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为建立海上风电场集电系统可靠性评估模型,针对常用的链形拓扑集电系统,提出了集电系统在最少开关配置和完全开关配置方案下的可靠性评估算法。以某具体海上风电场的实际数据为例,对不同开关配置的拓扑进行可靠性指标的计算,结果表明,海上风电场采用开关完全配置方案可靠性指标略优于传统开关配置方案。  相似文献   

基于加权模糊TOPSIS和灰色关联度的风电场选址研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对风电场选址标准要求的复杂性和不确定性,综合考虑地理因素、经济因素等对风电场选址决策的影响,构建了风电场选址的模糊评价体系。采用加权模糊TOPSIS与灰色关联分析法相结合的方法进行模糊多目标决策。为了避免确定权重过程中的主观性带来的影响,利用聚类方法确定专家权重,并用排列熵确定评价指标权重。在衡量贴近度方面,使用了欧氏距离和灰色关联度两项指标来衡量,以克服欧式距离在小样本情况下的不足。对大连某风电场选址案例的研究证明了该方案的有效性。  相似文献   

为了选取合适的风电场址,提出层次分析法(AHP)、灰色关联分析法、逼近理想解法(TOPSIS)相结合的模糊多目标决策方法。首先基于层次分析法构建风电场选址的层次结构,构造目标的判断矩阵,求出各目标的权重值;其次运用灰色关联分析法和TOPSIS法相结合的方法,将定量目标和定性目标规范化,并结合权重向量,得到加权规范化的决策矩阵;求出相对于每个目标的正、负理想解,每个方案与正、负理想解之间的距离以及每个方案的灰色关联度;将距离和灰色关联度标准化,并计算各方案的整体贴近度;最后,求出各方案综合所有目标的整体贴近度,根据贴近度的大小对方案进行排序。实例分析证明,该方法能够科学有效地进行风电场的选址决策。  相似文献   

杨智钧 《电气技术与经济》2023,(10):389-391+398
变电站的施工或扩建过程产生了关于确定最佳技术解决方案的问题,这些解决方案应该对环境友好,符合可持续发展的标准,并且具有成本效益。因此,在本文中,提出了一种基于层次分析法(AHP)的决策研究,以支持在两种常用解决方案:空气绝缘变电站(AIS)和气体绝缘变电站(GIS)之间选择变电站施工的决策。结果表明,AHP方法非常适合所研究的问题,这为在变电站施工这一特定领域的决策支持过程中更广泛地使用此方法奠定了基础。  相似文献   

王仁超  宋亮 《水电能源科学》2017,35(11):141-144
针对传统施工进度风险评价方法存在的不足,从风险因素影响权重的确定存在不确定性和模糊性入手,将传统的模糊层次分析法中的点标度扩充到区间标度,提出了一种基于三元区间数的模糊区间层次分析法(FIAHP),即改进的模糊层次分析法,通过该方法确定风险影响权重,以此将工序模糊工期按照风险影响程度进行改进,得到与每次迭代时风险因素的不同状况对应的工序持续时间,据此借助Excel和Crystal Ball软件进行项目工期仿真计算,从而确定项目的网络进度工期。实例应用结果表明,所提方法得到的项目工期可靠性更高,且更加符合实际。  相似文献   

海上风电场用海面积有限,尾流影响比陆上大,微观选址是其规划设计的关键技术。传统优化算法大多采用离散化变量,使得潜在解空间减少到有限个,难以达到最优化的效果。为了提高海上风电场微观选址优化效率,文章提出了一种基于中心引力优化(CFO)算法的海上风电场微观选址方法。该算法使用实数编码,通过将微观选址优化的变量假设为天体,各个天体之间相互作用,达到平衡的原理,具有可能得到全局最优解和效率高的优点。使用该算法对海上风电场微观选址优化进行仿真,并与现有方法比较。结果表明,所提出的算法得到的排布方式发电量最高,并具有优化精度高、速度快和优化排布较为均匀的特点。该研究结果可以为实际工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   

为了实现对海上风电项目风险评估,提出了一种基于网络层次分析法的模糊综合评价法,通过实地的数据收集以及相关领域专家意见,设计综合评价的基本参量。以此为基础,对某海上风电场项目风险应用进行了研究。研究结果表明,该项目的风险处于中等风险,在最大隶属度原则下其最大评估值为0.335。  相似文献   

以红牧风电场为例,分析了复杂地形的风电场微观选址,根据主风向上和垂直主风向上的不同间距布置风机,以对比单机平均发电量和尾流影响.结果表明,主风向上单机的平均发电量随风机间距的增加先增后疵,尾流损失不断减小;垂直主风向上随风机间距的增大单机平均发电量不断增大,尾流损失也不断减小.建议在复杂地形的主风向上风机间距的选择比简单地形小,均为风机直径6~7倍;简单地形的风机间距约为风机直径7~8倍.  相似文献   

风电场微观选址时应合理布置机组位置,减少尾流影响,提高风电场的综合经济效益。首先,针对不同布机方案及不同来流风向、风速下风电场尾流分布的变化,提出了一种基于坐标变换的风电场尾流场快速计算方法以提高计算效率;然后,对传统二进制萤火虫算法进行改进,从而提高寻求全局最优的能力;最后,基于以上工作,以机组总台数和布机方案为决策变量,以单位功率成本为目标函数,完成了3种风况条件下的风电场微观选址优化工作。经过计算对比分析,本方法在3种风况条件下均得到了更优的布机结果,对工程中海上风电场和陆上平坦地形风电场的微观选址工作具有参考价值。  相似文献   

制冷剂选择是复叠式热泵研究的一个重要方向。在分析模糊、灰色关联在制冷空调领域应用及复叠式热泵制冷剂选择研究现状基础上,采用模糊层次分析法构建了包括安全性、热力性能、环保性能、成本和热物性5个方面共27个指标组成的制冷剂评价指标体系,建立制冷剂性能综合评价模型,利用该模型在47种纯工质范围内为复叠式热泵选择合适的工质。结果表明,综合性能较好的制冷剂组合为R134a/R601a、R134a/R601、R1234yf/R236ea等。  相似文献   

建立了基于优属度和层次分析法的优选模型,并以海门某办公大楼为实例,对不同的冷热源方案进行优选。结果显示,该模型计算简便,能够达到客观的、科学的优选空调系统冷热源的目的。  相似文献   

Owing to the rapid development of microgrids (MGs) and growing applications of renewable energy resources, multiobjective optimal dispatch of MGs need to be studied in detail. In this study, a multiobjective optimal dispatch model is developed for a standalone MG composed of wind turbines, photovoltaics, diesel engine unit, load, and battery energy storage system. The economic cost, environmental concerns, and power supply consistency are expressed via subobjectives with varying priorities. Then, the analytic hierarchy process algorithm is employed to reasonably specify the weight coefficients of the subobjectives. The quantum particle swarm optimization algorithm is thereafter employed as a solution to achieve optimal dispatch of the MG. Finally, the validity of the proposed model and solution methodology are confirmed by case studies. This study provides reference for mathematical model of multiojective optimization of MG and can be widely used in current research field.  相似文献   

《Renewable Energy》2004,29(8):1383-1392
Projecting wind-power plants depends on the amount of the power that the plant can support. The location chosen for the project needs to be evaluated in consideration of different criteria when determining the potentiality of the wind-power. Measuring the wind-speed and the wind-path through equipment in prospective wind observation station play an important role in such later stages as evaluation of data, determination of the amount of energy and choosing the wind tribune. In this study, the aim was to determine the most convenient location for a wind observation station to be built on the campus of a university using analytic hierarchy process (AHP).  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (fAHP) and Weighted Fuzzy Axiomatic Design (wfAD) methodology for a strategic level problem of hydrogen energy storage (HES) method selection for Turkey. Considering alternatives of tank, metal hydride and chemical storage, we design our decision problem with respect to five assessment criteria as weight, capacity, storage loss and leak, reliability, and total system cost. In the solution methodology, we first implement fAHP to determine criteria weights by incorporating linguistic judgement and vague information. Next, we define functional requirements and design parameters for the selection problem and use wfAD to compare alternatives. After implementing the proposed integrated approach, we perform additional sensitivity analysis experiments to test the robustness of the solution with respect to changes in functional requirements.  相似文献   

传统的层次分析法(AHP)在划定权重时,赋值的跨度较大,很难对影响因子间的相对重要性进行数值的量化,因此采用改进的层次分析法,运用"三标度"法进行因子间的重要性量化,对于因子间的合理赋值取得了明显的效果。运用ArcGIS的空间分析模块,根据获得的权重值对研究区进行浅层地温能适宜性分区评价,经实际工程验证,确定评价结果的准确性。  相似文献   

As it is more environmentally sound and friendly than conventional energy technologies that emit carbon dioxide, hydrogen technology can play a key role in solving the problems caused by the greenhouse gas effect and in coping with the hydrogen economy. Numerous countries around the world, including Korea, have increasingly focused on R&D where hydrogen technology development is concerned. This paper focuses on the use of the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (fuzzy AHP), which is an extension of the AHP method and uses interval values to reflect the vagueness of human thought, to assess national competitiveness in the hydrogen technology sector. This analysis based on the AHP and fuzzy AHP methods revealed that Korea ranked 6th in terms of national competitiveness in the hydrogen technology sector.  相似文献   

Renewable energy is the energy generated from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat which are renewable. Energy resources are very important in perspective of economics and politics for all countries. Hence, the selection of the best alternative for any country takes an important role for energy investments. Among decision-making methodologies, axiomatic design (AD) and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) are often used in the literature. The fuzzy set theory is a powerful tool to treat the uncertainty in case of incomplete or vague information. In this paper, fuzzy multicriteria decision- making methodologies are suggested for the selection among renewable energy alternatives. The first methodology is based on the AHP which allows the evaluation scores from experts to be linguistic expressions, crisp, or fuzzy numbers, while the second is based on AD principles under fuzziness which evaluates the alternatives under objective or subjective criteria with respect to the functional requirements obtained from experts. The originality of the paper comes from the fuzzy AD application to the selection of the best renewable energy alternative and the comparison with fuzzy AHP. In the application of the proposed methodologies the most appropriate renewable energy alternative is determined for Turkey.  相似文献   

In this paper, five hydrogen storage systems for automobiles are evaluated using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in respect to eight criteria. The hydrogen storage systems for automobiles to be evaluated are 350 bar compressed gas hydrogen, 700 bar compressed gas hydrogen, liquefied hydrogen, metal hydride and chemical hydride. The selected criteria used in the evaluation of five hydrogen storage systems are weight efficiency, volume efficiency, system cost, energy efficiency, cycle life, refueling time, safety and infrastructure. According to the evaluation, compressed gas hydrogen ranks the highest in classification in Korea. Liquefied hydrogen ranks higher than metal hydride and chemical hydride. If the infrastructure for liquefied hydrogen were good in Korea, liquefied hydrogen may rank the highest in classification. Also, it should be noted that the rank of hydrogen storage systems can be changed according to the future technological developments.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated six hydrogen-producing methods using a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) under benefits, opportunities, costs, and risks concepts. Twelve factors were set up, and the weights of each factor were appraised using the fuzzy AHP method. We conclude that steam methane reforming is the optimal method for hydrogen production in Korea; equipment investment cost and market size are the most important factors, while the indirect benefits such as spillover effect, human resource development, and environmental contribution are less important. The results show that achieving economic feasibility and lowering risks are very important. Therefore, considering stable natural gas prices and unconventional gas production, steam methane reforming is a promising option for hydrogen production.  相似文献   

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