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The directed self-assembly of block copolymers (BCPs) is a promising route to generate highly ordered arrays of sub-10 nm features. Ultradense arrays of a monolayer of spherical microdomains or cylindrical microdomains oriented parallel to the surface have been produced where the lateral ordering is guided by surface patterning and the lattice defined by the patterning can be commensurate or incommensurate with the natural period of the BCP. Commensurability between the two can be used to elegantly manipulate the lateral ordering and orientation of the BCP microdomains so as to form well-aligned arrays of 1D nanowires or 2D addressable nanodots. No modification of the substrate surface, aside from the patterning, was used, making the influence of lattice mismatch and pattern amplification on the size, shape and pitch of the BCP microdomains more transparent. A skew angle between incommensurate lattices, defining a stretching or compression of the BCP chains to compensate for the lattice mismatch, is presented.  相似文献   

Wang H  Halas NJ 《Nano letters》2006,6(12):2945-2948
We report the experimental realization of plasmonic heterodimers, pairs of directly adjacent, interacting metallic nanoparticles. A novel fabrication and positioning approach is utilized for the stepwise assembly of upright nanoparticle pairs, where the first nanoparticle is almost entirely embedded in an elastomeric dielectric medium prior to attachment of the second nanoparticle. The plasmon energies of the embedded nanoparticles are red-shifted, and the strongly anisotropic dielectric environment of the semiembedded nanoparticle pairs effectively transforms the structures into plasmonic heterodimers. The asymmetric hybridization of the plasmon modes of differing energies on the constituent nanoparticles of the heterodimer is clearly observed.  相似文献   

Fringing field directed assembly of nanomaterials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Barry CR  Jacobs HO 《Nano letters》2006,6(12):2790-2796
This letter reports on a new gas-phase printing approach to deposit nanomaterials into addressable areas on a surface with 50 nm lateral accuracy. Localized fringing fields that form around conventional resist patterns (PMMA and SiO2) with openings to a silicon substrate are used to direct the assembly of nanomaterials into the openings. Directed assembly was observed due to a naturally occurring inbuilt charge differential at the material interface that was further enhanced by corona charging to yield a field strength exceeding 1 MV/m in Kelvin probe force microscopy (KFM) measurements. The assembly process is independent of the nanomaterial source and type: an evaporative, plasma, and electrospray source have been tested to deposit silicon and metallic nanoparticles. The results suggest a potential route to form nanolenses on the basis of charged resist structures; a 3-fold size reduction has been observed between the structures and the assembled particles. Applications range from the integration of functional nanomaterial building blocks to the elimination of lift-off steps in semiconductor processing.  相似文献   

A fast, simple procedure is described for obtaining an assembly of silver sulfide nanoparticles (Ag(2)S NPs) on a glass substrate through reaction of a template of an assembled layer of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) with hydrogen sulfide (H(2)S) gas. The Ag NP template was prepared by assembling a monolayer of spherical Ag NPs (mean diameter of 7.4?nm) on a polyethylenimine-treated glass substrate. Exposure to pure H(2)S for 10?min converted the Ag NPs of the template to Ag(2)S NPs. The resulting Ag(2)S NP assembly, which retains the template nanostructure and particle distribution, was characterized by optical absorption spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning high resolution TEM, energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The Ag(2)S NPs have a crystal structure of monoclinic acanthite, and while they retained the spherical shape of the original Ag NPs, their mean particle size increased to 8.4?nm due to changes to the crystal structure when the Ag NPs are converted into Ag(2)S NPs. The measured optical absorption edge of the Ag(2)S NP assembly indicated an indirect interband transition with a band gap energy of 1.71?eV. The Ag(2)S NP assembly absorbed light with wavelengths below 725?nm, and the absorbance increased monotonically toward the UV region.  相似文献   

Electrical sintering of nanoparticle structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method for sintering nanoparticles by applying voltage is presented. This electrical sintering method is demonstrated using silver nanoparticle structures ink-jet-printed onto temperature-sensitive photopaper. The conductivity of the printed nanoparticle layer increases by more than five orders of magnitude during the sintering process, with the final conductivity reaching 3.7 × 10(7)?S?m(-1) at best. Due to a strong positive feedback induced by the voltage boundary condition, the process is very rapid-the major transition occurs within 2?μs. The best obtained conductivity is two orders of magnitude better than for the equivalent structures oven-sintered at the maximum tolerable temperature of the substrate. Additional key advantages of the method include the feasibility for patterning, systematic control of the final conductivity and in situ process monitoring. The method offers a generic tool for electrical functionalization of nanoparticle structures.  相似文献   

Although three-dimensional (3D) printing of tungsten parts by Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) has been demonstrated by multiple research groups, a directed energy deposition (DED) process for fabricating pure tungsten structures has never been reported. This work reports successful fabrication of pure tungsten structures by DED, revealing the required process conditions. The effect of laser power, scan speed, powder feed rate and carrier gas velocity on the stability and properties of the structures is first analyzed, based on which the proper process condition for effective 3D printing of tungsten parts is proposed. Fabrication of a rectangular tube of 110 mm in height is demonstrated using an in-house DED printing system. Analyses of the fabricated samples show that the density and the hardness can be as high as 18.9 g/cm3 (98.4% of the theoretical value) and 3.9 GPa, respectively. The results indicate that the optimal condition for 3D printing of tungsten is 400 ~ 530 J/mm2 in terms of specific energy and that high-speed or high-mass injection of powder can induce waviness on the surface. This work suggests that DED can be a promising alternative to produce pure tungsten parts in various applications.  相似文献   

We present a self-assembly method to construct CdSe/ZnS quantum dot-gold nanoparticle complexes. This method allows us to form complexes with relatively good control of the composition and structure that can be used for detailed study of the exciton-plasmon interactions. We determine the contribution of the polarization-dependent near-field enhancement, which may enhance the absorption by nearly two orders of magnitude and that of the exciton coupling to plasmon modes, which modifies the exciton decay rate.  相似文献   

《Thin solid films》2006,515(2):731-734
Numerical calculations of equilibrium state energies and local magnetic fields in planar ring-like nanoparticle structures were performed. The dipole–dipole, Zeeman and magnetic anisotropy interactions were included into the model. The result of their competition depends on the value of the external magnetic field, magnetic parameters of an individual nanoparticle, size and shape of the structures. Flux-closed vortexes, single domain, two-domain “onion”-like, “hedgehog”-like and more complex spin structures can be realized. The critical field, providing a sharp transition from the flux-closed vortex to the “onion”-like state, can be regulated by a variation of the particle magnetization and anisotropy constant, their easy directions, and particle space arrangement.  相似文献   

Labeling ribonuclease S with a 3 nm Au nanoparticle by two-step assembly   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We label ribonuclease S with a 3 nm Au nanoparticle (NP) by utilizing its two-piece structure. One portion, S-peptide, is mutated with a unique NP attachment site. NP-peptide self-assembles with the other portion, S-protein, to form an active enzyme. NP mobility decreases with peptide labeling and S-protein association. Surface plasmon shifts support conjugation. Higher S-peptide coverages on the NP surface reduce nonspecific adsorption, while sterically hindering assembly of RNaseS. Thiols displace nonspecific adsorption, maximizing site-specific labeling.  相似文献   

Temperature has been used to control the order of assembly events in a solution containing three types of particles to be linked by two different sets of complementary DNA. At higher temperatures, only the duplexes having higher thermal stability were able to form. By starting at a high temperature and then cooling the sample, these more stable sequences hybridized first, followed by the less stable sequences at lower temperatures. Because of the use of thiolated DNA on Au particles, some loss and exchange of the DNA strands occurred at elevated temperatures. However, since cooperativity favors the "correct" assemblies, Au-S bond lability did not appreciably impact the order of the assembly process. Temperature programming combines the selectivity of DNA-directed assembly with the ability to control the order in which several complementary strands hybridize in a common solution and could contribute to the synthesis of more complex nanostructured materials.  相似文献   

Composite microstructures obtained via directed melt oxidation can be refined using external reinforcements and alloying additions. The mechanisms responsible for refinement of composite (alumina) microstructure are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of interparticle and external forces in nanoparticle assembly   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The past 20 years have witnessed simultaneous multidisciplinary explosions in experimental techniques for synthesizing new materials, measuring and manipulating nanoscale structures, understanding biological processes at the nanoscale, and carrying out large-scale computations of many-atom and complex macromolecular systems. These advances have led to the new disciplines of nanoscience and nanoengineering. For reasons that are discussed here, most nanoparticles do not 'self-assemble' into their thermodynamically lowest energy state, and require an input of energy or external forces to 'direct' them into particular structures or assemblies. We discuss why and how a combination of self- and directed-assembly processes, involving interparticle and externally applied forces, can be applied to produce desired nanostructured materials.  相似文献   

One of the biggest limitations of conventional carbon nanotube device fabrication techniques is the inability to scale up the processes to fabricate a large number of devices on a single chip. In this report, we demonstrate the directed and precise assembly of single-nanotube devices with an integration density of several million devices per square centimeter, using a novel aspect of nanotube dielectrophoresis. We show that the dielectrophoretic force fields change incisively as nanotubes assemble into the contact areas, leading to a reproducible directed assembly which is self-limiting in forming single-tube devices. Their functionality has been tested by random sampling of device characteristics using microprobes.  相似文献   

Silver (Ag) nanoparticles fabricated by chemical reduction process were grafted onto the surface of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) to prepare hybrid nanocomposites. The Ag/CNT hybrid nanomaterials were characterized using transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. The Ag/CNT hybrid nanomaterials were then loaded in paraffin wax, and pressed into toroidal shape with thickness of 1 mm to evaluate their complex permittivity and complex permeability by scattering parameters measurement method in reflection mode using vector network analyzer. The reflection loss of the samples was calculated according to the transmission line theory using their measured complex permittivity and permeability. The minimum reflection loss of the Ag/CNT hybrid nanocomposite sample with a thickness of 1 mm reached 21.9 dB (over 99 % absorption) at 12.9 GHz, and also exhibited a wide response bandwidth where the frequency bandwidth of the reflection loss of less than ?10 dB (over 90 % absorption) was from 11.7 to 14.0 GHz. The Ag/CNT hybrid nanocomposite with thickness of 6 mm showed a minimum reflection loss of ~?32.1 dB (over 99.9 % absorption) at 3.0 GHz and was the best absorber when compared with the other samples of different thickness. The reflection loss shifted to lower frequency as the thickness of the samples increased. The capability to modulate the absorption band of these samples to suit various applications in different frequency bands simply by manipulating their thickness indicates that these hybrid nanocomposites could be a promising microwave absorber.  相似文献   

When a drop of a colloidal solution of nanoparticles dries on a surface, it leaves behind coffee-stain-like rings of material with lace-like patterns or clumps of particles in the interior. These non-uniform mass distributions are manifestations of far-from-equilibrium effects, such as fluid flows and solvent fluctuations during late-stage drying. However, recently a strikingly different drying regime promising highly uniform, long-range-ordered nanocrystal monolayers has been found. Here we make direct, real-time and real-space observations of nanocrystal self-assembly to reveal the mechanism. We show how the morphology of drop-deposited nanoparticle films is controlled by evaporation kinetics and particle interactions with the liquid-air interface. In the presence of an attractive particle-interface interaction, rapid early-stage evaporation dynamically produces a two-dimensional solution of nanoparticles at the liquid-air interface, from which nanoparticle islands nucleate and grow. This self-assembly mechanism produces monolayers with exceptional long-range ordering that are compact over macroscopic areas, despite the far-from-equilibrium evaporation process. This new drop-drying regime is simple, robust and scalable, is insensitive to the substrate material and topography, and has a strong preference for forming monolayer films. As such, it stands out as an excellent candidate for the fabrication of technologically important ultra thin film materials for sensors, optical devices and magnetic storage media.  相似文献   

Qin Y  Liu L  Yang R  Gösele U  Knez M 《Nano letters》2008,8(10):3221-3225
We demonstrate a flexible assembly method for producing linear metal nanoparticle chains embedded in nanotubes. The chain formation is based on the Rayleigh instability after annealing metal nanowires confined in nanotubes. Beginning with metal nanowires from arbitrary synthesis methods, atomic layer deposition (ALD) was applied to coat the wires first with a sacrificial layer then with a shell layer. Subsequently, the sacrificial layer was removed leading to confined wires in nanotubes with a free volume. Finally, embedded nanoparticle chains were produced inducing the Rayleigh instability by annealing the confined nanowires. This method is quite general not only for different metals but also for different shell materials. We are able to tune the particle spacing and diameter, the shape of the nanochains, the tube diameter and the shell thickness by ALD significantly.  相似文献   

Coaxial nanofibers with poly(styrene-block-isoprene) (PS-b-PI)/magnetite nanoparticles as core and silica as shell are fabricated using electrospinning.1-4 Thermally stable silica helps to anneal the fibers above the glass transition temperature of PS-b-PI and form ordered nanocomposite morphologies. Monodisperse magnetite nanoparticles (NPs; 4 nm) are synthesized and surface coated with oleic acid to provide marginal selectivity towards an isoprene domain. When 4 wt% nanoparticles are added to symmetric PS-b-PI, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images of microtomed electrospun fibers reveal that NPs are uniformly dispersed only in the PI domain, and that the confined lamellar assembly in the form of alternate concentric rings of PS and PI is preserved. For 10 wt% NPs, a morphology transition is seen from concentric rings to a co-continuous phase with NPs again uniformly dispersed in the PI domains. No aggregates or loss of PI selectivity is found in spite of interparticle attraction. Magnetic properties are measured using a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometer and all nanocomposite fiber samples exhibit superparamagnetic behavior.  相似文献   

In the present study, a novel method involving nitrogen plasma annealing has been reported for preparing InN nanoparticle/nanorod structures and for improving the properties of InN nanoparticle layers. Plasma annealed structures have been characterized by X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy techniques. InN nanoparticle layers have been prepared using activated reactive evaporation set up. It has been observed that there is a remarkable improvement in the conductivity and crystallinity of InN nanoparticle layers on annealing in nitrogen plasma. This has been attributed to the increase in the nitrogen content of the samples. Experiments involving plasma annealing of In nanorods deposited oxide template has also been carried out. It was found that on plasma treatment In nanorods get converted to mixed phase InN nanorods with hexagonal and cubic fractions.  相似文献   

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