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电离层色散效应对线极化雷达信号的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电离层色散导致穿过电离层传播的无线电脉冲信号畸变与失真,严重影响雷达系统对各种地面和空间目标的探测能力。考虑经过电离层传播的线极化雷达信号的相位色散和极化色散效应,参考他人工作推导了具有高斯幅度谱的发射信号与雷达接收信号的卷积包络的表达式,并分析计算了不同频率和相对带宽下接收包络的脉冲宽度和距离分辨率。结果表明:电离层色散效应随相对带宽的增加而增强,随雷达载频增大而减弱。对600 MHz以上载频,极化色散很弱;对100 MHz左右的载频信号,极化色散效应很明显,且强于常见的相位色散。相位色散对100 MHz~30 GHz的雷达信号都有明显影响。  相似文献   

电离层杂波是制约高频海态监测雷达探测性能的因素之一,为进一步深入分析电离层杂波特性及成因,提出了对电离层探测信息的杂波分析方法.该方法在传统利用雷达回波进行分析的基础上,引入电离层垂直探测信息,综合应用电波传播理论,对电离层杂波进行分析.给出了常规F层杂波和出现概率较高的Es层强杂波、“微笑”型杂波的特性及产生机理.通过仿真分析和试验数据验证,证明上述分析方法和结果有效,可为电离层杂波抑制提供支撑.  相似文献   

电离层非相干散射雷达探测技术应用展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
非相干散射雷达是目前地面观测电离层最强大的手段.简单介绍了非相干散射雷达探测技术的基本原理和发展现状, 接着结合实测数据详细分析了该技术在电离层探测、空间物体探测、空间等离子体物理研究等方面的应用前景, 紧接着介绍了一些新方法新技术在非相干散射雷达探测中的试验和使用情况.这对提升我国电离层空间环境探测与研究水平, 推动我国首套非相干散射雷达的科学产出和应用具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Over-the-horizon (OTH) radar exploits the refractive nature of high-frequency radio-wave propagation through the ionosphere for the purpose of wide-area surveillance. In order to localize targets, however, multipath slant tracks from different ionospheric layers, but the same target must be combined. The process of track association is complicated both by uncertainty in downrange ionospheric conditions and by the fact that in multiple target cases, the associations of slant tracks to targets are unknown. This paper proposes a method for joint multiple target ground track estimation and slant track association, or mode linking, with uncertain ionospheric conditions where the slant-track-to-target assignments and slant tracks' ray mode paths are unknown. Maximum a posteriori (MAP) mode linking exploits the statistical dependence between slant tracks on different ray mode paths to provide accurate mode linking decisions and ray path assignments and, thus, accurate ground track estimates. The approach uses Markov modeling for the dependence between different ray path types as well as for the temporal correlation between mode linking hypotheses at different revisits to obtain consistent mode linking decisions. Monte Carlo simulation results suggest that MAP mode linking can potentially provide a significant improvement in ground track accuracy over conventional mode linking with higher probabilities of correct track associations and ray mode assignments. Results with real OTH radar slant track data of multiple slant tracks from multiple targets and validated against ground truth that support the simulation study are presented.  相似文献   

电离层扰动导致外辐射源天地波雷达的回波信号存在多普勒频移、多普勒展宽及衰落等效应.以电离层准抛物线模型为背景,利用电离层行进式扰动(Travelling Ionospheric Disturbance,TID)模型和数值射线追踪技术,定量研究了TID对PD变换的影响;结合外辐射源雷达信号处理的关键技术,着重分析了TID对该雷达系统性能的影响.仿真结果对外辐射源天地波雷达的系统设计与实际应用具有指导意义.  相似文献   

电离层E-F谷区是电离层探测和研究的薄弱环节之一.文中利用曲靖非相干散射雷达日间120~200 km的电子密度观测数据,初步分析了曲靖地区电离层E-F谷区的变化特征.发现E-F谷区结构依赖于地方时与季节,相对于正午存在对称性,同时表现为两种形态:一种在120~160 km存在明显谷区结构,谷底位于134~144 km;另一种的谷区很宽,谷底位于约130 m,在120~150 km电子密度随高度缓慢变化,160 km以上电子密度快速单调增加.一次耀斑爆发后129 km以下电子密度迅速增加,D层电子密度突然增强,而134 km以上变化不明显,可能与X射线增强有关.一次磁暴期间139~158 km电子密度变化不明显,177~196 km的电子密度出现了增强现象,可能与氧原子含量增加有关.  相似文献   

An orbital-debris radar system was designed to detect the presence of small objects in low Earth orbit by reflecting radio waves off the objects. The author provides a rigorous derivation of the ionospheric reflected noise power and provides an integration over the complete pulse period. Free electrons and ions contained in the ionosphere cause incoherent scatter of the radar signal. This ionospheric reflection tends to increase the noise at the terrestrial radar receiver. A parameter called the ionospheric scattering cross section per unit volume, which is a function of altitude, is useful for computing the power of the ionospheric reflection signal. The Doppler frequency speed of the ionospheric reflected signal is also a function of altitude. The ionospheric noise of a 9-GHz orbital-debris radar receiver is computed using these concepts. Annual and diurnal variations of the noise are included  相似文献   

极区电离层加热能量吸收率的非相干散射测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐彬  王占阁  程木松  许正文  吴健  吴军  薛昆 《电波科学学报》2012,(2):282-286,320,422
基于稳态电子能量和动量方程,结合2009年8月电离层加热实验中非相干散射雷达实测的电子密度、电子温度和离子温度对反射高度附近的电波能量吸收率进行了估算。根据计算结果,可得到显著的电波能量吸收率的空间分布结构,能量吸收基本呈近高斯分布,但结构在横向和纵向上并不沿能量吸收中心对称。0.6MHz附近,电波能量吸收率随频差变化的曲线存在锐边界,临界状态下时(两组加热机制的交界)才会取得最佳的加热效果,这对电波能量吸收率经验和半经验模型的建立有重要意义。  相似文献   

针对VHF相干散射雷达传统观测方式的探测能力局限,构建了空域干涉法探测实验系统,其具备对电离层场向不规则体(field-aligned irregularity, FAI)三维精细结构探测能力.结合曲靖E区FAI干涉探测实验数据,实现了对系统相位偏差校正及回波三维空间位置精确获取,得到了不规则体云团的三维精细结构以及漂移运动过程,包括FAI回波散射点的三维空间位置以及FAI云团的三维空间外尺度、漂移运动轨迹和漂移速度等.探测实例结果表明:其东西、南北和高度向分布范围分别为-35~20 km、85~120 km和95~130 km,对应的三维外尺度分别为23.8 km、7.6 km和7.6 km;东西向漂移速度要大于其他两个方向,并呈现出5~6 min的准周期回波特征.  相似文献   

在天波超视距雷达系统的短基线多站联合定位中,一般假设多站点电离层反射虚高保持一致,为确定这一假设对定位结果的影响,本文进行电离层探测试验,以研究电离层虚高对多站联合定位精度的影响。试验时分别架设两个接收站模拟短基线超视距雷达系统的接收站点,再在较远距离架设目标站点,利用来自目标站点的发射信号模拟目标的返回信号。本文假设参考站点到目标站点链路的电离层反射虚高和大圆距离是已知的,对于同一工作频率,利用参考站点-目标站点链路上的电离层虚高,去解算定位站点-目标站点之间的大圆距离。参考站点和定位站点相距约90 km情况下,结果显示:目标和定位站(道孚-武汉)大圆距离约为1 260 km时,两条链路的虚高均方根误差约为5.82 km,相应的大圆距离的定位均方根误差约为5.02 km,相对误差约为0.34%;当目标和定位站(乐山-武汉)大圆距离约为1 000 km时,误差分别约为5.5 km, 5.69 km和0.46%。试验结果和理论分析表明,可以从缩短接收站点的布局和降低电离层反射虚高两个方面进一步提高目标定位的精度。本文试验结果可为短基线天波超视距雷达的建设提供较为重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

Ionospherically propagated h.f. radio waves that have been backscattered from the sea can often be distinguished from those backscattered from land because of their different Doppler spectra. This characteristic has been exploited to generate an ionospheric radar map of the south-east United States from Boulder, Colo., by gating out the sea-scatter Doppler components. The agreement between the observed and actual land-sea boundaries is good.  相似文献   

谱修正是一种简单有效的抑制脉压旁瓣的方法,通过对信号的频谱整形,抑制信号带内起伏,并采用频域加窗达到控制脉压信号距离旁瓣的目的。MIMO雷达常用的正交信号经脉冲压缩后存在不希望的距离旁瓣,若直接将谱修正技术用于MIMO雷达各个子带信号脉压处理,由于子带间信号互相关的影响,将不能获得较好的距离旁瓣抑制效果。本文针对该问题,提出了一种对MIMO雷达综合信号进行谱修正和频域加窗的方法,可以更有效地抑制脉压距离旁瓣。仿真结果显示,该方法能取得40dB以上的主副比,且能有效降低系统的复杂度和运算量,在多普勒和角度偏差不大的情况下,其峰值旁瓣电平明显低于传统的匹配滤波。   相似文献   

MIMO雷达检测性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多输入多输出(MIMO)雷达是最近所提出的一种新型的雷达体制。通过利用空间分集和角度分集,从而避免了雷达目标的多径衰落问题。这里主要分析了MIMO雷达基于似然比的检测性能。另外,这里也将MIMO雷达跟相控阵雷达的检测性能做了对比,仿真结果表明MIMO雷达相比传统雷达具有的优异的检测性能。  相似文献   

Maximum-entropy spectral analysis of radar clutter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper reviews a processor that uses the maximum-entropy spectral estimate to provide a set of Doppler-based features for classifying the different forms of radar clutter as encountered in an air traffic control environment. This enables vectoring aircraft around an area that is made hazardous by the presence of major weather disturbances or migrating flocks of birds. An overview is given of experimental results that demonstrate the practical viability of this Doppler processor.  相似文献   

Pulse Doppler radar Fourier analysis usually requires bulky and complex circuits to obtain a real-time implementation. The letter suggests the feasibility of a spectral analyser by means of commercial programmable gate array devices (PGAs) using Curtis and Wickenden's prime radix recursive algorithm transform' (PRAT). PRAT leads to simple and regular networks, which can be easily fitted in the proposed devices and then transferred to gate arrays.<>  相似文献   

Original methods for radar detection performance analysis are derived for a fluctuating or non-fluctuating target embedded in additive and a priori unknown noise. This kind of noise can be, for example, the sea or ground clutter encountered in surface-based radar for the detection of low grazing angle targets and/or in high-resolution radar. In these cases, the spiky clutter tends to have a statistic which strongly differs from the Gaussian assumption. Therefore, the detection theory is no longer appropriate since the nature of statistics has to be known. The new methods proposed here are based on the parametric modelling of the moment generating function of the noise envelope by Padé approximation, and lead to a powerful estimation of its probability density function. They allow to evaluate the radar detection performances of targets embedded in arbitrary noise without knowledge of the closed form of its statistic and in the same way to take into account any possible fluctuation of the target. These methods have been tested successfully on synthetic signals and used on experimental signals such as ground clutter.  相似文献   

对机载杂波测量雷达有源校准器的基本原理和设计方法进行了介绍,描述了其各部分的性能,并对该设备在校准实验中所测得的结果进行了研究,证明了它成功用于机载杂波测量雷达定标的有效性。  相似文献   

涡旋波加热是目前电离层加热试验技术研究的一个热点,但主要侧重于试验现象的分析和解释,对涡旋加热波传播特性及空间场分布特性的讨论很少.文章从菲涅耳衍射理论出发,利用厄米-高斯模和拉盖尔-高斯模的相互转换关系,对电离层涡旋加热波在自由空间的传播特性进行了理论分析,推导了其解析表达式.结果表明涡旋电磁波在传播时,可保持自身表达形式的不变性.依据解析表达式,仿真分析了涡旋波空间幅相分布与拉盖尔-高斯模阶数的关系,给出了涡旋场峰值波束指向的求解方法和公式.这些结论为利用涡旋波深入开展电离层加热研究,实现可控的涡旋加热场空间分布提供了一定的理论指导.  相似文献   

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