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《ISA transactions》2014,53(6):1771-1786
This paper proposes a novel hybrid control framework by combing observer-based sliding mode control (SMC) with trajectory linearization control (TLC) for hypersonic reentry vehicle (HRV) attitude tracking problem. First, fewer control consumption is achieved using nonlinear tracking differentiator (TD) in the attitude loop. Second, a novel SMC that employs extended disturbance observer (EDO) to counteract the effect of uncertainties using a new sliding surface which includes the estimation error is integrated to address the tracking error stabilization issues in the attitude and angular rate loop, respectively. In addition, new results associated with EDO are examined in terms of dynamic response and noise-tolerant performance, as well as estimation accuracy. The key feature of the proposed compound control approach is that chattering free tracking performance with high accuracy can be ensured for HRV in the presence of multiple uncertainties under control constraints. Based on finite time convergence stability theory, the stability of the resulting closed-loop system is well established. Also, comparisons and extensive simulation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the control strategy.  相似文献   

Active disturbance rejection control: Methodology and theoretical analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The methodology of ADRC and the progress of its theoretical analysis are reviewed in the paper. Several breakthroughs for control of nonlinear uncertain systems, made possible by ADRC, are discussed. The key in employing ADRC, which is to accurately determine the “total disturbance” that affects the output of the system, is illuminated. The latest results in theoretical analysis of the ADRC-based control systems are introduced.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an observer based control approach for two input and two output (TITO) plant affected by the lumped disturbance which includes the undesirable effect of cross couplings, parametric uncertainties, and external disturbances. A modified reduced order extended state observer (ESO) based active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) is designed to estimate the lumped disturbance actively as an extended state and compensate its effect by adding it to the control. The decoupled mechanism has been used to determine the controller parameters, while the proposed control technique is applied to the TITO coupled plant without using decoupler to show its efficacy. Simulation results show that the proposed design is efficiently able to nullify the interactions within the loops in the multivariable process with better transient performance as compared to the existing proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control methods. An experimental application of two tanks multivariable level control system is investigated to present the validity of proposed scheme.  相似文献   

Control of the non-minimum phase (NMP) system is challenging, especially in the presence of modelling uncertainties and external disturbances. To this end, this paper presents a combined feedforward and model-assisted Active Disturbance Rejection Control (MADRC) strategy. Based on the nominal model, the feedforward controller is used to produce a tracking performance that has minimum settling time subject to a prescribed undershoot constraint. On the other hand, the unknown disturbances and uncertain dynamics beyond the nominal model are compensated by MADRC. Since the conventional Extended State Observer (ESO) is not suitable for the NMP system, a model-assisted ESO (MESO) is proposed based on the nominal observable canonical form. The convergence of MESO is proved in time domain. The stability, steady-state characteristics and robustness of the closed-loop system are analyzed in frequency domain. The proposed strategy has only one tuning parameter, i.e., the bandwidth of MESO, which can be readily determined with a prescribed robustness level. Some comparative examples are given to show the efficacy of the proposed method. This paper depicts a promising prospect of the model-assisted ADRC in dealing with complex systems.  相似文献   

The paper considers the tracking problem for a class of uncertain linear time invariant (LTI) systems with both uncertain parameters and external disturbances. The active disturbance rejection tracking controller is designed and the resulting closed-loop system׳s characteristics are comprehensively studied. In the time-domain, it is proven that the output of closed-loop system can approach its ideal trajectory in the transient process against different kinds of uncertainties by tuning the bandwidth of extended state observer (ESO). In the frequency-domain, different kinds of parameters׳ influences on the phase margin and the crossover frequency of the resulting control system are illuminated. Finally, the effectiveness and robustness of the controller are verified through the actuator position control system with uncertain parameters and load disturbances in the simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, a generalized predictor based control scheme is proposed to improve system performance of set-point tracking and disturbance rejection for non-minimum phase (NMP) systems. By using a generalized predictor to estimate the system output without time delay, a model-based extended state observer (MESO) is designed to simultaneously estimate the system state and disturbance. Accordingly, an active disturbance rejection control design is developed which consists of a state feedback control and a feedforward control for the disturbance rejection. The MESO and feedback controllers are analytically derived by specifying the desired characteristic roots of MESO and closed-loop system poles, respectively. To improve the output tracking performance, a pre-filter is designed based on a desired closed-loop transfer function for the set-point tracking. A sufficient condition guaranteeing robust stability of the closed-loop system against time-varying uncertainties is established in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Three illustrative examples from the literature are used to demonstrate the effectiveness and merit of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   

A fractional active disturbance rejection control (FADRC) scheme is proposed to improve the performance of commensurate linear fractional order systems (FOS) and the robust analysis shows that the controller is also applicable to incommensurate linear FOS control. In FADRC, the traditional extended states observer (ESO) is generalized to a fractional order extended states observer (FESO) by using the fractional calculus, and the tracking differentiator plus nonlinear state error feedback are replaced by a fractional proportional-derivative controller. To simplify controller tuning, the linear bandwidth-parameterization method has been adopted. The impacts of the observer bandwidth ωo and controller bandwidth ωc on system performance are then analyzed. Finally, the FADRC stability and frequency-domain characteristics for linear single-input single-output FOS are analyzed. Simulation results by FADRC and ADRC on typical FOS are compared to demonstrate the superiority and effectiveness of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a fixed-time backstepping control scheme based on fixed-time disturbance observer for flexible air-breathing hypersonic vehicles. The backstepping control is combined with the fixed-time control technique to achieve fixed-time convergence. A fixed-time super-twisting disturbance observer, which is convergent independently of initial conditions, is employed to estimate and compensate the uncertainties and flexible effects in tracking process. A nonlinear first-order filter is adopted to avoid the “explosion of complexity” problem that arises in traditional backstepping, and to guarantee overall fixed-time stability. The closed-loop system is proven to be semi-globally uniformly ultimately fixed-time bounded via Lyapunov analysis. Simulation results are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

This paper presents an active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) based strategy, which is applied to track the human gait trajectory for a lower limb rehabilitation exoskeleton. The desired human gait trajectory is derived from the Clinical Gait Analysis (CGA). In ADRC, the total external disturbance can be estimated by the extended state observer (ESO) and canceled by the designed control law. The observer bandwidth and the controller bandwidth are determined by the practical principles. We simulated the proposed methodology in MATLAB. The numerical simulation shows the tracking error comparison and the estimated errors of the extended state observer. Two experimental tests were carried out to prove the performance of the algorithm presented in this paper. The experiment results show that the proposed ADRC behaves a better performance than the regular proportional integral derivative (PID) controller. With the proposed ADRC, the rehabilitation system is capable of tracking the target gait more accurately.  相似文献   

Traditional extended state observer (ESO) design method does not focus on analysis of system reconstruction strategy. The prior information of the controlled system cannot be used for ESO implementation to improve the control accuracy. In this paper, composite disturbance rejection control strategy is proposed based on generalized ESO. First, the disturbance rejection performance of traditional ESO is analyzed to show the essence of the reconstruction strategy. Then, the system is reconstructed based on the equivalent disturbance model. The generalized ESO is proposed based on the reconstructed model, while convergence of the proposed ESO is analyzed along with the outer loop feedback controller. Simulation results on a second order mechanical system show that the proposed generalized ESO can deal with the external disturbance with known model successfully. Experiment of attitude tracking task on an aircraft is also carried out to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The conventional direct energy balance (DEB) based PI control can fulfill the fundamental tracking requirements of the coal-fired power plant. However, it is challenging to deal with the cases when the coal quality variation is present. To this end, this paper introduces the active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) to the DEB structure, where the coal quality variation is deemed as a kind of unknown disturbance that can be estimated and mitigated promptly. Firstly, the nonlinearity of a recent power plant model is analyzed based on the gap metric, which provides guidance on how to set the pressure set-point in line with the power demand. Secondly, the approximate decoupling effect of the DEB structure is analyzed based on the relative gain analysis in frequency domain. Finally, the synthesis of the DEB based ADRC control system is carried out based on multi-objective optimization. The optimized ADRC results show that the integrated absolute error (IAE) indices of the tracking performances in both loops can be simultaneously improved, in comparison with the DEB based PI control and H control system. The regulation performance in the presence of the coal quality variation is significantly improved under the ADRC control scheme. Moreover, the robustness of the proposed strategy is shown comparable with the H control.  相似文献   

Hydraulic servomechanism is the typical mechanical/hydraulic double-dynamics coupling system with the high stiffness control and mismatched uncertainties input problems, which hinder direct applications of many advanced control approaches in the hydraulic servo fields. In this paper, by introducing the singular value perturbation theory, the original double-dynamics coupling model of the hydraulic servomechanism was reduced to a integral chain system. So that, the popular ADRC (active disturbance rejection control) technology could be directly applied to the reduced system. In addition, the high stiffness control and mismatched uncertainties input problems are avoided. The validity of the simplified model is analyzed and proven theoretically. The standard linear ADRC algorithm is then developed based on the obtained reduced-order model. Extensive comparative co-simulations and experiments are carried out to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

无人旋翼机线性自抗扰航向控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究无人旋翼机器人在干扰情况下的航向控制问题.无人旋翼机航向动力学包含输入非线性、时变参数和主-尾旋翼之间的强耦合,难以建立精确的数学模型,并且易受外部扰动影响,很难达到良好的控制性能.针对这一问题提出基于线性自抗扰控制(linear adaptive disturbance rejection control,LADRC)的航向控制方法,通过设计扩张线性状态观测器对未知模型和外界干扰进行实时估计并进行在线补偿.以自主研制的无人旋翼机为例,建立其航向动力学方程,把通道间的交叉耦合影响视为不确定扰动,将其与外部干扰作为扩张状态,利用观测器带宽确定观测器增益,设计线性扩张状态观测器来跟踪各阶扩张状态变量,为说明LADRC的有效性,选用PD控制为非线性状态误差反馈控制律实现航向控制.仿真以及试验结果表明在外部扰动或模型结构参数发生变化时控制器仍可获得理想的动态性能,具有很好的适应性和鲁棒性.  相似文献   

针对燃煤发电机组风烟系统大惯性、大滞后、参数不稳定等特点,提出一种基于发电机组的滑模自抗扰控制策略。选择模糊径向基函数(RBF)算法辨识模型,以梯度下降法和遗传算法分别对神经网络权值进行粗调和细调,通过扩张状态观测器估计系统内外部扰动,将非线性状态误差反馈控制律与滑模控制策略相结合以克服系统惯性、滞后和扰动的问题,并设计Lyapunov函数验证控制系统稳定性。仿真结果表明,滑模自抗扰控制与串级比例-积分-微分(PID)控制、滑模控制和自抗扰控制相比,在模型适配的情况下,所设计的控制策略在38 s达到设定值,无超调量;当向系统施加20%的反向阶跃干扰时,系统调节时间为39.5 s,超调量为3.4%。在模型失配情况下的调节时间为43.2 s,无超调量;当向系统施加20%的反向阶跃干扰时,系统调节时间为46.4 s,超调量为3.87%。工程应用结果表明,一次风量控制偏差在±10 000 m3/h以内,相比串级PID控制策略波动范围降低21%,系统抗干扰能力和鲁棒性得到有效提升。  相似文献   

光电望远镜伺服系统速度环的自抗扰控制   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
针对大口径光电望远镜惯量大、存在摩擦非线性的特点,设计了自抗扰控制器以改善伺服系统的速度响应特性.介绍了自抗扰控制器的工作原理和基本结构,给出了控制器参数的选择依据,并仿真分析了各个参数的作用效果.最后,在实际望远镜转台上和常规PID控制器进行了对比实验.结果表明,采用自抗扰控制器,既可以实现大速度阶跃响应快速无超调,...  相似文献   

针对电液位置伺服控制系统的比例阀死区、参数不确定及外部未知扰动等问题,设计了由自抗扰控制器与死区逆补偿构成的串联控制器.首先基于实验辨识构造死区逆模型对死区进行预补偿,然后根据系统特性设计了一阶自抗扰控制器,构造改进的扩张状态观测器对"总扰动"进行实时估计,并通过非线性控制律给予主动补偿.联合仿真与试验结果表明,所提出...  相似文献   

This paper investigates the problem of spatial curvilinear path following control of underactuated autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) with multiple uncertainties. Firstly, in order to design the appropriate controller, path following error dynamics model is constructed in a moving Serret–Frenet frame, and the five degrees of freedom (DOFs) dynamic model with multiple uncertainties is established. Secondly, the proposed control law is separated into kinematic controller and dynamic controller via back-stepping technique. In the case of kinematic controller, to overcome the drawback of dependence on the accurate vehicle model that are present in a number of path following control strategies described in the literature, the unknown side-slip angular velocity and attack angular velocity are treated as uncertainties. Whereas in the case of dynamic controller, the model parameters perturbations, unknown external environmental disturbances and the nonlinear hydrodynamic damping terms are treated as lumped uncertainties. Both kinematic and dynamic uncertainties are estimated and compensated by designed reduced-order linear extended state observes (LESOs). Thirdly, feedback linearization (FL) based control law is implemented for the control model using the estimates generated by reduced-order LESOs. For handling the problem of computational complexity inherent in the conventional back-stepping method, nonlinear tracking differentiators (NTDs) are applied to construct derivatives of the virtual control commands. Finally, the closed loop stability for the overall system is established. Simulation and comparative analysis demonstrate that the proposed controller exhibits enhanced performance in the presence of internal parameter variations, external unknown disturbances, unmodeled nonlinear damping terms, and measurement noises.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel fixed-time output feedback control scheme for trajectory tracking of marine surface vessels (MSVs) subject to unknown external disturbances and uncertainties. A fixed-time extended state observer (FESO) is proposed to estimate unknown lumped disturbances and unmeasured velocities, and the observation errors will converge to zero in fixed time. Based on the estimated values, a novel fixed-time trajectory tracking controller is designed for an MSV to track a time-varying reference trajectory by the extension of an adding a power integrator (API), and the tracking errors can converge to zero in fixed time as well. Additionally, the convergence time of the controller and the FESO is independent of initial state values. Finally, simulation results and comparisons illustrate the superiority of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   

李丽  刘超  赵苓 《液压与气动》2022,(5):159-166
针对带有迟滞非线性的气动运动模拟平台的轨迹跟踪提出了带有切换扩张状态观测器的自抗扰控制方法。气动运动模拟平台的迟滞非线性特性主要指气动人工肌肉在正向充气反向放气时长度和拉力曲线的差异。针对此特性设计了切换扩张状态观测器来估计和补偿模型非线性,分别对于气动人工肌肉正反向充放气的不同模型采用不同的观测器增益,以提高状态估计效果,减小跟踪误差。进一步,设计了状态误差反馈控制器,得到了基于切换扩张状态观测器的二阶非线性动态系统全局有界稳定的充分条件。最后实验结果证实了所设计的切换扩张状态观测器的实际效果。  相似文献   

This paper designs the active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) to achieve desired performance for a class of MIMO lower-triangular nonlinear systems with large uncertainties under un-matched condition. We develop the ADRC with a set of extended state observers, and prove that the closed-loop system can achieve satisfied dynamic performance. The theoretical results illustrate the relationship between the bound of the concerned error and the bandwidth of extend state observers.  相似文献   

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