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Perfusion of the isolated rat heart with a fluid containing 800mM glycerol in addition to its normal constituents causes a contraction height decrease of about 50%. A change to normal perfusion fluid causes a period of contracture to occur. After this period the heart is perfectly viable. Mechanical and osmotic effects could be ruled out as possible causes. No gross disturbances were seen in the electron micrographs. An effect on intermediary metabolism is equally unlikely. Presumably, we must seek the explanation in a direct effect of the glycerol on the Ca++ fluxes across the cellular and intracellular membranes.  相似文献   

Porphyromonas gingivalis, a Gram-negative anaerobe, is known to be involved in the pathogenesis of periodontitis. P. gingivalis fimbriae, which are proteinaceous appendages extending from the cell surface, may contribute to the adherence of the organism to the host cell surface. We previously suggested that arginine-specific protease produced by P. gingivalis enhanced the adherence of purified fimbriae to fibroblasts or matrix proteins. In this study, we have revealed the mechanism of the enhanced binding of fimbriae by the protease in more detail. Arg-specific protease and fimbriae were obtained from P. gingivalis 381 cells and purified. We then analysed the interaction of fimbriae and immobilized fibronectins (intact or partially degraded fibronectin by the purified protease) by using the real-time biomolecular interaction analysis (BIAcore) system with an optical biosensor based on the principles of surface plasmon resonance. BIAcore profiles demonstrated an enhanced interaction between fimbriae and protease-degraded fibronectin. We also showed specific binding of fimbriae to the degraded fibronectin by means of BIAcore analysis. The binding of biotinylated fimbriae to immobilized fibronectin was examined by enzyme-linked biotin-avidin assay. The purified protease enhanced the fimbrial binding to the immobilized fibronectin. The enhancement was inhibited by the addition of L-Arg, or oligopeptides containing the Arg residue at the C-terminus in the fimbrial binding reaction, suggesting that the P. gingivalis fimbriae may potentially have an ability to bind tightly to the Arg residue at C-terminus. Taken together, these studies indicate that P. gingivalis arginine-specific protease can expose a cryptitope in the matrix protein molecules, i.e. the C-terminal Arg residue of the host matrix proteins, so that the organism can adhere to the surface layer in the oral cavity through fimbriae-Arg interaction (a novel host-parasite relationship).  相似文献   

Phosphorylase a activity was the same in isolated perfused hearts from euthyroid and thyroxine-pretreated rats. Perfusion with 3.6 mM Ca2+ caused an increase in phosphorylase a in hearts from euthyroid as well as those from thyroxine-pretreated animals, but the Ca2+-induced stimulation of phosphorylase activity was similar in both groups over the time course studied. Greater conversion of phosphorylase b to a occurred with 7.2 mM than with 3.6 mM Ca2+ in both groups, but once again thyroxine pretreatment did not significantly influence the conversion of phosphorylase b to a. Isometric systolic tension increased in response to 3.6 mM and 7.2 mM Ca2+ in hearts from normal and thyrotoxic rats, but thyroxine pretreatment did not appreciably alter the nature of this response. While spontaneous heart rate was higher in hearts from thyroxine-pretreated rats, perfusion with 3.6 mM or 7.2 mM Ca2+ had no significant effect on heart rate in hearts from euthyroid or thyrotoxic rats.  相似文献   

The development of the lymphatic system in the rat diaphragm was studied from embryonic day 16 to 25 weeks after birth by histochemistry for 5'-nucleotidase, scanning electron microscopy of KOH-treated or intact tissues, and transmission electron microscopy of thin sections. On embryonic day 16, distinct lymphatics were noted in the subpleural space of the diaphragm periphery. The endothelial cells at this stage contained an abundance of rough endoplasmic reticulum, a developed Golgi apparatus and mitochondria, and fewer pinocytotic vesicles than those in adults. The subpleural lymphatics subsequently increased and formed a polygonal network. They possessed many valves, and by postnatal week 6, some thick collecting lymphatics became endowed with smooth muscle cells. On embryonic day 19, some lymphatics appeared in the subperitoneal space. They extended centripetally and had many lateral projections that subsequently became elongated and connected with those from adjacent lymphatics, thus forming a lattice-like network. During the early postnatal days, the subperitoneal lymphatics projected many bulges that subsequently became elongated, and came into contact with the pores among the mesothelial cells, thus forming lymphatic stomata connecting the lymphatic lacunae to the peritoneal cavity. The lymphatic stomata increased until postnatal week 10. The results show that lymphatics appear as early as embryonic day 16 in the subpleural space of the diaphragm periphery, and develop with age by sprouting to form networks in both the subpleural and the subperitoneal spaces, and that the direct connection of the lymphatic lacunae to the peritoneal cavity is formed after birth.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We have previously demonstrated that ischemic preconditioning (PC) does not protect when oxygen deprivation is accompanied by a high level of perfusion (hypoxia). Since clinical ischemia can vary from mild to severe, we wished to determine whether PC could protect against injury arising from low-flow ischemia. METHODS AND RESULTS: Functional recovery after 30 minutes of reperfusion was assessed in isolated, blood-perfused rat hearts (n=6 per group) subjected to (A) 30 minutes of zero-flow ischemia, (B) 30 minutes of zero-flow ischemia preceded by 3xPC (PC=5 minutes of ischemia+5 minutes of reperfusion), (C) 90 minutes of low-flow ischemia at 10% of baseline coronary flow (0.31+/-0.02 mL/min per gram wet wt), (D) 90 minutes of low-flow ischemia at 10% of baseline coronary flow (0.29+/-0.02 mL/min per gram wet wt) preceded by 3xPC. PC significantly protected against injury resulting from zero-flow ischemia (developed pressure recovered to 67+/-6% versus 31+/-12% in B and A, respectively; P<.05) but not resulting from low-flow ischemia (recovery of developed pressure was 40+/-8% versus 37+/-7% in C and D, respectively). Protein kinase C (PKC) is widely considered to be involved in the mechanism of PC such that prior activation and translocation of PKC by the PC protocol allows phosphorylation of the end-effector protein early during the subsequent ischemic insult, before loss of adenosine triphosphate occurs. However, because adenosine triphosphate content falls slowly during low-flow ischemia, PKC may be activated and translocated early enough to be active during this insult. If so, inhibition of PKC should decrease functional recovery in the control group. However, functional recovery in control groups was not decreased in the presence of the PKC inhibitor polymyxin B (50+/-6%), suggesting that if activation of PKC occurred during low-flow ischemia, it was not protective. CONCLUSIONS: PC does not protect against contractile dysfunction in the rat when a low level (10% of baseline flow) of ischemic perfusion remains during the prolonged insult.  相似文献   

Evidence for a reversible process resulting in stable activated and inactivated states of the mitochondrial branched chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complex in isolated perfused rat heart is presented. The inactivation process is mediated by pyruvate infusion, while activation (up to 18-fold) is facilitated by branched chain alpha-keto acid substrates. The low activity state of the branched chain complex characteristic of freshly excised rat hearts could be maintained by infusion of either pyruvate or glucose. Activation of the complex in the perfused rat heart was achieved slowly by substrate-free perfusion, while rapid activation was accomplished by infusion of branched chain alpha-keto acids. The fully activated enzyme complex resulting from branched chain alpha-keto acid infusion subsequently could be inactivated maximally by infusion of pyruvate alone or intermediate degrees of inactivation could be produced by certain ratios of co-infused pyruvate and branched chain alpha-keto acid. alpha-Ketoisocaproate was an order of magnitude more effective than alpha-keto isovalerate either in preventing inactivation or in stimulating the opposing activation process when co-infused with pyruvate. The mitochondrial pyruvate transport inhibitor, alpha-cyanocinnamate, effectively prevented inactivation of the complex by infused pyruvate. Differential changes in the activation states of the branched chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase and pyruvate dehydrogenase complexes were evident when the two complexes were compared in apparently similar flux-inhibited (via octanoate infusion) and flux-stimulated (via dichloroacetate infusion) metabolic conditions. The differential effect of pyruvate concentration on the activity states of the two complexes was also well-defined. The results of the present study suggest distinct systems for the regulation of the activity of the two multienzyme complexes of interest. While our results argue neither for nor against an inactivation of the branched chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complex by a protein kinase, the regulatory properties of such an intramitochondrial protein kinase may not be similar to the pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase. The mechanistic nature of the suggested novel regulatory system concerned with the pyruvate-mediated inactivation of the branched chain alpha-keto acid activation cannot be inferred at the present time.  相似文献   

To determine whether the phospholipase C (PLC)/inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate (IP3)/Ca2+ pathway mediates cardiac arrhythmias induced by kappa-opioid receptor stimulation, the effects of U50,488H, a selective kappa-opioid receptor agonist, on cardiac rhythm in a isolated perfused rat heart, intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) in a single ventricular myocyte and IP3 production in myocytes were studied in the presence and absence of PLC inhibitors. U50,488H, the effects of which had been shown to be abolished by a selective kappa-receptor antagonist, nor-binaltorphimine, induced arrhythmias dose-dependently and increased both [Ca2+]i and IP3-production in the heart. More importantly, the effects of U50,488H were blocked by PLC inhibitors, neomycin and streptomycin. To further confirm the selectivity of action of the PLC inhibitor, the effects of another PLC inhibitor U73122 and its inactive structural analog, U73343, on cardiac rhythm in the isolated perfused rat heart were compared. The former did, while the latter did not, block the arrhythmogenic effect of U50,488H. We also determined whether the effects of kappa-receptor stimulation involves a pertussis toxin (PTX)-sensitive G-protein. We found that pretreatment with PTX at 4 microg/l for 10 min, a treatment shown to affect PTX sensitive G-protein-mediated functions, attenuated significantly the U50,488H-induced arrhythmias. The present study provides evidence that kappa-receptor stimulation-induced cardiac arrhythmias involves, at least partly, the PLC/IP3/Ca2+ pathway as well as a PTX sensitive G-protein.  相似文献   

Renal elimination of the bromosulfophthalein-glutathione conjugate (BSP-GSH) after its i.v. administration in the rat in vivo is negligible. In our study we wanted to establish whether the high albumin-binding of BSP-GSH constitutes the major restrictive factor toward the urinary excretion of the compound. The renal disposition of BSP-GSH was studied in the isolated rat kidney during perfusions with or without albumin in the perfusate. The urinary clearance of BSP-GSH in the absence of albumin was very low (< 60 microliters/min) as compared to the inulin clearance (approximately 300 microliters/min). This indicates that albumin-binding is not the major reason for the low urinary clearance of BSP-GSH. Addition of albumin to the perfusate further decreased the urinary excretion by 60%. BSP-GSH is metabolized by the kidney into two major metabolites: the cysteinylglycine conjugate and the di-glutathione conjugate. Both metabolites appear in perfusate, which suggests that BSP-GSH undergoes tubular (re-)uptake. The di-glutathione conjugate is further metabolized to the di-cysteinylglycine conjugate. The di-glutathione conjugate and the di-cysteinylglycine conjugate are the major urinary components and the urinary elimination of BSP-GSH may depend on their formation. Inhibition of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity with acivicin largely prevented the degradation to the cysteinylglycine and dicysteinylglycine conjugates of BSP. The total rate of urinary excretion, however, was only slightly lowered by acivicin. Apparently, cleavage of the gamma-glutamyl moiety is not relevant for the total urinary elimination of BSP-GSH.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that hypoxia causes the activation of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B), and the phosphorylation of its inhibitory subunit, I kappa B alpha, on tyrosine residues. With the use of dominant negative mutants of Ha-Ras and Raf-1, we investigated some of the early signaling events leading to the activation of NF-kappa B by hypoxia. Both dominant negative alleles of Ha-Ras and Raf-1 inhibited NF-kappa B induction by hypoxia, suggesting that the hypoxia-induced pathway of NF-kappa B induction is dependent on Ras and Raf-1 kinase activity. Furthermore, although conditions of low oxygen can also activate mitogen-activated protein kinases (ERK1 and ERK2), these kinases do not appear to be involved in regulating NF-kappa B by low oxygen conditions, as dominant negative mutants of mitogen-activated protein kinase do not inhibit NF-kappa B activation by hypoxia. Since Ras and Raf-1 have been previously shown to work downstream from membrane-associated tyrosine kinases such as Src, we determined if the Src membrane-associated kinase was also activated by low oxygen conditions. We detected an increase in Src proto-oncogene activity within 15-30 min of cellular exposure to hypoxia. We postulate that Src activation by hypoxia may be one of the earliest events that precedes Ras activation in the signaling cascade which ultimately leads to the phosphorylation and dissociation of the inhibitory subunit of NF-kappa B, I kappa B alpha.  相似文献   

To better understand the characteristics of amyloid deposition in the choroid plexus, we examined autopsied brain by routine histology, immunohistochemistry, and electron microscopy in three group of patients: primary systemic amyloidosis (n = 7), cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA, n = 6), and controls (n = 3). Three of the CAA patients had Alzheimer's disease. Congophilic, birefringent amyloid deposits of the choroid plexus were seen in six of the seven cases of systemic light chain amyloidosis. Immunohistochemistry revealed that the deposited amyloids had reactivity for immunoglobulin light chain and amyloid P component. Accumulation of macrophages labeled with monoclonal antibodies against CD 68 and major histocompatibility complex class II antigens were observed around the massive amyloid deposits. The presence of approximately 10 nm amyloid fibrils along the epithelial basement membrane as well as in the vascular walls was ascertained by electron microscopy. In CAA, Congo red-positive amyloid deposits were consistently present in meningeal blood vessels and were often found in senile plaques of the cerebral parenchyma; congophilic amyloid deposits were absent in the choroid plexus. Choroid plexus epithelial cells exhibited immunostaining for beta amyloid precursor protein (APP) with N-terminal- and C-terminal-specific antibodies; in particular, consistent staining was obtained for the latter antibody. Immunoreactivity for amyloid beta protein (A beta) with monoclonal antibodies (6E10, 4G8) was often found in choroid plexus epithelial cells. These findings suggest that amyloid deposition of the choroid plexus depends on the major component protein in amyloidosis, and that the choroid plexus may produce APP and A beta protein although A beta amyloidosis is not evident in the choroid plexus.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to assess the alteration in serum free fatty acid concentrations during heat stress and dehydration. Each subject was exposed to heat stress in an environment chamber on 2 separate occasions. During the first exposure the subjects remained seated until the core temperature was elevated 1.4degreesC resulting in a mean weight loss of 1.66 kg due to dehydration. The second condition involved water replacement equal to the weight loss of the initial dehydration condition. Blood samples were obtained prior to heat exposure, when the core temperature was elevated 0.7degreesC and 1.4degreesC. They were subsequently analyzed for free fatty acids (FFA), glucose and lactin acid. Heart rates and core temperatures were monitored at 4 min intervals. During the dehydration condition the mean change in serum FFA was 0.9 muEq/ml in contrast to 0.2 muEq/ml for the rehydration condition. Serum levels of glucose increased moderately throughout the exposure (8 mg-%).  相似文献   

In a single-centre study the feasibility and efficacy of repeated antilymphocyte globulin (ALG) for patients with severe aplastic anaemia (SAA) not responding to an initial ALG treatment or relapsing after initial response to ALG was evaluated. 139 consecutive patients with newly diagnosed SAA were treated with ALG between 1976 and 1995. 89 patients responded to a first course; 50 patients did not become transfusion independent. Of the 89 responders, 66 remained in remission, 23 relapsed. 43 patients received a second or subsequent course of ALG for failure to respond (n = 25) or relapse (n = 18) and were given a total of 53 courses. Acute reactions in the multiply exposed patients occurred during the first ALG treatment in 11 (26%) and during subsequent exposures in 16/53 courses (30%; P > 0.2). Incidence of serum sickness was 63% (27/43) after the initial course compared to 57% (30/53) after subsequent courses (P > 0.2), but clinical signs of serum sickness occurred earlier after repeated (median 6 d) as compared to initial exposure (13d; P = 0.008). Transfusion-independent haemopoiesis was achieved in 27/43 (63%) and survival probabilities for the 43 patients receiving multiple courses of ALG was 52 +/- 8% at 10 years. The probability of developing a late clonal disorder was 53 +/- 10% after multiple, as compared to 34 +/- 7% after single exposure (P = 0.15). No difference in results was observed between patients retreated for failure to first ALG or for relapse. ALG of the same species can be repeated without increased risks of side-effects in patients with SAA. A second or subsequent course of ALG from the same source can be effective when the first course has failed.  相似文献   

The plasma and lipoprotein transport of RRR and all rac-alpha-tocopherols, labeled with different amounts of deuterium [2R,4'R,8'R-alpha-[5-C2H3]tocopheryl acetate (d3RRR-alpha-tocopheryl acetate] and 2RS, 4'RS, 8'RS-alpha-[5,7-(C2H3)2]tocopheryl acetate (d6all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate), was studied in adult beagle dogs that had been fed a vitamin E-deficient (-E; two dogs) or supplemented (+E; two dogs) diet for two years. We set out to test the hypothesis that the activity of the hepatic tocopherol binding protein (which is thought to preferentially incorporate RRR-alpha-tocopherol into the plasma) is up-regulated by vitamin E deficiency. Labeled alpha-tocopherols increased and decreased similarly in plasma of both -E and +E dogs. Irrespective of diet, d3RRR-alpha-tocopherol was preferentially secreted in plasma. Thus, vitamin E deficiency in dogs does not markedly increase the apparent function of the hepatic tocopherol binding protein. We also studied vitamin E transport in a German Shepherd dog with degenerative myelopathy (DM). Based on the coincident appearance of d3RRR-alpha-tocopherol in plasma and chylomicrons, we suggest that the abnormality in DM may be associated with abnormal vitamin E transport resulting from an impaired function of the hepatic tocopherol binding protein.  相似文献   

Leptin is an adipocyte hormone involved in the regulation of energy homeostasis. Generally accepted biological effects of leptin are inhibition of food intake and stimulation of metabolic rate in ob/ob mice, that are defective in the leptin gene. In contrast to these centrally mediated effects of leptin, we are reporting here on leptin effects on glucose incorporation into lipids and glucose decarboxylation in adipocytes isolated from male lean albino rats. Adipocytes previously cultivated (15 h) in the presence of leptin presented a 25% (P < 0.05) reduction of the insulin stimulated incorporation of glucose into lipids. Concurrently, the basal conversion of (U-14C)D-glucose into 14CO2 increased (110%) in the leptin cultivated adipocytes and reached values (1.54 nmol/10(5) cells) similar to the insulin stimulated group (not cultivated with leptin) (1.40 nmol/10(5) cells). In addition, in the presence of insulin, the leptin cultivated adipocytes elicited a 162% (P < 0.05) increase in 14CO2 production that was significantly higher than the increase observed for the not-leptin-cultivated insulin group (92%). We conclude that leptin: 1) directly inhibits the insulin stimulated glucose incorporation into lipids; 2) stimulates glucose decarboxylation, and also potentiates the effect of insulin on glucose decarboxylation in isolated adipocytes. Leptin per se does not alter glucose incorporation into lipids.  相似文献   

The role of coronary flow in the regulation of ventricular B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) gene expression was studied in isolated perfused rat heart preparation. The increase of coronary flow from 5 ml/min to 20 ml/min for 2 h resulted in a 132+/-6 mm Hg increase in aortic perfusion pressure. The changes in BNP mRNA and immunoreactive BNP (IR-BNP) levels in response to hemodynamic stress were compared to those of c-fos and adrenomedullin (ADM) gene expression. The increase of coronary flow resulted in 1.5-fold increases in the left ventricular BNP mRNA (P < 0.001) and IR-BNP (P < 0.05) levels in 2-month old rats. There was also a 1.5-fold (P < 0.05) increase in ventricular c-fos mRNA levels, whereas ADM mRNA levels decreased by 74% (P < 0.001) in the left ventricle. In 18-month old rats, the increase in coronary flow decreased left and right ventricular BNP mRNA levels by 18% (P < 0.05) and 39% (P < 0.001), respectively. There were no changes in IR-BNP peptide and c-fos mRNA levels, whereas ADM mRNA levels decreased by 46% (P < 0.001) in the left ventricles. The results show that increased aortic perfusion pressure results in differential expression of cardiac genes including up-regulation of ventricular BNP and c-fos gene expression and down-regulation of ADM gene expression. Furthermore, aging seems to elevate the threshold at which hemodynamic stress of the heart results in a response at BNP gene level.  相似文献   

To gain more insight into the complex pulmonary interactions of endothelins (ET), we studied airway and vascular responses to endothelins in isolated perfused rat lungs in the presence of the novel ET(B)-receptor antagonist BQ788. In particular we focused on airway responses and on prostacyclin release. The effectiveness of BQ788 in our system was shown by its ability to concentration-dependently prevent vasoconstriction (IC50 0.1 microM), bronchoconstriction (IC50 0.1 microM) and prostacyclin production (IC50 < 0.1 microM) induced by the ET(B)-receptor agonist IRL1620 (1 nmol). Airway responses to ET-1: ET-1-induced bronchoconstriction was aggravated by BQ123 (1 or 8 microM), while BQ788 pretreatment (1 or 8 microM) showed no significant effect. Simultaneous treatment with 8 microM BQ123 and BQ788 attenuated the ET-1-induced bronchoconstriction. Vascular responses to ET-1: ET-1 (1 nmol)-induced vasoconstriction was potentiated by BQ788 (1 or 8 microM), but attenuated by the ET(A)-receptor antagonist BQ123 (1 microM). In the presence of BQ788 diminished amounts of the stable prostacyclin metabolite 6-keto-PGF1alpha were detected in the perfusate. Simultaneous treatment with 8 microM BQ123 and BQ788 completely prevented the ET-1-induced vasoconstriction. Conclusions: Both ET(A)- and ET(B)-receptors contribute to ET-1-induced vasoconstriction and bronchoconstriction. The ET-1-induced vasoconstriction is attenuated by stimulation of ET(B)-receptors, a response that is partly mediated by prostacyclin. Due to the mutual interactions between ET(A)- and ET(B)-receptors, simultaneous inhibition of both receptors is required to prevent the deleterious effects of ET-1 on lung functions.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Ventricular dilatation has important electrophysiologic effects, but its effect on ventricular defibrillation threshold (DFT) is unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: A fluid-filled, latex balloon was placed in the left ventricular cavity of 19 isolated rabbit hearts. In each experiment, an undilated volume (equivalent to a left ventricular end-diastolic pressure of approximately 0 mmHg) was compared to a dilated volume achieved by adding 1.0 mL of saline (n = 10) or 5% dextrose (n = 9) to the intracavitary balloon. Left ventricular effective refractory period (ERP) and DFT were determined at each volume. Defibrillation was attempted with a monophasic shock delivered between a patch electrode positioned over the posterior left ventricle (cathode) and a metallic aortic cannula (anode). DFT was determined using a modified "down/up" protocol with 10 V steps. Ventricular dilatation increased the left ventricular end-diastolic pressure from 0 +/- 0.5 mmHg to 35 +/- 3 mmHg (P < 0.001), decreased the average left ventricular ERP 15% (from 116 +/- 3 msec to 99 +/- 3 msec; P < 0.001), and increased the average DFT 30% (from 96 +/- 4 V to 125 +/- 7 V; P < 0.001). In one third of experiments, the dilated DFT was > or = 150% of the DFT at zero volume. The mechanism of the observed increase in DFT is unknown but may be related to the decrease in refractoriness observed with ventricular dilatation. CONCLUSION: Acute ventricular dilatation in this model increased DFT an average of 30%, an effect not previously described. This observation may have implications for patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators.  相似文献   

The rat isolated perfused kidney was used to investigate the linearity of the renal disposition of morphine and its potential oxidative and glucuronidative metabolism by the kidney. In a set of single-dose experiments, morphine was administered to recirculating perfusion medium to achieve initial concentrations of 0.2, 2 and 20 microM (n = 4 at each concentration). In a set of multiple-dose experiments, morphine was administered to perfusate as sequential bolus doses to achieve concentrations of 0.2, 2, 20 and 200 microM (n = 6). HPLC was used to determine the concentration of morphine in perfusate and urine. Normorphine, morphine-3-glucuronide and morphine-6-glucuronide could not be detected in perfusate or urine, a result that suggests an absence of oxidative and glucuronidative metabolism of morphine by the rat kidney. The volume of distribution of morphine within the kidney was high (31 +/- 3 ml/g at 0.2 microM), which indicates extensive accumulation, and remained constant with increasing perfusate concentration. The ratio of unbound renal excretory clearance to glomerular filtration rate was always greater than unity for all kidneys, which indicates that the renal excretion of morphine involves net tubular secretion. This ratio was constant (P > .05) over the 100-fold concentration range of the single-dose study. In the multiple-dose study, the ratio was marginally but significantly (P < .05) higher at concentrations of 2, 20 and 200 microM than at 0.2 microM, a difference that cannot be explained by saturation of tubular secretion. The results suggest that the tubular secretion of morphine is not saturated over a wide range of concentrations (0.2-200 microM).  相似文献   

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