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A New Class of Depth-Size Optimal Parallel Prefix Circuits   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Given n values x1, x2, ... ,xn and an associative binary operation o, the prefix problem is to compute x1ox2o··· oxi, 1in. Many combinational circuits for solving the prefix problem, called prefix circuits, have been designed. It has been proved that the size s(D(n)) and the depth d(D(n)) of an n-input prefix circuit D(n) satisfy the inequality d(D(n))+s(D(n))2n–2; thus, a prefix circuit is depth-size optimal if d(D(n))+s(D(n))=2n–2. In this paper, we construct a new depth-size optimal prefix circuit SL(n). In addition, we can build depth-size optimal prefix circuits whose depth can be any integer between d(SL(n)) and n–1. SL(n) has the same maximum fan-out lgn+1 as Snir's SN(n), but the depth of SL(n) is smaller; thus, SL(n) is faster. Compared with another optimal prefix circuit LYD(n), d(LYD(n))+2d(SL(n))d(LYD(n)). However, LYD(n) may have a fan-out of at most 2 lgn–2, and the fan-out of LYD(n) is greater than that of SL(n) for almost all n12. Because an operation node with greater fan-out occupies more chip area and is slower in VLSI implementation, in most cases, SL(n) needs less area and may be faster than LYD(n). Moreover, it is much easier to design SL(n) than LYD(n).  相似文献   

MAAN: A Multi-Attribute Addressable Network for Grid Information Services   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Recent structured Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems such as Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) offer scalable key-based lookup for distributed resources. However, they cannot be simply applied to grid information services because grid resources need to be registered and searched using multiple attributes. This paper proposes a Multi-Attribute Addressable Network (MAAN) that extends Chord to support multi-attribute and range queries. MAAN addresses range queries by mapping attribute values to the Chord identifier space via uniform locality preserving hashing. It uses an iterative or single attribute dominated query routing algorithm to resolve multi-attribute based queries. Each node in MAAN only has O(logN) neighbors for N nodes. The number of routing hops to resolve a multi-attribute range query is O(logN+N×smin), where smin is the minimum range selectivity on all attributes. When smin=, it is logarithmic to the number of nodes, which is scalable to a large number of nodes and attributes. We also measured the performance of our MAAN implementation and the experimental results are consistent with our theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

We consider randomized algorithms for on-line scheduling on identical machines. For two machines, a randomized algorithm achieving a competitive ratio of was found by Bartal et al. (1995). Seiden has presented a randomized algorithm which achieves competitive ratios of 1.55665, 1.65888, 1.73376, 1.78295, and 1.81681, for m=3,4,5,6,7, respectively (Seiden, 2000). A barely random algorithm is one which is a distribution over a constant number of deterministic strategies. The algorithms of Bartal et al. and Seiden are not barely random–in fact, these algorithms potentially make a random choice for each job scheduled. We present the first barely random on-line scheduling algorithms. In addition, our algorithms use less space and time than the previous algorithms, asymptotically.  相似文献   

A covering path in a directed graph is a path passing through all vertices and arcs of the graph, with each arc being traversed only in the direction of its orientation. A covering path exists for any initial vertex only if the graph is strongly connected. The traversal of an unknown graph implies that the topology of the graph is not a priori known, and we learn it only in the course of traversing the graph. This is similar to the problem of traversing a maze by a robot in the case where the plan of the maze is not available. If the robot is a general-purpose computer without any limitations on the number of its states, then traversal algorithms with the estimate O(nm) are known, where n is the number of vertices and m is the number of arcs. If the number of states is finite, then this robot is a finite automaton. Such a robot is an analogue of the Turing machine, where the tape is replaced by a graph and the cells are assigned to the graph vertices and arcs. The selection of the arc that has not been traversed yet among those originating from the current vertex is determined by the order of the outgoing arcs, which is a priori specified for each vertex. The best known traversal algorithms for a finite robot are based on constructing the output directed spanning tree of the graph with the root at the initial vertex and traversing it with the aim to find all untraversed arcs. In doing so, we face the backtracking problem, which consists in searching for all vertices of the tree in the order inverse to their natural partial ordering, i.e., from the leaves to the root. Therefore, the upper estimate of the algorithms is different from the optimal estimate O(nm) by the number of steps required for the backtracking along the outgoing tree. The best known estimate O(nm + n 2loglogn) has been suggested by the author in the previous paper [1]. In this paper, a finite robot is suggested that performs a backtracking with the estimate O(n 2log*(n)). The function log* is defined as an integer solution of the inequality 1 log2 log*(n) < 2, where log t = log º log º ... º log (the superposition º is applied t – 1 times) is the tth compositional degree of the logarithm. The estimate O(nm + n 2log*(n)) for the covering path length is valid for any strongly connected graph for a certain (unfortunately, not arbitrary) order of the outgoing arcs. Interestingly, such an order of the arcs can be marked by symbols of the finite robot traversing the graph. Hence, there exists a robot that traverses the graph twice: first traversal with the estimate O(nm + n 2loglogn) and the second traversal with the estimate O(nm + n 2log*(n)).  相似文献   

A theory is developed for the construction of carry-save networks with minimal delay, using a given collection of carry-save adders each of which may receive inputs and produce outputs using several different representation standards.The construction of some new carry-save adders is described. Using these carry-save adders optimally, as prescribed by the above theory, we get {, , }-circuits of depth 3.48 log2 n and {, , }-circuits of depth 4.95 log2 n for the carry-save addition ofn numbers of arbitrary length. As a consequence we get multiplication circuits of the same depth. These circuits put out two numbers whose sum is the result of the multiplication. If a single output number is required then the depth of the multiplication circuits increases respectively to 4.48 log2 n and 5.95 log2 n.We also get {, , }-formulae of sizeO (n 3.13) and {, }-formulae of sizeO (n 4.57) for all the output bits of a carry-save addition ofn numbers. As a consequence we get formulae of the same size for the majority function and many other symmetric Boolean functions.  相似文献   

R. Kemp 《Acta Informatica》1989,26(8):711-740
Summary We consider a general additive weight of random trees which depends on the structure of the subtrees, on weight functions defined on the number of internal and external nodes and on the degrees of the nodes appearing in the tree and its subtrees. Choosing particular weight functions, the corresponding weight is an important parameter appearing in the analysis of sorting and searching algorithms. For a simply generated family of rooted planar trees , we shall derive a general approach to the computation of the average weight of a tree T with n nodes and m leaves for arbitrary weight functions. This general result implies exact and asymptotic expressions for many types of average weights of a tree T with n nodes if the weight functions are arbitrary polynomials in the number of nodes and leaves with coefficients depending on the node degrees.  相似文献   

We construct equivalent localized versions of a formula, adding assumptions simultaneously to various locations, where the particular location determines what is added. Inference rules that take advantage of localized formulas are presented for sequent calculi in which the left hand side of sequents can be used to accumulate the background assumptions (or contexts) of assertions. The intended application is to the automatic generation of tractable justifying lemmas for substitution operations for interactive proof development systems, especially those concerned with mathematical topics where manipulation of deeply embedded terms is desirable.  相似文献   

Summary Geffert has shown that earch recursively enumerable languageL over can be expressed in the formL{h(x) –1 g(x)x in +} * where is an alphabet andg, h is a pair of morphisms. Our purpose is to give a simple proof for Geffert's result and then sharpen it into the form where both of the morphisms are nonerasing. In our method we modify constructions used in a representation of recursively enumerable languages in terms of equality sets and in a characterization of simple transducers in terms of morphisms. As direct consequences, we get the undecidability of the Post correspondence problem and various representations ofL. For instance,L =(L 0) * whereL 0 is a minimal linear language and is the Dyck reductiona, A.  相似文献   

We investigate three-dimensional visibility problems for scenes that consist ofn non-intersecting spheres. The viewing point moves on a flightpath that is part of a circle at infinity given by a planeP and a range of angles {(t)¦t[01]} [02]. At timet, the lines of sight are parallel to the ray inP, which starts in the origin ofP and represents the angle(t) (orthographic views of the scene). We give an algorithm that computes the visibility graph at the start of the flight, all time parameters at which the topology of the scene changes, and the corresponding topology changes. The algorithm has running time0(n + k + p) logn), wheren is the number of spheres in the scene;p is the number of transparent topology changes (the number of different scene topologies visible along the flight path, assuming that all spheres are transparent); andk denotes the number of vertices (conflicts) which are in the (transparent) visibility graph at the start and do not disappear during the flight.The second author was supported by the ESPRIT II Basic Research Actions Program, under Contract No. 3075 (project ALCOM).  相似文献   

Given a finite setE R n, the problem is to find clusters (or subsets of similar points inE) and at the same time to find the most typical elements of this set. An original mathematical formulation is given to the problem. The proposed algorithm operates on groups of points, called samplings (samplings may be called multiple centers or cores); these samplings adapt and evolve into interesting clusters. Compared with other clustering algorithms, this algorithm requires less machine time and storage. We provide some propositions about nonprobabilistic convergence and a sufficient condition which ensures the decrease of the criterion. Some computational experiments are presented.  相似文献   

In the framework of stochastic mechanics, the following problem is considered: in a set of admissible feedback controls v, with range inE n , find one minimizing the expectationE sx { s T L(t, (t), (t, (t)))dt + W T ((T))} for all (s, x) [0,T) E n , whereL(t, x, ) = (/12)m 2 – U(t, x) is the classical action integrand and is an-dimensional diffusion process in the weak sense, (see Bensoussan, 1982) with drift and diffusion coefficientD constant > 0.W T andU are given real functions. Sufficiency conditions for the existence of such an optimal feedback control are given. Dedicated to George Leitmann Recommended by G.J. Olsder Presented at the Third Workshop on Control Mechanics in honor of George Leitmann, January 22–24, 1990, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California (USA).  相似文献   

Summary For a family of languages , CAL() is defined as the family of images of under nondeterministic two-way finite state transducers, while FINITE · VISIT() is the closure of under deterministic two-way finite state transducers; CAL0()= and for n0, CAL n+1()=CAL n (CAL()). For any semiAFL , if FINITE · VISIT() CAL(), then CAL n () forms a proper hierarchy and for every n0, FINITE · VISIT(CALn()) CAL n+1() FINITE · VISIT(CAL n+1()). If is a SLIP semiAFL or a weakly k-iterative full semiAFL or a semiAFL contained in any full bounded AFL, then FINITE · VISIT() CAL() and in the last two cases, FINITE · VISIT(). If is a substitution closed full principal semiAFL and FINITE · VISIT(), then FINITE · VISIT() CAL(). If is a substitution closed full principal semiAFL generated by a language without an infinite regular set and 1 is a full semiAFL, then is contained in CALm(1) if and only if it is contained in 1. Among the applications of these results are the following. For the following families , CAL n () forms a proper hierarchy: =INDEXED, =ETOL, and any semiAFL contained in CF. The family CF is incomparable with CAL m (NESA) where NESA is the family of one-way nonerasing stack languages and INDEXED is incomparable with CAL m (STACK) where STACK is the family of one-way stack languages.This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. DCR74-15091 and MCS-78-04725  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the numerical solution of a model equation u xx = exp(– ) (and several slightly more general problems) when 1 using the standard central difference scheme on nonuniform grids. In particular, we are interested in the error behaviour in two limiting cases: (i) the total mesh point number N is fixed when the regularization parameter 0, and (ii) is fixed when N. Using a formal analysis, we show that a generalized version of a special piecewise uniform mesh 12 and an adaptive grid based on the equidistribution principle share some common features. And the optimal meshes give rates of convergence bounded by |log()| as 0 and N is given, which are shown to be sharp by numerical tests.  相似文献   

Summary The current proposals for applying the so called fast O(N loga N) algorithms to multivariate polynomials is that the univariate methods be applied recursively, much in the way more conventional algorithms are used. Since the size of the problems is rather large for which a fastrd algorithm is more efficient than a classical one, the recursive approach compounds this size completely out of any practical range.The degree homomorphism is proposed here as an alternative to this recursive approach. It is argued that methods based on the degree homomorphism and a fast algorithm may be viable alternatives to more conventional algorithms for certain multivariate problems in the setting of algebraic manipulation. Several such problems are discussed including: polynomial multiplication, powering, division (both exact and with remainder), greatest common divisors and factoring.This research was supported by NRC Grant A9284.  相似文献   

We develop a theory of communication within branching programs that provides exponential lower bounds on the size of branching programs that are bounded alternating. Our theory is based on the algebraic concept of -branching programs, : , a semiring homomorphism, that generalizes ordinary branching programs, -branching programs [M2] andMOD p-branching programs [DKMW].Due to certain exponential lower and polynomial upper bounds on the size of bounded alternating -branching programs we are able to separate the corresponding complexity classesN ba ,co-N ba ba , andMOD p - ba ,p prime, from each other, and from that classes corresponding to oblivious linear length-bounded branching programs investigated in the past.  相似文献   

Two views of AI in leisure and the work-place and two views of society are discussed. There is a conceptualisation of AI systems enhancing people in their work and leisure and another of AI automata which tends to degrade and replace human activity. Researchers tend to resolve into Optimists who work within a micro-sociological view and see AI systems as inevitable and beneficent. Others are Pessimists who adopt a macro-sociological view and see AI in its automata role and deliterious social consequences. These polarised perspectives must be integrated as only enhancing AI is socially acceptable.  相似文献   

In this paper I consider how the computer can or should be accepted in Japanese schools. The concept of teaching in Japan stresses learning from a long-term perspective. Whereas in the instructional technology, on which the CAI or the Tutoring System depends, step-by-step attainments in relatively short time are emphasized. The former is reluctant in using the computer, but both share the Platonic perspective which are goal-oriented. However, The Socratic teacher, who intends to activate students' innate disposition to be better, would find another way of teaching and use of the computer.  相似文献   

Adaptive control is considered for a two-dimensional linear discrete-time plant with randomly drifting parameters. The certainty equivalent minimum variance control law along with the projection-like identification algorithm are used. The stability of the parameter estimates and exponential stability of the closed-loop system are proved in the absence of any persistent excitation assumption.  相似文献   

This paper describes a unified variational theory for design sensitivity analysis of nonlinear dynamic response of structural and mechanical systems for shape, nonshape, material and mechanical properties selection, as well as control problems. The concept of an adjoint system, the principle of virtual work and a Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation to describe the deformations and the design variations are used to develop a unified view point. A general formula for design sensitivity analysis is derived and interpreted for usual performance functionals. Analytical examples are utilized to demonstrate the use of the theory and give insights for application to more complex problems that must be treated numerically.Derivatives The comma notation for partial derivatives is used, i.e. G,u = G/u. An upper dot represents material time derivative, i.e. ü = 2u/t2. A prime implies derivative with respect to the time measured in the reference time-domain, i.e. u = du/d.  相似文献   

Summary A framework is proposed for the structured specification and verification of database dynamics. In this framework, the conceptual model of a database is a many sorted first order linear tense theory whose proper axioms specify the update and the triggering behaviour of the database. The use of conceptual modelling approaches for structuring such a theory is analysed. Semantic primitives based on the notions of event and process are adopted for modelling the dynamic aspects. Events are used to model both atomic database operations and communication actions (input/output). Nonatomic operations to be performed on the database (transactions) are modelled by processes in terms of trigger/reaction patterns of behaviour. The correctness of the specification is verified by proving that the desired requirements on the evolution of the database are theorems of the conceptual model. Besides the traditional data integrity constraints, requirements of the form Under condition W, it is guaranteed that the database operation Z will be successfully performed are also considered. Such liveness requirements have been ignored in the database literature, although they are essential to a complete definition of the database dynamics.


Classical Logic Symbols (Appendix 1) for all (universal quantifier) - exists at least once (existential quantifier) - ¬ no (negation) - implies (implication) - is equivalent to (equivalence) - and (conjunction) - or (disjunction) Tense Logic Symbols (Appendix 1) G always in the future - G 0 always in the future and now - F sometime in the future - F 0 sometime in the future or now - H always in the past - H 0 always in the past and now - P sometime in the past - P 0 sometime in the past or now - X in the next moment - Y in the previous moment - L always - M sometime Event Specification Symbols (Sects. 3 and 4.1) (x) means immediately after the occurrence of x - (x) means immediately before the occurrence of x - (x) means x is enabled, i.e., x may occur next - { } ({w 1} x{w 2}) states that if w 1 holds before the occurrence of x, then w 2 will hold after the occurrence of x (change rule) - [ ] ([oa1, ..., oan]x) states that only the object attributes oa1, ..., oa n are modifiable by x (scope rule) - {{ }} ({{w}}x) states that if x may occur next, then w holds (enabling rule) Process Specification Symbols (Sects. 5.3 and 5.4) :: for causal rules - for behavioural rules Transition-Pattern Composition Symbols (Sects. 5.2 and 5.3) ; sequential composition - ¦ choice composition - parallel composition - :| guarded alternative composition Location Predicates (Sect. 5.2) (z) means immediately after the occurrence of the last event of z (after) - (z) means immediately before the occurrence of the first event of z (before) - (z) means after the beginning of z and before the end of z (during) - ( z) means before the occurrence of an event of z (at)  相似文献   

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