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为深入了解顺向阵风来流对圆柱气动力和流场特性的影响,开展了雷诺数(Re)为1 000的圆柱绕流三维大涡模拟,研究了不同频率顺向正弦来流对圆柱气动力和流场结构的影响规律,详细分析了升阻力系数、斯特劳哈尔数(St)、回流长度、分离角和尾流结构等参数的变化规律。顺向正弦来流速度为U=U0+Asin(2πft),其中来流频率f的变化范围为0~0.3 Hz,U0为平均速度,A为竖向正弦来流的振幅,设为0.15U0。研究结果表明:圆柱阻力系数卓越频率(即主导频率)与正弦来流频率基本一致,升力系数存在3个明显的频率峰值,分别对应涡脱频率与来流频率之差、涡脱频率、涡脱频率与来流频率之和。随着正弦来流频率f增大,St先减小后增大,在f=0.25 Hz时达到最小值,而回流长度先增大后减小,且在f=0.15 Hz时达到最大值。当f≤St时,分离角不变,而顺流向最小速度逐渐增大;当f>St时,分离角逐渐增大. 相似文献
当前市场上使用的流量计多数都有一个测量下限,下限以下是无法计量的.对于峰谷值差很大的燃气流量测量,一般流量计的计量范围很难满足计量需求,小流量多被漏计,产生计量误差,导致计量损失.智能式全量程燃气流量计利用两种计量原理,有效地解决了这一测量下限问题,实现了几乎从“零”计量.本流量计是集涡街及热式两种原理的流量计于一体的高度一体化仪表.由于采用了智能化处理,可直接显示出温度、压力和标准状态下的瞬时流量(m3/h)及累积流量(m3). 相似文献
采用数值模拟方法对处在弯管附件后均速管流量计的输出特性进行了研究.计算中采用k-ε湍流模型,应用有限体积法对控制方程进行离散.计算得到了弯管后管道中不同位置处流量计采用平行、垂直、45°(相对于弯管平面)三种安装方式情况下的差压输出,结合管道及流量计内部流场分布对流量计输出特性进行了分析.结果表明,数值计算结果与实测结果具有很好的一致性.对比三种安装方式的误差,流量计采用垂直于弯管平面的安装方式最优. 相似文献
目的 探索仓泵式气力输送小麦颗粒时不同输送压力下罐体及引出管内颗粒的流化特性,从而得出最佳操作压力。方法 利用Solidworks建立简易的等比例发送装置三维模型,采用模拟仿真软件Fluent对0.25、0.3、0.35 MPa等3种不同输送压力进行数值模拟,并利用CFD–Post进行数据后处理。结果 当进气口压力为0.35 MPa时物料最先输送完毕,用时为10 s。整体发料过程从引出管入口至出口处三者压力分别降低了97.1%、96.8%、98.1%,其中当进气口压力为0.3 MPa时,压力降低最小,能量利用率最高。结论 输送压力越大输送速度越快,其压降也最大。考虑经济性与高效性可得,最佳进气口压力为0.3 MPa。 相似文献
利用Phoenics流体力学软件对转子型气力细分级机不同长度的转子叶片间的流场进行了数值模拟,对不同长度和不同角叶片间流场的数值模拟结果表明,叶片长度增加,叶片间进行的层流状态也增多,而保持叶片间流场的层流状态是进行超细分级的先决条件,因此,增加叶睡长度可以改善分级机的分级的先决条件。因此,增加叶片长度可能改善分级的分级效果,对该模拟结果进行的理论分析证明了模拟的正确性。 相似文献
高拱坝表孔宽尾墩流道内水流特性的数值模拟研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
宽尾墩应用于高拱坝表孔后,其下泄水流的空中扩散特性与宽尾墩流道内的水流特性密切相关。采用k-ε双方程紊流模型对宽尾墩应用在高拱坝坝身泄洪表孔时的水流特性进行了3维数值模拟,给出了孔流道水面线、压力、流场等水流特性。计算值与模型试验值对比,两者吻合较好。计算结果发现,坝面中线压力分布与侧墙压力分布存在相似规律,所不同的是侧墙压力在宽尾墩转折点位置存在局部增大;墩尾压力分布受墩内水流流线弯曲影响,其分布不再符合净水压力分布规律;墩尾水流流速大小沿水深方向变化不大,但流速方向变化比较明显。 相似文献
为更好的进行城市管廊结构抗爆优化设计,深入研究管廊燃气爆炸动态响应特性极为必要.利用有限元软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA,建立管廊结构的有限元计算模型,采用等效内能法模拟燃气爆炸荷载,研究燃气爆炸激发冲击波传播衰减规律及其对管廊结构的动态响应规律,分析管廊结构破坏和反应特征.结果表明:燃气爆炸冲击波随传播距离的增加,峰值压力逐渐降低,同时超压持续作用时间逐渐变短.冲击波在受限空间壁面的反射叠加造成其峰值压力在传播后期呈现略微增加趋势,但整体上以多项式形式衰减.爆炸损伤部位主要集中在燃气仓墙角或结构突变位置,燃气仓顶部设置泄压口,可有效避免上部通行仓混凝土的损伤破坏效应.管廊结构墙角处刚度较大导致其振动响应程度较弱,而墙面中部区域节点振动合速度可达到0.4 m/s.满仓燃气爆炸工况下,管廊结构局部混凝土产生贯穿裂纹,但并未出现整体结构性损坏. 相似文献
Guocan Ling 《Sadhana》1993,18(3-4):683-694
Our recent progress in numerical studies of bluff body flow structures and a new method for the numerical analysis of near
wake flow field for high Reynolds number flow are introduced. The paper consists of three parts. In part one, the evolution
of wake vortex structure and variation of forces on a flat plate in harmonic oscillatory flows and in in-line steady-harmonic
combined flows are presented by an improved discrete vortex method, as the Keulegan-Carpenter number (KC) varies from 2 to
40 and ratios ofU
0 are ofO(10−1),O(1) andO(10), respectively. In part 2, a domain decomposition hybrid method, combining the finite-difference and vortex methods for
numerical simulation of unsteady viscous separated flow around a bluff body, is introduced. By the new method, some high resolution
numerical visualization on near wake evolution behind a circular cylinder at Re=102, 103 and 3×103 are shown. In part 3, the mechanism and the dynamic process for the three-dimensional evolution of the Kármán vortex and
vortex filaments in braid regions as well as the early features of turbulent structure in the wake behind a circular cylinder
are presented numerically by the vortex dynamics method.
This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Laboratory for Nonlinear Mechanics, Institute
of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as by the National Basic Research project “Nonlinear Science”. 相似文献
A numerical model, based on the Darcy law, was used to simulate the two-dimensional gas flow around a passive vent in a sanitary landfill. We follow Findikakis and Leckie [ASCE J. Environ. Eng. 105 (1979) 927] in modeling the biodegradation of the solid waste and assume the first-order biodegradation kinetics. The numerical results from the Fresh Kills landfill, New York, show that the well’s ability in extracting the landfill gas by the passive vent decays quickly with the increase of the radial distance from the well. The influence radius of the well is generally less than 20 m. The effects from the final soil thickness, well depth, and other parameters on the gas flow are also discussed. 相似文献
Three SGS stress closure LES models are evaluated for turbulent flow over a square cylinder. Emphasis is placed on solving
engineering-application-type problems on affordable computer resources and within reasonable turnaround times. Results are
compared with available experimental data and previously published workshop results. Numerical strategies are kept the same
for all the cases. Results are also discussed keeping in view limitations of LES methodology of modelling for practical problems
and current developments. It is concluded that a one-equation model for subgrid kinetic energy is the best choice. 相似文献
采用CFD数值模拟方法对有柔性膜片的膜式燃气表内部流动进行数值模拟研究,解决了皮膜和旋转阀之间的联动关系以及旋转阀转动与皮膜运动的仿真实现等技术问题;运用滑移网格、动网格及用户自定义函数(UDF)技术实现了膜式燃气表内部流动的动态数值模拟,获得了旋转阀与阀座存在1mm间隙的情况下膜式燃气表内部流场和仪表压损数据.结果表明,数值模拟技术用于膜式燃气表这种复杂结构的内部流动研究是可行的. 相似文献
Numerical simulation of the temperature field in the electromagnetic semi-continuous casting of slab
Xianshu Zheng Yicheng Wang Zhaoxia Li Junze Jin 《Science and Technology of Advanced Materials》2013,14(1):109-111
Electromagnetic casting of aluminum is a semi-continuous casting process and the corresponding mathematical model is a non-steady non-homogeneous heat-transfer equation. This paper indicates and testifies that the dynamic temperature field can be calculated with a three-dimensional non-steady homogeneous heat-transfer equation. The software program has universal use. Further, a casting process of 1860 × 510 mm aluminum slab is simulated, the results agreeing well with those reported in the literature. 相似文献
通过将磁性液体的磁化曲线用一个反正切函数来模拟,并且将磁场体积力写成Az的函数形式来模拟磁性液体在圆管申的流动。结果表明,圆管内的磁性液体有最大流量时,磁性液体流在靠近永磁附近呈紊流状态流动,在圆管的最右端,大致呈层流状态流动;圆管内的磁性液体净流量为零时,靠近永磁的磁性液体在原地呈激烈的涡旋流动状态. 相似文献