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Farm typologies are a useful tool to assist in unpacking and understanding the wide diversity among smallholder farms to improve targeting of crop production intensification strategies. Sustainable crop production intensification will require the development of an array of nutrient management strategies tailored to farm-specific conditions, rather than blanket recommendations across diverse farms. This study reviewed key literature on smallholder farm typologies focusing on three countries (Kenya, Malawi and Zimbabwe), to gain insights on opportunities for crop production intensification, and the importance of developing farm-specific nutrient management practices. Investigations on farm typologies have done well in highlighting the fundamental differences between farm categories, with 3–5 typologies often adequate to represent the wide differences in resource endowment. Resource-endowed farmers have ready access to large quantities of manure and mineral fertilizers, which contribute to higher soil fertility and crop productivity on their farms. Resource-constrained households use little or no manure and mineral fertilizers, and have limited capacity to invest in labour-demanding soil fertility management technologies. These farmers often have to rely on off-farm opportunities for income that are largely limited to selling unskilled labour to their resource-endowed neighbors. The variability in management practices by farmers has resulted in three main soil fertility classes that can be used for targeting soil fertility management technologies, characterized by potential response to fertilizer application as: (1) low-responsive fertile fields that receive large additions of manure and fertilizer; (2) high-responsive infertile fields that receive moderate nutrient applications; (3) poorly responsive degraded soils cultivated for many years with little or no nutrient additions. The main conclusions drawn from the review are: (1) resource constrained farmers constitute the widest band across the three countries, with many of the farmers far below the threshold for sustainable maize production intensification and lacking capacity to invest in improved seed and fertilizer, (2) farm sizes and livestock ownership were key determinants for both farmer wealth status and farm productivity, and (3) soil organic carbon and available P were good indicators for predicting previous land management, that is also invariably linked to farmer resource endowment.  相似文献   

Low soil fertility is a fundamental constraint to crop production in western Kenya. Although researchers have developed many soil fertility-improving technologies, the adoption of these technologies is low due to inadequate awareness of the technologies, poor access to requisite resources and unsuitability of the technologies to the farmers’ conditions. On-farm experiments were conducted during the 2002/2003 long rain cropping seasons in two village clusters in Vihiga and Kakamega Districts in order to: (1) introduce farmers to selected soil fertility-improving options and elicit farmers’ evaluation of the options; (2) assess the economics of the selected soil fertility management options under standard farming conditions; (3) compare the farmers’ evaluations with the results of an economic assessment. Five treatments were suggested to the farmers and through consensus, they ultimately chose to test three: (1) 5 tons ha−1 FYM (Farm Yard Manure); (2) 60 kg P ha−1 plus 60 kg N ha−1 (chemical fertilizers); (3) 2.5 tons ha−1 FYM plus 30 kg P ha−1 (chemical fertilizers). These were assessed concurrently with farmers’ accepted practice, using maize as a test crop. Farmers were involved in the routine management, monitoring and evaluation of the experiments, and field days were held to introduce more farmers to the technologies. The results of this investigation show that the application of 30 kg P plus 2.5 tons FYM ha−1 gave economically viable returns that remained viable even under a projected decline in maize yield and an increase in the price of fertilizers. This treatment was also the most preferred option of the farmers. The results of this study should be used for validation of the promising options and planning of future experiments.  相似文献   

Lepidopterous stemborers, and parasitic striga weeds belonging to the family Orobanchaceae, attack cereal crops in sub-Saharan Africa causing severe yield losses. The smallholder farmers are resource constrained and unable to afford expensive chemicals for crop protection. The push–pull technology, a chemical ecology- based cropping system, is developed for integrated pest and weed management in cereal–livestock farming systems. Appropriate plants were selected that naturally emit signaling chemicals (semiochemicals). Plants highly attractive for stemborer egg laying were selected and employed as trap crops (pull), to draw pests away from the main crop. Plants that repelled stemborer females were selected as intercrops (push). The stemborers are attracted to the trap plant, and are repelled from the main cereal crop using a repellent intercrop (push). Root exudates of leguminous repellent intercrops also effectively control the parasitic striga weed through an allelopathic mechanism. Their root exudates contain flavonoid compounds some of which stimulate germination of Striga hermonthica seeds, such as Uncinanone B, and others that dramatically inhibit their attachment to host roots, such as Uncinanone C and a number of di-C-glycosylflavones (di-CGFs), resulting in suicidal germination. The intercrop also improves soil fertility through nitrogen fixation, natural mulching, improved biomass, and control of erosion. Both companion plants provide high value animal fodder, facilitating milk production and diversifying farmers’ income sources. The technology is appropriate to smallholder mixed cropping systems in Africa. Adopted by about 125,000 farmers to date in eastern Africa, it effectively addresses major production constraints, significantly increases maize yields, and is economical as it is based on locally available plants, not expensive external inputs.  相似文献   

Crop management without fertilizer input, which is commonly practiced by most farmers in the humid forest zone of West and Central Africa, requires soil fertility replenishment during a fallow period. Hypothetical relationships between fallow length and crop yields assume, that after the cropping phase replenishment starts with high annual increments, leading to an early recovery of most soil fertility, then slowly approaching a maximum level. The few available empirical data, however, indicate that this assumption is wrong. Within the first 8 years of fallow, biomass and nutrient accumulation is either progressive (low initial increments) or linear. Planted fallows are supposed to replenish soil fertility faster or to higher levels than natural regrowth and should thus lead to higher crop yields. Two major types of planted fallow are distinguished: tree-based and herbaceous fallows. Data from West and Central Africa do not confirm that tree based fallows are generally capable of attaining higher crop yields than natural regrowth or other planted fallows. The majority of experiments with tree-based fallows showed no differences to the control (60.0%). Crop yield declines were found in 15.7% of cases, and only 24.3% resulted in significant yield increases. Changes in soil properties were more frequently positive (34.3%) than negative (9.8%), yet, most often (55.9%), there was no effect. Herbaceous fallow had dominantly positive effects on crop yields (52.5% of cases), with only 3% of cases in which significant reductions were observed. Positive features of some herbaceous fallows, such as easy establishment, rapid weed suppression, and labor efficient slash-and-burn crop establishment make the technology more likely to be accepted and adopted by farmers. It appears that fallows have to be specifically designed for responsive crops, i.e. maize. It is unlikely that one type of fallow can serve the multitude of crops and intercrops grown in the region. Depending on the major constraints to crop production or income generation, planted fallows have to be specifically designed to address these constraints. This may require de-emphasizing the soil fertility aspect and focusing on marketable fallow by-products, weed and pest suppression and reduced labor requirements. Thus, future impact through research on planted fallows will depend on exact targeting of specific fallow types and species to the most responsive crops and to explicit farmer circumstances.  相似文献   

In southern Africa, soil nutrient reserves are being depleted because of continued nutrient mining without adequate replenishment. The consequent downward spiral of soil fertility has led to a corresponding decline in crop yields, food insecurity, food aid and environmental degradation. The central issue for improving agricultural productivity in southern Africa is how to build up and maintain soil fertility despite the low incomes of smallholder farmers and the increasing land and labour constraints they face. Under this review five main options namely: inorganic fertilizers, grain legumes, animal manures, integrated nutrient management and agroforestry options appropriate to smallholder farmers are presented. Issues addressed in the use of inorganic fertilizers are reduction in fertilizer costs, timely availability and use efficiency. Legumes can be used to diversify farm system productivity but this requires P and lime application to support better legume growth and biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) as well as development of markets for various legume products. Manure availability and quality are central issues in increasing smallholder farm productivity and increasing its efficiency through proper handling and application methods. Integrated nutrient management of soil fertility by combined application of both inputs will increase use efficiency of inputs and reduce costs and increase profitability; but the challenge is often how to raise adequate amounts of either inorganic or organic inputs. Issues such as quality of inputs, nutrient balancing, labour to collect and transport organic inputs and their management need to be optimized. These are the challenges of adoption as are the scaling up of these options to millions of small-scale farmers.  相似文献   

Organic matter (OM) management is key to sustainable fertility and productivity of tropical soil systems. Short-term evaluation of the potentialsof foliage of neem and locust bean in soil fertility improvement, as measured by the productivity of maize, was carried out on a savanna Alfisol from 1995 to1997. The trees are indigenous to the savanna, and common in farms and homesteads in the region. The objective was to determine the effects of theseeasily renewable and cheap OM sources on maize response to applied inorganic fertilizer and soil chemical properties. Treatments consisted of three sourcesof organic matter: no-OM, neem and locust bean, and three rates of inorganic fertilizer, applied at 0, and of the recommended rate of120–27–50 NPK for maize, which in addition served as check. Results obtained over the three seasons were consistent, and revealed that neem wassuperior to locust bean by a factor of 2 and also to no-OM treatments, but were all inferior to the recommended fertilizer rate (with a maximum yield of 3.75t/ha). Isolated relative effects for neem and locust bean only in the third year were 138% and 86% respectively, and declined progressively withincreasing levels of applied inorganic fertilizer. This trend was consistent for the three years, during which soil productivity (relativity index) clearlyappreciated. Results also revealed that P and organic C accumulation was greater with locust bean, but neem decomposed faster and depressed pH less, a clearindication that indices of soil productivity may not always be tied to OM or absolute values of soil properties alone in savanna soil systems. The studyalso revealed that the effects of the tree foliages, the inorganic fertilizer rates and the interactions were significant at various levels of probability forgrain, stover, plant height, available P, OM and pH. There was the possibility of better crop performance with combinations of OM and inorganic fertilizer levels for the soils. Integrated fertility management systems using 3 tons of neem foliage and recommended inorganic fertilizer rate produced a goodmaize crop, and offers an economically viable option for the resource poor maize farmers of the Nigerian savanna.  相似文献   

Maize-bean intercropping is important in sub-Saharan Africa. Maize sole crop (MSC) nutrient response has been much studied but data is scarce for determination of intercrop functions. A procedure for adapting MSC functions for the maize-bean intercrop was developed. Maize sole crop and intercrop responses were near parallel with notable exceptions for P in high potential areas for maize and for K. Mean intercrop bean yield with no nutrient application was about 0.4 Mg ha?1 and increased on average by 24, 11 and ?3% with N, P and K application, respectively. Response function coefficients for MSC adjusted with the ratio of bean to maize grain value as the dependent variable accounted for nearly all variation in intercrop response coefficients providing the basis for determining intercrop response functions from MSC functions. Maize grain yield equivalent was less with MSC compared with intercrop; exceptions were for response to N in high potential areas and for bean to maize value ratios of two or less. The economically optimal rate of N and P were on average about 15% more but less for K with intercrop compared with MSC but with inconsistency. The economically optimal rate ranged widely with variation in the cost of nutrient use relative to grain value but generally without great effect on yield; an exception was a great effect on MSC yield response to N for high potential areas. Intercrop nutrient response functions can be reliably determined once maize sole crop functions are determined for a recommendation domain.  相似文献   

Intercrop systems can exhibit unique soil properties compared to monocultures, which influences the microbially-mediated processes leading to greenhouse gas emissions. Fertilized intercrops and monocultures produce different amounts of N2O, CO2 and CH4 depending on their nutrient and water use efficiencies. The objective of this study was to compare the fluxes and seasonal emissions of N2O, CO2, and CH4 from a maize–soybean intercrop compared to maize and soybean monocultures, in relation to crop effects on soil properties. The experiment was conducted during 2012, 2013 and 2014 at the WuQiao Experimental Station in the North China Plain. All cropping systems received urea-N fertilizer (240 kg N ha?1 applied in two split applications). The cropping systems were a net source of CO2 and a net sink of CH4, with significantly (P < 0.05 in 2012) and numerically (2013 and 2014) lower N2O flux and smaller seasonal N2O emissions from the maize–soybean intercrop than the maize monoculture. The proportion of urea-N lost as N2O was lower in the maize–soybean intercrop (1.6% during the 3-year study) and soybean monoculture (1.7%), compared to maize monoculture (2.3%). Soybean reduced the soil NO3?–N concentration and created a cooler, drier environment that was less favorable for denitrification, although we cannot rule out the possibility of N2O reduction to N2 and other N compounds by soybean and its associated N2-fixing prokaryotes. We conclude that maize–soybean intercrop has potential to reduce N2O emissions in fertilized agroecosystems and should be considered in developing climate-smart cropping systems in the North China Plain.  相似文献   

Nutrient management is the key issue in sustainable soil fertility. N, P, K fertilization aims not only for a high economic return of the investment through optimized yield and quality, but also for minimum environmental hazards. The basic concept underlying integrated plant nutrition systems, is the maintenance and possible increase of soil fertility for sustaining enhanced crop productivity through optimal use of all sources of plant nutrients, particularly inorganic fertilizer, in an integrated manner and as appropriate to each specific ecological, social and economic situation. Much research has established the importance of fertilizers in increasing the fertility of soil and in influencing its productivity. It has been observed that applying fertilizers causes many changes in the soil, including chemical changes, that can positively or negatively influence its productiveness. Only a fraction of the fertilizer applied to the soil is taken up by the crop, the rest either remains in the soil or is lost through leaching, physical wash-off, fixation by the soil, or release to the atmosphere through chemical and microbiological processes. The critical information on the relative merits of different fertilization practices such as method of fertilizer placement, time and rate of application and type of fertilizers, is essential. Results from different field and laboratory experiments which helped to achieve maximum efficiency, in the most economical and sustainable way of fertilizer use to reduce the nutrient losses and production costs to the farmers and prevent environmental pollution are presented in the paper.  相似文献   

To reduce severe soil degradation associated with agriculture an intensified land-use system is being promoted in West African countries. Most soils of the West African savanna zones are so poor that the efficiency of mineral fertilizers, if applied, is very low. For this reason and because of their high cost and unavailability, many small-scale farmers are reluctant to apply fertilizer. This work investigates a fertilizer management strategy using integrated soil fertility management with a leguminous cover crop (mucuna) so as to improve the soil fertility and increase the use efficiency of fertilizer. The experiment was conducted in the coastal savanna of Togo at Djaka Kopé. The aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of mucuna short fallow (MSF) in increasing maize grain yield through an improved use efficiency of mineral fertilizer. A 2-year maize–mucuna relay intercropping system was compared with continuous sole maize cropping. Fertilizer treatments were factorial combinations of 0, 50 and 100 kg nitrogen (N) ha–1 and 0, 20 and 40 kg phosphorus (P) ha–1. While maize grain yield was significantly increased by N fertilization, P did not show any important effect on grain yield. With no N and P applied, grain yield after MSF was on average 40% (572 kg ha–1) higher than without. The response to N was much greater than the response to MSF, indicating that N was undoubtedly the key element for maize yield building. P fertilization and MSF together positively influenced the apparent N recovery fraction (NRF). N uptake alone did not reflect on its own the yield obtained, and the relationship between grain yield and N uptake is shifted by MSF, with the grain yield increase per unit of N uptake being higher with than without MSF. Combining MSF and P fertilization may therefore lead to improved N use efficiency, making the application of fertilizer N (lower rates) more attractive to small-scale farmers.  相似文献   

根据近年来山西省土壤肥力动态监测数据,土壤中有机质呈不断下降的趋势,而全氮、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾则表现上升趋势。土壤养分的这种变化趋势反映出近年来许多农民都以施用化肥为主,施有机肥的数量在逐年减少,长此下去,这将会导致土壤肥力整体贫瘠化,值得引起大家的重视。  相似文献   

Decline in crop yields is a major problem facing smallholder farmers in Kenya and the entire Sub-Saharan region. This is attributed mainly to the mining of major nutrients due to continuous cropping without addition of adequate external nutrients. In most cases inorganic fertilizers are expensive, hence unaffordable to most smallholder farmers. Although organic nutrient sources are available, information about their potential use is scanty. A field experiment was set up in the sub-humid highlands of Kenya to establish the chemical fertilizer equivalency values of different organic materials based on their quality. The experiment consisted of maize plots to which freshly collected leaves of Tithonia diversifolia (tithonia), Senna spectabilis (senna) and Calliandra calothyrsus (calliandra) (all with %N>3) obtained from hedgerows grown ex situ (biomass transfer) and urea (inorganic nitrogen source) were applied. Results obtained for the cumulative above ground biomass yield for three seasons indicated that a combination of both organic and inorganic nutrient source gave higher maize biomass yield than when each was applied separately. Above ground biomass yield production in maize (t ha–1) from organic and inorganic fertilization was in the order of senna+urea (31.2), tithonia+urea (29.4), calliandra+urea (29.3), tithonia (28.6), senna (27.9), urea (27.4), calliandra (25.9), and control (22.5) for three cumulative seasons. On average, the three organic materials (calliandra, senna and tithonia) gave fertilizer equivalency values for the nitrogen contained in them of 50, 87 and 118%, respectively. It is therefore recommended that tithonia biomass be used in place of mineral fertilizer as a source of nitrogen. The high equivalency values can be attributed to the synergetic effects of nutrient supply, and improved moisture and soil physical conditions of the mulch. However, for sustainable agricultural production, combination with mineral fertilizer would be the best option.  相似文献   

Improving fallow quality in cassava–fallow rotations in southeastern Nigeria through the use of leguminous cover crops has been shown to sustain the productivity of such systems. We studied the effects of age (1 or 2 years) of Tephrosia candida fallow on biomass and nutrient accumulation, on weed biomass and yield response of cassava/maize intercrop and on changes in soil chemical properties in a 3 yr field trial. Results were compared with those obtained in natural fallow. Total biomass and litter were three times higher in plots fallowed for 2 yr with Tephrosia candida than in those under natural fallow for the same period. Weed biomass was 205% lower in T. candida plots fallowed for 2 yr than in the natural fallow and was 174% smaller in T. candida plots fallow for 1 yr than in the natural fallow. Nutrient (nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and potassium) yields in leaves of T. candida fallow for 2 yr were on average 200–300% higher than in leaves of other fallows. The same trend was observed for cassava and maize yields. Soil chemical changes at soil depth 0 to 5 cm showed significant increases in N and C concentrations after 2 yr fallowing and a year of cropping, particularly in the planted fallow plots. Conversely, soil pH, available P and the exchangeable cations, especially Ca were lower, while Al was higher than the initial values, mainly in plots fallowed under T. candida, indicating a tendency of this fallow species to further exacerbate the soil acidification problem of the acid Ultisol at the study site in southeastern Nigeria.  相似文献   

Research was conducted at two sites located in medium and low altitude zones in eastern Uganda. The aim of the study was to evaluate the benefit of Velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens) and inorganic N fertilizer in improving maize production in contrasting agro-ecological zones over two seasons. The medium altitude zone (Bulegeni) is a high-potential agricultural zone, with much more reliable rainfall and soils with high-productivity rating. The opposite is true for the low-altitude zone (Kibale). The soils were fertile for the site in the high-potential zone and poor in the low-potential zone. Over 22 weeks of fallow or relay with maize, Mucuna produced on average 8.2 t ha–1 dry matter, accumulating 170 kg N ha–1, with 57% of the N derived from the atmosphere in the low-potential zone, compared to 11.6 t ha–1 dry matter, 350 kg N ha–1, with 43% of the N derived from air, in the high-potential zone. Between 77 and 97% of the Mucuna-accumulated N was released over a period of 25 weeks, at a rate of 0.081 and 0.118 week–1 in the high- and low-potential zones, respectively. The N-balance study shows that 93% of the applied N was accounted for in the high-potential zone, compared to 61% in the low-potential zone, due to differences in soil texture, soil fertility and maize biomass production at the two sites. As much as 44–73% of the N remained in the soil in the high-potential zone, compared to 39–53% in the low-potential zone, which might benefit the subsequent crops. There was a significant increase in maize yield in response to the added N, both from urea or Mucuna. The average increment above the control (continuous maize) was 3.2 t ha–1 in the high-potential zone and 1.0 t ha–1 in the low-potential zone. The maize yield increase over two seasons added up to 3.1 t ha–1 with the application of inorganic fertilizers, and 1.9 t ha–1 with a preceding Mucuna–maize relay in the high-potential zone, compared to an average of, 1.7 t ha–1 with application of inorganic fertilizers and with Mucuna–maize relay in the low-potential zone. Application of P fertilizers with either N supply strategy significantly increased maize yield in the low-potential zone only, resulting in an additional 0.8 t ha–1 for the inorganic N fertilizers and 1.3 t ha–1 for a preceding Mucuna–maize relay. Apparently, P fertilizers are needed on poor soils. Clearly farmers stand to gain in terms of maize production from fertilizers as well as from the use of Mucuna, with more benefits from inorganic fertilizers in the high-potential zone.  相似文献   

Inputs of organic materials play a central role in the productivity of many tropical farming systems by providing nutrients through decomposition and substrate for synthesis of soil organic matter (SOM). The organic inputs in many tropical farming systems such as crop residues, manures, and natural fallows are currently of low quality and insufficient quantity to maintain soil fertility hence there is need to find alternative or supplementary sources of nutrients. Knowledge gained over the past decade on the role of organic resource quality in influencing soil nutrient availability patterns (Synchrony Principle) and SOM maintenance (SOM Principle) provides a strong scientific basis on which to develop management tools. This scientific information must be linked with farmer knowledge and circumstances to provide a realistic approach to soil fertility and SOM management in the tropics. A decision tree has been developed for testing hypotheses about the resource quality parameters that affect nitrogen release patterns and rates. The decision tree is linked to an Organic Resource Database (ORD) with detailed information on the resource quality of agroforestry trees and leguminous cover crops providing a systematic means of selecting organic resources for soil fertility management. The decision tree has also been translated into a practical field guide for use with farmers in evaluating organic materials. The longer-term effects of organic inputs on SOM might also be addressed through the decision tree and database. It is generally believed that materials good for short-term soil fertility will not build or maintain SOM; if true then it is difficult to imagine practical means of maintaining SOM in the African context where short-term fertility issues will take precedence over longer-term maintenance of SOM. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The study established the factors that influence the use of cattle andchicken manure for managing soil fertility by surveying a random sample of 224farm households in the Midlands of KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa. Themajority (87%) of the respondents are farming on communal land with an averagefarm size of 2.9 ha. Sixty-three% of the farmers in the sampleusedmanure to manage soil fertility in their fields. Despite the fact that chickenmanure was available in large quanties in the area, 54% of manure usedwas from cattle while chicken manure was used by 39% of the sample.Manure was readily available to 73% of the respondent farmers and it wasobtained mostly from commercial and semi-commercial livestock production unitswithin the area. Most of the manure was applied on land planted to high valuecrops such as maize, potatoes and vegetables. The common method of applyingmanure was by a spreader. The major factors that positively influencedthe farmers' decision to use manure were availability of manure, herd size,farmers' experience in farming and the availability of extension services.Both land ownership and attendance of training did not seem to affect thefarmers' decision to use manure. Farm size was the factor that was foundtonegatively affect manure utilization. Other important considerations includedlabor and transport requirements for handling manure, lack of technicalinformation on the fertilizer value and management of manure, increased growthof weeds and bad smell. Some suggestions are made on strategies that couldimprove the efficiency of utilization of manure for soil fertility managementinthis agroecosystem.  相似文献   

Recycling of residual products of bioenergy conversion processes is important for adding value to the technologies and as a potential beneficial soil fertility amendment. In this study, two different ash materials originating from low temperature circulating fluidized bed (LT-CFB) gasification of either wheat straw (SA) or residue fibers mainly from citrus peels (CP) were tested regarding their potential to be used as fertilizer on agricultural soils. A soil incubation study, a greenhouse experiment with barley and faba bean, and an accompanying outdoor experiment with maize were carried out to investigate the effects of the ashes on soil microbiological and chemical properties and on the response of the three crops. The ash treatments were compared with a control treatment that received only nitrogen, magnesium, and sulphur (CO) and a fully fertilized control (COPK). Soil microbial parameters were not significantly altered after ash application. SA was generally able to increase the levels of Olsen-P and of the ammonium acetate/acetic acid-extractable K in soil as well as to improve the yield of barley and maize, whereas faba bean did not react positively to ash amendment. CP did not show beneficial effects on soil nutrient levels or on crop biomass. We conclude from the results of this study, that??depending on the feedstock used??ashes from LT-CFB gasification of plant biomass can be used to replace mineral fertilizers if they are applied according to their nutrient content, the crop demand, and soil properties.  相似文献   

Traditional upland rice-based cropping systems in West Africa rely on periods of fallow to restore soil fertility and prevent the build-up of insect pests and weeds. Demographic growth and increased demand for land is forcing many farmers to intensify their rice production systems. Declining fallow length and increasing number of crops before leaving the land to extended fallow result in a significant yield reduction. Promising cropping system alternatives include the use of site specific, weed-suppressing, multi-purpose cover legumes as short duration fallows. Constraints to rice production related to intensification were determined in 209 farmers' fields in four agro-ecological zones during 1994 and 1995. Nitrogen accumulation and weed suppression were evaluated in 54 legume accessions, grown for six months during the dry season, under a range of hydrological and soil conditions in 1994/95. Their effect on the yield of upland rice was determined in 1995. To increase benefits from improved fallow technology, the timing of legume establishment in relation to rice and the effect on crop and weed growth of removing, burning, mulching, or incorporating fallow residues prior to the rice crop were determined. Intensified land use resulted in a significant plot-level yield reduction that was highest in the derived savanna and the bimodal forest zones where it was associated with a doubling of the weed biomass in rice and a significant reduction in soil N supply. Legume fallows appear to offer the potential to sustain rice yields under intensified cropping. Legume biomass was in most instances significantly greater than in the weedy fallow control and several legume species suppressed weed growth. Nitrogen accumulation by legumes varied between 1–200 kg N ha-1 with 30–90% Ndfa. Rice grain yield following legume fallows increased by an average of 0.2 mg ha-1 or 29% above the weedy fallow control. Relay establishment substantially increased legume biomass. However, seeding of the legume at 28 days or earlier significantly reduced grain yield due to interspecific competition. Incorporating or mulching of fallow residues provided no significant yield advantage as compared to burning. Absolute effects varied as a function of site, legume species, and management practice.  相似文献   

Throughout much of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), maize production is characterized by low productivity due to the scarce availability and use of external inputs and recurrent droughts exacerbated by climate variability. Within the integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) framework, there is thus a need for optimizing the application of fertilizers and manure to better use the limited nutrient resources and increase crop yield and farmer income. An on-station experiment was conducted in Northern Benin over a 4-year period to evaluate the effect of hill placement of mineral fertilizer and manure on maize yields and soil chemical properties. The treatments consisted in the combination of three rates of manure (0 (NM), 3 (3M) and 6 (6M) Mg ha?1) and three levels of fertilizer (0% (NF), 50% (50F) and 100% (100F) of the rate recommended by extension (76 kg N + 13.1 kg P + 24.9 K ha?1)). On average across the fertilizer rates, hill-placement of manure significantly improved soil organic carbon content, available P and exchangeable K after 4 years by up to 124, 166 and 77%, respectively, compared to the initial values. As a result of the nutrient inputs and improved soil properties, yields increased steadily over time for all manure and fertilizer combinations. Value-cost ratios and benefit–cost ratios were >2 and generally as good or even better for treatments involving 50F compared to NF or 100F. Although applying half the recommended rate of fertilizer without manure as currently done by many farmers appears to make economic sense, this practice is unlikely to be sustainable in the long term. Substituting 50F for 3M or complementing 50F with 3M are two possible strategies that are compatible with the precepts of ISFM and provide returns on investment at least as good as the current practice. However, this will require greater manure production, made possible in part by the increased stover yields, and access to means of transportation to deliver the manure to the fields.  相似文献   

Soil fertility replenishment is a critical factor that many farmers in the tropical American hillsides have to cope with to increase food crop production. The effect of three planted fallow systems (Calliandra houstoniana-CAL, Indigofera zollingeriana-IND, Tithonia diversifolia-TTH) and a crop rotation (maize/beans-ROT) on soil nitrogen mineralization, organic matter and phosphorus fractions was compared to the usual practice of allowing natural regeneration of native vegetation or natural fallow management (NAT). Studies were conducted on severely degraded Colombian volcanic-ash soils, 28 months after fallow establishment, at two on-farm experimental sites (BM1 and BM2) in the Cauca Department. Tithonia diversifolia had a significantly higher contribution to exchangeable Ca, K and Mg as well as B and Zn; the order of soil nutrient contribution was TTH > CAL > IND > NAT > ROT. On the other hand, lND had significantly higher soil NO3–N at both experimental farms as compared to all the other fallow system treatments. For the readily available P fraction, CAL and ROT had significantly higher H2O–Po and resin-Pi, respectively, in the 0–5 cm soil layer; whereas TTH showed significantly higher values for both H2O–Po and resin-Pi in the 5–10 cm soil layer. Significant effects were observed on the weights of the soil organic matter fractions which decreased in the order LL (Ludox light) > LM (Ludox intermediate) > LH (Ludox heavy). Indigofera zollingeriana showed greater C, N and P in the soil organic matter fractions than all the other fallow treatments, with NAT having the lowest values. It is concluded that planted fallows can restore soil fertility more rapidly than natural fallows.  相似文献   

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