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RASS is an acronym for Rock Analysis Storage System and STATPAC, for Statistical Package. The RASS and STATPAC computer programs are integrated into the RASS—STATPAC system for the management and statistical reduction of geochemical data. The system, in its present form, has been in use for more than 9 yr by scores of U.S. Geological Survey geologists, geochemists, and other scientists engaged in a broad range of geologic and geochemical investigations. The principal advantage of the system is the flexibility afforded the user both in data searches and retrievals and in the manner of statistical treatment of data. The statistical programs provide for most types of statistical reduction normally used in geochemistry and petrology, but also contain bridges to other program systems for statistical processing and automatic plotting.  相似文献   

PETROS is a fixed-format magnetic tape data bank of major-element chemical analyses of igneous rocks divided into groups representing selected geographic areas and petrologic provinces. The 20,000 analyses and additional calculated average igneous rock compositions may be used for a variety of computer-based research and teaching applications. Interactive programs greatly expand the accessibility and usefulness of PETROS.  相似文献   

Three geochemical and geological data bases are described using the same data-file management system. The paper first describes the data-base system, secondly indicates the nature and volume of the three data bases, and lastly gives some examples of data retrieval and processing.  相似文献   

Ever since the United States first landed on the moon, NASA has kept track of and compiled a complete list of all lunar analyses. This list includes chemical analyses of rocks and mineral separates, isotopic studies and age-dating analyses. A program incorporating Boolean search capabilities has been adapted to search this file. The program is described and an example for its application is given.  相似文献   

KEYBAM is a system of interactive FORTRAN IV programs for accessing and operating on major-element whole-rock chemical analyses stored in data bank PETROS. KEYBAM's capabilities include subfile creation based on user-supplied criteria, normative calculations and rock classification, graphical displays including histograms, X—Y plots, triangular plots, and various statistical analyses based on the SPSS System. We have attempted to design KEYBAM so that it is machine independent and can be used for research and teaching in petrology at most modern computer installations.  相似文献   

The CLAIR data system consists of a series of FORTRAN IV programs and subroutines designed for the storage, retrieval, and processing of numeric and nonnumeric data. The CLAIR system in use at the University of Melbourne, in addition to the basic programs and subroutines, has a strong petrological bias, however, this reflects the interests of users and not restrictions on the CLAIR system. The types of programs and subroutines in the current CLAIR system are discussed briefly and, being on an UPDATE library, the system can be made available for use on a number of different computers. As a result of 3 years of use at the University of Melbourne, CLAIR has proved an extremely powerful system in the hands of a competent programmer, whereas in the hands of a student with little programming knowledge, it is an easily operated system.  相似文献   

GEOTHERM is a comprehensive system of public databases and software used to store, locate, and evaluate information on the geology, geochemistry, and hydrology of geothermal systems. Three main databases address the general characteristics of geothermal wells and fields, and the chemical properties of geothermal fluids; the last database is currently the most active. System tasks are divided into four areas: (1) data acquisition and entry, involving data entry via word processors and magnetic tape; (2) quality assurance, including the criteria and standards handbook and front-end data-screening programs; (3) operation, involving database backups and information extraction; and (4) user assistance, preparation of such items as application programs, and a quarterly newsletter. The principal task of GEOTHERM is to provide information and research support for the conduct of national geothermal-resource assessments. The principal users of GEOTHERM are those involved with the Geothermal Research Program of the U.S. Geological Survey. Information in the system is available to the public on request.  相似文献   

A “machine” is proposed which works with a geologist (or other scientist) to help him in his everyday work. The machine consists of a relational data base, highly structured processing software designed to reflect geological thinking and input/output interface software to aid a user of the system. The G-EXEC System represents a partial implementation of such a “geological computer”.  相似文献   

XLFRAC is a simple program which solves linear least-squares mass-balance equations, makes “subtraction diagram” calculations and can trace the composition of derivative magmas as phases are added or subtracted from an initial magma. Because the program is designed for interactive use, these calculations can be run in any order selecting the necessary data from a terminal using the results of one calculation to guide the selection of the next problem. Because of its relative simplicity and low cost to run, it has been determined useful for computer-assisted instruction as well as research projects in petrology.  相似文献   

The structure of data in computer-based files is information which may not be explicit in the files themselves, but is incorporated in part in the computer software designed to process the files. If a computer-processable file of data is to be processed using a “system” other than the one used to generate the file initially, conversion of the file to another format is normally necessary. A format, called FILEMATCH, is presented which for structures encountered in earth science data, incorporates the structural information in the files themselves, thus providing a medium for interchange of files among a variety of software systems.  相似文献   

The evolution of geochemical data banking in the UK is summarized, and the relation of the IGBA data base to the National Geochemical Data Bank explained. The method of collecting data into IGBA is through authors at the time they are preparing for publication, papers carrying the geochemical information. The data are collected in fixed card image format in hard copy or machine-readable form. The format permits storage and retrieval not only of chemically determined major and trace element contents per sample, but also of the name, sample number, locality, mineral assemblage, petrography, texture, mode of occurrence, degree of alteration, precision of mineralogical and petrographic information, age, isotopic data, analytical procedure and quality control, and if appropriate oceanographic information for ship-borne collected samples. The path of data from the research operator's file to retrievable national data base is described, and an example given.  相似文献   

A series of interactive terminal-based FORTRAN IV programs have been developed for processing and evaluating major and trace element data produced in the analysis of rock samples. The GEOIC system consists of three stages. The first is concerned with the processing of analytical data produced in the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis of fused samples for major elements and pressed powder briquettes for trace elements. In the second stage, the major and trace element results are linked together by a tabulation program which creates an input file for CIPW norm programs. The tabulation program will sort also the analyses into groups according to an 8 character “group identifier” keyword attached to each analysis. Average analyses are calculated also for each group. The tabulation program combines the major, trace and normative data to produce a data base file as well as a tabulated output file for dispatch to a line printer. In the third stage, the data base file serves as the input to interactive programs for graphical and statistical evaluation of the geochemical data. The graphics program allows the user to plot rapidly binary and ternary diagrams for all samples or plotting may be restricted to specified groups or only to the group averages. The statistical program allows the user to calculate various parameters as well as a correlation coefficient matrix for all samples, for selected groups or for only group averages.The group identifier keyword attached by the user to each sample analysis facilitates the division of the suite of samples under study into groups and subgroups. This important feature adds considerable flexibility to the processing and evaluation of data via the tabulation, graphics and statistics programs.The tabulation program will accept also free-format major and trace element data produced by analytical methods other than XRF. The second and third stages of the system may be used, therefore, as a general purpose geochemical data processing and evaluation package.  相似文献   

The G-EXEC generalized data-handling system is a computer-based facility with which a user may handle his data. It is generalized so that it handles almost any type of data, and is written in ANSI FORTRAN IV so that it may be implemented on almost any computer. The system provides for data storage, retrieval, analysis, and display together with utility software to handle data-base maintainance. The integration of processes, the diversity of data-handling capability, and the user-friendly commands are the key design features.  相似文献   

The organization in this study used all versions of IMS, from IMS 1 through IMS VS 1.01, over the period 1970–1975. During this period, the number of messages processed steadily increased from 6000 in October 1970 to a maximum in excess of 150,000 in September 1974. This volume enhancement was achieved by solving a sequence of problems concerning IMS software, data base design, or program coding. Perhaps the most important factors supporting the increase were two improvements in IMS software: one was the data base buffer pool introduced with IMS 2; the other the feature introduced with IMS VS that, unlike the previous versions, enabled the simultaneous updating of different data base segments belonging to the same type.  相似文献   

PLATO, a unique computer-based educational system at the University of Illinois, offers low cost, interactive educational use of the computer. From specially developed hardware to its language, TUTOR, the PLATO system facilitates instructor use of the computer for education as well as encouraging individual student learning experiences. Geological lessons being developed on the nationwide system are designed for multiple level use that allows the background and academic knowledge of the students to be recognized; the basic lesson remains the same in most situations however. Student receptivity has been outstanding, mainly because they are able to progress at a rate that is optimum for them and then only when they thoroughly comprehend the content of previous lessons.  相似文献   

A set of programs running under a multiprogramming batch operating system on the CDC 6600 which provide remote users with a time sharing service is described. The basis for the system is the ability of a user program to create job control statements during execution, thereby tricking the operating system into treating it as an ordinary batch job. The text editor and the interactive debugging facilities are described. The performance of the system, known as the People's Time Sharing System (PTSS), and user reaction to it are also described.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a scientific format for text-based data files, which facilitates storing and communicating tabular data sets. The so-called Full-Metadata Format builds on the widely used INI-standard and is based on four principles: readable self-documentation, flexible structure, fail-safe compatibility, and searchability. As a consequence, all metadata required to interpret the tabular data are stored in the same file, allowing for the automated generation of publication-ready tables and graphs and the semantic searchability of data file collections. The Full-Metadata Format is introduced on the basis of three comprehensive examples. The complete format and syntax are given in the appendix.  相似文献   

为实现对数据的准确采集,设计了以研华PCI-1715U板卡为核心的数据采集系统。系统以研华(Advantech)PCI-1715U高速数据采集卡为硬件平台,以XTR101为信号调理电路的芯片,借助研华提供的ActiveDAQ控件,对PCI-1715U进行硬件控制和滤波处理,实现数据的高速采集、传输和存储。本系统目前应用于铝电解槽母线温度、压降测量,可以实现准确、快速的数据采集。  相似文献   

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