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Lifestyle practices and the health promoting environment of hospital nurses This paper examined the lifestyle practices of hospital nurses and the impact of specific interventions in the hospital environment. The perception of nurse as health promoter and as carer of AIDS patients was also examined. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data at two different time periods. The sample represented 729 nurses (at pre- and post-time periods), both qualified and student nurses. Qualified nurses reported the highest stress levels while student nurses reported more negative lifestyle practices such as smoking, alcohol consumption and drug use. A greater number of current smokers (29%) consumed alcohol and used drugs than non-smokers. The impact of intervention strategies around compliance with smoking policy and work-site walk routes reduced exposure to passive smoking at work for qualified nurses and increased exercise participation for both groups of nurses. Workplace was identified as the main source of stress which included relationships at work and demands of the job. Hospital nurses experiencing high work stress were more likely to use professional support and personal coping (discuss problems with friends/family, have a good cry and eat more) than others. Nurses believed in the importance of health promotion as part of their work; however, qualified nurses felt more confident and gave more health related information than student nurses. Student nurses perceived a lower risk of contacting AIDS through work and a higher concern/worry in caring for AIDS patients than qualified nurses.  相似文献   

The teaching and reinforcing of advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ACPR) is an important part of the role of an intensive care nurse manager. This study highlights the need for a structured training programme, as well as regular updates in ACPR. Current research shows poor retention of CPR skills amongst nursing staff. A small study was undertaken amongst intensive care trained nurses at The Middlesex Hospital intensive care unit (ICU). 18 nurses took part in the study, and were each interviewed with regard to their knowledge of ACPR in December 1990. The period of time since last trained in ACPR ranged from 2 months-4 years. Those who had been recently updated in ACPR (up to 4 months prior to interview) scored higher than those who were updated more than 2 years ago. The results showed that most nurses interviewed were only able to answer correctly half the questions asked. These results indicate that the nurses in the study generally demonstrated a severe lack of knowledge of ACPR. This indicates the need for a structured training package in ACPR, followed by frequent reinforcement of ACPR knowledge and skills for nurses practising in an ICU environment.  相似文献   

Scientific expertise in the management of diabetes was an important factor in overcoming physician resistance to the education program. Nurses have expertise, and their expertise must be acknowledged for them to be viewed as leaders. Not only are nurses responsible for sharing their expertise with other nurses, it is equally important for them to share their expertise with the physicians, who may appreciate receiving any information that can help them improve their patients' outcomes. The components that are essential for success in pioneering a new program are good listening skills, a willingness to cooperate, self-confidence, scientific knowledge, vigilance, determination, and a clear vision. Patient outcomes will improve when nurses use their scientific knowledge base and leadership skills through patient-centered nursing practice, planned change strategies, and advanced practice nursing.  相似文献   

Teaching and learning in all forms of education is being increasingly reviewed in a climate of educational accountability. The literature generally displays a certain irrationality about nurse education; on the one hand teachers are espousing student-centred ideologies while on the other hand, students are expressing preferences for teacher-structured approaches. The research on nurse education generally concludes that the roles of teacher and student operate around a mechanistic view of man with the teacher being viewed as the front of all knowledge and the students the passive recipients of that which was given. This paper reports on related background issues, and a study of the teaching/learning preferences of student nurses from general, psychiatric, sick children's and mental handicap nursing. Whilst students reflected preferences for more teacher-structured strategies, significant differences were identified between the preferences of the four groups of student nurses. It is concluded that any insistence on a doctrinaire approach to teaching and learning would be unnecessarily restrictive to the whole process of nurse education. Nurse tutors therefore need to reflect on what they do, particularly that which influences the relationship between the students and what they learn. It is then the responsibility of nurse tutors to act on what they have learned about that relationship and their part in it.  相似文献   

The advancement of nursing knowledge to improve clinical plastic surgical nursing practice was identified as a priority for the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Nurses (ASPRSN). The purpose of this investigation was to determine the specific research priorities and perspectives of practicing plastic surgical nurses. In addition, nurses were asked to rank their current concerns for the future of plastic surgical nursing.  相似文献   

The research study described here was commissioned by the English National Board to examine nursing in the context of Project 2000 implementation. The research team explored the impact of Project 2000 on students, managers and practitioners. Students and diplomates were perceived to be patient-oriented and holistic in approach; basic nursing care was identified as a central role of qualified nurses. Perceptions of nursing shifted as the course progressed to include health promotion, and research and theory as a basis for practice. Aspects of the course valued by students included the broader academic input, interpersonal skills, life sciences, supernumerary status and the challenging approach advocated by the course. Students were concerned about the timing of the biological science modules, which often did not coincide with their practice experiences. Students identified poor course organisation and poor teaching skills of some lecturers as areas for concern. Managers and practitioners identified students as potential agents of change who challenged traditional expectations of newly qualified nurses.  相似文献   

Student nurses are often intimidated by the research process. They also frequently have negative attitudes about working with the elderly, especially in long-term care settings. This article describes a clinical project designed to help students improve their attitudes, knowledge, and skills toward research and care of the elderly by connecting the research process and the nursing process. Students implement research-based clinical practice in a long-term care setting. Student evaluations indicate that project goals are achieved. Nursing staff evaluation data indicate that they find student projects interesting and useful in updating resident care plans.  相似文献   

The purpose of this follow-up study was to describe, explain and interpret how new graduate nurses perceived their adaptation to the 'real world' of hospital nursing and what they perceived as major influences on their moral values and ethical roles in the 2 years following graduation. The method was qualitative, specifically grounded theory. The earlier study took place when informants were senior nursing students. The follow-up study began after the informants had been practising for 1 year. Research questions guiding the study were: How do new graduate nurses describe their adaptation to the 'real world' of hospital nursing? What do they describe as factors influencing their moral values and ethical roles in hospital nursing? Preserving moral integrity was the basic psycho-social process that explained how these new graduate nurses adapted to the real world of hospital nursing. Six stages of this process were identified: vulnerability; getting through the day; coping with moral distress; alienation from self; coping with lost ideals; and integration of new professional self-concept. Moral distress was a consequence of the effort to preserve moral integrity. It is the result of believing that one is not living up to one's moral convictions. Data supported that the most pervasive attributes of moral distress were self-criticism and self-blame, as informants judged their actions against their moral convictions and their standards of what a good nurse would do. Moral distress was an acute form of psychological disorientation in which informants questioned their professional knowledge, what kind of nurses they were and what kind of nurses they were becoming. Theoretical explanations of these findings are grounded in social interaction and moral psychology theories.  相似文献   

Because every scientific theory and all research methods are tied to some philosophical framework, it is important that scientists within a given discipline be aware of the philosophical orientations that serve as the basis for developing theory and advancing knowledge. Nurse scientists have been challenged recently to examine the discipline's philosophical underpinnings in order to understand the evolutionary process of nursing science. The inclusion of the study of philosophy of science in doctoral nursing curriculum has remained a topic of periodic discourse. Whereas some assert that it promotes the essential process of philosophical reflection necessary for scientific exploration of relevant phenomenon, others contend that nurse scientists' preoccupation with this issue has diverted their attention from the real business of nursing science--that of knowledge development that will lead to legitimization of nursing as a discipline. Philosophy of science provides a useful frame of reference in which to appreciate the unfolding of nursing as a discipline. It should not be viewed as a distraction but rather a critical step in the transformation of the doctoral student into a productive nurse scientist. Doctoral programs remain the most logical place in which to educate future scholars regarding nursing's unique philosophical foundations and their implications for scientific inquiry and continued knowledge development. Creating and maintaining liaisons between nursing and philosophy departments--as well as requiring courses that emphasize the interrelationships among philosophy of science, nursing theory, and nursing research--are just a few of the strategies whereby doctoral programs can actively promote advancement of the discipline.  相似文献   

The results of this investigation indicate that nurses enrolling in nursing master's degree programs are motivated to do so for reasons related to professional achievement and increasing their knowledge base. Many of the respondents indicated the desire to seek positions that reflect the more advanced practice roles in nursing, such as clinical nurse specialist, nurse practitioner, or nurse educator, upon completion of the degree. This is significant when considering that the investigation was conducted during a serious nursing shortage when much emphasis was placed on the recruitment and retention of staff nurses to work at the bedside (Fenner, 1987). The results of this investigation have implications for nursing educators and program administrators in master's degree programs. The seven motivational orientations underlying the reasons for returning to school should be considered when evaluating the ability of their programs to meet the needs and goals of their applicants. This might be accomplished by the exploration of the applicants' reasons for returning to school as well as their professional goals upon completion of the degree during the application process. An exit interview done on completion of the degree requirements could also be performed to determine if the program met the needs of the student.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate whether the human and economic investment of resources in the further training of nursing and nursing assistants is justified. The study focused in particular on the transfer of knowledge from training course to working practice. It was carried out as a case study in Ringk?bing County, Denmark, during 1993/94. The population consisted of 49 nurses and 49 nursing assistants. The study showed that the participants took a keen interest in the courses. The learning process was found relevant by the nurses, but not by the nursing assistants. Neither group found that their expectations of getting more knowledge were satisfied. With respect to job-behaviour, the study confirmed the hypothesis that the practising of the content of the course will depend on the support and interest of the head of the department towards a goal-oriented development of competence and structure. If such support and interest is lacking, the course-participant will only change her own working practices, independent of the organizational structure.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted to describe registered nurses' (n = 237), perceptions of the barriers to and the facilitators of research utilization at two hospitals in Sweden. A questionnaire, Barriers and Facilitators to Using Research in Practice developed by Funk et al., was used to collect the data. The major barriers to research utilization were that the research is not readily available along with inadequate facilities for implementation of research findings, lack of competent colleagues with whom to discuss research, lack of time for reading and implementing research findings and the nurses lack of authority in the organization. The nurses who had studied research methods in their basic nursing education, seemed to perceive fewer barriers than those who had not. The facilitating factors most frequently suggested by the nurses were diverse models of education to increase their knowledge of research methods and to develop skills in evaluating research findings. The allocation of resources for education and implementation of research findings in clinical practice, in addition to special positions in clinical practice for nurses with scientific qualifications, were also suggested.  相似文献   

Power is required to obtain professional goals. The aim of this study is to clarify the significance of power and the lack of it in the opinions of nurses and in prevailing nursing practice. The power of the nurse was measured by the nurse's own assessment of her/his capability to improve the quality of nursing care. The data were collected from all the registered nurses (n = 179) of five hospitals. The response was 70%. The powerful nurses had more knowledge, were better motivated, implemented policies more often, acted consciously towards nursing goals and collaborated better than the powerless nurses. The results demonstrated that nurses who had enough power possessed both wider and deeper cognitive and moral dimensions and had better skills in human interaction than did the powerless nurses.  相似文献   

The term nursing diagnosis is constructed in male, medical language. As such, it is proposed that it has no legitimacy in nursing discourse as it is antithetical to notions claimed foremost in nursing's ontology. It is also posited that the term 'nursing diagnosis', whilst reinforcing biomedicine, has little or no meaning to many nurses, is not understood by patients and has no justifiable place in health care discourse.  相似文献   

In 1969, at the first Nursing Theory Conference, Hildegard Peplau proposed a research methodology that would guide the development of nursing knowledge. To direct nurses in the development of practice-based theory, Peplau proposed a three-step process that would assist in this pursuit. The purpose of this paper is to describe the use of Peplau's process of practice-based theory development as it has directed a program of research in the area of depression. Peplau's ideas related to practice-based theory development came at a time in nursing when grand theories were being developed and theoretical nursing was highly valued. Peplau, ahead of her time, proposed an approach that valued the development of nursing knowledge in practice, while also combining both qualitative and quantitative methods. This research methodology deserves recognition today, as one that can guide knowledge development in psychiatric nursing.  相似文献   

The nexus between tertiary nursing education and employment was strengthened during the 1990s when universities became involved in delivering a plethora of specialty graduate certificates and diplomas which largely replaced hospital-based post-registration courses. These university-based courses can be seen as contributing to the commodification of education as well as the legitimisation of a stratification of nursing knowledge through which biological sciences and experiential knowledge remain privileged. In the development of specialist nurse education courses, it is vital there is an accompanying examination of whose interests are being served by the models adopted. In particular, there is a need to contest the dominance of service needs in shaping nurse education. Rather than continuing to respond with uncritical acceptance of courses that are characteristically highly technical and vocational in nature, nursing needs to explore curriculum models that enable students to choose their course pathways to develop their practice. It is argued that nurse academics are complicit in reproducing power relations which continue to subjugate nurses within medical and economic discourses.  相似文献   

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