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洪泽湖浮游藻类变化动态及影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对2011年7月至2013年10月在洪泽湖11个采样点20次采样获得的湖水表层浮游藻类和水质理化指标数据,采用Shannon-Wiener指数H和优势度指数Y进行数据统计处理,分析洪泽湖浮游藻类时空分布动态及其影响要素。结果表明:洪泽湖浮游藻类共有7门60属144种,主要包括绿藻门66种、硅藻门36种、蓝藻门23种、裸藻门13种。浮游藻类群落具有明显的时空异质性,物种丰富度夏季最高,秋季中等,冬春季最低;西北部(成子湖区)和河流入湖口(溧河洼)高,湖心和河流出湖口(蒋坝)低;浮游藻类细胞密度全湖平均值变幅为157万~604万个/L,夏秋高,冬春--低;成子湖区等静水区高,入湖和出湖口低。浮游藻类组成和细胞密度的时间动态与温度、水位及营养盐(TN、TP等)的季节差异有关,而其空间动态与水动力因素和营养盐(NH3-N)的空间差异有关。建议限制洪泽湖营养盐陆地输入,合理调控洪泽湖水动力,以遏制洪泽湖蓝藻水华的发生。  相似文献   

Spatial and seasonal variations of phytoplankton, expressed in terms of species composition, cell density, biovolumes and biomass, collected at 10 sampling sites in alkaline–saline Lake Nakuru, Kenya, were investigated monthly from March 2004 to February 2005, in relation to selected physical and chemical water quality parameters. A total of eight species, belonging to five genera and three classes, were recorded. The Cyanophyceae comprised the bulk of the phytoplankton, followed by Euglenophyceae, while Bacillariophyceae were the least abundant. Arthrospira fusiformis was the most dominant species, in terms of density, among the Cyanophyceae, while Euglena spp. and Navicula elkabs dominated the Euglenophyceae and Bacillariophyceae density, respectively. Seasonal variations in phytoplankton species composition, density and biomass were significant (P < 0.05) with minimum cell density and biomass occurring during the dry season, and being maximum following the end of the two rainy seasons from May to November 2004, suggesting the possible influence of various environmental factors on the lake. Sampling sites located close to the inlets of inflowing rivers exhibited significantly (P < 0.05) higher phytoplankton cell density and biomass than those by the inshore sites. Soluble reactive phosphorus, ammonia‐nitrogen, conductivity and total alkalinity accounted for most of the variations in the cell densities of phytoplankton species.  相似文献   

Lake Victoria, the second largest freshwater lake in the world, supports an enormous flora and fauna biomass, with a large human population around the Lake. The lake is a source of food (fish), water for domestic use and crop and livestock production, transportation and tourism, among other uses. As a result of these varied uses, human intervention within the lake and its catchment has resulted in several ecological changes in the lake in recent years, with profound effects on its fish resources. One of the most notable changes is the reduction and risk of extinction of some fish species, including the endemic tilapiine species (Oreochromis esculentus and Oreochromis variabilis), catfishes (Xenoclarias eupogon), haplochromines and cyprinids (Labeo victorianus and Barbus altinialis) in the lake. The reduced biodiversity, as well as extinctions within the lake, has been attributed to the introduction of alien fish species (e.g. Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) into the lake, habitat loss and cultural eutrophication. If left unchecked, these changes will have devastating effects on the lake's resources, as well as to people living around the lake and beyond who depend on the lake fisheries for their livelihood. Thus, there is an urgent need for management measures based on sound scientific research to be implemented in order to curb the loss of ichthyodiversity within the lake, as well as to save the livelihoods of those stakeholders who are either directly or indirectly dependent on the lake.  相似文献   

Eutrophication of Lake Victoria led to changes in its phytoplankton communities. However, different levels of eutrophication exist in the open lake and the bays, and between embayments. This study utilized spatial and temporal sampling of Napoleon Gulf and Murchison Bay, exhibiting different trophic conditions. Over one year, we investigated phytoplankton biomass, richness, diversity and dissimilarity, and related the dynamics of the dominant species to the limnological and climatic conditions. The results confirmed that Napoleon Gulf and Murchison Bay showed large differences in eutrophication status, with lower nutrient concentrations in Napoleon Gulf than in Murchison Bay, where a strong gradient was observed from inshore to offshore areas. These nutrient dynamics resulted in a 4 to 10 fold higher chlorophyll-a in Murchison Bay than in Napoleon Gulf. From the embayments, 135 phytoplankton taxa were recorded with no significant differences in alpha diversity. However, high dissimilarity in community structure was observed in beta diversity, mostly due to a turnover among the dominant toxigenic species. Thus, from a similar species pool, there was a shift in the dominant toxigenic cyanobacteria from Microcystis flos-aquae and M. aeruginosa in Murchison Bay, Dolichospermum circinale and Planktolyngbya circumcreta in Napoleon Gulf to D. circinale in the offshore stations. These cyanobacteria are toxigenic taxa with known health hazards. Using partial least square models, we showed that both climatic variables (e.g. wind, solar radiation) and levels of inorganic dissolved nutrients (e.g. SRP, NO3, and NH4+) are the main drivers of differences and dominance in cyanobacteria communities in northern Lake Victoria.  相似文献   

Microcystins are part of algal toxins produced intracellularly within algal cells, being in the family of hepatotoxic cyclic peptides from various species of blue‐green algae. Blue‐green algae are widely abundant in many equatorial eutrophic lakes, including Lake Victoria, with microcystin mainly from cyanobacterial blooms released into the water column, with different effects along the aquatic ecosystem trophic levels. Depending on the length of exposure and exposure route, microcystin effects on fish can include embryonic hatching perturbations, reduced survival and growth rates, changes in behavior, osmoregulation, increased liver activities and heart rates, as well as histopathological effects. While bioaccumulation is confirmed among fish, biomagnification along food webs is debatable. Lake Victoria the second largest freshwater lake in the world, and the source of livelihoods to millions reported near the gulf and shore MCs of 190 ± 51 to 543 ± 26 ng MC/g DW, respectively. Little is known, however, on the effects of microcystin on the Lake Victoria fishery and, ultimately, on the human population against the WHO recommended human microcystin intake levels of 0.04 µg/kg, thereby being the basis for this review.  相似文献   

Lake Naivasha is a freshwater lake with no surface outlet, lying within a closed basin of the Kenyan Rift Valley. It is perceived to be a lake undergoing anthropogenic stresses. This study is intended to determine the speciation of some selected heavy metals in the sediments of Lake Naivasha, as an indicator of potential pollution of the lake. Sediment and water sampling of the lake was conducted in March and May 2003, during the dry and wet seasons, respectively. Analyses of the speciation of heavy metals in sediment samples (<63 µm faction) were performed on sediment samples collected from five sites within the lake. The study results obtained indicated that influent Malewa River was not a source of labile copper (Cu), lead (Pb) or zinc, despite the river having the highest percentage clay content during the wet season (86%). Copper was highly distributed in the residual sediment fraction (average of 90%). Among the labile sediment factions, the highest quantity of Cu was in the oxidizable phase (3.58 and 2.30 µg g−1 during the dry and wet season, respectively). Carbonate‐bound Cu was sparingly distributed during both the dry and the wet seasons, ranging between 0.74 and 1.81 µg g−1. Iron was highly distributed in the oxidizable sediment phase, exhibiting concentrations ranging between 2.0 and 6.0 (×103) µg g−1. Relative to the other heavy metals, manganese was distributed in lower proportions in the residual sediment fraction. High concentrations of Pb were observed in the oxidizable phase from most of the sampling sites along the lake shore. Zinc was distributed largely in the oxidizable phase, being highest at sampling site SS, which was located near a municipal sewage input to the lake. The sediments collected at the sampling sites located in the deep portion of the lake exhibited the highest concentrations of labile heavy metals.  相似文献   

Lake Kanyaboli, an isolated satellite lake of Lake Victoria, has been suggested as a potential refugium for haplochromine cichlids that have gone extinct in the main basin of Lake Victoria. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) molecular markers, as well as feeding ecology studies, were employed in this study to re‐evaluate the evolutionary and ecological significance of six common Lake Kanyaboli haplochromines. The mtDNA marker revealed high genetic variability within four of the six haplochromine cichlids. Five haplotypes were discerned in Astatoreochromis alluaudi (n = 27), seven in Lipochromis maxillaris (n = 29), five in Astatotilapia nubila (n = 12) and 11 in the endangered Xystichromis phytophagus (n = 205). A haplotype genealogy suggests that Lake Kanyaboli harbours mtDNA haplotypes that could have been lost or not sampled in Lake Victoria, or could have arisen in situ. Lipochromis maxillaris appears to have undergone a recent demographic expansion. The pairwise FSTs indicated that only the comparison between X. phytophagus and A. nubila led to a non‐significant FST value. All other comparisons were significant at the 0.01 level, indicating the genetic distinctiveness of the haplochromines in the satellite lake. This could suggest that the lake harbours ‘pure’ relict populations of the haplochromines and therefore that Lake Kanyaboli can be considered a ‘genetic reservoir’. Gut content analysis of the six haplochromine species revealed that eight different food items were consumed. No single species fed exclusively on a single food item, but certain food items contributed higher proportions of the fish diet for each fish species. Resource partitioning therefore could be discerned within this haplochromine community. Thus, Lake Kanyaboli and similar satellite lakes provide an opportunity for conservation of both genetic and trophic diversity threatened by introduction of exotics in the Lake Victoria basin. Lake Kanyaboli should be recognized and conserved as important evolutionary significant units for Lake Victoria region haplochromine species.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, Lake Erie has experienced resurgent eutrophication due in part to climate change-driven increases in precipitation, which have combined with increasingly intensive agricultural practices in the region to produce excessive nutrient runoff into the lake. Harmful blooms of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa (“Microcystis”) in Lake Erie’s western and central basins (WB and CB, respectively) have been a highly visible consequence of this eutrophication, however few studies have characterized intra- or interannual trends in less abundant, though likely more edible, phytoplankton taxa over the last 25 years. Here, we used the 20-year Lake Erie Plankton Abundance Study (LEPAS) dataset to quantify intra- and interannual trends in the dynamics of six major phytoplankton groups in the WB and CB during 1995–2015. Cyanobacteria biomass in the WB increased >1000-fold during this period, while biomass of all other major taxa groups increased between 10- and 100-fold. Early summer (June–July) and spring (May) communities saw more modest directional change in the biomass of both edible and less-edible taxa as well as community structure. Around 2008, the CB also began to experience Microcystis blooms concurrent with those in the WB, with similar, though less dramatic consequences for phytoplankton community structure and edible biomass. The biomass of several phytoplankton groups exhibited intra-annual oscillations with a ∼5-year period. The mechanisms underlying changes in the phytoplankton community structure and their consequences for higher trophic levels are not well understood, however increases in edible phytoplankton may be sustaining long-term upward trends in many zooplankton taxa.  相似文献   

Many large lake ecosystems are experiencing increasing eutrophication and persistent cyanobacteria‐dominated algal blooms affecting their water quality and ecosystem productivity because of widespread non‐point and point nutrient sources. Accordingly, the present study utilized data of July 2003 and January–February 2004, as well as previous measurements of nutrients and physico‐chemical variables (electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, turbidity and chlorophyll‐a), to characterize the spatial and temporal trends, as a means of better understanding the factors influencing lake environmental conditions, as support tools for long‐term ecosystem management and for better understanding the long‐term trends and effects. Inshore gulf areas were found to represent zones of maximum nutrient concentrations, compared to the deep main lake zones, with significant inter‐parameter correlations. Phosphorus, silicon and chlorophyll‐a concentrations were significantly correlated. Water electrical conductivity was also significantly and positively correlated with soluble reactive silicon (SRSi), alkalinity hardness DO, while exhibiting a negative association with water transparency. Water turbidity and transparency, electrical conductivity, and SRSi concentrations clearly describe a gradient from the gulf into the main lake. For such a shallow gulf, these findings suggest primary productivity is influenced mainly by the availability of nutrients, light transparency and the extent of availability of resuspended nutrients. The increasing eutrophic state of Lake Victoria is a serious concern since it contributes to an increased potential of more frequent occurrences of cyanobacterial blooms, a potential public health risk to both humans and wildlife. Improved understanding of influences from previous fish species introductions and concomitant changes in indigenous fish species, increased lake basin population and anthropogenic activities, water hyacinth resurgences, sustainability of biodiversity, and current interests in cage farming, are among the major concerns and challenges facing the contemporary Lake Victoria. The trends regarding nutrients and physico‐chemical characteristics are intended to support better monitoring efforts and data to promote the lake's ecosystem services and the sustainable management of the lake ecosystem.  相似文献   

This study focused on providing a photodiagrammatic database illustrating various types of fishing gear and practical skills currently used in artisanal and commercial fishing in the shoreline, nearshore and offshore areas drainage systems of Kenya in the Lake Victoria drainage basin. It also identified the fish species typically caught by the fishing gear, and the gear catch per unit effort and selectivity. Four artisanal fishing gears (spear, trap, basket and hook) and two commercial gears (mosquito seine and purse seine) are used to fish in shoreline areas. Five commercial fishing gears (gill net, parallel tennis net, semicircular‐tennis net, sett net, long line) are used to fish in nearshore areas, while two commercial gears (drift net and offshore seine net) are used in offshore areas. For artisanal fishing, the basket is the most efficient gear for catching six fish species. The mosquito seine is the most efficient commercial fishing gear for catching 22 fish species. There is evidence for a chronological shift to more efficient artisanal and commercial fisher handmade fishing gear, resulting in overexploitation of diverse fish species. At the same time, the licensing and management policies for the use of various fishing gear are unclear, suggesting re‐evaluation of policies to cater for the use of handmade fishing gear.  相似文献   

Land‐use changes have been implicated a lot in the eutrophication of many lakes while forgetting the role of internal loading as influenced by the hydrological regimes of a given lake. The phosphorus loading of Nyanza Gulf is influenced both by internal and external loading with the internal loading playing a greater role in its eutrophication. The shear on the Apatite Phosphorus (AP) rich residual rock in the western end of the gulf through strong currents across the Rusinga Channel erodes the rock into non‐apatite inorganic phosphorus (NAIP) which is readily available for primary productivity. The current suspends the phosphorus rich apatite sediment together with the reserved phosphorus within sediments to the water column. The NAIP concentration on the western end of the gulf is exceptionally high, >1500 mg kg?1, and together with the hydrological forcing; is believed to be the driving force of Nyanza Gulf eutrophication. External loading through rivers and municipal discharges exacerbates the problem. The external loading mainly influences the inner gulf on the eastern shore while the internal loading affects mainly the western end of the gulf. Nyanza Gulf eutrophication can be managed by adopting the following measures: (i) the Mbita Causeway needs to be opened and a bridge erected in its place in order to reduce the strong current through the Rusinga Channel and the residence time within the gulf, by increasing the flushing rates; (ii) the farming communities within the basin need to be sensitized on the controlled use of fertilizers; (iii) the municipal wastes should be treated to tertiary level before discharge into the lake; and (iv) reduce erosion within the basin through re/afforestation.  相似文献   

Oreochromis variabilis (Boulenger), a fish species endemic to Lake Victoria, was abundant, forming an important component of the indigenous fisheries stocks before and up to the late‐1950s. Catches declined drastically thereafter, and only sporadic catches are currently found in Lake Victoria. Remnants population of the species, however, are found in several small waterbodies (SWBs) within the lake basin. The life‐history characteristics of O. variabilis in Lake Victoria, including, sex ratio, reproduction and length–weight relationship, were compared to those in selected three SWBs in the lake basin. Fish samples were collected by monofilament gillnets of 30–255 mm between 2001 and 2005. Males predominated over females from all the sampled sites (sex ratio 1.00:0.33). Length at first maturity (Lm50) had mean (±SE) of 18.48 ± 1.50 cm TL for males, and 16.87 ± 0.95 cm TL for females, and did not exhibit any significant differences between habitats. Fecundity ranged between 73 and 14 800 eggs for fish of 13.5–18.6 cm TL, respectively. Absolute fecundity of O. variabilis was proportional to the body weight, but nearly proportional to the cube of the fish length. Egg diameter varied from 0.3 to 5.19 mm, with a mean (±SE) of 3.44 ± 0.08 mm. Growth was allometric in both male and female, being significantly different from the expected value of 3 (P < 0.05). The life‐history strategy of O. variabilis is discussed within the context of changes in the lake and the SWBs.  相似文献   

This study was conducted from September to December 2008 to investigate the relative abundance of malaria vectors and schistosomiasis host snails associated with aquatic weeds in Nyanza Gulf (Lake Victoria). Larval and adult’s stages of mosquitoes, lakeflies and snails were collected and identified with standard entomological and malacological techniques. The relative species composition and abundance of fish associated with macrophytes were also determined. Physico‐chemical parameters were determined with standard analytical methods. Community‐based surveys were also conducted, using standard questionnaires, focused group discussions and direct observations. The results of this study indicated that the abundance of malaria‐causing mosquitoes was low, accounting for only 0.4% of the total number of mosquitoes and lake flies collected from the gulf. Lake flies (Chaoborus and Chironomus spp.) were the most abundant flying insects associated with aquatic macrophytes (84.2%), followed by Culicines Culex spp. (12.2%) and Aedes spp. mosquitoes (3.2%). Biomphalaria sudanica and Bulinus africanus, the two most common hosts for schistosomiasis in the gulf, were detected in both types of macrophytes, but were most significantly attached to water hyacinth (P < 0.0001) and hippo grass (P = 0.0003). There were significantly fewer snails attached to the hippo grass, compared with those unattached in the open water (P < 0.05, GENMOD). Different habitats exhibited low Secchi disc transparency values, but elevated total phosphorous (TP), total nitrogen (TN), chlorophyll‐a concentrations, as well as algal cell counts. Furthermore, Oreochromis niloticus and Haplochromine fishes were more abundant in water hyacinth mats compared with hippo grass mats and open‐water habitats. The low mosquito abundance indicated that the sampled habitats were unsuitable for mosquito breeding, likely attributable to water turbulence and/or predation by larvivorous fish. The strong association between B. sudanica and B. africanus and aquatic macrophytes, and the observation that local communities perform many lakeshore‐related activities that bring them into contact with water, can potentially lead to a higher prevalence of schistosomiasis in the Nyanza Gulf region.  相似文献   

To understand better the pollution levels in the waters of the Nakivubo Channel and Lake Victoria, the concentrations of manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and lead (Pb) were determined using convectional Energy Dispersive X‐ray Fluorescence Analysis (EDXRF) and Total X‐ray Fluorescence (TXRF) analysis. Particulate deposits were analysed for trace metals with a convectional EDXRF spectrometer. Extracted dissolved metals contents were analysed with Total Reflection X‐Ray Fluorescence. The analyses indicated higher copper concentrations in the filtrate samples collected at the rivermouths and inshore stations than on the particulate matter. Samples from battery manufacturing industry‐1 indicated copper concentrations in the filtrate exceeding the National Environmental management Authority (NEMA) drinking water standard of 1.0 mg L?1. Free zinc concentrations were measured for almost all the sampling sites, but at concentrations below the 3 mg L?1 NEMA standard. High concentrations of iron in the labile form measured at the lake shores were above NEMA drinking water standards of 0.3–3.5 mg L?1 in 2006, except for the April 2006 Murchison Bay rivermouth, and for low manganese concentrations in the lake waters. The iron and manganese concentrations on the particulate matter at the upstream end of the Channel, but were lower in the lake waters. Effluents from soap manufacturing industries exhibited elevated total iron concentrations, ranging from 19.038 ± 0.190 to 63.129 ± 6.248 mg L?1 throughout the 2‐year study period. The manganese concentrations were the highest for the battery manufacturing industry‐2 site in April 2006. The total iron and manganese concentrations were generally higher upstream along the Nakivubo Channel than in the lake waters. Cobalt and lead concentrations were below detection limits for most of the sampling sites. Generally, most metal concentrations along the Nakivubo Channel exceeded acceptable limits, illustrating the need for mitigation measures.  相似文献   

Long-term variations of phytoplankton chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), nutrients,and suspended solids (SS) in Taihu Lake, a large shallow freshwater lake in China, during algal bloom seasons from May to August were analyzed using the monthly investigated data from 1999 to 2007. The effective accumulated water temperature (EAWT) in months from March to June was calculated with daily monitoring data from the Taihu Laboratory for Lake Ecosystem Research (TLLER).The concentrations of Chl-a and nutrients significantly decreased from Meiliang Bay to Central Lake. Annual averages of the total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and Chl-a concentrations, and EAWT generally increased in the nine years. In Meiliang Bay, the concentration of Chl-a was significantly correlated with EAWT, ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N ), TN, the soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP),TP, and SS. In Central Lake, however, the concentration of Chl-a was only correlated with EAWT, TP, and SS. Multiple stepwise linear regression revealed that EAWT, dissolved total phosphorus (DTP), and TP explained 99.2% of the variation of Chl-a in Meiliang Bay, and that EAWT, NH4+-N, and TP explained 98.7% of the variation of Chl-a in Central Lake. Thus EAWT is an important factor influencing the annual change of phytoplankton biomass. Extreme climate change, such as extremely hot springs or cold springs, could cause very different bloom intensities in different years. It is also suggested that both nutrients and EAWT played important roles in the growth of phytoplankton in Taihu Lake. The climate factors and nutrients dually controlled the risk of harmful algal blooms in Taihu Lake. Cutting down phosphorus and nitrogen loadings from catchments should be a fundamental strategy to reduce the risk of blooms in Taihu Lake.  相似文献   

Land use/land cover changes in a lake drainage basin reflect changes in the magnitude of the water balance components and rate of sediment deposition in a lake as a reflection of the fundamental linkage between what happens in a lake considered against what is happening in the drainage basin of the lake. The objective of this study was to quantify the spatio‐temporal land cover/land use changes across the Lake Hayq 1 1 Lake Hayq is also locally called Lego.
closed drainage basin in north‐east Ethiopia over a 50‐years period, using multitemporal remote sensing and geospatial data. Two historical occasions of aerial photographs (1957 and 1986) and one satellite image (2007) were examined with image analysis tools: Leica Photogrammetric Suite (LPS 9.2) Project Manager, ArcGIS10.0, and ERDAS EMAGINE 9.2. Seven aerial coverage of land use/land cover categories were identified and mapped for the past three historical times. The results indicated that farmlands/settlements and shrublands/degraded lands increased by 43.1% and 136.9%, at an annual rate of 27.4 and 13.5 ha year?1, respectively, between 1957 and 2007. In contrast, bushlands, grasslands, forestlands and lake surface area were diminished by 68.8%, 62.7%, 90.5% and 7.6%, at a rate of 24.0, 7.6, 6.1 and 3.7 ha year?1, respectively, over the past five decades. The basin had undergone significant transformation in land use/land cover over the past half century, affecting the lake's biophysical stability by accelerating soil erosion in the basin, sediment accumulation, and a reduced quantity and quality of cumulative stream flow into the lake.  相似文献   

近50年洞庭湖水位总体变化特征及成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
洞庭湖是长江中下游重要的吞吐型湖泊,由于地理位置和来水条件的特殊性,湖泊水位变动不仅受气候因素等自然条件的影响,同时受到长江和四水来水等的重要影响,特别是近50年来水利工程等人类活动影响加剧,洞庭湖水位变化呈现出新的变化特征和趋势。对近50年(1961年-2008年)洞庭湖水位的整体变化特征及年际和年内变化成因进行了分析。针对年际变化,重点分析了三峡等水利工程的影响,而年内变化,则主要对水位与各补给水源相关性进行了定量研究,得到丰枯水季各月水位变化的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

The variation in Lake Balkhash water levels during the period from 1992 to 2010 and their relationship with climate dynamics were investigated in this study, using satellite altimetry data and meteorological records from climate stations located in the lake catchment basin. The altimetry‐derived water level demonstrated a general water level increase, reaching a mean value of 8.1 cm year?1 in July 2005, with a maximum value of 342.52 m. The increased Lake Balkhash water level was accompanied by an overall upward trend in precipitation and temperature in the catchment basin during the study period. A strong increase in the winter and spring temperature was the main contributor to the general upward temperature trend, whereas a significant change of summer and autumn precipitation was the major contributor to the annual precipitation trend. Neither precipitation nor temperature increased uniformly across the entire lake drainage basin. The study results identified the most pronounced climate change occurring in the mountainous part (>2000 m above sea level) of the basin, in the upper reaches of the Ili river, which is the main water inflow to the lake. Statistical analysis indicated the Lake Balkhash water level is strongly correlated with both precipitation and temperature. The correlations were investigated for three altitudinal strata (<1000 m, 1000–2000 m, >2000 m) corresponding to the lower, middle and upper reaches of the Ili river. The best correlations were obtained for the upper reaches of the Ili river, indicating a changing snow cover and glacier equilibrium are the main factors controlling the water level trends in Lake Balkhash.  相似文献   

We examined drivers of water quality during 2007–2013 in a region of Lake Ontario influenced by various anthropogenic inputs and natural influences. Nutrient concentrations generally declined from shoreline to offshore, with mean concentrations approaching background after 1 km from shore. N species were an exception to this overall pattern, often with higher concentrations coincident with a mid-nearshore Water Pollution Control Plant outfall (WPCPo). The WPCPo, however, did not appear to be a major contributor to shoreline total phosphorus (TP) or ammonia + ammonium. Shoreline TP variability increased in dry years, while E. coli and conductivity variability increased in wet years. The influence of environmental drivers on water quality differed seasonally. In summer, cross-shore winds causing resuspension appeared to be drivers of elevated nearshore TP and suspended solids (SS), while precipitation, light, and water column stability were related to E. coli. Summer biological activity was evident in higher shoreline total Kjeldhal N contributions and lower NO3 + NO2 and dissolved inorganic N. In fall and spring, TP, SS, and conductivity were elevated within 400 m of the shore, suggesting tributary inputs were an important P delivery mechanism to the nearshore in addition to spring resuspension events. Fall, however, represented a transitional period representing a shift from drivers dominant in summer to those in spring. The analytical approach used here reveals generalizable patterns in nearshore water quality and their drivers and may be applicable to other regions where there is a confluence of varying drivers of water quality to a nearshore region.  相似文献   

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