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In this paper, we present a novel state estimation procedure for the LTI systems with loss of data at the output measurement channels. The proposed methodology aims at compensating such output measurement losses through an innovative design methodology which is based on the so-called linear prediction (LP) and Kalman filter theories. A compensated observation signal is first reconstructed using an LP subsystem and then supplied to a discrete-time Kalman filter in the closed-loop framework. We show that, under suitable assumptions, it is possible to reconstruct the lost data using an straightforward algorithm with the capability of associating an optimal filter order. A mass-spring-damper case study subject to measurement loss is provided to demonstrate some of the promising results of our proposed algorithm. Simulation results illustrate that the proposed estimation methodology is too far superior than those offered in the literature.  相似文献   

To date, finite impulse response (FIR) filters have been proposed to estimate linear systems with white Gaussian noises, but to the best of our knowledge, no solution exists for linear systems with colored noises. In this paper, we propose a new FIR filter to estimate linear state-space models with both process and measurement noises through state augmentation. In addition, we suggest a modified form of the colored-noise FIR filter to deal with the computational burden and singularity problem. Numerical examples are presented to describe the effectiveness of the colored-noise FIR filter.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of partial state observer design for linear systems that are subject to time delays in the measured output as well as the control input. By choosing a set of appropriate augmented Lyapunov–Krasovskii functionals with a triple-integral term and using the information of both the delayed output and input, a novel approach to design a minimal-order observer is proposed to guarantee that the observer error is ε-convergent with an exponential rate. Existence conditions of such an observer are derived in terms of matrix inequalities for the cases with time delays in both the output and input and with output delay only. Constructive design algorithms are introduced. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the design procedure, practicality and effectiveness of the proposed observer.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new type of a resolver angle estimator that utilizes a combined parameter and state estimation scheme is proposed. A state-space model of a resolver is first developed with unknown parameters. Least square estimation is employed to obtain some unknown model parameters by using the measurements up to the current time. Based on the state-space model with estimated parameters, a constrained state estimator with finite memory is constructed to estimate the resolver angle. It is shown through simulation that the proposed scheme is very effective in suppressing noise and overcoming amplitude and phase imbalances compared with common angle tracking observers.  相似文献   

In this paper, two approaches for robust state estimation of a class of Lipschitz nonlinear systems are proposed. First, a novel Unknown Input Observer (UIO) is designed without observer matching condition satisfaction. Then, an H observer for approximate disturbance decoupling is proposed. Sufficient conditions for the existence of both proposed observers are derived based on a Lyapunov function. The achieved conditions are formulated in terms of a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) and optimal gain matrices are obtained. The minimum values of the disturbance attenuation levels for both methods are obtained through solving optimization problems. Finally, the proposed approaches are compared by simulation studies of an automated highway system.  相似文献   

For many decades, state estimation (SE) has been a critical technology for energy management systems utilized by power system operators. Over time, it has become a mature technology that provides an accurate representation of system state under fairly stable and well understood system operation. The integration of variable energy resources (VERs) such as wind and solar generation, however, introduces new fast frequency dynamics and uncertainties into the system. Furthermore, such renewable energy is often integrated into the distribution system thus requiring real-time monitoring all the way to the periphery of the power grid topology and not just the (central) transmission system. The conventional solution is two fold: solve the SE problem (1) at a faster rate in accordance with the newly added VER dynamics and (2) for the entire power grid topology including the transmission and distribution systems. Such an approach results in exponentially growing problem sets which need to be solver at faster rates. This work seeks to address these two simultaneous requirements and builds upon two recent SE methods which incorporate event-triggering such that the state estimator is only called in the case of considerable novelty in the evolution of the system state. The first method incorporates only event-triggering while the second adds the concept of tracking. Both SE methods are demonstrated on the standard IEEE 14-bus system and the results are observed for a specific bus for two difference scenarios: (1) a spike in the wind power injection and (2) ramp events with higher variability. Relative to traditional state estimation, the numerical case studies showed that the proposed methods can result in computational time reductions of 90%. These results were supported by a theoretical discussion of the computational complexity of three SE techniques. The work concludes that the proposed SE techniques demonstrate practical improvements to the computational complexity of classical state estimation. In such a way, state estimation can continue to support the necessary control actions to mitigate the imbalances resulting from the uncertainties in renewables.  相似文献   

For industrial processes, the state estimation plays a key role in various applications, such as process monitoring and model based control. Although the particle filter (PF) is able to deal with nonlinear and non-Gaussian processes, it rarely considers the influence of measurements with gross errors, such as outliers, biases and drifts. Nevertheless, measurements of dynamical systems are often influenced by different types of gross errors. This paper proposes a robust PF approach, in which gross error identification is used to estimate magnitudes of gross error. The gross errors can be removed or compensated so that a feasible set of particle sampling can contain the true states of the system. The proposed robust PF approach is implemented on a complex nonlinear dynamic system, the free radical polymerization of styrene. The application results show that the proposed approach is an appealing alternative to solving PF estimation problems with measurements containing gross errors.  相似文献   

When addressing the problem of state estimation in sensor networks, the effects of communications on estimator performance are often neglected. High accuracy requires a high sampling rate, but this leads to higher channel load and longer delays, which in turn worsens estimation performance. This paper studies the problem of determining the optimal sampling rate for state estimation in sensor networks from a theoretical perspective that takes into account traffic generation, a model of network behaviour and the effect of delays. Some theoretical results about Riccati and Lyapunov equations applied to sampled systems are derived, and a solution was obtained for the ideal case of perfect sensor information. This result is also interesting for non-ideal sensors, as in some cases it works as an upper bound of the optimisation solution.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the recursive parameter estimation for the single input single output Hammerstein-Wiener system model, and the study is then extended to a rarely mentioned multiple input single output Hammerstein-Wiener system. Inspired by the extended Kalman filter algorithm, two basic recursive algorithms are derived from the first and the second order Taylor approximation. Based on the form of the first order approximation algorithm, a modified algorithm with larger parameter convergence domain is proposed to cope with the problem of small parameter convergence domain of the first order one and the application limit of the second order one. The validity of the modification on the expansion of convergence domain is shown from the convergence analysis and is demonstrated with two simulation cases.  相似文献   

A state observer for mechanical and structural systems is derived in the context of the second order differential equation of motion of linear structural systems. The proposed observer possesses similar characteristics to the Kalman filter in the sense that it minimizes the trace of the state error covariance matrix within the predefined structure of the feedback gain. The main contribution of the paper consists of the fact that the proposed observer can be implemented directly as a modified linear finite element model of the system, subject to collocated corrective forces proportional to the measured response. The proposed algorithm is effectively illustrated in two different types of second order systems; a close-coupled spring–mass–damper multi-degree of freedom system and a plate subject to transverse vibrations.  相似文献   

A robust fault diagnosis scheme for nonlinear system is designed and a novel algorithm for a robust fault diagnosis observer is proposed in this paper. The robustness performance index is defined to ensure the robustness of the observer designed. The norm of most unknown input disturbances are assumed bounded at present. However, some systems are proved unstable under traditional assumptions. In the proposed algorithm, the external disturbances constraint condition that satisfies the system stability is derived based on Gronwall Lemma. The design procedure of the observer proposed is implemented by pole assignment. Adaptive threshold is generated using the designed observer. Simulations are performed on continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) and the results show the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

In this paper, a framework for distributed and decentralized state estimation in high-pressure and long-distance gas transmission networks (GTNs) is proposed. The non-isothermal model of the plant including mass, momentum and energy balance equations are used to simulate the dynamic behavior. Due to several disadvantages of implementing a centralized Kalman filter for large-scale systems, the continuous/discrete form of extended Kalman filter for distributed and decentralized estimation (DDE) has been extended for these systems. Accordingly, the global model is decomposed into several subsystems, called local models. Some heuristic rules are suggested for system decomposition in gas pipeline networks. In the construction of local models, due to the existence of common states and interconnections among the subsystems, the assimilation and prediction steps of the Kalman filter are modified to take the overlapping and external states into account. However, dynamic Riccati equation for each subsystem is constructed based on the local model, which introduces a maximum error of 5% in the estimated standard deviation of the states in the benchmarks studied in this paper. The performance of the proposed methodology has been shown based on the comparison of its accuracy and computational demands against their counterparts in centralized Kalman filter for two viable benchmarks. In a real life network, it is shown that while the accuracy is not significantly decreased, the real-time factor of the state estimation is increased by a factor of 10.  相似文献   

A thinning algorithm is proposed for real-time unbiased finite impulse response (FIR) estimation of the local clock time interval error (TIE) model (time error, fractional frequency offset, linear frequency drift rate, etc.) employing GPS-based sawtooth measurements. We show that the approach allows obtaining practically optimal estimates of the clock states, by large horizons (number of the points in the average). The algorithm is applied to the TIE measurements allowing for different time steps and averaging horizons for each of the clock states and compared to the three state Kalman filter. It is demonstrated that, in the presence of the sawtooth noise induced by the GPS receiver, the unbiased FIR estimates with thinning out fit the clock states better than the Kalman filter, in terms of the Allan deviation and precision time protocol deviation.  相似文献   

一种具变转速滚珠螺杆机构之伺服冲床设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究针对滚珠螺杆机构,利用变转速输入的概念,以冲床之深引伸加工制程应用为例,设计出满足所需运动特性之输入转速函数,再实作一伺服滚珠螺杆机构的原型机测试系统,透过实验验证了研究之可行性。由结果得知,变转速滚珠螺杆机构之多样化的输出运动特性,确能满足伺服冲床高速下降、等速加工、以及下死点停留时间延长等特性。  相似文献   

The problem of fault and/or abrupt disturbances detection and isolation for discrete linear systems is analyzed in this work. A strategy for detecting and isolating faults and/or abrupt disturbances is presented. The strategy is an extension of an already existing result in the continuous time domain to the discrete domain. The resulting detection algorithm is a Kalman filter with a special structure. The filter generates a residuals vector in such a way that each element of this vector is related with one fault or disturbance. Therefore the effects of the other faults, disturbances, and measurement noises in this element are minimized. The necessary stability and convergence conditions are briefly exposed. A numerical example is also presented.  相似文献   

Based on the universal approximation property of the fuzzy-neural networks, an adaptive fuzzy-neural observer design algorithm is studied for a class of nonlinear SISO systems with both a completely unknown function and an unknown dead-zone input. The fuzzy-neural networks are used to approximate the unknown nonlinear function. Because it is assumed that the system states are unmeasured, an observer needs to be designed to estimate those unmeasured states. In the previous works with the observer design based on the universal approximator, when the dead-zone input appears it is ignored and the stability of the closed-loop system will be affected. In this paper, the proposed algorithm overcomes the affections of dead-zone input for the stability of the systems. Moreover, the dead-zone parameters are assumed to be unknown and will be adjusted adaptively as well as the sign function being introduced to compensate the dead-zone. With the aid of the Lyapunov analysis method, the stability of the closed-loop system is proven. A simulation example is provided to illustrate the feasibility of the control algorithm presented in this paper.  相似文献   

This paper presents an observer-based weighting switch controller for dealing with the problem of cascaded systems with state saturation and external loads. This method improves the generally poor transition response and output deviation caused by state saturation and external loads. In order to maintain the state-saturation limits, we adopt the evolutionary programming optimal search technique to find the optimal switching parameters for the weighted switch controller. Also, a digital redesign method is utilized to replace a designed high-gain analog controller with a low-gain digital controller. It is shown that the digitally redesigned outputs closely track the analogously controlled outputs. The digital redesign technique is then extended to find the digital version of the continuous-time observer. An illustrative example is demonstrated to show the effectiveness of the proposed procedure.  相似文献   

In this study, an adaptive fuzzy prescribed performance control approach is developed for a class of uncertain multi-input and multi-output (MIMO) nonlinear systems with unknown control direction and unknown dead-zone inputs. The properties of symmetric matrix are exploited to design adaptive fuzzy prescribed performance controller, and a Nussbaum-type function is incorporated in the controller to estimate the unknown control direction. This method has two prominent advantages: it does not require the priori knowledge of control direction and only three parameters need to be updated on-line for this MIMO systems. It is proved that all the signals in the resulting closed-loop system are bounded and that the tracking errors converge to a small residual set with the prescribed performance bounds. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is validated by simulation results.  相似文献   

This paper presents an adaptive iterative learning control scheme for a class of nonlinear systems with unknown time-varying delays and control direction preceded by unknown nonlinear backlash-like hysteresis. Boundary layer function is introduced to construct an auxiliary error variable, which relaxes the identical initial condition assumption of iterative learning control. For the controller design, integral Lyapunov function candidate is used, which avoids the possible singularity problem by introducing hyperbolic tangent funciton. After compensating for uncertainties with time-varying delays by combining appropriate Lyapunov-Krasovskii function with Young's inequality, an adaptive iterative learning control scheme is designed through neural approximation technique and Nussbaum function method. On the basis of the hyperbolic tangent function's characteristics, the system output is proved to converge to a small neighborhood of the desired trajectory by constructing Lyapunov-like composite energy function (CEF) in two cases, while keeping all the closed-loop signals bounded. Finally, a simulation example is presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

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