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油气混输泵是用于油气开采领域输送包含原油,水,气,甚至包含少量沙子等混合物的特殊泵,是一种为未处理过的,从油井中开采出的混合产品加压的一种机械装置。和传统采油方法相比,油气混输泵需要解决油气混合输送中产生压缩气体产生大量热的问题;需要解决苛刻工况下机械密封的选型选材及泵体内和介质接触零部件的选型选材问题;需要面对高含气比的时候,气液分离和泵体内液体循环补液问题。针对一些高端复杂的应用,国内外油气混输泵厂家的解决方案;国内厂家还有哪些差距,如何可以缩小差距,提升整体制造水平。  相似文献   

油气混输泵进口气液混合器的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马希金  王宏亮  吴蓓 《化工机械》2004,31(5):269-271
结合气液混输泵外特性试验 ,对两种气液混合器做了比较分析 ,提出了气液混合器应遵循的设计原则 ,得到了合适的结构尺寸。  相似文献   

为了解决原油和伴生气的高气油比多相混输问题,研究开发了偏心转子油气混输泵。厂内测试和现场应用表明,该泵具有混输能力强,适应伴生气多的工况,泵效高功耗小,运行维护简单,适应小排量高压力输送等特点,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

机械密封是双螺杆混输泵防止输送介质向外泄漏,保证其安全可靠运行的关键部件。对于塔河油田12区混输站输送原油含气量高,含H2S毒性物质的特点,本文根据机械密封结构与工作原理,结合输送介质特性,分析输送介质含气量商、含H2S毒性物质对机械密封的影响,并对比单端面密封、无压双重密封与有压双重密封等三种工程常用的机械密封及其冲洗方案特点,为双螺杆混输泵选择了合理的机械密封型式及冷却循环系统,保证了双螺杆混输泵的安全可靠运行。  相似文献   

油气混输泵降压技术在油田油气集输系统的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对文南油田因集输液量不断增加,造成集输管线回压增高,部分油气集输管线末端压力达到1.0M Pa以上,油井回压达到1.5M Pa以上,由此造成抽油机电耗增加、泵效下降、集输管线安全运行系数降低,穿孔次数增加,管线维护工作量增加,采油时率下降,同时造成部分低产井、边远井进不了流程,只能采取单井拉油生产,致使油气损耗增大,原油生产成本增加,管理难度增加,严重影响了原油产量和油田开发的综合效益。在文南油田应用油气混输泵降压技术有效地解决了高油气比多相介质长距离管输及边远区块开发的集输难题,提高了油田开发的综合效益,具有较大的推广价值。  相似文献   

轴流式油气混输泵内部的CFD分析及优化设计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于标准的K ε紊流模型 ,利用CFD软件FLUENT及其预处理软件GAMBIT ,模拟了轴流式油气混输泵的叶轮及混流器内的三维紊流场 ,依据三维紊流场的预测结果优化叶轮及混流器相关的几何参数。实验表明 ,这是一条提高轴流式混输泵输送含气量和效率的可靠途径  相似文献   

本文综合介绍了混输泵的原理和特点,给出了输油管线混输总压降和混输泵选型的计算方法。本文以鄣二站改造泵房为侈《进行了工艺设计,概述了本次工艺设计的设计参数和工艺流程,对设备选型、尺寸安装等也做出了详细的阐述,为以后气液混输设计提供了宝贵的实践经验和重要参考。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了海底油气混输管道严重段塞流的形成、分类及控制,典型严重段塞流的形成包括四个阶段:段塞形成、段塞流出、液气喷发、液体回落,段塞流主要分为动力段塞流、地形段塞流、立管段塞流。着重介绍了地形和立管诱发的严重段塞流,并研究了海底混输管道严重段塞流的控制措施和方法。  相似文献   

水平气液混输管道清管操作实验与数值模拟技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李玉星  冯叔初 《化工学报》2004,55(2):271-274
A pigging model incorporating three different regions was developed for predicting the dynamics of the pigging operation in two-phase flow pipelines. The model incorporates a transient two-fluid model. The mixed Eulerean-Lagrangian approach was used to couple the transient model and the pigging model which can predict the pigging time, velocity and the change of pigging parameters. An experimental study was carried out to acquire two-phase transient flow and pigging data on a 380 m long, 81 mm diameter horizontal pipeline. A computer-based data acquisition system was used to obtain detailed information of the flow behavior during experimental runs. The data include pigging time, inlet pressure, accumulated liquid in pipeline, pressure and pigging velocity distribution. The predicted results compared fairy well with the experimental data.  相似文献   

在油田开采过程中,油井产量的计量是生产管理的重要任务,同时也是开发指标确定与评价的重要工作之一。产量能否及时、准确的计量对制定生产方案、措施效果评价具有重要的指导意义。由于油田生产中伴生气的存在,导致油气混输计量难度大、精确度低。为解决这一问题,提出了建立油气混输连续计量的要求,利用流体压强与液位高度和重量的关系,建立双容积连续计量装置,集合智能控制系统实现了单井产量及油气混输量的自动连续称重计量,大大提高计量准确性,降低工人劳动强度,为油田地面集输工艺的简化、优化奠定了技术基础。  相似文献   

朱旭  冶克杰  杨鹏  顾腾 《当代化工》2015,(2):414-416,420
深入研究多相流动规律对油田生产具有重要的指导意义。通过对多相流动常见模型的计算,比较和分析,得到:不同计算模型有其适用的工况,目前来说没有一种模型适合于所有情况;针对不同工况,对选出符合的计算模型;在文中给定的条件下,Dukler法和BBM法具有较好的计算结果,相对误差不大于5%,且Dukler计算结果较BBM计算结果大。当原油量一定时,随着气油比或含水率增大,总体压降均增大;随着总传热系数增大,管道压降稍微减小,且当总传热系数达到一定值时,对管道压降几乎没有影响。  相似文献   

朱祥玉 《山东化工》2010,39(4):39-41
泵的密封改造工作是保障设备正常运转的一项重要工作。介绍了泵在密封改造过程中的几个技术问题及措施。  相似文献   

丁馨  赵刚 《辽宁化工》2010,39(11):1158-1161
多相流是一种复杂的流动现象,而对其的计量又必不可少。根据计量时分离程度的不同可分为全分离式,部分分离式和不分离式,以及新兴的取样分离式。介绍了各种多相流计量的原理及计量方式,并比较了各项计量的利弊,最后提出了现存计量方式存在的问题以及今后研究的方向。  相似文献   

Multiphase equilibrium flash calculations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The determination of the correct number of equilibrium phases and their corresponding compositions at fixed temperature and pressure (TP flash) is studied. The novel aspects of this work center around unique initialization strategies and successive quadratic programming (SQP) enhancements that include the use of (1) only binary tangent plane analyses; (2) the determination of all partially miscible binary pairs and a dominant immiscible pair; (3) novel relative solubility calculations based on component activities and double tangency separation; (4) least squares solutions to compute phase fraction estimates; (5) a variety of algorithmic features that dynamically trap difficulties such as compositions well below machine accuracy, and trivial and collapsed solutions and (6) a posteriori testing of phase and solution stability. The overall algorithmic framework is one based on using a combination of binary tangent plane analyses, bubble point calculations and dimensionless Gibbs free energy minimizations. Binary tangent plane analyses are used to identify all immiscible or partially miscible binary pairs and to avoid dimensionality difficulties associated with locating all stationary points in the tangent plane distance function in the full composition space. The proposed approach consists of solving a sequence of subproblems (i.e. LE, LLE, VLLE,…) until the global minimum dimensionless Gibbs free energy (G/RT) is found. Maximum information from binary tangent plane analyses and previously solved subproblems are used to generate initial values for the next subproblem. The concept of relative solubilities is introduced and used to initialize phase compositions in all LLE calculations (i.e. phase split or flash). All completely miscible component relative solubilities are calculated using component activities while those for immiscible or partially miscible components are initialized using double tangency separation. Phase fractions are initialized using a least-square solution to the set of component mass balances. All subproblems are formulated in terms of component flows and solved using a full space SQP method using a modified Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) update of the Lagrangian Hessian matrix. The proposed algorithm was tested within the Aspen Plus process simulator using a variety of physical properties options. Twenty six multicomponent mixtures including some four-phase (VLLLE) emulsion polymerization problems were used to test the proposed algorithm. All problems were easily solved and clearly demonstrate the capabilities of the present multiphase TP flash model.  相似文献   

A review of recent developments in multiphase catalytic processes for the manufacture of pharmaceutical and fine chemicals, and an overview of reaction engineering principles needed for analysis of the local and overall reaction rate for reactor design and interpretation of performance is presented. The first section gives an overview of recent applications in pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals where heterogeneous and homogeneous catalyzed multiphase chemistries have been identified that are more efficient and represent safer operation with decreased environmental impact when compared to existing processes. The next three sections describe a scheme for classification of the various types of reactions that are typically encountered, along with distinguishing features of these reactions and commonly used multiphase reactor types. This is followed by a review of reaction engineering principles needed for describing the local overall rate of reaction, including a summary of typical models for evaluation of the intrinsic reaction kinetics, incorporation of transport-kinetic interactions, methods for identification of the controlling reaction regime and assessment of the relative contribution of transport effects. The next two sections set forth basic reactor models for commonly used reactor types, including mechanically agitated reactors and bubble column reactors. A brief summary of commonly used correlations for estimation of mass transfer coefficients in these reactors for gas-liquid and liquid-liquid systems is also given. The final section is devoted to a summary of key reaction engineering issues that occur in pharmaceutical and fine chemical multiphase catalytic processes, along with some thoughts on future needs and challenges.  相似文献   

商羽婷 《辽宁化工》2010,39(8):873-875
对多相流计量方法进行归类,主要对近年来多相流的取样式计量技术的研究进展进行了回顾总结,从而提出存在问题和发展方向。  相似文献   

多相管道流动广泛存在于石油化工行业中,但目前国内外研究学者对多相管流机理问题在实验和理论方面尚存在有不一致的结论和认识,文章对多相管流研究进行调研整理,阐述了多相管流发展历程及研究现况,介绍了近些年来的研究热点,最后概述多相管流在石油化工行业的应用,对学者研究石油化工多相流管流问题起到一定理论指导。  相似文献   

王国庆 《化肥工业》1998,25(6):48-49
从导热系数、热膨胀系数、耐热性能、耐腐蚀性能、摩擦性能、自润滑性能、屈服性能、PV情况及抗拉、抗压强度等方面对我公司所使用过的6种甲铵泵用密封填料进行比较,根据比较结果及实际使用情况,GFO与TFA能很好地满足甲铵泵正常工作的要求。  相似文献   

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