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Soil erosion poses a significant threat to river health as well as the sustainability of soil resources. Management of this issue requires catchment‐specific data to be developed; however, many large catchments are poor in terms of hydrological and sediment transport data. Regional scale (thousands of square kilometres), computer‐based modelling methods are a way to generate such data. This study aims to apply the SedNet model to estimate a sediment budget for a 575 km2, ungauged, agricultural catchment of south‐eastern Australia. The model results are then compared with field measured erosion rates for the catchment, in order to assess the sustainability of soil loss and redistribution across the catchment. SedNet estimated average suspended sediment concentrations between 70 and 120 mg/L, under conditions deemed most representative of the river. These model estimates were comparable with monitoring data, showing suspended sediment concentrations between 30 and 350 mg/L. It was found that soil loss and redistribution across the catchment is low; however, the estimated base sediment loads indicate that river health may be negatively impacted by this. SedNet accurately represented current catchment and river conditions and provided a reliable estimation of sediment yield, demonstrating the ability to estimate sediment loss and redistribution across data‐poor catchments using a multifaceted modelling approach. Methodologies, such as the one presented here, offer the ability to better assess the impacts of erosion on sediment loads to develop strategies to effectively manage excess suspended sediment.  相似文献   

Stream temperatures are often used to predict salmonid embryo development; but there are very few medium‐term studies of the heat exchanges determining water column and bed temperatures. Furthermore, no research exists on the energy balance for sub‐arctic Scottish rivers. This paper reports results of a hydrometeorological study of a Cairngorm stream (Girnock burn, northeast Scotland) over the salmon spawning–hatch season (late October 2001 to mid‐April 2002) that aims: (1) to characterize seasonal and sub‐seasonal stream energy budget and thermal dynamics; and (2) to explain these variations with respect to meteorological and hydrological factors. In terms of average energy flux contributions, sensible heat (38.7%), the bed heat flux (37.0%) and friction at the stream bed and banks (24.3%) are heat sources, while latent heat (73.1%) and net radiation (26.9%) are heat sinks. All energy losses and 38.7% of heat gains occur at the air–water interface; and 61.3% of energy gains (including friction) take place at the water–channel bed interface. Typically, temperatures increase (+1.97°C) and show dampening of thermal response from the water column to depth in the stream bed. The most salient findings include: (1) the stream bed (atmosphere) is the dominant energy source (sink) for heating (cooling) channel water, which may be attributed to inferred heat advection by groundwater up‐welling into the bed of this upland stream; (2) sensible heat is the primary atmospheric energy source due to limited net radiation; (3) friction at the stream bed and banks is an important heat source. Energy budget terms and temperatures exhibit (sub‐)seasonal changes in response to meteorological and hydrological conditions; a schematic diagram is presented to summarize these results. This paper clearly illustrates the need for further medium‐ to long‐term empirical stream energy balance research to characterize heat flux dynamics and, thus, understand and predict water temperature variations over time‐scales of relevance to biological studies. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A 2‐D hydrodynamic model was developed for modelling water circulation from 2008 to 2011 in a typical tributary of the Three Gorges Reservoir. The model is capable of describing flow behaviour and mixing mechanisms for different density current patterns and performs well in computing the velocity, the intrusion layer at the plunge point, and the travel distance of the density current. The effects of 10 flow patterns on thermal stratification, hydrodynamics, and algal bloom risk are discussed and classified in terms of algal growth. Patterns (6) and (10) can effectively prevent algal blooms; Patterns (7) and (8) are good for algal blooms. More frequent transformations of flow‐driven patterns, as observed in 2010–2011, could create more eddies and mixing and thus reduce bloom risk. Further studies are necessary and recommended for more accurate predictions, assessing the impact of water level fluctuations on transform flow patterns and water quality.  相似文献   

三峡水库蓄水后支流库湾水体的水动力条件发生变化,水温在垂向上的分布也呈现出了不同模式。为了分析不同类型的倒灌异重流条件下水体的水温分布情况,对香溪河库湾不同断面的水温进行原位监测,并构建库湾水体的水温水动力数学模型(CE-QUAL-W2)。研究结果表明:水库正常运行的不同时期,香溪河库湾水体的主要水动力条件和水温分布结构均不同,在水库运行时的泄水期,库湾水体水动力主要为表层倒灌异重流,水温呈现传统的分布模式;在水库汛期低水位运行时,库湾水体水动力主要为中层倒灌异重流,水温呈“双混斜”式分布;在水库蓄水期,库湾水体水动力主要为底部倒灌异重流,水温呈“半U”型分布。研究成果可为揭示香溪河水流水温特性、营养盐迁移及水华预测预报提供相关的理论支持和技术支撑。  相似文献   

Portage Lake is situated near the center of the Keweenaw Peninsula and is connected to Lake Superior via lengthy (> 7 km) navigation channels. Using moored thermistor records and meteorological data, we examine how changes in lake stratification are related to surface winds and heat flux. Frequent episodes of full water column mixing are observed throughout the summer. Convective mixing through surface cooling appears to be an important agent responsible for these events, as all occur during cold air outbreaks and when the net heat flux is directed out of the lake (negative). However, wind-induced mixing is also implicated in contributing to some vertical mixing events, as evidenced by two events initiated during a period of strong winds and declining, but not yet negative, heat fluxes. Our analysis indicates that each time the water column restratifies, it tends to become more susceptible to convectively-driven overturn during cold air outbreaks. This tendency is quantified by the estimated time over which surface cooling due to a specified set of conditions, characteristic of a cold air outbreak, would reduce the temperature contrast between the upper and lower layers by half. This time declines by more than an order of magnitude for successive restratification events observed in the summer of 1999. Our analysis also reveals successive formation and dissolution of a diurnal surface mixed layer in an otherwise homogeneous water column during a 10-day period of August 1999. This is attributed to the combination of relatively light winds and negative daily net heat fluxes.  相似文献   

为探究水库热分层对溶解氧垂向分布的影响,2019年8月在潘家口水库设置监测平台,分别采用YSI-EXO2监测仪和NISKIN采样器进行监测和水样采集,测定库区水温、溶解氧、pH、浮游植物等水质指标的垂向分布,分析水体热分层期溶解氧垂向分布的影响因素及溶解氧极小值(MOM)的形成原因。结果表明:潘家口水库8月存在显著热分层现象,水温呈混合层-温跃层-滞温层结构。混合层溶解氧浓度大于6.5 mg/L;温跃层受热分层等影响显著,层内出现MOM,梯度明显增大,浓度显著减小;滞温层溶解氧逐渐恢复。相关性分析表明:溶解氧与水温和浮力频率显著相关,热分层是MOM形成的主要物理因素;溶解氧与浮游植物生物量和pH呈正相关,温跃层浮游植物的呼吸作用、营养物质的积累和有机物质的氧化分解等生物和化学因素在一定程度上促进了MOM的发展。  相似文献   

River management has affected the ability of colonially‐nesting waterbirds to reproduce in the Barmah‐Millewa forest, south‐eastern Australia. Relationships between reproductive performance and flow variability were quantified in order to establish the significance of the impact. The method of investigation involved: developing a conceptual framework describing four breeding–flow relationships (excellent, poor, abandoned and nil); obtaining measures for each relationship using annual breeding records (19 years; 1979–1997), habitat data (two traditional nest sites, one foraging area) and flow data (Murray River at Yarrawonga); and testing their predictive power at a landscape level. The effect of river management on the reproductive performance of colonially‐nesting waterbirds was then assessed. Annual pulse dimensions in two runs produced by the monthly simulation model (natural and current flow; 1891–1992) were compared with the breeding–flow measures to obtain computer generated breeding level predictions. A major impact of river management was an 80% reduction in the frequency of successful breeding episodes compared to the natural precedent. The interval between breeding episodes during extended drought periods was identified as the most critical factor likely to affect the long‐term stability or persistence of waterbird breeding in the forest. A literature review provided evidence of declining abundance and diversity of colonially‐nesting waterbirds, and gave insight to the timing and factors contributing to the decline of many species. The principal conclusion is that three river flow objectives need to be addressed to ensure the long‐term stability or persistence of breeding populations in the forest. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以西安市J-P水库为研究对象,通过水温、水化学及水生生物因子的连续监测,初步探明了其动态水体分层过程与季节性水质分布变化的内在相关性。研究表明:水库于每年3~12月间形成并保持热分层状态,温度梯度的存在有效限制了垂向水层间的氧传质交换,加速库底向厌氧状态过渡,滞水层中DO平均浓度随时间呈明显线性趋势衰减,水层耗氧呼吸速率高达0.0356~0.0372O2 mg/(L•d);缺氧/厌氧环境下,沉积物中N、P、Fe等大量释放并向上覆水体扩散,底层水质污染加剧。进入同温混合期后(1~2月),热分层结构破坏,全库处于好氧(DO>8mg/L)、微碱性(pH:7.1~7.3)状态,垂向水质趋于均一。监测期间,水库湖泊区稳态叶绿素a含量(基于Loiselle稳态假设前提)随混合深度的增大而降低,两者存在较强的指数负相关性(y=4.2664e-0.0323x,R2=0.8036)。热分层效应的稳定存在是加剧J-P水库富营养化的重要因素;而其周期性结构失稳所带来的水质突发性污染的风险将伴随水库运行时间的增长而上升。  相似文献   

Lake Kariba is a monomictic reservoir, isothermal in winter (June–August), and stratified for the rest of the year. Its temperature has increased since the 1990s, with some researchers suggesting it now has a stronger and more stable thermocline as a result. It was also claimed that the depth of the epilimnion had decreased, and nutrient depletion has led to a decrease in the depth of the euphotic zone, algal biomass and primary productivity. A re‐analysis of the data suggests this view is incorrect. The epilimnion is more homogenous now than in the 1980s, with less vertical variation in temperature and dissolved oxygen in the upper 20 m of the lake. The depth of the euphotic zone has not changed since the 1960s, and the algal biomass and primary productivity have increased. The thermocline appears to have weakened with temperature and density gradients being much smaller than in the 1980s because of a more rapid rate of warming in deeper water. The reasons for this phenomenon are not clear, although evaporative cooling at the surface may contribute to it. There was a significant increase in Birgean heat budgets over time, although there was none for stability. This may be explained by the fact that the lake is monomictic, cooling to 22°C in winter, with a new cycle of stratification beginning each year, and it may be affected by variable factors such as evaporation, rainfall, river flow and internal wave movements.  相似文献   

Despite the longstanding presence of grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella in the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) watershed, information regarding their populations remains largely unknown, in part because capture is difficult. Occupancy models are a popular wildlife assessment tool to account for imperfect detections but have been slow to be adopted in fisheries. Herein, we used occupancy modelling to evaluate the influence of two environmental covariates (river discharge and water temperature) on grass carp occupancy, extinction, colonization, and detection at nine sites within south‐eastern Iowa rivers from April to October 2014 and 2015. Grass carp were detected at least once at all but one site. The most parsimonious model indicated that grass carp colonization probability increased from 0.15 to 0.67 with increases in river discharge. In contrast, occupancy (0.20), extinction (0.29), and detection (0.50) probabilities were temporally constant. Models indicated that water temperatures did not influence grass carp extinction or colonization probabilities relative to river discharge. Cumulative grass carp detection probability approached 1.0, whereas conditional occupancy estimates were less than 0.1 when using five or more sampling transects. The use of a robust design occupancy model allowed us to estimate site occupancy rates of grass carp corrected for imperfect detections, while demonstrating the importance of river discharge for site colonization. These results can be used to assess the distribution of a cryptic fish while helping to guide grass carp sampling and removal efforts.  相似文献   

以南方某水库为例,通过2013年4月至2014年3月的监测数据研究底层溶解氧(bottom dissolved oxygen,BDO)和底层水温(bottom temperature,BT)、p H值、电导率、浊度(TU)、TP、TN、COD、总有机碳(TOC)、Chl-a间的关系,以阐明该水库BDO的时空分布特征及低氧成因。结果表明,BDO春、夏季浓度低,秋、冬季(枯水期)浓度较高,进水口附近的DO浓度普遍高于库中、库心;低氧现象主要发生在夏季(5—8月);水越深、水温越低,BDO下降趋势显著(P0.05);浊度、TOC与BDO为正相关关系。BDO与叶绿素a呈现显著正相关,在底层浮游植物中,蓝藻门占绝对优势,BDO浓度与蓝藻的垂直迁移有关。表明水库BDO在时间上的变化趋势受温度的影响,而空间上的变化受到水动力的影响,低氧现象的发生受到水体垂直密度分层的影响。  相似文献   

The weir pool Serrig is the deepest one along the impounded river Saar. Damming caused massive changes in the river's hydrodynamics. We analyzed the spatio‐temporal variability of thermal density stratification in the weir pool and its effect on phytoplankton and nutrient dynamics. In the analysis, continuous measurements from the years 2014 and 2015 were combined with three two‐day sampling campaigns in spring 2015. Thermal stratification occurred regularly in the downstream section of the weir pool during spring and summer and showed a diurnal rhythm. Temperature differences >1 K between the 1 and 2 m water layer were observed during 34 out of 217 days (16%) in 2014, with maximum temperature gradients up to 3.71 K. Whereas the influence of thermal stratification on phytoplankton biomass and distribution was low during the algal bloom in early spring, stratification events between May and July promoted temporary algal blooms in the surface layer with chlorophyll a concentrations up to 98 µg Chla l?1 and a maximum difference between the 1 and 2 m water layer of 36 µg Chla l?1. Some of the stratification events resulted in reduced concentrations of dissolved nutrients in the surface layer as a result of increased uptake by algae, with maximum gradients between the surface and the 8 m water layer of 0.070 mg ortho‐PO43‐‐P l?1, 0.136 mg NH4+?N l?1 and 0.24 mg NO3¯?N l?1. These vertical gradients should be considered in sampling protocols for the assessment of the water quality of temporarily stratified river sections. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial blooms present significant water quality problems worldwide. Flow management is considered to be one of the most promising approaches for combating the cyanobacterial bloom problem in rivers. In this paper, a new method for evaluating the effectiveness of flow management strategies in reducing the risk of cyanobacterial blooms is developed and applied to the River Murray at Morgan, South Australia. As stratification has been shown to be a necessary condition for significant growth of certain cyanobacteria species, the method uses estimates of the probability that stratification events of various durations will occur in conjunction with estimates of population growth during stratified conditions to determine the probability that blooms of various magnitudes will occur. The results of the case study indicate that the probability that blooms of the cyanobacterium Anabaena circinalis exceeding 15 000 cells/ml will occur in any given year under summer entitlement flow conditions is 11.7%, which is in excellent agreement with results obtained using a Poisson–Bayesian approach applied to 17 years of historical data of cell densities of Anabaena circinalis at the study site. The results obtained also indicate that increasing inflows into South Australia by 10 000 Ml/day, which is the maximum achievable increase given current operational constraints, would not have a significant impact on the occurrence of blooms exceeding 15 000 cells/ml. An additional flow of 19 900 Ml/day into South Australia would be required to reduce the probability of occurrence of blooms exceeding 15 000 cells/ml to 0.01%. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

When forested riparian zones are cleared for agriculture or development, major changes can occur in the stream temperature regime and consequently in ecosystem structure and function. Our main objective was to compare the summer temperature regimes of streams with and without forest canopy cover at multiple sites. The secondary objective was to identify the components of the stream heat budget that had the greatest influence on the stream temperature regime. Paired stream reaches (one forested and one non‐forested or ‘open’) were identified at 11 sites distributed across the USA and Canada. Stream temperature was monitored at the upstream and downstream ends of 80 to 130‐m‐long reaches during summer, and five variables were calculated to describe the stream temperature regime. Overall, compared with forested reaches, open reaches tended to have significantly higher daily mean (mean difference = 0.33 ± 1.1°C) and daily maximum (mean difference = 1.0 ± 1.7°C) temperatures and wider daily ranges (mean difference = 1.1 ± 1.7°C). Mean and maximum daily net heat fluxes in open reaches tended to be greater (or less negative) than those in forested reaches. However, certain sites showed the opposite trends in some variables because of the following: (i) Daily mean and maximum temperatures were biased by differences in inflow temperature between paired reaches and (ii) inputs of cold groundwater exerted a strong influence on temperature. Modelling and regression results suggested that within sites, differences in direct solar radiation were mainly responsible for the observed differences in stream temperature variables at the daily scale. © 2014 The Authors. River Research and Applications published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We estimated the tree structural variables (density, frequency and basal area) of true mangroves and soil variables like particle size distribution, carbon, available nitrogen and phosphorus, sulphur, nutrient cations (K, Na, Ca, Mg) of Cochin mangroves and examined the relationship between vegetation and environment. The study sites were classified as seaward fringe, riverine and interior. Of the thirteen true mangrove species present, Avicennia officinalis, Sonneratia caseolaris and Excoecaria agallocha showed higher Importance Value Index. The mean stem density varied from 80 to 25,000 no./ha and basal area from 0.1 to 39.68 m2/ha. Seaward mangroves showed maximum stand basal area and biomass production while riverine exhibited maximum density. Maturity Index value of Cochin mangroves revealed a very low degree of structural maturity. Interior mangroves were characterized by silty soil with higher nutrient concentrations. Principal component analysis of soil data revealed that the major factors influencing mangrove vegetation were soil texture, nutrients, salinity and oxidation–reduction potential. The stem density and basal area of different species correlated highly with soil nutrients and texture (p < .001) while salinity showed negative correlations with vegetation characteristics. The data generated in the study would be fundamental in site‐specific management and conservation efforts of these degrading mangroves.  相似文献   

Urban gravel‐bed stream channels in southern Ontario, Canada identified to be in a state of quasi‐equilibrium have been studied over the past 15 years and compared against rural gravel bed stream channels of the same hydrophysiographic region. Bankfull width and depth versus bankfull discharge were not found to increase as a function of increasing urbanization as has been found in many other studies. The observed annual frequency of bankfull discharge was typically less than a 1‐year return period with many sites ranging between 2 and 18 bankfull events per year with higher intensity and shorter duration urban flood responses, which further identified significant limitations in using annual peak discharge methods for predicting morphological forming flows in urban watersheds. The cumulative volume of bankfull and larger flood events from the urban stream channels were very similar to the same annual event volumes in the rural comparison study reaches. Bed material supply was found to decrease with increasing urbanization and the reduction in bed material supply appears to be off‐set by the smaller bankfull channel width, depth and access to floodplains during large flood events. Field evidence may also suggest a even greater reduction in channel width trajectory, relative to the rural setting, with expansive floodplains to maintain quasi‐equilibrium conditions as bed material supply continues to decrease with increased anthropogenic activity. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Murray–Darling river system is highly regulated and is Australia's major surface water resource. It is subject to blooms of the toxic cyanobacterium Anabaena circinalis, which present significant water quality problems. As a result of these blooms, an algal management strategy has been developed for the Murray–Darling basin. One of the major objectives of the strategy is the development of flow management strategies for key reaches of the river system. Intensive studies in the Murrumbidgee River, Australia, have indicated that persistent thermal stratification is a requirement for blooms of this cyanobacterium to occur. In the lower Murray, mean wind speed was found to be the major factor affecting the degree of thermal stratification under low flow conditions, which generally exist during the months of December to March. In this paper, the effect of various flow management scenarios on the likelihood of the occurrence of blooms in the River Murray at Morgan, South Australia, are assessed. A frequency analysis is carried out on 30 years of wind speed data to determine the probability of occurrence of persistent thermal stratification under a number of flow regimes. The scenarios evaluated include existing base flow conditions, altered base flow regimes, temporary releases from an upstream storage (Lake Victoria) and the temporary reduction of weir pool levels. The results obtained indicate that the dispersal of existing blooms by simultaneously reducing the weir pool levels at Locks 1–3 is the most effective and economical strategy for combating bloom formation by A. circinalis in the River Murray at Morgan. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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