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In this study, condensation heat transfer tests were conducted in flat aluminum multi-channel tubes using R-410A, and the results are compared with those of R-22. The flat tubes have two internal geometries; one with smooth inner surface and the other with micro-fins. Data are presented for the following range of variables; vapor quality (0.1–0.9), mass flux (200–600 kg/m2s) and heat flux (5–15 kW/m2). Results show that the effect of surface tension drainage on the fin surface is more pronounced for R-22 than R-410A. The smaller Weber number of R-22 may be responsible. For the smooth tube, the heat transfer coefficient of R-410A is slightly larger than that of R-22. For the micro-fin tube, however, the trend is reversed. Possible reasoning is provided considering physical properties of the refrigerants. For the smooth tube, Webb's correlation predicts the data reasonably well. For the micro-fin tube, the Yang and Webb model was modified to correlate the present data. The modified model adequately predicts the data.  相似文献   

Convective boiling heat transfer experiments were performed in horizontal minichannels with binary mixture refrigerant, R-410A. The test section is made of stainless steel tubes with inner diameters of 1.5 mm and 3.0 mm and with lengths of 1500 mm and 3000 mm, respectively, and is uniformly heated by applying electric current directly to the tubes. Local heat transfer coefficients were obtained for a heat flux range of 10–30 kW m−2, a mass flux range of 300–600 kg m−2 s−1, and quality ranges of up to 1.0. The experimental results were mapped on Wang et al.'s (C.C. Wang, C.S. Chiang, D.C. Lu, Visual observation of two-phase flow pattern of R-22, R-134a, and R-407C in a 6.5-mm smooth tube, Experimental, Thermal and Fluid Science 15 (1997) 395–405) and Wojtan et al.'s (L. Wojtan, T. Ursenbacher, J.R. Thome, Investigation of flow boiling in horizontal tubes: part I – a new diabatic two-phase flow pattern map, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 2955–2969) flow pattern maps to observe the flow regimes. Laminar flow appears in flow with minichannels. A new boiling heat transfer coefficient correlation based on the superposition model for R-410A was developed with 11.20% mean deviation; it showed a good agreement between the measured data and the calculated heat transfer coefficients.  相似文献   

Two-phase pressure drop of R-410A in horizontal smooth minichannels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Convective boiling pressure drop experiments were performed in horizontal minichannels with a binary mixture refrigerant, R-410A. The test section was made of stainless steel tubes with inner diameters of 1.5 mm and 3.0 mm and with lengths of 1500 mm and 3000 mm, respectively. This test section was uniformly heated by applying electric current directly to the tubes. Experiments were performed at inlet saturation temperature of 10 °C, mass flux ranges from 300 to 600 kg m−2 s−1 and heat flux ranges from 10 to 40 kW m−2. The current study showed the significant effect of mass flux and tube diameter on pressure drop. The experimental results were compared against 15 two-phase pressure drop prediction methods. The homogeneous model predicted well the experimental pressure drop, generally. A new pressure drop prediction method based on the Lockhart–Martinelli method was developed with 4.02% mean deviation.  相似文献   

Air-conditioners use spirally coiled capillary tubes as an expansion device to enhance compactness of the unit. However, most empirical correlations for predicting refrigerant flow rate through capillary tubes were developed for straight capillary tubes without consideration of coiled effects. The objectives of this study are to investigate the flow characteristics of the coiled capillary tubes and to develop a generalized correlation for the mass flow rate through the coiled capillary tubes. The mass flow rate of R22 through the coiled capillary tubes and straight capillary tubes was measured for various operating conditions and tube geometries. The mass flow rates of the coiled capillary tubes decreased by 5–16% more than those of the straight capillary tubes at the same operating conditions. A generalized correlation for predicting refrigerant mass flow rate through coiled capillary tubes was developed by introducing the parameter of capillary equivalent length. The present correlation showed good predictions with the present database for R22, R407C and R410A in the straight and coiled capillary tubes, yielding average and standard deviations of 0.24% and 4.4%, respectively.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation of condensation heat transfer in 9.52 mm O.D. horizontal copper tubes was conducted using R22 and R410A. The test rig had a straight, horizontal test section with an active length of 0.92 m and was cooled by the heat transfer fluid (cold water) circulated in a surrounding annulus. Constant heat flux of 11.0 kW/m2 was maintained throughout the experiment and refrigerant quality varied from 0.9 to 0.1. The condensation test results at 45 °C were reported for 40–80 kg/h mass flow rate. The local and average condensation coefficients for seven microfin tubes were presented compared to those for a smooth tube. The average condensation coefficients of R22 and R410A for the microfin tubes were 1.7–3.19 and 1.7–2.94 times larger than those in smooth tube, respectively.  相似文献   

Pressure drop of single-phase turbulent flow inside herringbone microfin tubes of different fin dimensions has been measured experimentally to develop a general correlation of single-phase friction factor for the herringbone tubes. Water has been used as a working fluid and the mass flow rate has been varied from 0.03 to 0.2 kg/s, where the Reynolds number range is 104 to 6.5 × 104. Comparison of experimental data of the herringbone microfin tubes with those of helical microfin and smooth tubes shows that pressure drop of the herringbone tube is significantly higher than the helical and smooth tubes depending on the fin geometric parameters and mass velocity of the working fluid. Through semi-analytical approach and using the present experimental data, a new correlation of single-phase friction factor for the herringbone microfin tubes has been proposed incorporating the effects of fin geometric parameters. The proposed correlation can predict the experimental data within ±10%.  相似文献   

This paper reports an experimental investigation of convective boiling heat transfer and pressure drop of refrigerant R-134a in smooth, standard microfin and herringbone copper tubes of 9.52 mm external diameter. Tests have been conducted under the following conditions: inlet saturation temperature of 5 °C, qualities from 5 to 90%, mass velocity from 100 to 500 kg s−1 m−2, and a heat flux of 5 kW m−2. Experimental results indicate that the herringbone tube has a distinct heat transfer performance over the mass velocity range considered in the present study. Thermal performance of the herringbone tube has been found better than that of the standard microfin in the high range of mass velocities, and worst for the smallest mass velocity (G=100 kg s−1 m−2) at qualities higher than 50%. The herringbone tube pressure drop is higher than that of the standard microfin tube over the whole range of mass velocities and qualities. The enhancement parameter is higher than one for both tubes for mass velocities lower than 200 kg s−1 m−2. Values lower than one have been obtained for both tubes in the mass velocity upper range as a result of a significant pressure drop increment not followed by a correspondent increment in the heat transfer coefficient.  相似文献   

Based on experimental data for R134a, the present work deals with the development of a prediction method for heat transfer in herringbone microfin tubes. As is shown in earlier works, heat transfer coefficients for the investigated herringbone microfin tube tend to peak at lower vapour qualities than in helical microfin tubes. Correlations developed for other tube types fail to describe this behaviour. A hypothesis that the position of the peak is related to the point where the average film thickness becomes smaller than the fin height is tested and found to be consistent with observed behaviour. The proposed method accounts for this hypothesis and incorporates the well-known Steiner and Taborek correlation for the calculation of flow boiling heat transfer coefficients. The correlation is modified by introducing a surface enhancement factor and adjusting the two-phase multiplier. Experimental data for R134a are predicted with an average residual of 1.5% and a standard deviation of 21%. Tested against experimental data for mixtures R410A and R407C, the proposed method overpredicts experimental data by around 60%. An alternative adjustment of the two-phase multiplier, in order to better predict mixture data, is discussed.  相似文献   

Pronounced hydrodynamic and thermodynamic non-equilibrium exist in the flow of refrigerant through a short tube orifice under typical operating conditions. A non-equilibrium two-fluid model (TFM) for refrigerant two-phase critical flow inside the short tube orifice is developed. Both inter-phase velocity slip and inter-phase temperature difference are taken into account in the model. The mass flow rate, the two-phase velocity and temperature distributions in a short tube orifice are simulated. Comparisons among the experimental data of refrigerants R134a, R12, R22, R410A and R407C flowing through short tubes, the predictions by the TFM and by the homogeneous equilibrium model (HEM) show that the TFM gives acceptable predictions with the deviations of ±20%, while the HEM underestimates the flow rate by 20% or so.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to provide experimental data that can be used in the optimal design of flat plate finned-tube heat exchangers with large fin pitch. In this study, 22 heat exchangers were tested with a variation of fin pitch, number of tube row, and tube alignment. The air-side heat transfer coefficient decreased with a reduction of the fin pitch and an increase of the number of tube row. The reduction in the heat transfer coefficient of the four-row heat exchanger coil was approximately 10% as the fin pitch decreased from 15.0 to 7.5 mm over the Reynolds number range of 500–900 that was calculated based on the tube diameter. For all fin pitches, the heat transfer coefficient decreased as the number of tube row increased from 1 to 4. The staggered tube alignment improved heat transfer performance more than 10% compared to the inline tube alignment. A heat transfer correlation was developed from the measured data for flat plate finned-tubes with large fin pitch. The correlation yielded good predictions of the measured data with mean deviations of 3.8 and 6.2% for the inline and staggered tube alignment, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper is a part in a series that reports on the experimental study of the performance of the two-phase ejector expansion refrigeration cycle. In the present study, three two-phase ejectors are used as an expansion device in the refrigeration cycle. The effects of throat diameter of the motive nozzle, on the coefficient of performance, primary mass flow rate of the refrigerant, secondary mass flow rate of the refrigerant, recirculation ratio, average evaporator pressure, compressor pressure ratio, discharge temperature and cooling capacity, which have never before appeared in open literature, are presented. The effects of the heat sink and heat source temperatures on the system performance are also discussed.  相似文献   

CO2 is environmentally friendly, safe and more suitable to ejector refrigeration cycle than to vapor compression cycle. Supersonic two-phase flow of CO2 in the diverging sections of rectangular converging–diverging nozzles was investigated. The divergence angles with significant variation of decompression were 0.076°, 0.153°, 0.306° and 0.612°. This paper presents experimental decompression phenomena which can be used in designing nozzles and an assessment of Isentropic Homogeneous Equilibrium (IHE). Inlet conditions around 6–9 MPa, 20–37 °C were used to resemble ejector nozzles of coolers and heat pumps. For inlet temperature around 37 °C, throat decompression boiling from the saturated liquid line, supersonic decompression and IHE solution were obtained for the two large divergence angles. For divergence angles larger than 0.306°, decompression curves for inlet temperature above 35 °C approached IHE curves. For divergence angles smaller than 0.306° or for nozzles with inlet temperature below 35 °C, IHE had no solution.  相似文献   

Single-phase heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of a commercially available internally micro-finned tube with a nominal outside diameter of 7.94 mm were studied. Experiments were conducted in a double pipe heat exchanger with water as the cooling as well as the heating fluid for six sets of runs. The pressure drop data were collected under isothermal conditions. Data were taken for turbulent flow with 3300 ≤ Re ≤ 22,500 and 2.9 ≤ Pr ≤ 4.7. The heat transfer data were correlated by a Dittus–Boelter type correlation, while the pressure drop data were correlated by a Blasius type correlation. The correlation predicted values for both the Nusselt number and the friction factors were compared with other studies. It was found that the Nusselt numbers obtained from the present correlation fall in the middle region between the Copetti et al. and the Gnielinski smooth tube correlation predicted Nusselt number values. For pressure drop results, the present correlation predicted friction factors values were nearly double that of the Blasius smooth tube correlation predicted friction factors. It was also found that the rough tube Gnielinski and Haaland correlations can be used as a good approximation to predict the finned tube Nusselt number and ffriction factor, respectively, in the tested Reynolds number range.  相似文献   

In this paper we present results of the studies of ice slurry flow in horizontal tubes. The possibility of treating the rheological parameters of ice slurry as being those of Bingham fluid was confirmed. The values of parameters (mass fraction, flow velocity) corresponding to the laminar, intermediate and turbulent flow were determined which permits to optimize the flow in the systems working with this cooling agent. Critical flow velocity and mass fraction of ice values were determined thereby; they correspond to a change in character of an ice slurry flow from a laminar to turbulent motion. Experimental results were compared to the analytical results, based on the Hedström and Tomita algorithms (the laminar and turbulent flow, respectively). The comparison showed a very good agreement between these data.  相似文献   

The leakage is unavoidable and has considerable influence on the performance of a scroll compressor. In a meso-scale scroll compressor, the working gas leakage is more serious because the gaps between the scroll plate pairs are more difficult to be sealed than the case in a normal scale scroll compressor. This paper analyzes the leakage and related factors with a simplified model, and discusses the performance that resulted from gas loss due to both leakages from tangential and axial directions in meso-scale compressors. The discussion and related results are helpful to determine some key parameters in the design and manufacture of meso-scroll compressors.  相似文献   

An experimental research on the performance of the bubble pump for absorption refrigeration units was made. The bubble pump provides the drive for the absorption cycle and is a decisive component of the absorption refrigeration unit. The bubble pump's property determines the efficiency of the absorption refrigeration system. A continuous experimental system with different size of bubbles pumps were designed, constructed and successfully worked. The experiments were performed by changing some of the parameters affecting the bubble pump performance. The experimental results shows that the performance of the bubble pump depends mainly on the driving temperature, the solution head and the combining tube diameters. With the suitable size of section area of the pump tubes the net elevating height of solution is 2.5 times as high as the solution submergence. The lunate channel has several outstanding characteristics, such as low starting temperature (minimum 68 °C), wide operating temperature range and lower requirement for vacuum condition (under 10 kPa). Then the elevating capability of the bubble pump with lunate channel is much better than others currently. It would provide well foundation for practical applications.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation of two-phase flow mechanisms during condensation of refrigerant R134a in six small diameter round (4.91 mm), square (Dh=4 mm, α=1), and rectangular (4×6 and 6×4 mm: Dh=4.8 mm, α=0.67 and 1.5; 2×4 and 4×2 mm: Dh=2.67 mm, α =0.5 and 2) was conducted. Unique experimental techniques and test sections were developed to enable the documentation of the flow mechanisms during phase change. For each tube under consideration, flow mechanisms were recorded over the entire range of qualities for five different refrigerant mass fluxes between 150 and 750 kg m−2 s−1. The flow mechanisms were categorized into four different flow regimes: intermittent flow, wavy flow, annular flow, and dispersed flow. In addition, the large amount of data enabled the delineation of several different flow patterns within each flow regime, which provides a clearer understanding of the different modes of two-phase flow. Transition lines between the respective flow patterns and regimes on these maps were established based on the experimental data. It was found that for similar hydraulic diameters, flow regime transitions are not very strongly dependent on tube shape or aspect ratio. These maps and the transition lines can be used to predict the particular flow pattern or regime that will be established for a given mass flux, quality and tube geometry.  相似文献   

A capillary tube is a common expansion device widely used in small-scale refrigeration and air-conditioning systems. Generalized correlation method for refrigerant flow rate through adiabatic capillary tubes is developed by combining dimensional analysis and artificial neural network (ANN). Dimensional analysis is utilized to provide the generalized dimensionless parameters and reduce the number of input parameters, while a three-layer feedforward ANN is served as a universal approximator of the nonlinear multi-input and single-output function. For ANN training and test, measured data for R12, R134a, R22, R290, R407C, R410A, and R600a in the open literature are employed. The trained ANN with just one hidden neuron is good enough for the training data with average and standard deviations of 0.4 and 6.6%, respectively. By comparison, for two test data sets, the trained ANN gives two different results. It is well interpreted by evaluating the outlier with a homogeneous equilibrium model.  相似文献   

The effect of salt concentration on the freezing point of meat simulants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Accurate data on the initial freezing point of cured meat is required to predict freezing rates or identify optimal slicing temperatures. However, little data was found in the literature. Experiments were therefore carried out using the ‘Karlsruhe test substance’ (‘Tylose’) with varying salt concentrations as a cured meat substitute. Initial freezing points were −1.4, −3.1, −4.1, −5.2 and −6.3 °C at salt contents of 0.5, 2, 3, 4 and 5 kg salt/100 kg sample, respectively. These values were within ±0.5 °C of published values for cured pork and within ±0.9 °C of theoretical predictions. Modifying the salt content of Tylose is therefore a simple way of determining the initial freezing point of cured lean meats, and Tylose modified in this way can be used to simulate the freezing of cured meat.  相似文献   

The objectives of this paper are to develop experimental correlations of heat transfer for enhanced tubes used in a falling film condenser, and to provide a guideline for optimum design of the falling film condenser with a high condensing temperature of 59.8 °C. Tests are performed for four different enhanced tubes; a low-fin and three Turbo-C tubes. The working fluid is HFC134a, and the system pressure is 16.0 bar. The results show that the heat transfer enhancement of low-fin tube, Turbo-C (1), Turbo-C (2) and Turbo-C (3) ranges 2.8–3.4 times, 3.5–3.8 times, 3.8–4.0 times and 3.6–3.9 times, respectively, compared with the theoretical Nusselt correlation. It was found that the condensation heat transfer coefficient decreased with increasing the falling film Reynolds number and the wall subcooling temperature. It was also found that the enhanced tubes became more effective in the high wall subcooling temperature region than in the low wall subcooling temperature region. This study developed an experimental correlation of the falling film condensation with an error band of ±5%.  相似文献   

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