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辛升 《中国能源》2020,(5):8-10+39
技术节能是节能工作的重要手段。节能技术应用也普遍存在推广难、选择难、融资难、落地实施难等问题。目前在节能技术推广工作中存在着缺乏统一的节能技术评价指标和评价标准等问题。本文研究构建了节能技术评价的指标体系,为先进实用节能技术的遴选、评估和技术分类推广提供评价基础。  相似文献   

以DPSIR概念模型为框架,按照相应原则,从驱动力、压力、状态、影响和响应5个方面选取了20个煤矿区水土保持综合效益基础评价指标;从煤矿区水土保持综合效益内涵出发,运用专家打分法筛选出15个基础指标并构建煤矿区水土保持综合效益评价指标体系框架;运用AHP法,确定子系统间、子系统下指标间的权重,通过计算最终得到煤矿区水土保持综合效益评价指标权重体系.  相似文献   

用层次分析法构建了户用沼气系统的技术评价指标体系,通过德尔菲法构建了评价指标的判定方法学,从而为评价户用沼气系统的运行效果提供理论依据和技术支撑。将户用沼气系统分为5个子系统:构筑物系统、产气系统、沼气输送系统、沼气利用系统、沼液沼渣处理系统。将此评价体系用于评估某国户用沼气系统的运行效果,结果表明,如果仅以正常产气衡量,则正常运行的概率为76%;如果综合考虑沼气系统各个方面,则运行良好的概率仅为1%。  相似文献   

王玉  唐峦 《南方能源建设》2022,9(S2):118-122
目的  输变电工程是国家重点投资建设的能源工程,为了明确投资该类工程产生的经济效益和预期效果,需要对整个输变电工程进行经济评价。 方法  文章以广东某500 kV输变电工程为例,首先建立财务效益综合评价指标体系,其次通过模糊综合评价的方法对其进行财务效益综合评价。 结果  通过实证分析,表明了模糊层次综合评价方法可以有效地评价输变电工程的经济效益。同时,广东某500 kV输变电工程的最终综合评价结果比较成功,表明该类工程的财务效益水平良好。 结论  运用模糊综合评价方法对输变电工程进行经济评价能够有效地评价其是否具有较好的经济效益,了解投资此工程能否取得良好的预期回报。  相似文献   

湖南省饮水安全综合评价研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
针对湖南省饮水资源特征及现状,从水量、水质、供水三方面提出一个4层14指标的饮水安全综合评价指标体系;分别采用层次分析法、基于AHP的模糊集综合评价法、突变评价法,对湖南省各地市饮水安全进行综合评价;运用突变理论与聚类分析方法将全省饮水安全状况分为6个区,并分析各区突出的饮水问题.计算结果表明,郴州市饮水状况处于非常安全状态,益阳市、永州市及怀化市的饮水状况处于安全状态,湘潭市饮水状况处于不安全状态,其他地市(州)饮水状况处于基本安全状态;三种方法的对比分析表明,突变评价法计算简单、客观性强、结果较合理,能够反映不同地区饮水安全状态的差异性.  相似文献   

针对当前发电技术应用管理工作,太阳能发电技术作为一种新型的发电方式受到了广大人民群众的认可与应用,在现实生活中,太阳能资源凭借绿色环保、资源丰富等诸多优势受到了社会各界的关注。基于此,本文以保利e代鹭洲居住区C23-E型别墅为主要研究对象,首先说明了此类太阳能发电系统项目的应用要求和基本概况;其次简单分析了太阳能发电技术的主要类型;最后论述了光伏发电技术的综合评价及应用前景,希望能够给同行提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

生物质能利用技术综合评价研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在分析各种生物质能利用技术的基础上,建立了基于层次分析法的集总加权评价模型,确定了技术适用性、经济可行性、环境友好性三个评价准则,及资源供给、装备技术、能源利用率、能源品位、生产成本、经济收益、生态影响、环境污染、社会收益等九个评价指标,并对模型进行了实例计算和验证,评价结果对指导未来生物质能开发利用具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

地表水源热泵技术在我国的应用前景分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国拥有极其丰富的地表水资源,可作为热泵的低位冷热源而加以利用.对全国17个典型城市的冬季十二月份地表水温进行了实测,均在2~5℃之间,指出地表水源热泵开发的关键技术是如何提取凝固热.对我国102个大中城市的地表水供应面积进行了调查统计,分别计算了这些城市的供应比例、平均供暖热需求指标、平均空调冷需求指标,并根据这三个参数对上述102个城市进行了类型化.数据表明:我国的地表水平均可为42.1%的市区傍水建筑提供低位冷热源.  相似文献   

基于灰色-层次理论的热水器综合评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对几种常用综合评价方法进行了分析,提出运用灰色理论和层次分析理论联合建立综合评判模型.从安全性、经济性和使用性3个方面确定了热水器的评价指标体系,并运用新建的综合评判模型对4个不同类型的热水器产品的综合性能进行了评价.结果表明太阳热水器综合性能最佳.  相似文献   

<正>案例研究目的通过对空气源热泵地板采暖技术系统的研究,结合北京长安新城住宅小区使用空气源热泵地板采暖的实际状况,进行实地测试、统计、分析,对其技术原理、节能指标、经济效益、市场潜力等方面进行综合评价,为全面推广该采暖系统提供理论和实践的依据。  相似文献   

A full-size house utilizing a heating and cooling system composed of roof water-bags intermittently covered with insulation was designed and tested in Atascadero, California (35 N lat.). Twenty centimeters (8 in.) of water sealed in plastic bags with inflatable covers rested on the metal ceiling which covered the 102 m2 living space. The movement of the 5 cm thick polyurethane insulation panels were automatically controlled to maximize the heating and cooling potentials of the system. With family occupancy, the house remained comfortable in both the heating and cooling seasons which were typified by daily average outdoor temperatures of 8°C (47°F) and 22°C (72°F), respectively. No auxiliary heating or cooling systems were employed during the 9-month test. Operating characteristics were favorable. Design parameters and performance data are given.  相似文献   

A combined cycle capable of heating and adsorption refrigeration is proposed, and the experimental prototype has been installed. The system consists of a heater, a water bath, an activated carbon–methanol adsorption bed and a ice box. This system has been tested with electric heating, and has been found that with 61 MJ heating, the 120 kg water in the bath can be heated up from 22 to 92 °C meanwhile 9 kg ice of −1.5 °C is made. The calculated COPsystem is 0.0591 and COPcycle is 0.41. After reconstruction to a real hybrid household water heater–refrigerator, when 55 MJ heating is added to 120 kg 21 °C water, and the condensing temperature is controlled at about 30 °C, the result is the 4 kg water contained inside the methanol refrigerant evaporator was iced to −2 °C, the cooling capacity of the ice and the refrigerant in the evaporator will maintain the 100 l cold box for about three days below 5 °C. The experiments show the potentials of the application of the solar powered hybrid water heater and refrigerator. Theoretical simulation has been done, which is in good agreement with experimental results. This research shows that the hybrid solar water heating and ice making is reasonable, and the combined cycle of heating and cooling is meaningful for real applications of adsorption systems.  相似文献   

This paper presents thermal and economic analyses of a solar heated and air conditioned house in the Albuquerque climate. The system includes the following components: water heating collector, a water storage unit, a service hot water facility, a lithium bromide-water air conditioner (with cooling tower), an auxiliary energy source, and associated controls. The analysis of the thermal performance indicates the dependence of output on collector area (considered as the primary design variable) and shows, for example, the manner in which annual system efficiency decreases as collector area increases. Based on the computed thermal performance, cost estimates are made which show variations in annual cost as functions of collector area and costs of collector and fuel.  相似文献   

随着人们环保意识的逐渐提高和垃圾卫生填埋场地的日趋匮乏,城市生活垃圾焚烧技术以其占地小、处理时间短、减量化显著、无害化较彻底以及可回收余热等优势,在我国的应用日益广泛。文章结合溴化锂吸收式制冷技术,提出了由城市生活垃圾焚烧炉余热驱动的热电冷联供系统,该系统与传统的垃圾焚烧发电系统相比,不仅焚烧余热的综合利用效率显著提高,而且真正实现了能量的阶梯利用;同时,由于效率提高以及自身性能的改善导致碳和污染物排放下降,使得该系统具有更为优良的环保性能。  相似文献   

针对热电厂锅炉的连扩污水造成大量水资源的浪费以及热污染的问题,分析了将连扩污水用于冷暖联供的可行性,解决了热电厂连扩污水回收 利用的问题。  相似文献   

This paper resents a thermal simulation of the Colorado State University solar house. A computer model of the solar energy system was developed and computer runs were made using one year of meteorological data to determine the important design features. The system consists of a flat plate solar collector, main storage tank, service hot water storage tank, auxiliary heater, absorption air conditioner with cooling tower and heat exchangers between the collector and storage, storage and service hot water tank and storage and residence. This system very closely models the CSU house in operating mode one.The results are in the form of monthly integrated values for the pertinent energy quantities. In addition, results are presented which show the effect on the system performance of the collector tilt, collector area and number of covers.  相似文献   

Economic analysis of a typical geothermal resource shows that potential revenues from geothermal heating or cooling can be much larger than those from power generation alone. Geothermal heating may generate up to about 3.1 times and geothermal absorption cooling 2.9 times as much revenue as power generation alone. Similarly, combined power generation and heating may generate about 2.1 times and combined power generation and cooling about 1.2 times as much revenue as power generation alone. Cost and payback period comparisons appear to favor power generation, followed by district heating.  相似文献   

The optimization of building cooling heating and power (BCHP) system is helpful to improve its comprehensive performance including energetic, economic and environmental aspects. However, the optimal results are closely dependent on the initial setting parameters. This paper deduces the energy consumption of BCHP system following the electrical load and presents the optimization problem of BCHP system that includes the decision variables, the objective function, the constraint conditions and the solution method. The influences of the initial parameters, which include the technical, economic and environmental parameters, the building loads and the optimization setting parameters, on the optimal decision variables and the performances of BCHP system are analyzed and compared. The contour curves of the performances of BCHP system in comparison to the conventional separation production (SP) system, and the sensitivity of the optimal decision variables to the initial parameters are obtained.  相似文献   

冷热电联产系统的发展及前景   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1前言能源的价格、电网的稳定性、能量的品质、空气的品质以及全球气候的改变,是21世纪我们面临的严重问题。随着经济和社会的发展,这些问题将变得更加尖锐。在传统的利用燃料产生电力的过程中,将近三分之二的输入能量没有有效利用就被释放到环境中,能量损失十分严重。利用总能  相似文献   

The first integrated system providing heating and cooling to a building by use of solar energy has been designed and installed in a residential-type building at Colorado State University. Solar heated liquid supplies heat to air circulating in the building and to a lithium bromide absorption air conditioner. Service hot water is also provided. Approximately two-thirds of the heating and cooling loads are expected to be met by solar energy, the balance by natural gas. The paper contains details of design and principles of operation. A breakdown of actual costs of the equipment and its installation is also provided.  相似文献   

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