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Studies were conducted to investigate the P sorption characteristics and P fractions in eight intensively fertilized soils collected from southern and central Norway. Adsorption of P at the initial P concentrations in the soil solution was very high in the Særheim clay loam soil which contained high amounts of organic C and clay. Adsorption data were fitted well to the classical Langmuir equation. The P affinity constant (k), adsorption maximum (b) and maximum buffer capacity (mbc) calculated from this equation differed considerably among soils. The P affinity constant (r=0.96,p=0.01) and maximum buffer capacity (r=0.97,p=0.01) were highly and positively correlated to organic C. None of the soil parameters were related to adsorption maximum. Phosphorus desorption from the heavily fertilized soils varied widely and depended on the initial P status of the soil and soil texture. The ratio between desorbed P and total P was significantly correlated to sorption parameters. Multiple regression analysis showed that total P positively and organic C negatively affected P desorption in the soils. Iron-P was a major P sink in these soils and it was related to clay content (r=0.69,p=0.1) and organic P (r=0.76,p=0.0.5), but it did not relate to average P removed per harvest (RPH). Calcium-P and Al-P were not related to any of the soil parameters but these fractions were the major contributors to RPH as expressed by a multiple regression equation: RPH=0.397+0.0016 × Ca-P + 0.0012 × Al-P (r=0.84,p=0.05). High content of inorganic fractions shows that most of the residual P may be plant available, albeit at reduced rate with time, in these soils but the availability will depend on soil types.  相似文献   

Labelled Ca(H2PO4)2 · H2O was added to two soils (an Oxisol and a vertisol) at two rates, both as a point source and completely dispersed through the soil. The point source treatments included two spatial distributions at each of two percentages of soil volume fertilized. Total and fertilizer phosphorus uptake by wheat (Triticum aestivum) grown for 42 days were determined in a glasshouse experiment. Uptake of fertilizer phosphorus was not affected by spatial distribution, but declined in the Oxisol as percentage soil volume fertilized increased at the low application rate. The implications of these results in terms of the effects of cultivation on fertilizer availability are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Organic carbon is known to alter crop response to applied phosphorus (P) but that fact has not been incorporated in soil test interpretations. To achieve this objective, field experiments with wheat were conducted for four years on alkaline soils of Punjab, India. The experimental soils ranged from loamy sand to loam in texture, 7.4 to 9.6 in pH, 0.16 to 0.75% in organic carbon (OC) and 2 to 40 mg Olsen extractable P kg–1 soil. Response of wheat to fertilizer phosphorus application was related to the combined effect of Olsen P and soil OC content. At a given Olsen P level, wheat yield was a function of soil OC content. Multiple regression analysis of the data showed that OC content <0.2% did not affect yield significantly. At values >0.6%, OC along with Olsen P accounted for 97% of the variation in yield and there was no response to applied fertilizer P. Yield isoquants for 4 and 5 tons grains ha–1 showed that for a given Olsen P level, as OC content increased the amount of fertilizer P required to achieve a yield target decreased. It was shown that OC may be used to approximate the contribution of organic P mineralization to plant available soil P during a growing season. The reliability of fertilizer recommendations based on Olsen P may be improved on some alkaline soils by consideration of soil OC content.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in Niger with pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum [L] R. Br.) in which the crop was fertilized with phosphate rock (PR) from two deposits from Niger (Tahoua and Parc W). The PR was applied either as ground rock or as partially acidulated phosphate rock (PAPR) and was compared to water soluble sources (TSP and SSP) in terms of millet yield response. The ability of five soil testing procedures (Bray P1, Bray P2, Mehlich 1, Olsen, and water extraction) to establish P sufficiency levels for millet was tested. The results of all soil testing methods were highly correlated amongst each other for the treatments receiving water-soluble fertilizers or PAPRs. None of the soil testing procedures which were evaluated was able to accurately measure available P when PRs were applied. Sufficiency levels were calculated for the PAPR and water-soluble fertilizers using nonlinear regression analysis and a graphic procedure for each of the P soil testing methods. The Bray P1 method appeared to be the most reliable procedure and was used to study the effect of accumulated total or total water + citrate-soluble P rates on final P availability. A single quadratic function was able to describe this effect when the P rates were expressed as water + citrate-soluble P for both PAPRs and water-soluble fertilizers independently of the P fertilizer source.  相似文献   

The residual effectiveness of copper (Cu) applied 18 to 21 years previously was estimated for grain yield of wheat. In one field experiment, current levels of Cu fertiliser were applied and its effectiveness was compared to that of the same level of Cu applied previously. The effects of nitrogen (N) fertiliser on the Cu concentration in the youngest emerged blade and in the grain, as well as the effects of N levels on the grain yield of wheat, were also studied.Where the recommended level of Cu fertiliser had been applied previously, its residual effectiveness depended on the soil type. On the grey sands over clay and gravelly sands over clay, the residual Cu would last approximately 20 years where wheat is grown in rotation with a legume crop (Lupinus augustifolius L.) and where N fertiliser is applied at high levels (92 kg N ha–1). On the yellow brown sandy earths of the Newdegate district, the residual value was in excess of 30 years.When Cu levels in the soil are marginal, high levels of N applied to wheat crops grown on stubbles of legume crops (high soil N) could suffer from induce Cu deficiency which could reduce grain production.Critical concentrations of Cu in the youngest emerged blade of less than 1.2 mg Cu kg–1 at Gs50–59 would indicate Cu deficiency. Cu concentrations of less than 1.1–1.2 mg Cu kg–1 in the grain suggest that the wheat crop is marginally supplied with Cu. In both situations, Cu fertiliser needs to be applied before the next crop.  相似文献   

Five field experiments involving P application rates from 0 to 66 kg P ha–1 were conducted on irrigated wheat at Tandojam, Pakistan. The soils belonged to two great soil groups, Torrifluvent and Camborthid. All soils were calcareous. Olsen-P contents ranged from 3.5 to 6.3 mg P kg–1. Phosphate sorption curves were developed for soils from control (no P) plots at each site. Concentrations of P in solution established by fertilization in the field as estimated from the sorption curves ranged from 0.008 to 0.16mg P L–1. Actual grain yields were converted to relative grain yields and plotted against corresponding concentrations of P in solution. Yield response to P application was obtained in each experiment. Control plot yields ranged from 57 to 89% of maximum yield of respective experiments. Phosphorus requirements of wheat were 0.032 mg L–1 for 95% yield as determined from a composite yield response curve. Predicted quantities of P required to attain 0.032 mg P L–1 ranged from 18 to 29 kg P ha–1. The results of the study suggest that the P sorption approach can be used as a rational basis for making P fertilizer recommendations for various soil-crop combinations.  相似文献   

Nine heavily fertilized soils were collected from southern and central Norway. A greenhouse experiment in the phytotron was conducted to evaluate the P supplying capacities of these soils at different temperatures (9, 12 and 18 °C). The crops were grown in succession and the sequence was oat, rye grass (cut twice), oat, rape and oat. Effect of temperature on dry matter (DM) yield and P uptake was more marked up to the fourth crop but the effect varied among crops. The DM yields of oat and rape increased with increasing temperature but the opposite was the case with rye grass. The yield differences among soils at 12 °C were highly significant (p < 0.01) in contrast to 9 and 18 °C. The amount of P taken up by plants in these soils was highest at 18. °C. The P supplying capacity was highest in the soils with higher content of organic P. Generally, the soils of very fine and coarse texture classes failed to supply enough P to crops to avoid P deficiency in the successive crops. Soil P test (P-NH4-lactate) values in most of the soils increased with increasing temperatures. The highest temperature effect was seen in the Særheim sand soil. Soil P test extractants P-AL, Bray-1 and Colwell-P were used to determine P in the soil after each harvest and the soil P test values were compared with P uptake by crops. Only the P-AL extractant was significantly correlated to cumulative P removal (CPR) by plants in most of the soils. Regression equation was calculated for each soil. The value of removed P per harvest (RPH) varied from 10.33 to 20.87 mg P kg–1 soil. Phosphorus drawdown slope was determined for each soil and the number of consecutive harvests necessary to reduce the P-AL value to a normal level (110 mg P kg–1 soil) was calculated. The drawdown slope varied widely (1.257–2.801) and this reflected the P buffer capacity and the number of crops required to lower the soil test P value to a normal level. The highest drawdown slope was found in the soils with higher P supplying capacities. The Bray-1 extractant was significantly correlated in the soils with higher buffer capacity but the Colwell-P method did not show significant correlation in any of the soils.  相似文献   

The role of soil phosphorus (P) in the eutrophication of fresh water systems is well established. It is crucial therefore to assess the potential loss of P from soil in the various scenarios where soil can come into contact with water. To date, such assessment has often been based on soil P tests that are used for agronomic purposes (e.g. fertilizer recommendations). The purpose of this work was to examine the usefulness of one such test (viz. the Olsen test, which is based on extraction with bicarbonate) for predicting not only the amount of soil P available to plants, but also that which can be desorbed to water in a group of 32 Portuguese soils, of which 29 were acid and 3 calcareous. To this end, we (i) assessed the total amount of phytoavailable P in soil by successively pot-cropping Chinese cabbage, buckwheat and rye; and (ii) measured the amount of phosphate-P desorbed to a dilute electrolyte mimicking fresh water over periods of up to 218 days at soil:solution ratios of 1:100, 1:1000 and 1:10000. Total phytoavailable P and Olsen P were found to bear a quadratic relationship, with Olsen’s extractant underestimating the content in phytoavailable P of soils with high Olsen P contents relatively to soils with low contents. The “change point” at which phytoavailable P began to increase rapidly per unit change in Olsen P was 53 mg Olsen P kg−1 soil. For the acid soils, a significant quadratic relationship was found between the amount of P desorbed to water and Olsen P at the three soil:solution ratios studied. However, these relationships became less significant when only the soils with an Olsen P value of less than 50 mg kg−1 were considered. For the acid soils, the change point at which P input to water began to increase rapidly per unit change in Olsen P was 20, 61 and 57 mg kg−1 at the 1:100, 1:1000 and 1:10000 ratio, respectively. At comparable Olsen P values, the calcareous soils released more phosphate to water than the acid soils. On the basis of our results, we suggest the following environmental threshold values for Olsen P in acid soils: 20 mg kg−1 for P desorption scenarios where the soil:solution ratio is high (e.g. drainage water) and 50 mg kg−1 for desorption scenarios where the soil:solution ratio is low (e.g., runoff, water in reservoirs). Both values are higher than the agronomic threshold above which plants are well supplied with P.  相似文献   

The effect of the vesicular arbuscularmycorrhizal fungus (VAMF) Glomus mosseae ongrowth, yield and nutrients' uptake of the durum wheatvariety Sifnos was investigated in ten differentsoils. Inoculation had a positive effect on tillering,improved plant growth up to 11.6 times and increasedgrain yield up to 5.4 times as compared tonon-inoculated plants. The thousand kernels weight wasimproved by up to 60%. The analysis of shoot tissue ofthe mycorrhizal plants showed that P concentration wasincreased up to 4 fold, while the K, Ca and Mg uptakewas similar for both mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizalplants. The concentrations of the trace elements Mn,Zn, Fe and Cu were lower in the mycorrhizal plantscompared to that of non-inoculated ones. The P and Mgconcentration of the grains produced by the inoculatedplants was increased while the Ca concentration wasdecreased. The concentration of the heavy metals waseither decreased ( Mn, Fe, Co, Cr, Ni, Pb) or remainedunchanged (Zn, Cu). The colonization in the roots ranged from 23 to 78%.  相似文献   

介绍磷酸盐的特性。提出在复合(混)肥生产中应合理配料,并控制好生产工艺,减少水溶磷在复合(混)肥中的退化。磷肥在不同类型土壤中的退化机理不同,大部分磷以金属磷酸盐和羟基磷灰石的形式储存在土壤中。磷在土壤中退化得很快,在一定的土壤和气候条件下,施用水溶性磷肥并非经济。在复合(混)肥生产中控制适当的水溶磷比例,既可满足作物生长的需要,又可减少土壤对磷的固定,提高施肥效益。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to assess to which extent organic farming practices would affect the accumulation of total and available phosphorus (P) in a cropped soil in comparison to conventional practices. In order to achieve this, soil samples were taken from a long-term field trial comparing a non-fertilised control (NON), two conventionally cultivated treatments (MIN, CON), and two organically cultivated treatments (ORG, DYN). Soil samples were taken from each treatment at two depths (0-20 and 30-50 cm) before starting the field trial (1977) and at the end of every three crop rotations (1984, 1991 and 1998). They were then analysed for total P (Pt), total inorganic P (Pi), total organic P (Po) and isotopically exchangeable Pi. After 21 years, the average P input-output budget reached -20.9 kg P ha–1 a–1 for NON, -7.8 for DYN, -5.7 for ORG, -5.0 for MIN and +3.8 for CON. Total P, Pi as well as the amount of Pi isotopically exchangeable within 1 minute (E1) were positively correlated to the P budget. Comparison between P budget and Pt in the top- and subsoils of the fertilised treatments suggested a net transfer of P from the 0–20 to the 30–50 cm layers between 13 and 26 kg P ha–1 a–1during the first rotation and between 3 and 12 kg P ha–1 a–1during the second rotation. During the third rotation a net upward movement of P from the subsurface to the topsoil ranging between 3.7 and 10.5 kg P ha–1 a–1was estimated. In the topsoil, E1decreased from an initial value of 12 mg P kg–1 to 11 in CON, 8 in MIN, 6 in ORG, 5 in DYN and 2 in NON after 21 years. In the subsoil, E1 increased from an initial value of 2 mg P kg–1 to 4 in MIN, ORG, DYN and NON and to 6 in CON. These results show that, with the exception of NON, all treatments had still an adequate level of available P after 21 years of trial and that, in this low to moderately P sorbing soil, an equilibrated input-output budget allows to maintain P availability at a constant level. In the organic systems, yields have so far partly been attained at the expense of soil reserves or residual P from earlier fertiliser applications.  相似文献   

The relative effectiveness (RE) of each one of three different sources of P—P in solution (Psol), triple superphosphate (TSP) and phosphate rock (PR)—for reflecting the availability of P in a P-deficient soil were assessed by measuring in Lotus tenuis variables associated with growth, organ morphology, and plant tissue P-content together with the amounts of P extracts from soil by two of the currently used soil-P tests—Bray I and Olsen. A hyperbolic equation was used to fit the response curves of each one of those plant variables to added-P. The ratio between the shapes of paired response curves of any P-sources was used to compute the RE and substitution rate (K) of one source relative to the other. More P was needed from TSP and PR compared to Psol-100% soluble P-source. On the average P applications as TSP relative to Psol and PR relative to TSP were only 68 and 63% effective respectively for plant growth. Plant roots were more sensitive than soil-P tests to detect shifts in P-availability from different P-sources. Because soil tests are commonly used to estimate the current P status in soil in order to calculate the optimum application levels of fertilizer P for a crop or pasture, these results would have practical agronomical consequences if reproduced in other cultivated species because they show that the response curve of a plant species as a function of added P and soil test might differ among fertilizer types, measured plant variables, and the test used to measure P availability in the soil.  相似文献   

The response of lentil grown under rainfed conditions to directly applied and residual phosphorus (P) was described by a modified Mitscherlich equation, accounting for the effects of rainfall on (1) potential yield, and (2) the availability of soil-P to the crop. The response of lentil yield to directly applied and residual P was studied in two-course cereal–lentil rotational trials under rainfed conditions in a Mediterranean-type environment. Cereal crops were grown at different P application rates during 4 growing seasons at 3 sites, representing different rainfall zones in northwest Syria. Lentil (Lens culinaris Med.) was grown during 4 seasons at the same sites, each lentil crop following a cereal crop. In 3 out of 4 lentil-growing seasons, additional P was applied to lentil in subplots to compare the residual and direct effects of P application. The initial contents of extractable soil-P (P-Olsen) were low at all sites, in the range of 2–5 ppm P. Under the conditions of the experiments, lentil appeared to benefit slightly more from P applied to the preceding wheat crop (residual P) than from directly applied P. It is shown that the modified Mitscherlich equation could be used as a basis for P fertilizer recommendations for rainfed farming. As for lentil, it was concluded that a single application of P to the wheat crop in a wheat/lentil rotation could reduce the cost of lentil production, without reducing lentil yield.  相似文献   

Wheat plants were grown to study the effect of Zn application in a screen house experiment involving 19 alkaline soils having a range of DTPA extractable Zn and widely divergent physical and chemical properties. Soil Zn was positively correlated with organic carbon, clay, Olsen's P and Bray's per cent yield (r = 0.54*, 0.67**, 0.54* and 0.84**) respectively. There was a significant increase in the leaf, grain and total dry matter yield of plants due to Zn fertilization but no such effect was obvious in stem. Concentration of Zn in different plant parts increased significantly with its application in all the soils irrespective of the initial Zn status. Statistical method indicated 0.65 mg kg–1 as the critical level of Zn in alkaline soils below which responses to Zn fertilization may be expected in case of wheat.  相似文献   

Characterization of phosphorus (P) in soils is important both agronomically and environmentally, although the outcome may depend on the technique applied. Consequently, we evaluated fractionation and adsorption, individually and jointly, and relevant ancillary soil attributes, to determine the dominant functional characteristics of soil P in 32 fertilized temperate grassland Inceptisols classified by eight soil series, and by two soil-P index and parent material groups. Residual P was low (30.7%) and organic P (Po) prominent, 42.0% vs. 17.5% for equivalent soils in unfertilized natural ecosystems. Labile fractions comprised 6.8% inorganic P (Pi) and 9.1% Po. The proportional increase in high vs. low index soils (Morgan P > 6.0 mg l−1 vs. ≤ 6.0 mg l−1) was higher for Pi, and highest for labile and moderately labile fractions. Only moderately labile Pi and Po differed significantly between soils of limestone and non-limestone origin. Oxalate extractable Fe (Feox) and buffering (EBC) were higher in the latter. The equilibrium P concentration (EPC) was substantially higher in the high index group, and EBC and binding energy (k) substantially lower, with no significant difference in sorption maximum (Pmax). EBC equated with weak to strong buffering in different soil series, and conformed better than k to ancillary attributes. Pmax correlated in order Alox > clay > OC > Feox, and more broadly reflected sorption attributes than oxalate-based sorption capacity (PSC). Principal component (PC) analysis showed consistent differentiation of P fractions, mostly labile and moderately labile, in PC 1 vs. adsorption and ancillary attributes in PC 2. However, scatterplots of PC scores showed that adsorption characteristics provided better functional differentiation than P fractions for distinguishing individual soil series, which may have implications in selection and interpretation of extractants not only for environmental but also for agronomic soil-tests.  相似文献   

Soil tests suitable for estimating the phosphorus (P) status of soils fertilised with soluble or sparingly soluble P fertilisers (reactive phosphate rock) were evaluated using the New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture Technology (NZMAFTech) National Series forms of phosphate trials on permanent pastures located throughout NZ. This included a common core of treatments comparing Sechura phosphate rock (SPR) with triple superphosphate (TSP). At each site, a re-application of twice maintenance TSP was superimposed on one-half plots that previously had received six annual applications of increasing amounts of P (0, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 and 2.0 times the maintenance rate) in the form of TSP or SPR. Before the re-application of TSP, soil samples (0–30 and 0–75 mm depths) were collected from each plot. All the trials were run for 1 year during which seven to ten harvests were taken. Pasture response was expressed as percent increase in yield obtained with re-application over the previous treatment.The 0.5 NaHCO3 based (Olsen P) extractant with different combinations i.e. soil volume (Olsen (v)), soil weight (Olsen (w)), shaking time variations (Olsen (16 h)) and soil:solution ratio (Colwell), and Resin P soil tests were conducted on soils taken from the plots prior to re-application of TSP. The Olsen (v), Olsen (16 h) and Colwell P values increased with increasing rates of P applied in all soils with values for sparingly soluble P materials being less than where soluble P fertiliser had been previously applied. The Resin P values showed similar increases with P applied regardless of the solubility of previously applied fertiliser. When the yield increases caused by TSP application to all treatments (irrespective of fertiliser source) were regressed against soil test values, Resin P explained 76% of the variation in yield response, compared to 50% by Olsen (v), 42% by Olsen (w), 39% by Olsen (16 h) and 40% by Colwell P. Partitioning the data according to fertiliser source slightly improved the coefficient of determination for Resin P for both the soluble (R2=0.81) and sparingly soluble (R2= 0.80) P fertilisers. With 0.5 M NaHCO3 (Olsen) extractants, R2 values consistently indicated a poorer prediction for the SPR treatments. A Resin P model was able to account for more variance in yield response to re-applied TSP, than an Olsen P model because the Olsen model underestimated the yield response to re-applied TSP on the PR treatments. The Resin test is more suitable than the current Olsen test for assessing the plant available P status of soils previously fertilised with fertilisers of varying solubility.Dr. A.G. Sinclair died on 3 December 1996 whilst this paper was in preparation.  相似文献   

In a field experiment on a deep pale-yellow sand in a 600 mm per annum rainfall Mediterranean environment of south-western Australia, six levels of phosphorus (P) as superphosphate (O up to 546 kg P ha–1) were applied once only, to the soil surface, before sowing lupins (Lupinus angustifolius). The lupins were grown in a continuous arable cropping rotation with, in successive years, oats (Avena sativa), wheat (Triticum aestivum), lupins. Five such rotations were started in the experiment from 1985 to 1989. The experiment continued until the end of 1990.The relationship between lupin seed (grain) yields and the level of P applied was measured in the year of P application for five successive years (1985 to 1989). The relationship had the same general form but it varied between years, largely due to different maximum yields (yield plateaux) in each year.The residual value of superphosphate applied three years previously was measured for lupins on two occasions (1988 and 1989) relative to superphosphate applied in the current year. The residual values was different in the two years. The superphosphate applied three years previously was about 30% as effective as freshly applied superphosphate in 1988, and 12% as effective in 1989.At each harvest, the relationship between grain yield and the P concentration in the grain differed for different species. However, for each species at each harvest, the relationship was similar regardless of when the P was applied in the previous years. Thus each species had the same internal efficiency of P use curve, and yields varied only with P concentration in tissue.Bicarbonate-extractable soil P was determined on soil samples taken in mid-July of 1989 and 1990. These soil test values were related to grain yields at harvest. The relationship between yield and soil test values had the same general form but varied for different species within years and for each species between years. It also varied for each species within years depending on the year the P was applied.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to develop and evaluate a soil test suitable for estimating the phosphorus status of soils whether they were fertilized with soluble or sparingly soluble P fertilizers or both. Four New Zealand soils of contrasting P sorption capacity and exchangeable Ca content were incubated alone or with monocalcium phosphate (MCP), reactive North Carolina (NC) phosphate rock or unreactive Florida (FRD) rock, at 240 mg P kg–1 soil, to allow the P sources of different solubilities to react with each soil and provide soil samples containing different amounts of extractable P, Ca and residual phosphate rock. The phosphorus in the incubated soils was fractionated into alkali soluble and acid soluble P fractions using a sequential extraction procedure to assess the extent of phosphate rock dissolution. Eight soil P tests [three moderately alkaline — Olsen (0.5M NaHCO3) modified Olsen (pretreatment with 1M NaCl) and Colwell; three acid tests — Bray 1, modified Bray 1 and Truog; and two resin tests — bicarbonate anion exchange resin (AER) and combined AER plus sodium cation exchange resin (CER)] were assessed in their ability to extract P from the incubated soils.The 0.5M NaHCO3 based alkaline tests could not differentiate between the Control and FRD treatments in any soil nor between the Control, NC and FRD treatments in the high P sorption soils. The acid extractants appeared to be affected by the P sorption capacity of the soil probably because of reabsorption of dissolved P in the acid medium. The AER test gave results similar to Olsen. Only the combined AER + CER test extracted P in amounts related to the solubility of the P sources incubated with each soil. Furthermore, when soil samples were spiked with FRD and NC and extracted immediately, the P extracted by the AER + CER test, over and above the control soils, increased with the amount and chemical reactivity of the rocks. There was no extraction of rock P by any of the alkaline extractions.Increases in the amounts of P extracted (P) by each soil test from the fertilized soils, over and above the control soils were compared with the amounts ofP dissolved from the fertilizers during incubation (measured by P fractionation). Soil P sorption capacity had least influence on the amounts of P extracted by the AER + CER and Colwell tests. However, the Colwell test was unable to differentiate between all P sources in all four soils and suffered from the disadvantage of producing coloured extracts. The AER + CER test appeared to have the potential to assess the available P status of soils better than the other tests used because of its ability to extract a representative portion of residual PR (in accordance with the amount and reactivity) and dissolved P, and thus to differentiate between fertilizer treatments in all four soils.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted for three years to investigate the effect of direct, residual and cumulative P application on the grain yield, P removal and P use efficiency of pigeonpea and wheat grown in rotation. Four levels of P, i.e. 0, 13, 26, and 39 kg P ha-1 were applied to either pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L., cv. AL 15) or wheat (Triticum aestivum, cv. WL 711) or to both crops. Maximum increase in wheat grain yield ranged from 1.5 to 1.9 t ha-1 and in pigeonpea from 0.28 to 0.36 t ha-1. On average, the grain yield of pigeonpea was 8–15% higher in the residual P treatment than by direct application. In wheat, cumulative P application (to both crops) resulted in highest grain yield, but it did not differ significantly from the direct effect. However, the residual effect of P (applied to previous pigeonpea) on wheat proved to be significantly inferior to direct application. Percent recovery of P from applied fertilizer decreased with P level. Total recovery in the complete rotation was higher where P was directly applied to wheat compared to pigeonpea. The P use efficiency was also highest in the treatment comprising direct application to wheat. Pigeonpea could utilize the residual P more efficiently, indicating that fresh application to this crop can be omitted without any reduction in yield.  相似文献   

The relative efficiency of ortho and polyphosphates as P sources for wheat were studied in a field experiment with five sources—TSP, DAP, NP, APP (solid) and APP (Liquid) at three levels—13, 26 and 39 kg P ha–1 and the residual effect was studied on a succeeding cowpea (fodder). Both the crops were grown each year at same location. Wheat responded upto 39 kg P ha–1 in the first year but only upto 26 kg P ha–1 in the second year. The growth parameters—plant height and dry matter production and yield attributes-ears m–1, grains ear–1 and test weight were favourably influenced by P application. The rate of P uptake initially exceeded the dry matter production. Wheat when fertilized with 26 or 39 kg P ha–1 left behind a significant residual effect to raise the soil P availability and dry matter yield of cowpea. The grain yield of wheat was higher with APP's than with NP or DAP but the residual effect was the highest with NP. The magnitude of build up of soil available P with NP and APP's were similar and higher than DAP or TSP.  相似文献   

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