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改进型高鲁棒性校正器的研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
鲁棒性是校正器设计的一个重要指标,本文在最优滤波器,状态反馈控制与合理的相角裕量的基础上,提出一种改进型的高鲁棒性校正器,这种方法可应用于有不确定性因素或变参数场合下的控制系统设计,以保证生产过程的安全,本改进型校正器的优良特性由仿真实验加以证实。 相似文献
The design of speed and position controllers for permanent magnet brushless DC motor (PMBLDC) drive remains as an open problem in the field of motor drives. A precise speed control of PMBLDC motor is complex due to nonlinear coupling between winding currents and rotor speed. In addition, the nonlinearity present in the developed torque due to magnetic saturation of the rotor further complicates this issue. This paper presents a novel control scheme to the conventional PMBLDC motor drive, which aims at improving the robustness by complete decoupling of the design besides minimizing the mutual influence among the speed and current control loops. The interesting feature of this robust control scheme is its suitability for both static and dynamic aspects. The effectiveness of the proposed robust speed control scheme is verified through simulations. 相似文献
高维磁悬浮控制系统二次状态反馈鲁棒稳定性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
运用中心流形—范式综合方法 ,从理论上讨论了高维磁悬浮柔性转子控制系统二次状态反馈鲁棒稳定性问题。提出了此类高维控制系统渐近稳定的条件和二次状态反馈稳定定理 ,给出了此高维系统二次反馈控制律的构造方法 ;最后 ,对上述控制策略下的鲁棒性进行了分析和证明 相似文献
This paper discusses an entire procedure for a robust controller design and its implementation of an AMB (active magnetic
bearing) spindle, which is part II of the papers presenting details of system modeling and robust control of an AMB spindle.
Since there are various uncertainties in an AMB system and reliability is the most important factor for applications, robust
control naturally gains attentions in this field. However, tight evaluations of various uncertainties based on experimental
data and appropriate performance weightings for an AMB spindle are still ongoing research topics. In addition, there are few
publications on experimental justification of a designed robust controller. In this paper, uncertainties for the AMB spindle
are classified and described based on the measurement and identification results of part I, and an appropriate performance
weighting scheme for the AMB spindle is developed. Then, a robust control is designed through the mixedμ synthesis based on the validated accurate nominal model of part I, and the robust controller is reduced considering its closed
loop performance. The reduced robust controller is implemented and confirmed with measurements of closed-loop responses. The
AMB spindle is operated up to 57,600 rpm and performance of the designed controller is compared with a benchmark PID controller
through experiments. Experiments show that the robust controller offers higher stiffness and more efficient control of rigid
modes than the benchmark PID controller. 相似文献
Hwa Soo Kim San Lim Cornel C. Iura
cu Frank C. Park Young Man Cho 《Precision Engineering》2004,28(4):459-468
This paper presents a robust, discrete, near time-optimal control algorithm for hard disk drives. Building on the continuous-time control law of Newman [Trans. Automatic Control 35 (7) (1990) 841] and Newman and Souccar [J. Dynamic Syst. Measure. Control 113 (1991) 363], the chattering phenomenon for continuous-time systems is first examined, and it is shown how additional chattering can occur in the discrete-time case. A criterion for the selection of control parameters to prevent chattering in the discrete-time case while assuring controller stability is then suggested. The controller developed is applied to a commercial hard disk drive. Compared to the more commonly used PTOS, the proposed controller significantly reduces chattering while maintaining comparable seek time to reach the destination track. 相似文献
以存在固有模型误差的单级倒立摆为被控对象,建立倒立摆的鲁棒数学模型。在不确定性因子存在的前提下,基于线性矩阵不等式方法计算得到H_∞状态反馈控制器参数K,而且给出H_∞状态反馈控制器的存在条件。通过实例仿真验证,与LQR控制相比,H_∞状态反馈控制具有更好的动态特性和抗干扰特性。 相似文献
基于线性矩阵不等式(LMI)理论,提出设计非脆弱鲁棒控制器来抑制不确定因素的影响以及控制器参数摄动.首先,采用矢量控制方法中的id=0控制策略,把非线性系统解耦成独立的线性电流子系统和速度子系统.其次,根据H∞性能指标与线性矩阵不等式的等价性,将控制器设计转化为对LMI的求解.最后,为了验证其有效性,在MATLAB环境下对控制系统进行仿真研究.通过研究可知,非脆弱鲁棒控制器能在容许的增益摄动下以及存在不确定性干扰时,系统不仅具有鲁棒性而且还是非脆弱的,从而保证闭环系统具有良好的鲁棒性. 相似文献
并联机器人轨迹跟踪离散变结构鲁棒控制器设计 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文根据并联机器人支撑杆教学模型参数摄动较大和时变的特点,设计了一种用于并联机器人轨迹跟踪的离散滑模变结构鲁棒控制器,通过引入变速趋近律,控制系统响应速度快,对参数摄动和外界干扰具有较强的鲁棒性,仿真研究结果表明,本文的控制方案能实现较高精度的快速轨迹跟踪,同时可削弱或避免通常变结构控制中不可避免的抖振。 相似文献
This paper presents a new optimal sliding mode controller using the scalar sign function method. A smooth, continuous-time scalar sign function is used to replace the discontinuous switching function in the design of a sliding mode controller. The proposed sliding mode controller is designed using an optimal Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) approach. The sliding surface of the system is designed using stable eigenvectors and the scalar sign function. Controller simulations are compared with another existing optimal sliding mode controller. To test the effectiveness of the proposed controller, the controller is implemented on an aluminum beam with piezoceramic sensor and actuator for vibration control. This paper includes the control design and stability analysis of the new optimal sliding mode controller, followed by simulation and experimental results. The simulation and experimental results show that the proposed approach is very effective. 相似文献
In this paper we explore the application of sliding mode control to process control problems. Sliding mode control is presented as a natural tool for robust design of state feedback controllers for minimum phase input–output linearizable systems with uncertainty. An example is presented to illustrate some of the issues involved in the design of sliding mode robust controllers. 相似文献
为了提高系统的信噪比,将系统滤波器引入过程控制系统,必定会产生某些不利因素,首先是系统模型阶次增高,其次是滤波器会产生相迟角。设计高阶且有滞后的控制系统是很困难的。一种可以方便地解决此类问题的方法是分离与协调方法,本文介绍其设计原理及仿真结果。 相似文献
Chul Hue Park Seong II Hong Hyun Chul Park 《Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology》2005,19(5):1138-1147
This paper aims at demonstrating the feasibility of active control of beams with a multiobjective state-feedback control technique.
The multiobjective state-feedback controller is designed on a linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach for the multiobjective
synthesis. The design objectives are to achieve a mix ofH
∞ performance andH
2 performance satisfying constraints on the closed-loop pole locations in the face of model uncertainties. The controller is
also designed to reject the effects of the noise and external of disturbances. For the theoretical analysis, the governing
equation of motion is derived by Hamilton’s principle to describe the dynamics of a smart structural system. Numerical examples
are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the integrated robust controller in damping out the multiple vibration modes
of the piezo/beam system. 相似文献
This paper proposes a new non-fragile stochastic control method to investigate the robust sampled-data synchronization problem for uncertain chaotic Lurie systems (CLSs) with time-varying delays. The controller gain fluctuation and time-varying uncertain parameters are supposed to be random and satisfy certain Bernoulli distributed white noise sequences. Moreover, by choosing an appropriate Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional (LKF), which takes full advantage of the available information about the actual sampling pattern and the nonlinear condition, a novel synchronization criterion is developed for analyzing the corresponding synchronization error system. Furthermore, based on the most powerful free-matrix-based integral inequality (FMBII), the desired non-fragile sampled-data estimator controller is obtained in terms of the solution of linear matrix inequalities. Finally, three numerical simulation examples of Chua's circuit and neural network are provided to show the effectiveness and superiorities of the proposed theoretical results. 相似文献
本文提出一种新的自适应控制算法,使其可实用于相对阶在于或等于2并附加扰动的情况。 相似文献
This paper presents the formulation of a novel block-backstepping based control algorithm to address the stabilization problem for a generalized nonlinear underactuated mechanical system. For the convenience of compact design, first, the state model of the underactuated system has been converted into the block-strict feedback form. Next, we have incorporated backstepping control action to derive the expression of the control input for the generic nonlinear underactuated system. The proposed block backstepping technique has further been enriched by incorporating an integral action additionally for enhancing the steady state performance of the overall system. Asymptotic stability of the overall system has been analyzed using Lyapunov stability criteria. Subsequently, the stability of the zero dynamics has also been analyzed to ensure the global asymptotic stability of the entire nonlinear system at its desired equilibrium point. The proposed control algorithm has been applied for the stabilization of a benchmarked underactuated mechanical system to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control law in real-time environment. 相似文献
稳健优化设计的研究现状及发展趋势 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
稳健设计是提高产品质量的有效方法。介绍了稳健优化设计的基本概念和方法。综述了它的研究现状,分析了各种稳健设计方法的特点,指出了稳健优化设计的发展趋势。 相似文献
This paper addresses the application of a static Var compensator (SVC) to improve the damping of interarea oscillations. Optimal location and size of SVC are defined using bifurcation and modal analysis to satisfy its primary application. Furthermore, the best-input signal for damping controller is selected using Hankel singular values and right half plane-zeros. The proposed approach is aimed to design a robust PI controller based on interval plants and Kharitonov׳s theorem. The objective here is to determine the stability region to attain robust stability, the desired phase margin, gain margin, and bandwidth. The intersection of the resulting stability regions yields the set of kp–ki parameters. In addition, optimal multiobjective design of PI controller using particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is presented. The effectiveness of the suggested controllers in damping of local and interarea oscillation modes of a multimachine power system, over a wide range of loading conditions and system configurations, is confirmed through eigenvalue analysis and nonlinear time domain simulation. 相似文献
Increasingly, genetic algorithms (GAs) are used to optimize the parameters of fuzzy logic controllers (FLCs). Although GAs provide a systematic design approach, the optimization process is generally performed off-line using a plant model. Differences between the model and physical plant may result in unsatisfactory control performance when the FLCs are deployed in practice. Type-2 FLCs are an attractive alternative because they can better cope with modeling uncertainties. Unfortunately, type-2 FLCs are computationally intensive. This paper presents a simplified type-2 FLC that is suitable for real-time applications. The key idea is to only replace some critical type-1 fuzzy sets by type-2 sets. Experimental results indicate that the proposed simplified type-2 FLC is as robust as a conventional type-2 FLC, while lowering the computational cost. 相似文献