disturbances. The studied EHA can be transformed into a cascade connection of a first-order pressure system and a second-order position system. Two linear active disturbance rejection controllers are designed for the inner pressure system and the outer position system to estimate and compensate for various uncertainties in the two loops, respectively. The uniqueness of the C-ADRC is that the two linear active disturbance rejection controllers are designed by making full use of the measurable states and known model information of the EHA system. It is theoretically proved that the closed-loop system is semi-globally uniformly ultimately bounded. Moreover, the proposed controller can theoretically ensure position tracking with desired accuracy as the bandwidth of extended state observers (ESOs) becomes sufficiently high. Simulation and experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

针对采用四元数描述的航天器姿态运动模型研究输出反馈抗干扰跟踪控制问题.首先在姿态运动模型的基础上,结合四元数的性质设计扩张状态观测器(extended state observer,ESO)来估计角速度和干扰力矩,从理论上保证了ESO中的四元数状态满足范数约束,并证明了观测误差的收敛性;进一步利用互连和阻尼分配无源控制(interconnection and damping assignment passivity-based control,IDA--PBC)理论设计控制律,通过姿态和角速度误差状态变换以及引入误差积分项,使得期望的姿态和角速度误差,以及积分项误差运动方程中均出现阻尼项,提高了系统的抗干扰性能,最后利用Laypunov函数证明了闭环系统一致最终有界稳定.仿真结果验证了所设计ESO和IDA--PBC控制律的有效性.  相似文献   

线性自抗扰控制的抗饱和补偿措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周宏  谭文 《控制理论与应用》2014,31(11):1457-1463
控制输入约束是实际工业过程中普遍存在的现象,然而控制器设计中通常都假设执行机构动态是线性的,因此当执行机构存在约束时,执行机构输出信号与控制器输出信号不一致,使系统的动态性能降低,甚至导致系统不稳定.本文针对线性自抗扰控制(linearactive disturbance rejection control,LADRC)执行机构的约束问题,提出两种抗饱和补偿方案,利用LADRC扩张状态观测器估计控制器状态或者控制器输出与执行器输出的误差,从而使LADRC能快速消除饱和.将这两种方法用到含执行机构饱和的一阶惯性加迟延被控对象进行仿真研究,结果表明两种补偿措施下线性自抗扰控制器能得到较好的控制性能.随后本文将LADRC抗饱和思想推广到负荷频率控制系统(load frequency control,LFC)中,仿真表明基于误差补偿的抗饱和方案对于LFC系统更为有效.  相似文献   

自抗扰控制技术应用已日渐成熟,但当系统中存在高频非平稳噪声信号时,线性自抗扰控制(LADRC)存在难以选取合适的观测器带宽的问题:当带宽较小时,线性扩张状态观测器(LESO)难以实现对总扰动的实时观测,会造成时滞;当带宽较大时,LESO又会放大噪声对系统的影响,从而造成总扰动观测失真.为了解决这一问题,将小波降噪环节加入LADRC中,通过设计基于滑动窗实时小波降噪的LESO,对含噪输出信号进行实时降噪.使用Simulink搭建系统模型,分别在输出信号中加入高斯白噪声或谐波等不同类型的高频非平稳噪声进行仿真实验,并将所提方法与滑动平均法进行对比,结果验证了所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a novel control design for nonlinear systems with multiple uncertainties and nonlinear measurement. The output linearization is utilized to handle the nonlinearities in system dynamics and measurement. Firstly, the integrator chain for nonlinear systems with multiple uncertainties is analyzed. Based on the fundamental integrator chain form, the equivalent total effect of multiple uncertainties is summarized as total disturbance. By timely estimating and compensating for the total disturbance, an active disturbance rejection control design to handle both multiple uncertainties and nonlinear measurement is proposed. Moreover, the transient performance of the corresponding closed‐loop system is rigorously studied, which theoretically reveals the high consistence of the tracking performance despite various multiple uncertainties.  相似文献   

In this paper, two approaches, namely active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) and Lyapunov redesign, are utilised to stabilise the vibration of a boundary-controlled flexible rectangular plate in the presence of exogenous disturbances. Based on ADRC, an estimation/cancellation strategy is applied where disturbance is estimated online by an extended state observer (ESO) and cancelled by injecting the output of ESO into the feedback loop. By the Lyapunov redesign, on the other hand, the control law intended for a nominal system is redesigned by adding a (discontinuous) control component that makes the system robust to large uncertainties. Both control algorithms are designed directly based on partial differential equation model of the plate so that spillover instabilities that are a result of model truncation are avoided. The established control schemes are able to stabilise the plate vibration by actuating and sensing only along the plate boundary while accounting for the dynamical effects of Gaussian curvature integral, in-plane membrane force and actuator mass. The stability of each control approach is proven using Lyapunov analysis. The efficacy of each proposed control is illustrated by simulation results.  相似文献   

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