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Plant three-dimensional (3D) computer-aided design (CAD) models typically consist of logical configuration, equipment specifications and ports, and 3D shapes. Because 3D CAD models are used as master information throughout a plant’s entire lifecycle and many stakeholders are involved in such lifecycle, providing a method for sharing plant 3D CAD models among various stakeholders is very important. Standard 15926 from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 15926) is a family of standards that is intended to support the sharing and integrating of all information during the life of a process plant. Therefore it is important for ISO 15926 to support plant 3D CAD models. In order to address this issue, this study investigates a standardized method to exchange plant 3D CAD models using ISO 15926. Information requirements regarding plant 3D CAD models are established, and then ISO 15926 reference data (classes, attributes, and templates) are extended to cover information requirements. For demonstration of the proposed method, we developed a prototype platform where plant 3D CAD models in ISO 15926 are loaded and retrieved.  相似文献   

激光直接制造和再制造中的三维CAD模型直接分层技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析SolidWorks软件平台下CAD模型数据的内部表达方法以及拓扑信息和几何信息提取方法的基础上,研究三维CAD模型直接分层技术.对SolidWorks进行二次开发,调用SolidWorks应用程序接口函数中的曲面一曲面求交函数对CAD模型曲面与分层平面求交,得到的交线首尾相连形成轮廓轨迹;同时研究了光栅填充扫描算法及程序实现.为实现切片数据的通用化,设计了记录切片数据的文件格式,用直线、圆弧或圆描述分层轮廓.对上述的直接分层不仅进行了软件模拟,还用于直接制造.制作的试件与STL间接分层试件比较结果表明,采用直接分层的试件的精度和表面质量优于STL间接分层.  相似文献   

Ball joints used in the steering systems of vehicles are exposed to fluctuating loads, which can cause fatal accidents in case of failure. The design of ball joints is an iterative and time-consuming process. Even though the automotive industry is preparing for the era of autonomous self-steering vehicles, parts such as ball joints were not designed using a fully automated parametric design methodology. Recently, parametric design of automotive ball joints based on variable design methodology using knowledge and feature-based computer-assisted-3D modelling methods was studied. However, these studies do not give details of the interactive sizing process within the part and assembly module to determine the final dimensions for avoidance of fatigue failure.This work provides methods and discusses details of the configurable sizing of a ball joint assembly under the boundaries of the developed “parametric design platform”. The platform closes the software gap for the automated reconfiguration and sizing of the ball joint assembly using a three-dimensional (3D) modelling technique. The platform can parametrically change part, material, feature, geometry, assembly and dimension features in a programmable environment. It can also reconfigure the ball joint assembly model considering various structured data conforming to technical standards and reasoning mechanisms with “engineering and geometrical relations” provided in this work, and data gathering along the life cycle of a product. Parameterised 3D solid models and a knowledge base of ball joints are stored in a database, and then an evaluation process within the platform that is capable of sizing ball joints for infinite fatigue-life has been established to verify sizing. It demonstrates the practicability and validity of the automated sizing of a steering ball joint within a configurable design environment and with minimum human expert knowledge and interaction.  相似文献   

We propose a garment-fitting system for an online retail model, which uses a consumer's 3D body data for garment fitting. This system uses front and back images to model the garment and 3D laser scanned body data to model the body. In order to recognize characteristic points on the 3D body data, a moment template composed of central moments of vector angle sets on 3D body data is proposed, and an implementation combining the 3D data and garment images is reported, which includes modeling, collision detection and feedback handling. The resulting system would support an online retail business model for garments. In the proposed business model, a body data center would scan the body and store the 3D data, the simulated garment-fitting program would be provided to individual consumers for fitting on a home PC, and retail shops would exhibit garment images on their websites. In this proposed model, security of personal data and computational cost will not be an issue.  相似文献   

目前大多数的矿区规划仍处于二维规划的阶段,人们对物体模型展示的直观性和真实性的要求越来越强烈,传统的二维规划暴露出了它的不直观、缺乏真实感的弊端。研究了三维可视化技术在矿区土地复垦规划中的应用,基于auto CAD软件和Google SketchUp软件的结合应用,提出了矿区土地三维景观模型系统的构建过程。  相似文献   

基于3D和VIRTOOLS技术的虚拟实验的实验据分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虚拟实验生成的数据是虚拟实验的重要组成部分。在开发基于3D和VIRTOOLS技术的虚拟实验过程中,使用了两种实验数据的分析方法:一种是外部程序实验数据分析方法-VEDA,即使用JSP技术对实验数据进行分析,并将其结果以文本和图表形式返回给用户;另一种是内部程序实验数据分析方法,即直接采用VIRTOOLS的BBs编程来实现的实验数据分析。对这两种方法进行比较分析,实验表明方法VEDA具有易实现、灵活等特点。  相似文献   

基于3D和VIRTOOLS技术的虚拟实验的实验数据分析研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
虚拟实验生成的数据是虚拟实验的重要组成部分.在开发基于3D和VIRTOOLS技术的虚拟实验过程中,使用了两种实验数据的分析方法:一种是外部程序实验数据分析方法-VEDA,即使用JSP技术对实验数据进行分析,并将其结果以文本和图表形式返回给用户;另一种是内部程序实验数据分析方法,即直接采用VIRTOOLS的BBs编程来实现的实验数据分析.对这两种方法进行比较分析,实验表明方法VEDA具有易实现,灵活等特点.  相似文献   


The effect of 2D and 3D educational content learning on memory has been studied using electroencephalography (EEG) brain signal. A hypothesis is set that the 3D materials are better than the 2D materials for learning and memory recall. To test the hypothesis, we proposed a classification system that will predict true or false recall for short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM) after learning by either 2D or 3D educational contents. For this purpose, EEG brain signals are recorded during learning and testing; the signals are then analysed in the time domain using different types of features in various frequency bands. The features are then fed into a support vector machine (SVM)-based classifier. The experimental results indicate that the learning and memory recall using 2D and 3D contents do not have significant differences for both the STM and the LTM.  相似文献   

主要讨论了如何利用改进的离散数据网格化方法快速实现离散地形数据预处理。详细介绍了在综合运用改进的离散数据网格化算法、三维地形建模、真实感图形绘制、三维坐标查询以及人机交互等三维可视化相关技术的基础上,利用OpenGL基本函数编程技术开发三维河床地形可视化实时浏览系统的具体过程。通过三维河床地形可视化浏览系统,可以直观、真实地表达河床地形的三维信息及综合特征,为河床演变分析提供了一个科学有效、简便直观的可视化分析途径。  相似文献   

The article presents a new concept of combining the three dimensions (3D) of a person's manipulation space. The data concern information about the reach of the arms and biomechanical data about limiting the load of a disabled person sitting in a wheelchair. Measurement data were acquired empirically, on original measuring station. The data included, respectively, arms' reach (static and dynamic) or, alternatively, measurements of limiting forces. The obtained data were processed into virtual 3D surfaces of arms' reach and forces. These surfaces provide the required graphic model of anthropotechnical and biomechanical data. Developed model was utilized to perform a virtual analysis of the accessibility of a disabled person to technical means: in a market sale space and in the ergonomic analysis into the space of a personal car. The presented method of 3D graphic modeling of anthropometrical and biomechanical data can be universally applied in ergonomic designing of work stations not only for disabled persons. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

论文从实际的数字城市项目出发,采用ArcGlobe10和3DS Max相结合的模式,依照“依图而建”的思想,建立城市三维模型.重点对三维模型构建中数据处理,数据导人,数据转换集成,系统优化等所遇到的技术问题进行阐述与解决.论文提供了一种搭建大三维场景的方法.  相似文献   

B-spline surfaces, extracted from scanned sensor data, are usually required to represent objects in inspection, surveying technology, metrology and reverse engineering tasks. In order to express a large object with a satisfactory accuracy, multiple scans, which generally lead to overlapping patches, are always needed due to, inter-alia, practical limitations and accuracy of measurements, uncertainties in measurement devices, calibration problems as well as skills of the experimenter. In this paper, we propose an action sequence consisting of division and merging. While the former divides a B-spline surface into many patches with corresponding scanned data, the latter merges the scanned data and its overlapping B-spline surface patch. Firstly, all possible overlapping cases of two B-spline surfaces are enumerated and analyzed from a view of the locations of the projection points of four corners of one surface in the interior of its overlapping surface. Next, the general division and merging methods are developed to deal with all overlapping cases, and a simulated example is used to illustrate aforementioned detailed procedures. In the sequel, two scans obtained from a three-dimensional laser scanner are simulated to express a large house with B-spline surfaces. The simulation results show the efficiency and efficacy of the proposed method. In this whole process, storage space of data points is not increased with new obtained overlapping scans, and none of the overlapping points are discarded which increases the representation accuracy. We believe the proposed method has a number of potential applications in the representation and expression of large objects with three-dimensional laser scanner data.  相似文献   

为了获取高精度的水下三维模型细节纹理结构,满足数字孪生建设对水下三维实景数据底板获取的需求,实现对水下构筑物的实时可视化动态监测,基于GNSS技术、USBL技术研究构建了水陆一体化定位技术,融合水陆一体化定位技术、有缆ROV和水下摄影测量设备等研发了水下摄影测量系统,实现了数字孪生水下三维实景数据底板的获取,并采用多波束测深系统、水下三维全景成像声纳系统等对水下摄影测量系统获取的三维实景模型数据成果精度进行了验证,结果表明:水下摄影测量系统获取的三维实景模型精度满足规范要求,可用于数字孪生流域、工程等水下基础数据底板的建设,也可为水下高精度三维场景重构再现和水利工程水下构筑物实时动态监测提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

基于深度学习的三维数据分析理解方法研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于深度学习的三维数据分析理解是数字几何领域的一个研究热点.不同于基于深度学习的图像分析理解,基于深度学习的三维数据分析理解需要解决的首要问题是数据表达的多样性.相较于规则的二维图像,三维数据有离散表达和连续表达的方法,目前基于深度学习的相关工作多基于三维数据的离散表示,不同的三维数据表达方法与不同的数字几何处理任务对深度学习网络的要求也不同.本文首先汇总了常用的三维数据集与特定任务的评价指标,并分析了三维模型特征描述符.然后从特定任务出发,就不同的三维数据表达方式,对现有的基于深度学习的三维数据分析理解网络进行综述,对各类方法进行对比分析,并从三维数据表达方法的角度进一步汇总现有工作.最后基于国内外研究现状,讨论了亟待解决的挑战性问题,展望了未来发展的趋势.  相似文献   

Image-based 3D reconstruction of civil infrastructure is an emerging topic that is gaining significant interest both in the scientific and commercial sectors of the construction industry. Reliable computer vision-based algorithms have become available over the last decade and they can now be applied to solve real-life problems in uncontrolled environments. While a large number of such algorithms have been developed by the computer vision and photogrammetry communities, relatively little work has been done to study their performance in the context of infrastructure. This paper aims to analyze the state-of-the-art in image-based 3D reconstruction and categorize existing algorithms according to different metrics that are important for the given purpose. An ideal solution is portrayed to show what the ultimate goal is. This will be followed by identifying gaps in knowledge and highlighting future research topics that could contribute to the widespread adoption of this technology in the construction industry. Finally, a list of practical constraints that make the 3D reconstruction of infrastructure a challenging task is presented.  相似文献   

In this study, the realization of a Ku‐band feed system for reflector antenna in satellite communication systems is presented using 3D printing and conductive paint methods. The system includes a corrugated conical horn antenna designed to operate at 10.5 to 18.5 GHz and an H‐plane waveguide diplexer to operate at 10.7 to 12.75 GHz and 17.3 to 18.4 GHz in receive (RX) and transmit (TX) bands, respectively. In the manufacturing of the structures, fused deposition modeling (FDM) technology and polylactic acid material are processed for 3D printing, where nickel and silver conductive‐based paints are used for coating purpose. The measurement results of the feed system are found to be in good agreement with simulations that the combined (nickel‐coated antenna and silver‐coated diplexer) structure has return loss of more than 10 dB and high gain performance of 12 to 17 dBi within the RX and TX bands of 10.7 to 12.75 GHz and 17.4 to 18.8 GHz, respectively; while rejection (isolation) level between TX and RX ports is higher than 60 dB. The complex structure containing several detailed shapes inside shows that this low‐cost production technique as compared to high‐cost CNC‐based metallic production technology can be used for the prototype structures or proof‐of‐concept type studies of Ku‐band systems.  相似文献   

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