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Molecular dosimetry for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-DNA adducts, genetic predisposition to cancer, and their interrelationships are under study in numerous laboratories. This report describes a modified 32P-postlabeling assay for the detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-DNA adducts that uses immunoaffinity chromatography to enhance chemical specificity and quantitative reliability. The assay incorporates internal standards to determine direct molar ratios of adducts to unmodified nucleotides and to assess T4 polynucleotide kinase labeling efficiency. High performance liquid chromatography is used to assure adequacy of DNA enzymatic digestion. The assay was validated using radiolabeled benzo(a)pyrene-diol-epoxide modified DNA (r = 0.76, P < 0.05) thereby assessing all variables from enzymatic digestion to detection. Thirty-eight human lung samples were examined and adducts were detected in seven. A subset of samples also was examined for benzo(a)pyrene-diol-epoxide-DNA adducts by immunoaffinity chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography, and synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy. A high correlation between the two assays was found (P = 0.006). The lung samples were then analyzed by the polymerase chain reaction for the presence of mutations in the cytochrome P-450 (CYP) 1A1 and glutathione S-transferase mu (GST mu) genes. A positive association was identified for adduct levels and GST mu null genotypes (P = 0.038). No correlation was found between polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-adduct levels and CYP1A1 exon 7 mutations. Age, race, and serum cotinine were not related to adduct levels. Multivariate analysis indicated that only the GST mu genotype was associated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-DNA adduct levels. This work demonstrates that the 32P-postlabeling assay can be modified for chemically specific adduct detection and that it can be used in the assessment of potentially important genetic factors for cancer risk. The absence of a functional GST mu gene in humans is likely one such factor.  相似文献   

The dendrites of neocortical neurons have been shown to support active action potentials which back-propagate from the soma after an output spike has been initiated. This observation has led to speculation that dendritic action potentials may participate in various forms of synaptic plasticity. The contribution of dendritic spikes to paired-pulse facilitation (PPF), a form of short-term plasticity, was investigated in the dentate gyrus of hippocampal slices. Paired orthodromic stimulation of the perforant path produced an average facilitation of the test population spike (PS) amplitude of 167% (n = 16, conditioning response = 100%). There was also a small but significant increase in slope of the field EPSP (fEPSP) of 108%. To determine whether increased presynaptic drive could account for this facilitation, the relationship between fEPSP slope and spike amplitude (I-O) was determined for a range of stimulus intensities. An increase in fEPSP slope of 171% was associated with an increase in PS amplitude equal to the facilitation produced by paired-pulse stimulation (167%), suggesting a postsynaptic component in PPF. Electric field effects were then used as a tool to alter the excitability of granule cells during the conditioning response without changing synaptic drive. Any change in the test response associated with manipulation of the conditioning population spike amplitude would suggest that dendritic spikes may contribute to the postsynaptic component of PPF. Surprisingly, altering the number of neurons responding to the conditioning stimulus with an action potential had no effect on the test response, suggesting that dendritic action potentials do not participate in this form of short-term synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

We investigated the association between alcohol consumption, GSTM1 genotype, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-DNA adduct levels in breast tissue. Women referred for breast surgery were enrolled prior to surgery, responded to an interview, and gave a blood sample. Women diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ and invasive ductal or lobular cancer were defined as cases, and women with benign conditions without atypia were defined as controls. Paraffin-embedded tumor and nontumor tissue from cases and benign tissue from controls were retrieved from the pathology samples. GSTM1 genotype status was determined by PCR using WBC DNA, and PAH-DNA adduct levels were measured in breast tissue using immunohistochemistry. In tumor and nontumor tissue from cases, the GSTM1-null genotype was associated with increased adduct levels among current alcohol consumers but not among nondrinkers. In nontumor tissue, the interaction between genotype and alcohol consumption was significant (P=0.02), but in tumor tissue, the interaction did not achieve statistical significance (P=0.10). In benign tissue from controls, there was no association between genotype and adducts, regardless of drinking status. Among subjects with the null genotype who drank alcohol, adduct levels were significantly higher in tumor and nontumor tissue from cases than in benign tissue from controls. These results indicate the presence of a novel gene-lifestyle interaction that influences PAH-DNA adduct levels in breast tissue from cases but not controls. This apparent difference in PAH metabolism in response to alcohol may be an important clue as to how alcohol influences breast cancer risk.  相似文献   

Levels of aromatic DNA adducts in foundry workers and controls were followed at four annual samplings. During this time exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) decreased and the level of DNA adducts decreased accordingly. In the total group exposure was related to the level of adducts. Adduct levels correlated with urinary 1-hydroxypyrene (LOGU1OH), air benzo[a]pyrene, weekly working hours and daily cigarette consumption. In a multivariate model 1-hydroxypyrene had a consistent effect. Neither glutathione transferase M1 (GSTM1) nor cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) genotypes had clear effects. Yet the individuals lacking GSTM1 had a stronger effect of LOGU1OH and some effect by other sources of PAH, such as charcoal broiled food, although all these variables were not significant in the multivariate model. The rare individuals with a CYP1A1 polymorphism MspI containing an amino acid change at isoleucine had an increased level of adducts. The results showed that the postlabelling method used was able to detect an increase in aromatic DNA adducts in leukocytes when exposure to benzo[a]pyrene in air was approximately 5 ng/m3. At such low levels smoking and charcoal broiled food may be important contributors to adducts.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P4501A1 (CYP1A1) has been implicated in the conversion of numerous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons into electrophilic species capable of binding covalently to DNA and has therefore been postulated to be involved in the initiation of carcinogenesis. The expression of CYP1A1 protein appears not to be constitutive, but is readily inducible by aryl hydrocarbon (Ah) receptor ligands in a majority of tissues of experimental animals, especially the liver. To date, there is conflicting evidence for the expression or inducibility of CYP1A1 protein in human liver. In this present study, we report the detection of CYP1A1 in all 20 human liver microsomal samples tested by standard western immunoblotting with chemiluminescent detection using a specific monoclonal antibody (mAb 1-12-3) directed against a marine fish (scup) cytochrome P450E. mAb 1-12-3 has been shown previously to specifically recognize CYP1A1 in mammals. This system consistently demonstrated a detection sensitivity as low as 0.01-0.025 pmol CYP1A1 per lane. In the samples where CYP1A1 protein levels were quantitated, CYP1A1 ranged from approximately 0.4 to 5 pmol CYP1A1/mg microsomal protein. Additionally, the inducibility of CYP1A1 protein was demonstrated by incubating precision-cut human liver slices in dynamic organ culture for up to 96 h in the presence of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). The specificity of mAb 1-12-3 was tested using several purified human and rat cytochrome P450s to ensure that the protein being detected was CYP1A1. mAb 1-12-3 did not cross-react with human CYP1A2 or CYP3A4 or rat CYP1B1, but did strongly recognize CYP1A1. However, there was a very weak cross-reactivity of mAb 1-12-3 with human CYP2E1, approximately 75-fold less compared with CYP1A1. In order to confirm CYP1A1 as the immunoreactive protein detected in human liver, microsomal samples were subjected to two-dimensional electrophoresis involving isoelectric focusing followed by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting. Utilizing mAb 1-12-3, the human liver microsomal samples displayed an immunoblotting profile matching that obtained from a microsomal preparation from a AHH-1 TK+/- cell line expressing solely human CYP1A1 and differing from the profile obtained using a polyclonal antibody directed against CYP2E1 and cells expressing CYP2E1. Furthermore, mAb 1-12-3 recognized only one protein of identical mobility on the two-dimensional blots from human liver microsomes and AHH-1 TK+/- cells expressing CYP1A1, while displaying no reaction to cells expressing only CYP2E1. In conclusion, CYP1A1 appears to be expressed in human liver at low levels and is inducible upon exposure to TCDD.  相似文献   

Human placenta, umbilical cord blood, maternal blood and breast milk samples from mothers were analysed for the presence of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Benzo(a) pyrene (B(a)P), dibenzo(a,c)anthracene (DBA) and chrysene (Chy) were detected in all the four types of sample. Levels of dibenzo(a,c)anthracene were higher in the above samples compared with the other two PAHs. Umbilical cord blood and breast milk samples showed relatively high concentrations of all the three PAHs and thus demonstrated that the developing foetus/new born were exposed to these carcinogenic environmental contaminants. The possible implications of PAHs in relation to human health are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies to assess the induction of CYP1A1 gene expression by tryptophan derived oxidation products which are suggested as endogenous ligands for the Ah receptor are described. For the two high affinity Ah receptor ligands produced from tryptophan, the chemical structure was recently identified as 6-formylindolo[3,2-b]carbazole (FICZ) and 6,12-diformylindolo[3,2-b]carbazole (dFICZ), respectively. Therefore these two compounds show a close similarity to the indolecarbinol-derived condensation product indolo[3,2-b]carbazole (ICZ). Incubation of cells from a human keratinocyte (HaCaT) cell line together with ICZ, FICZ, dFICZ and some structurally related indole compounds was performed. The compound with the highest affinity to the Ah receptor, FICZ, was found to be the most efficient inducer of CYP1A1 gene expression in short time incubation (0.5 h) experiments. With longer incubation times (24 h) ICZ was the most efficient inducer. The two most active compounds, FICZ and ICZ, caused increased mRNA levels already at a concentration of 100 pM. FICZ was also shown to increase CYP1A1 mRNA levels in fresh human peripheral blood cells at the same low concentration. FICZ and ICZ were furthermore compared with regard to their capacity to inhibit cDNA-expressed human CYP1A1 enzyme and FICZ was found to be the most potent inhibitor. The inhibition was, however, transient in character indicating that FICZ is also an exceptionally good substrate for the CYP1A1 enzyme. The results showing the potent and transient effect of these formylindolocarbazoles, thus emphasize their important properties as signal substances in the Ah receptor pathway. This makes the most potent compound, FICZ, a good candidate for the endogenous ligand of the Ah receptor necessary for normal development and for the basal expression of Ah receptor-dependent genes.  相似文献   

Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous environmental contaminants, and recently bioassay-based induction studies have been used to determine exposures to complex mixtures of PAHs. Induction of CYP1A1-dependent activity in H4IIE rat hepatoma cells has been used extensively as a bioassay for halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons and more recently for PAHs. Fluoranthene (FL) is a prevalent PAH contaminant in diverse environmental samples, and FL did not induce CYP1A1-dependent ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) activity significantly in H4IIE cells. However, in cells cotreated with 2 x 10(-5) M FL plus the potent inducers 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) or benzo[k]fluoranthene (BkF) (2 x 10(-8) M), there was a significant decrease in EROD activities. Furthermore, treatment of TCDD-induced rat microsomes with FL caused an 80% decrease in EROD activity. Studies showed that FL did not affect induction of CYP1A1 protein or mRNA levels in H4IIE cells, and analysis of enzyme inhibition data using microsomal CYP1A1 indicated that FL noncompetitively inhibited CYP1A1-dependent activity. 32P-Postlabeling revealed no significant FL-DNA adduct formation in H4IIE cells treated with FL. However, in cells cotreated with FL plus BkF or benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), certain PAH-DNA adducts were induced 2-fold. This study demonstrated that FL is an inhibitor of CYP1A1-dependent enzyme activity in rat hepatoma H4IIE cells and that the genotoxic potency of some carcinogenic PAHs may be modulated by FL in mixtures containing relatively high levels of this compound.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to verify a possible correlation between CYP1A1 induction, MspI genotype and lung cancer incidence. A case-control study was performed on 48 lung cancer patients and 81 healthy subjects to test the existence of a correlation, within a European population. The hyperinducible group exhibited a significantly higher risk of lung cancer (odds ratio = 3.41; P = 0.036), especially for adenocarcinoma (odds ratio = 5.29; P = 0.033). In contrast with the situation observed in Asian populations, the frequency of the M2 allele did not differ significantly in the total lung cancer population (7.82%) and the group of healthy subjects (10.71%). The median inducibility value was slightly higher among cancer patients with one or two M2 alleles than among patients homozygous for the wild-type allele (P = 0.09). However, the percentage of individuals possessing at least one mutated allele was not significantly higher among hyperinducible patients (37.5%) than among non-hyperinducible patients (16.0%). No significant correlation could be found between M2 allele and lung cancer or between M2 allele and CYP1A1 inducibility; the only positive correlation found was between CYP1A1 hyperinducibility and lung cancer incidence. Our observations do not support the view that the presence of the M2 allele at the MspI site of the CYP1A1 gene constitutes a significant lung cancer risk in Caucasians.  相似文献   

Here we report that macrophages in the rat superior cervical ganglia (SCG) respond differently to pre- and postganglionic axotomy. Postganglionic axotomy results in a rapid activation of resident macrophages, as measured by inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) immunoreactivity, and a massive invasion by macrophages. Following preganglionic lesion there was no such rapid activation and the macrophage invasion was of much lower magnitude. A subpopulation of the macrophages also expressed haem oxygenase-1 (HO-1). The results are compatible with a model in which macrophages or their products, including nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO) could be important for induction of early changes in the nerve cell body, like an altered neuropeptide synthesis, which has been shown to accompany the regenerative response in peripheral ganglia.  相似文献   

The utilization of precision-cut liver slices in dynamic organ culture as an in vitro model was validated by comparing the induction of the biomarker responses following in vitro (rat liver slice) and in vivo exposure of rats to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). The biomarker responses investigated were cytochrome P450s 1A1 and 1A2 (CYP1A1 and CYP1A2) mRNA, protein, and activities. Precision-cut rat liver slices were incubated in dynamic organ culture for 24 hr with medium containing 0.001-10 nM TCDD or medium without TCDD (control). The resultant mean TCDD concentration in the slices ranged from 19 to 80,925 ppt (wet wt), respectively. A concentration-dependent induction of CYP1A1 mRNA, protein, and activities and a more modest induction of CYP1A2 mRNA was observed in liver slices at all medium concentrations of TCDD. The O-demethylation of 7-methoxyresorufin, a marker for CYP1A2 activity, was induced at TCDD medium levels of 0.01 nM and greater, whereas a detectable increase in CYP1A2 protein occurred only at the higher concentrations. Comparable liver concentrations of TCDD (8-64,698 ppt wet wt) were achieved at 24 hr following a single in vivo exposure of rats to TCDD at doses ranging from 0.002 to 5 microg/kg po. Concentration-effect and dose-response relationships for induction of CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 were similar following in vitro and in vivo exposure to TCDD, although the magnitude of induction was greater for in vivo exposure. The data support the use of liver slices in dynamic organ culture for assessing the relative in vivo potency of a compound to induce CYP1A1 and CYP1A2. Human tissue can also be readily utilized in this in vitro model to predict the biological and toxicological effects of a given in vivo exposure to TCDD.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the tolerance and outcome of elderly cervical carcinoma patients treated with radiation therapy (RT). METHODS: Three hundred ninety-eight patients with stage I-III cervical carcinoma treated with definitive RT were analyzed. Patients were divided into nonelderly (ages 35-69) (n = 338) and elderly (ages >/= 70) (n = 60) groups. A comparison of patient, tumor and treatment factors, morbidity, and outcome was performed. Median follow-up was 81 months. RESULTS: Elderly patients had a higher rate of comorbid conditions including diabetes (P = 0. 02), coronary artery disease (P = 0.003), and hypertension (P = 0. 001) than younger patients. Comorbid conditions in the elderly resulted in more frequent treatment breaks and less ability to undergo definitive treatment with intracavitary RT (ICRT). While the 5-year actuarial disease-free (DFS) and cause-specific (CSS) survival rates were comparable between the two groups, disease recurrence and death from cervical cancer were more common beyond 5 years in the elderly group. When patients not undergoing ICRT and those with treatment protraction were excluded, differences in the DFS and CSS curves were no longer evident. The frequency and severity of acute and chronic sequelae were similar. CONCLUSIONS: Elderly cervical carcinoma patients have an equivalent overall outcome following radiation therapy to younger patients when comparable treatment is delivered. Age per se is not associated with a higher rate of acute or chronic sequelae. Comorbid conditions adversely impacted on the quality and delivery of RT in the elderly group and help explain observed differences in outcome based on age.  相似文献   

A physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model for 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) was combined with a five-compartment geometric model of hepatic zonation to predict both total and regional induction of CYP450 proteins within the liver. Three literature studies on TCDD pharmacokinetics and protein induction in female rats were analyzed. In simulating low-dose behavior for mRNA in whole liver and, particularly, in representing immunohistochemical observations, the five-compartment model was more successful than conventional homogeneous one-compartment liver models. The five-compartment liver model was used with the affinity of TCDD for the Ah receptor (AhR) held constant across all the liver (Kb = 0.2 nM). The presumed affinities of the AhR-TCDD complex for TCDD responsive elements in the CYP1A1 (Kd1) and CYP1A2 (Kd2) genes varied between adjacent compartments by a factor of 3. This parameterization leads to predicted 81-fold differences in affinities between the centrilobular and the periportal regions. The affinities used for AhR-TCDD complex binding to TCDD response elements for CYP1A2 in compartment 3 (the midzonal area) ranged from 0.08 to 1.0 nM in the three studies modeled. For CYP1A1 the corresponding dissociation constant in compartment 3 varied from 0.6 to 2.0 nM. In each compartment, the Hill coefficient for induction had to be 4 or greater to match the immunohistochemical results. This multi-compartment liver model is consistent with data on protein and mRNA induction throughout the liver and on the regional distribution of these proteins. No previous model has incorporated regional variations in induction. The PBPK analysis based on the multicompartment liver model suggests that the low-dose behavior for hepatic CYP1A1/CYP1A2 induction by TCDD is highly non-linear.  相似文献   

We have examined the inducibility of CYP1A1 by beta-naphthoflavone (BNF) in a rat intestinal epithelial cell line, IEC-18, and the associated interaction between cAMP and BNF. CYP1A1 was not constitutively expressed in IEC-18 cells. Upon treatment with BNF, CYP1A1 RNA, protein, and microsomal 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase activity were detected. Treatment with dibutyryl cAMP resulted in a 2-fold increase in the extent of induction at both RNA and protein levels, with corresponding increases in CYP1A1 enzymatic activity. These results support the involvement of protein kinase A in Ah receptor-mediated induction of CYP1A1 and provide an in vitro model for further studies on the mechanisms underlying regional and cellular differences in the regulation of CYP1A1 gene expression in the small intestine.  相似文献   

A one step competitive Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method was developed to detect mycobacterial antigen in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis and compared with a standard competitive ELISA method. Indigenously prepared soluble extract of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37 Rv was used as antigen. The study was conducted using CSF of 230 clinically diagnosed cases of tuberculous meningit is and 208 control subjects. A cutoff value of 0.57 ng/ml by the one step ELISA and 0.5 ng/ml by the standard ELISA method were determined. The specificity of both methods were 100% and positivity was 68.26% and 70.43% respectively. A follow up study was conducted in 63 cases at various interval of time after starting anti-tubercular therapy i.e. at 3 weeks (63 cases), 6 weeks (27 cases) and > or = 4-12 months (13 cases). It was observed that antigen levels decreased gradually, but were much above the cutoff range. Indigenously prepared antigen was compared with antigen prepared in other laboratories and standard molecular weight markers using SDS PAGE (Sodium Do-decyl Sulphate Polycrylamide Gel Electrophoresis).  相似文献   

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