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规整填料因具有生产能力大、分离效率高、压降低、操作弹性大、持液量低等诸多优点 ,目前已被广泛应用于精馏、吸收及萃取等多种化工单元操作中 .通常只在常压或减压条件下操作 ,而在高压或大液相负荷下 ,因流体物性的变化及流动状态的改变 ,使塔内产生严重的返混 ,塔效率显著降低 .因此 ,研究加压下规整填料塔内流体的流动状态具有重要意义 .对于加压下填料塔内气相返混的研究 ,中国台湾的TanChung -Sung[1] 在低实验气速 (0 .0 0 2~ 0 .1cm·s- 1)下做过初步的研究 ,其实验填料为散堆填料 .Kurtz[2 ] 在这方面的研究…  相似文献   

通过对规整填料塔内部结构的分析,认为其内部存在三种基本结构单元:同一盘填料内的交叉单元、上下两盘填料旋转90度的衔接单元和填料与塔壁的衔接单元。使用RNG k—ε湍流模型对不同的结构单元进行三维CFD模拟计算,发现不同的结构单元具有不同的流动特性。同时.使用示踪激励响应技术,研究了不同结构单元的轴向返混情况。  相似文献   

填料塔内液相轴向返混研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报导了应用非理想脉冲注入-两点检测技术,以0.1N NaCl溶液作示踪剂,用电导法测量示踪剂的停留时间分布曲线。采用优化加权矩量法估计模型参数,应用最小二乘多元线性回归得到计算Pe_d的关联式:彼克列数Pe_d与液相流速关系较大,与气相流速关系甚小。最适用的模型仍是以彼克列数(Pe=(UH)/D)为参数的扩散活塞流模型。  相似文献   

加压下填料塔中液相轴向反混的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Liquid phase axial mixing was measured with the tracer technique in a packed column with inner diameter of 0.15m,in which the structured packing,Mellapak 350Y,was installed.Tap water as the liquid phase flowed down through the column and stagnant gas was at elevated pressure ranging from atmospheric to 2.0MPa.The model parameters of Bo andθwere estimated with the least square method in the time domain.As liquid flow rate was increased,the liquid axial mixing decreased.under our experimental conditions,the effect of pressure on Bo number on single liquid phase was negligible,and eddy diffusion was believed to be the primary cause of axial mixing in liquid phase.  相似文献   

鼓泡塔内气液两相湍流实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了研究鼓泡塔气液两相流的实验装置、实验方法。液相用激光多普勒测速技术(LDV)测量,气相用粒子示踪测速技术(PIV)测量。实验表明,轴向液相速度的径向分布呈塔中心峰值、壁面附近倒流形式,且与气相表观速度大小有关,当液相表观速度一定时,随气相表观速度增大而愈加陡峭,返混也剧烈。当表观液速与表观气速之比小于19.6时,返混区总是存在,且返混区大小与高度有关:当表观液遣与表观气速之比大于19.6时,返混消失,含气率分布由塔中心峰值转向壁面峰值。径向液相速度既与气相表现速度有关又与位置高度有关,在塔底部呈现负值,这意味着向塔轴心方向流动。随着塔高增加。流动方向逐渐转变为向塔壁方向,且又有明显的峰值。  相似文献   

加压下板波纹规整填料塔中液相混合行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用脉冲示踪法测量了在0.3MPa、0.5MPa和0.6MPa压力下以及在一系列液速和气速下250Y型孔板波纹规整填料内液相的混合行为。应用时域最小二乘法由实验数据得到了液相的轴向返混系数和轴向有效流速等参数,并以y=aReL^e10^cReG10^dp的形式对轴向Peclet准数进行了关联。本研究补充了目前缺乏的加压操作下规整填料液相混合行为的数据。  相似文献   

<正>填料塔内液体流动分布状况直接关系到塔内气液两相的有效接触,影响塔的操作性能.由于液体分布不良,造成填料塔内局部区域的气液比与全塔宏观的气液比有显著差别,从而大大降低塔的总传质效率.因此,填料塔内的液体分布  相似文献   

填料塔内液体流动分布状况直接关系到塔内气液两相的有效接触,影响塔的操作性能.由于液体分布不良,造成填料塔内局部区域的气液比与全塔宏观的气液比有显著差别,从而大大降低塔的总传质效率.因此,填料塔内的液体分布  相似文献   

规整填料表面液膜流动特性的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
李相鹏  陈冰冰  高增梁 《化工学报》2013,64(6):1925-1933
精馏过程气液两相流运动分布特征对分离效率具有重要影响。为研究规整填料表面液膜流体动力学特性建立了基于VOF方法的CFD分析模型,并基于文献试验结果进行了验证。对液膜随时间和空间的演化分布特征、速度场分布和液相流量影响进行了模拟分析。液膜在波纹顶部下沿聚集形成凸起状波峰,在波纹底部波峰消失,而到达下节波纹上沿时,波峰重新形成;瞬态液膜厚度随时间波动,且沿填料表面液膜平均厚度先减小后保持稳定;发现液相聚集及形成液滴坠落容易导致出现干板区。不同位置液膜速度分布存在明显差异,沿填料表面液膜平均速度先增后减或保持稳定;液膜绕过波纹顶部时会加速,在波纹底部和上沿处会减速。液相流量增大,液膜平均厚度和速度均有所增大。  相似文献   

规整填料在加压精馏中的传质性能   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
高压精馏是现代过程工业中十分重要的分离过程 ,例如炼油工业中轻烃的分离 ,石油化工中乙烯、丙烯等低碳烃类的分离 ,都是经过高压精馏完成的 .高压精馏效率一般较在常压下有所降低 ,其中填料塔较板式塔下降更明显 ,故通常认为采用板式塔比较好 .但规整填料由于其大通量、低压降等优点 ,已经开始涉及高压领域 ,因此对规整填料在高压下的性能需进行测定和研究 .目前 ,对规整填料在高压下传质性能的研究 ,国外FRI[1] 近年已开始进行 ,但其实验数据较少 ,在国内目前还属空白 .本文在国家重点精馏分离实验室高压热模精馏实验塔上进行了一系列…  相似文献   

规整填料在高压精馏条件下的传质性能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Performance of Mellapak 250Y and 350Y corrugated structured packing in distillation applications at pressures ranging from 0.3 to 2.0MPa is analysed by using HTU-NTU method.These data are obtained in distillation column with 0.15m diameter operated with n-butane/n-pentane system at total reflux.In considering the axial backmixing effects.the height of an overall gas phase transfer unit,HTUOG,is divided into two parts.One part represents the height of an overall gas phase transfer unit,without backmixing, designated as HUTOG,and the other part,designated as the height of a backmixing unit(HBUO),accounts for the backmixing effects.The HTUOG is evaluated from the measured concentration profile of n-butane in liquid phase.The HBUO obtained experimentally is correlated in terms of the properties of the materials being separated and the equivalent diameter of the structured packing.Our result shows that HBUO varies from 0.12 to 0.34m as pressure increases from 1.0 to 1.9MPa.It indicates that the overall efficiency of the structured packing decreas gradually at high pressure,as a result of the vapor backmixing.  相似文献   

Characterizing the complex two-phase hydrodynamics in structured packed columns requires a power-ful modeling tool. The traditional two-dimensional model exhibits limitations when one attempts to model...  相似文献   

规整填料塔内两相流动的三维计算流体力学建模(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Characterizing the complex two-phase hydrodynamics in structured packed columns requires a power- ful modeling tool. The traditional two-dimensional model exhibits limitations when one attempts to model the de- tailed two-phase flow inside the columns. The present paper presents a three-dimensional computational fluid dy- namics (CFD) model to simulate the two-phase flow in a representative unit of the column. The unit consists of an CFD calculations on column packed with Flexipak 1Y were implemented within the volume of fluid (VOF) mathe- matical framework. The CFD model was validated by comparing the calculated thickness of liquid film with the available experimental data. Special attention was given to quantitative analysis of the effects of gravity on the hy- drodynamics. Fluctuations in the liquid mass flow rate and the calculated pressure drop loss were found to be quali- tatively in agreement with the experimental observations.  相似文献   

谈冲 《化工设计》2000,10(1):22-23,53
推导了板波纹填料塔的壁流量计算方法 ,并探讨填料层分段高度的选择。  相似文献   

The time-dependent liquid film thickness and pressure drop were measured by using parMlel-wire conductance probes and capacitance differential-pressure transducers. Applying the eddy viscosity theory and an appropriate correlation of interfacial sear stress,a new two-dimensional separated model of holdup and pressure drop of turbulent/turbulent gas-liquid stratified flow was presented. Prediction results agreed well with experimental data.  相似文献   

本文研究了气、液两相垂直上升流动的摩擦压降,改进了两相液中流体的压差与持液量的测定技术,实验在内径为19mm、高度为1500mm的垂直玻璃管中完成,实验介质采用空气与水,两相流摩擦压了值通过测定压差与持液量实验数据计算得到,流型通过观察决定。  相似文献   

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