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Trace element concentrations, as indicators of micronutrient status of healthy centenarians, have not been widely analyzed. This study aimed to assess trace element concentrations in the hair of healthy centenarians. The effects of gender and age on element concentrations were also investigated. Eleven trace elements (Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mo, Pb, Se, Sr and Zn) in the scalp hair of 107 healthy Chinese centenarians were examined. The overall reference values (RVs) in mg/kg for the hair concentrations of trace elements in centenarians were as follows: Al, 14.95; Ba, 2.68; Cd, 0.06; Cr, 0.59; Cu, 6.21); Fe, 19.37; Mo, 0.50; Pb, 4.64; Se, 0.37; Sr, 4.84; and Zn, 154.37. Data analysis found that only Cu and Zn concentrations show a normal distribution, and there is no significant difference between males and females in any element except Zn. However, the levels of Al, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mo, Pb decrease and the levels of Ba, Cu, Se, Sr, Zn increase with age in the centenarian cohort. Results also revealed that sufficient Zn and Se concentrations as well as low exposure to heavy metals pollution contribute to the longevity of centenarians. The results imply the possibility of manipulating trace element concentrations, especially Zn and Se concentrations in tissues, as a means for therapeutic modality in geriatric disease. 相似文献
Kalisińska E Salicki W Kavetska KM Ligocki M 《The Science of the total environment》2007,388(1-3):90-103
Bones and cartilage of two species of diving ducks: the scaup Aythya marila (n=24) and the pochard A. ferina (n=24) were studied. Scaup is protected in Poland where it spends only the winter, while pochard is a game bird, abundant and breeding in Poland. In winter, the two species form large flocks off the southern coast of the Baltic, particularly in the Szczecin Lagoon where they were collected for this study. The bones and cartilage (trachea) were assayed for concentrations (dry weight-based) of three essential metals: iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn); concentrations of the two toxic metals: lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) were assayed as well. These hard tissues of the two species showed the following order of metal concentrations Zn>Fe>Pb>Cu>Cd. In scaup and pochard bones, the respective geometric mean concentrations of Zn, Fe, Pb, Cu, and Cd were 94.4 and 102.0; 20.2 and 24.7; 6.2 and 9.6; 0.19 and 0.26; 0.114 and 0.162 mg/kg. The levels of all the metals in cartilage (Zn 149.1 and 165.8; Fe 58.4 and 116.3; Pb 10.6 and 14.9; Cu 1.41 and 3.31; Cd 0.144 and 0.175 mg/kg, respectively) were higher than in the bones of A. marila and A. ferina. However, statistically significant differences were found in respect to the essential metals only (Zn, Fe, Cu). The inter-species comparisons showed the two species to differ in their cartilage concentrations of Fe, Cu, Zn, and Cd and in their bone concentrations of Pb and Cd. In each case, the pochard exhibited higher concentrations of metals. This study showed distinct differences between trace element accumulation by two heavily mineralised avian body parts: leg bones (tarsometatarsus) and cartilage (trachea). The results are in agreement with data reported by other workers who analysed trace metals in cartilaginous and bone components of the femoral head in homoiotherm vertebrates, including humans. Therefore it is important that intra- and inter-species comparisons of hard biological components be based on corresponding body parts, and that relevant biochemical and ecotoxicological research be pursued. 相似文献
Griesel S Kakuschke A Siebert U Prange A 《The Science of the total environment》2008,392(2-3):313-323
Concentrations of 23 elements (Be, Al, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Mo, Pd, Cd, Sn, Pt, Pb) were evaluated in whole blood samples of live harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) from two different locations in the Wadden Sea, the Lorenzenplate in Germany, and the Danish island R?m?. Elemental blood levels were compared to data from literature of seals, other marine mammals and humans. While homeostatically controlled elements showed no differences, concentrations of As, Cr, Mn, Mo, Se, and V were higher than human levels. Furthermore, animals from both locations showed significant geographical differences in whole blood concentrations of Al, Mn, Cu, and Pt. These findings could be explained by differences in feeding areas. The element pattern was not affected by gender. In conclusion, these findings indicate an impact of the environment on biochemical blood parameters of the harbor seals. The significant differences of elements in blood samples of two groups of seals, which were associated with geographical variations of prey support the use of element pattern in blood as tool for investigation of environmental impact on seals. 相似文献
To determine concentrations of trace elements (THg, MeHg, Se, and Pb) in tissues of the Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardii), live (n=186) and dead seals (n=53) were sampled throughout central and northern California from March 2003 to January 2005. There were significant differences in THg concentrations in blood and hair based on age (p<0.001). Adult male harbor seals had greater THg concentrations in their hair than adult female harbor seals (p<0.003). THg concentrations in liver increased linearly with age and delta15N (p<0.001); whereas, MeHg concentrations in liver increased exponentially until approximately 5 years of age with an asymptote at 1.3 microg/g wet weight. MeHg expressed as a percentage of THg (%MeHg) was best described by a decay function (r2=0.796, p<0.001), decreasing to a minimum at 4 years of age. Hepatic Se increased with age and was in equimolar ratios with THg in adults; whereas, molar ratio of Se:THg in pups deviated from a 1:1 ratio. Significant differences among study locations in THg concentrations in blood and hair were not detected. Assessing the possible effect of sampling location on Hg concentrations, however, was confounded and limited by lack of equal sample sizes for basic age and sex cohorts, a common dilemma in pinniped research. 相似文献
Rosborg I Hyllén E Lidbeck J Nihlgård B Gerhardsson L 《The Science of the total environment》2007,385(1-3):20-27
An imbalance of the trace element status in human tissues and body fluids has been suggested as a contributing factor for the development of fibromyalgia (FM). The study comprised 38 females with defined fibromyalgia (FM) according to generally accepted criteria from the American College of Rheumatology (ACR). They were compared with 41 females matched for age and geographic location. The concentrations of about 30 trace element and ions were determined in whole blood, urine and drinking water of all participants by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Significantly higher concentrations in whole blood of Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Se, Sn and Zn (p< or =0.046) were observed in the FM-cases in comparison with the referents. A different pattern was noted in urine with increased urinary excretion of Ag (p=0.003) among the FM-patients. The urinary excretion of the other elements were of the same magnitude or slightly lower in FM-cases as compared to referents. As nearly all of the concentrations of the studied elements in blood and urine were within reported reference intervals in non-occupationally exposed populations, the clinical significance of the differences observed seems to be limited. The element concentrations of the studied elements in drinking water were within present national and international guideline values (EU, WHO) and the concentrations of potentially toxic metals such as e.g. Cd, Hg and Pb were low. In conclusion, the present investigation could not demonstrate abnormal levels of trace elements in blood or urine of FM-patients and, thus, does not support the hypothesis that trace element abnormalities play a significant role in the development of FM. 相似文献
Concentrations of trace elements (Al, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Tl, U, V, Zn) and total mercury (THg) were determined in skin samples collected from free-ranging bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) populations. Dolphins were captured in the estuarine waters of Charleston (CHS), South Carolina (n=74) and the Indian River Lagoon (IRL), Florida (n=75) during 2003, 2004 and 2005. A subset of the skin tissue samples were used to determine methylmercury (MeHg) levels in CHS (n=17) and IRL (n=8) bottlenose dolphins. Distributions of trace element concentrations by age (adult vs. juvenile), gender (male vs. female) and study area (CHS vs. IRL) were examined. In general, higher elemental skin concentrations were found in CHS adult males than those of IRL adult males, except for THg and MeHg. For CHS dolphins, adult females showed significantly higher THg levels than juvenile females while higher Mn levels were found in juvenile females. For IRL dolphins, adult males showed significantly higher As concentrations than that in juvenile males and females while higher Co and V levels were found in juvenile males than adult males. Of all elements measured in this study, significantly higher levels of Fe, Se and Zn concentrations in skin tissue of both dolphin populations were similar to other studies reported previously. Percentage of MeHg/THg in skin tissue of CHS and IRL dolphin was about 72% and 73%, respectively. Dietary levels of trace elements may play an important role in contributing to concentration differences for As, Co, Mn, Sb, Se, THg and Tl between CHS and IRL dolphins. Total Hg concentrations were significantly correlated with the age of CHS dolphins, while an inverse relationship was detected for Cu, Mn, Pb, U and Zn. The only significant correlation found between trace element concentration and IRL dolphins' age was Mn. Geographic differences in several trace element concentrations (As, Co, Mn, Sb, Se, THg and Tl) in skin tissue may be potentially useful to discriminate between dolphin populations and is a possibility that warrants further investigation. 相似文献
Chukwuma O. B. Okoye 《The International journal of environmental studies》2013,70(4):501-509
Eight trace metals, namely cadmium, cobalt, copper, chromium, iron, manganese, nickel and lead, as well as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium were determined in fresh Nigerian fruit and vegetables. Soil samples were also analysed for trace metals. The results show that trace metals occurred at low concentrations, and seem to reflect background levels, although higher concentrations and wider distribution were observed in the vegetables than in fruit. Their sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron content compared well with, values reported for American fruit and vegetables. 相似文献
Trace element and Sigma DDT concentrations in horticultural soils from the Tasman, Waikato and Auckland regions of New Zealand 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Gaw SK Wilkins AL Kim ND Palmer GT Robinson P 《The Science of the total environment》2006,355(1-3):31-47
The long-term routine use of agrichemicals can result in elevated levels of trace elements and persistent organic pollutants in soils. Trace element concentrations and SigmaDDT levels were measured in soil (0-7.5 cm) samples collected from horticultural and grazing properties in 3 regions of New Zealand (Auckland, Tasman and Waikato). Elevated levels of arsenic (<2 to 58 mg kg(-1)), cadmium (<0.1 to 1.5 mg kg(-1)), copper (5 to 523 mg kg(-1)), lead (5 to 243 mg kg(-1)) and SigmaDDT (<0.03 to 34.5 mg kg(-1)) were detected in soils from all 3 regions. With the exception of cadmium and zinc, significantly higher levels of contaminants were generally detected in horticultural soils than in grazing soils. Our results have implications for the on-going use of agrichemicals as concentrations of cadmium, copper, tin and zinc in some samples exceeded ecotoxicity based soil criteria. The p,p'-DDE:DDT ratios indicate that the degradation of DDT in NZ horticultural soils may be inhibited by the co-contamination with trace elements. 相似文献
Using neutrons activation analysis, the changes in concentrations of Cu, Zn and Mn in hair during pregnancy are studied. Scalp and pubic hair samples from both non-pregnant and pregnant female subjects were analysed. The results of this preliminary study are presented. Cu, Zn and Mn levels in scalp hair obtained from pregnant subjects were not significantly different from those of non-pregnant subjects. However, pubic hair samples obtained from subjects in the ninth month of pregnancy showed significantly lower Zn levels whereas Cu and Mn levels remained normal. Studies on two subjects in the last trimester showed a steady fall in Cu and Zn levels in pubic hair with advancement of pregnancy; Mn level did not, however, show any change. The reliability of analysis was checked using standard reference materials, such as Bovine Liver and Orchard Leaves (U.S. NBS). 相似文献
Popular shampoos were screened for their contents in trace elements, using ICP-MS detection in a semi-quantitative mode. Hair samples from volunteers were analyzed before and after hair washing with selected shampoos to demonstrate the effect of the contamination and the impact on occupational medicine. While some shampoos showed high levels of certain elements, the degree of contamination on the hair was found to be negligible. Only one shampoo tested, formulated with selenium sulfide, was found to seriously contaminate the hair. 相似文献
Trace element analysis of Cretan wines and wine products 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Galani-Nikolakaki S Kallithrakas-Kontos N Katsanos AA 《The Science of the total environment》2002,285(1-3):155-163
The object of this research is to investigate the ways and the degree of contamination of Cretan grapes from the area of Chania and their alcoholic products, with the elements aluminium, arsenic, cadmium, copper, chromium, iron, lead, manganese, nickel and zinc. Fifteen samples of grapes were collected and used for the production of experimental wines from rinsed and unrinsed grapes. A microwave furnace was used for the digestion and dissolution of the experimental wines, the precipitates that originated in these wines, as well as the wines of the corresponding producers. The analyses of all mentioned samples as well as 34 local alcoholic distillates were performed using total reflection X-ray fluorescence and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. The concentrations for all the elements that were determined were almost in all cases, well below the maximum permissible levels by the Greek and the European Union legislation. 相似文献
Scalp hair samples collected from 86 Canadian elderly, non-institutionalized women (mean age 66.6 +/- 6.2 y) on two separate occasions ten weeks apart, were analyzed for Zn, Cu and Mn content. Fasting blood samples were also collected and serum Zn, Cu and albumin content determined. Median hair Zn, Cu and Mn and mean serum Zn and albumin concentrations were not significantly different at the pre- and post-study periods. Furthermore, hair Zn concentrations at the two sampling times were positively and significantly correlated as were hair Cu, hair Mn, serum Zn and serum albumin values. In contrast no significant correlation related the hair and serum Zn values and hair and serum Cu values at any time. The constancy of the hair Zn, Cu and Mn concentrations at the two sampling periods may reflect the homeostatic regulation which controls absorption and hence body trace element content. In addition, results indicate that, after careful laboratory washing, the effects of adventitious contamination on hair trace element content are small, and can be effectively ignored. 相似文献
Katriina Kyllönen Vuokko Karlsson Tuija Ruoho-Airola 《The Science of the total environment》2009,407(7):2260-2269
The deposition of aluminium, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, vanadium and zinc in bulk precipitation was examined at eight background stations in Finland during the last 10 years (1998-2007). The annual deposition was from the lowest values to the highest Cd < As < Cr < Ni < V < Cu and Pb < Mn < Zn < Al < Fe. Most of the elements had a south to north decreasing gradient mainly due to minor domestic emissions in the north, growing distance to the large European source areas and differences in the length of snow-cover period. Element enrichment factors divided the trace elements to the following categories: (1) slightly enriched Cr, Fe and Mn; (2) moderately enriched Cu, Ni and V; and (3) highly enriched As, Cd, Pb and Zn. Trend analysis of annual depositions showed that the established decreasing trend in As and Pb deposition continued during our study period while Cr, Cu and Fe depositions have lately increased. No statistically significant trends were detected for Cd, Mn, Ni, V and Zn during the studied years. Additionally, the measurement uncertainty of trace elements was evaluated for the whole measurement chain. 相似文献
G F Gordon 《The Science of the total environment》1985,42(1-2):133-147
The effects of age and sex on hair trace element levels for five essential minerals and trace elements and five toxic trace elements are reported. Recent studies in the field of hair tissue chemistry are discussed. 相似文献
Walter John 《The Science of the total environment》1983,27(1):21-32
Trace element concentrations in human blood from the U.K., measured by Hamilton et al., are found to be correlated to those of atmospheric aerosol from the U.K., or to an aerosol composition averaged over the globe. The correlation to aerosol is much stronger than to crustal rock or sea water. Elemental enrichment factors for blood are all equal to or greater than those for aerosol. Two possible reasons for the correlation are advanced: aerosol is probably a major source of the trace elements which enter the food chain, and aerosol samples the earth's surface where the food chain originates. The present finding suggests that aerosol plays a major role in the global cycling of the trace elements which enter the blood, with important implications for human health. 相似文献
Chale FM 《The Science of the total environment》2002,299(1-3):115-121
Trace metal (Cu, Pb, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cd) concentrations were determined in water, sediments, various fin fish species and a bivalve (Mutela spekei) from Lake Tanganyika using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Integrated water samples to depths of 10 m were collected using a pre-rinsed flexible plastic pipe. Sediment samples were collected using a ponar mud sampler. Fish samples were obtained using a variety of fishing techniques. No differences in trace metal concentrations were observed in both inshore and offshore waters. Levels in inshore sediments were much higher than for the offshore ones. Sediment input through run-off may have been the cause for the differences. However, the levels were much lower than those reported for Lake Malawi sediments. The concentrations in the fish tissue were within ranges reported elsewhere for Lake Tanganyika fish species. The centrapomid Lates stappersii and the clupeids Limnothrissa miodon and Stolothrissa tanganicae are the most important commercial species in the lake followed by Lates marie. Lead and cadmium are of concern to human health. The mean concentrations of the two metals in the commercial fish species were as follows: L. stappersii (5.03 microg Pb/g, 0.28 microg Cd/g); L. marie (4.96 microg Pb/g, 0.25 microg Cd/g); L. miodon (4.64 microg Pb, 0.38 microg Cd); and S. tanganicae (4.96 microg Pb/g, 0.39 microg Cd/g). Levels of lead and iron in the bivalve species were exceptionally very high, being 11.08 and 6.54 mg/g, respectively. 相似文献
Jairo Lisboa Rodrigues Myriam Fillion Donna Mergler 《The Science of the total environment》2009,407(13):4168-4173
Monitoring the nutritional status of essential elements is of critical importance in human health. However, trace element concentrations in biological fluids are affected by environmental and physiological parameters, and therefore considerable variations can occur between specific population subgroups. Brazil is a large country with much food diversity. Moreover, dietary habits differ from north to south. As an example, the traditional populations of the Brazilian Amazon basin are heavily dependent on fish, fruits, vegetables and manioc for their daily sustenance. However, very few studies have examined to what extent these diets reflect adequate nutritional status for essential elements. Then, in the present study we have evaluated the levels of some trace elements (Cu, Co, Zn Sr, and Rb) in the whole blood of a riparian Brazilian Amazonian population and estimated the influence of age and gender on levels and inter-element interactions in the same population. For this, 253 subjects, aged 15 to 87, from 13 communities situated on the banks of the Tapajós, one of the major tributaries of the Amazon, were randomly selected. The values found for cobalt, copper and strontium in whole blood are in the same range as in other populations. On the other hand, the levels of rubidium and zinc may be considered higher. Moreover, gender was shown to influence Zn and Cu levels while age influenced the concentrations of Sr and Rb in men and Cu in women. Given the scarcity of studies examining nutritional status in traditional communities of the Amazon, our study is the first to provide relevant insight into trace element values in this region and inter-element interactions. This paper is also of particular importance for future studies looking at the possible protective effects of traditional Amazon riparian diets against mercury intake from fish consumption. 相似文献
Teresa Moreno Xavier Querol Jesús de la Rosa MariCruz Minguillón Yolanda González-Castanedo Wes Gibbons 《The Science of the total environment》2010,408(20):4569-722
The emission of trace metal pollutants by industry and transport takes place on a scale large enough to alter atmospheric chemistry and results in measurable differences between the urban background of inhalable particulate matter (PM) in different towns. This is particularly well demonstrated by the technogenic release into the atmosphere of V, Ni, and lanthanoid elements. We compare PM concentrations of these metals in large datasets from five industrial towns in Spain variously influenced by emissions from refinery, power station, shipping, stainless steel, ceramic tiles and brick-making. Increased La/Ce values in urban background inhalable PM, due to La-contamination from refineries and their residual products (fuel oils and petcoke), contrast with Ce-rich emissions from the ceramic related industry, and clearly demonstrate the value of this ratio as a sensitive and reliable tracer for many point source emissions. Similarly, anomalously high V/Ni values (> 4) can detect the influence of nearby high-V petcoke and fuel oil combustion, although the use of this ratio in urban background PM is limited by overlapping values in natural and anthropogenic materials. Geochemical characterisation of urban background PM is a valuable compliment to the physical monitoring of aerosols widely employed in urban areas, especially given the relevance of trace metal inhalation to urban health issues. 相似文献
Horai S Watanabe I Takada H Iwamizu Y Hayashi T Tanabe S Kuno K 《The Science of the total environment》2007,373(2-3):512-525
In the present study, concentrations of 13 elements (Li, Cr, Mn, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ag, Cd, Hg) were measured in the tissues of the livers, the kidneys, pectoral muscles, lungs and brains of 13 avian species collected from the Kanto area of Japan. The difference in hepatic heavy metal levels of the grey herons from the two sites was compared. Metal levels in the sediment of the Tama River estuary, situated in the Haneda area, were also measured. These results revealed that heavy metal pollution is present in an aquatic area of Haneda. The accumulation patterns of Cu and Zn in the livers of grey herons appeared to be separated into two groups. Additionally, the present study includes the properties of other metal accumulations and their relationships in avian species. 相似文献
M. Díez M. Simón C. Dorronsoro C.A.M. Van Gestel 《The Science of the total environment》2009,407(16):4622-4632
The definition of ambient background concentrations (ABCs) is used in this study to assess the potential environmental risk of trace elements in soils and parent materials from Granada, Spain. Two different layers of soil (0-20 and 20-40 cm) and parent material samples were collected at 93 sites. From cumulative frequency distribution curves, ABCs for As, Co, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn were estimated at 3.5-20, 7-23, 13-25.6, 29-66, 7-20, 15-36, and 5.5-76 mg kg− 1, respectively. Tukey box-plots were used to discriminate different concentration classes and identify potentially contaminated sites. Weakly-weathered soils (Entisols) over carbonate materials showed the lowest background contents, the most developed soils (Alfisols) over metamorphic rocks the highest ones. Outliers were mainly found near a former iron mine where arsenic concentrations were by far exceeding the corresponding regional ABC. These soils were however, not toxic to Escherichia coli and Vibrio fischeri. The prediction of site-specific ABCs together with bioavailability and toxicity assessment is a valuable tool for giving further insight into the risk of trace elements in soils. 相似文献