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Reinforcements corrosion is the most important cause of premature failure on reinforced concrete structures. Phenomena promoting corrosion are the ingress of chlorides and the reaction of atmospheric CO2 with cement paste. Aim of this paper is the investigation on the effectiveness of three organic commercial inhibitors in preventing carbon steel chlorides induced corrosion in concrete, since there is not yet a clear knowledge on the real effectiveness of these products. Inhibitors were added to the concrete mixture in dosage suggested by the manufacturers. Chlorides were added in the concrete mixture or penetrated from outside by “ponding” cycles with a 3.5% sodium chloride solution. The effectiveness of the inhibitors has been evaluated by long-term rebar corrosion monitoring in reinforced concrete and by rebar visual inspection after three years tests. Also solution tests were performed in order to verify the effectiveness of inhibition. Results give information about corrosion prevention ability of analysed commercial inhibitors.  相似文献   

This study investigated the failure probability for existing reinforced concrete (RC) pile corrosion due to carbonation, chloride ion ingress and sulfate attack combined with the load-carrying capacity for bridge substructures at different amounts of service times. The general corrosion resulted from carbonation, the pitting corrosion occurred from chloride ion ingress, and the chemical mechanism due to sulfate attack to the existing RC piles of a bridge substructure is described. Both the theory of structural joint failure probability and the measurement techniques of carbonation depth, chloride ion ingress depth, and sulfate expansion are also provided. An existing RC bridge pile with a service time of 60 years is offered as an example for illustrating the structural joint failure probability theory. The structural joint failure probability of existing RC bridge piles due to the combination of carbonation, chloride ion ingress, sulfate attack, and load-carrying capacity at a service time of 60 years had lower and upper bound values of .440382 and .502755, respectively. These results are provided as a critical decision-making for the repair, strengthening, or demolition of existing RC bridge substructure pile foundations.  相似文献   

This paper studies the evolution of reinforcement corrosion in comparison to corrosion crack width in a highly corroded reinforced concrete beam. Cracking and corrosion maps of the beam were drawn and steel reinforcement was recovered from the beam to observe the corrosion pattern and to measure the loss of mass of steel reinforcement. Maximum steel cross-section loss of the main reinforcement and average steel cross-section loss between stirrups were plotted against the crack width. The experimental results were compared with existing models proposed by Rodriguez et al., Vidal et al. and Zhang et al. Time prediction models for a given opening threshold are also compared to experimental results. Steel cross-section loss for stirrups was also measured and was plotted against the crack width. It was observed that steel cross-section loss in the stirrups had no relationship with the crack width of longitudinal corrosion cracks.  相似文献   

Modeling carbonation for corrosion risk prediction of concrete structures   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Damage of reinforced concrete structures is often caused by corrosion of steel reinforcements due to carbonation. Although literature on carbonation has become vast, a comprehensive numerical model for quantitative prediction of the corrosion risk that allows for environmental influences such as temperature and humidity seems lacking. The aim of the present paper is the development of a theoretical model to predict carbonation of concrete structures. The model describes movement and retention of heat, moisture and carbon dioxide (CO2) by means of balance equations and diffusion laws. The balance equations are coupled and take into account the interaction between different transport and storing processes. A new mathematical formulation of the function of moisture in balance faithfully represents the moisture-storing properties of a porous media. The evolutionary equation of the reaction of CO2 is derived from reaction kinetics that are described by the Arrhenius' function. The model is solved by means of an efficient numerical method using a Finite Element concept and numerical time integration techniques. It is verified by using results from experimental tests reported in the literature. Taking into account changing atmospheric conditions, structures are investigated with respect to the corrosion risk of steel reinforcements. Together with threshold values taken from the literature, the numerical results give the corrosion risk of reinforced concrete structures.  相似文献   

The influence of mechanical loading effects on carbonation or chloride penetration is studied. Specimens are reinforced concrete beams of 3 m long which are stored in a mechanical loading state and in aggressive environments. Carbonated cover depths and chloride contents are measured. The results show that damage at grain/paste interfaces in tensile zones leads to an increase of penetration of aggressives ions.  相似文献   

Corrosion influence on bond in reinforced concrete   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The bond between reinforcing steel and the surrounding concrete can be deteriorated by corrosion. Pullout tests were carried out to evaluate the effects of corrosion on bond and bond-slip behavior, for a series of specimens with varying reinforcement corrosion levels between 0% and 9%, and for specimens with and without stirrups that provide confinement. Specimens with both smooth and deformed bars were tested. The tests were designed to provide the data required to assess the bond properties, including the ultimate bond strength and free-end slip for various degrees of corrosion under pullout loads. The specimens were tested in an MTS testing machine on which loads, slips and displacements were recorded. Some conclusions have been reached based on the test results.  相似文献   

Cracking of concrete cover due to corrosion induced expansion of steel rebar is one of the major causes of the deterioration of reinforced concrete (RC) structures exposed to marine environments and de-icing salts.This paper presents two models that deal with the chloride-induced corrosion and subsequent cracking of concrete cover in RC structures. The former analyses the chloride diffusion within partially saturated concrete. A comprehensive model is developed through the governing equations of moisture, heat and chloride-ion flow. Nonlinearity of diffusion coefficients, chloride binding isotherms and convection phenomena are also highlighted. The latter describes the internal cracking around the bar due to expansive pressures as corrosion of the reinforcing bar progresses. Once a certain chloride concentration threshold is reached in the area surrounding the bar, oxidation of steel begins and oxide products are generated, which occupy much greater volume than the original steel consumed by corrosion. An embedded cohesive crack model is applied for cracking simulation.Both models are incorporated in the same finite element program. The models are chained, though not explicitly coupled, at first instance. Comparisons with experimental results are carried out, with reasonably good agreements being obtained. The work is a step forward for the integration of the two traditional phases (initiation and propagation) widely used in the literature and usually analysed separately. The estimation of the service life of the structure needs to evaluate the associated time for each one.  相似文献   

Chloride-induced corrosion of reinforced concrete bridge decks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A closed-form solution is developed to predict the corrosion initiation time of reinforced concrete bridge decks using measured time varying surface chloride accumulations. The data base for the surface chlorides are core measurements at a shallow depth below the surface of 15 bridge decks in the snow belt region. The data base was collected during the bridges' biennial inspections over a period of 15 years. Regression analysis is used to represent the surface chlorides by an exponential variation with time. The time predicted to initiate corrosion is computed for different values of the effective diffusion coefficient and the concrete cover thickness. The results are compared to the constant surface accumulation model commonly used in the literature. As expected, the corrosion initiation based on constant chloride accumulation at the surface is faster (in some case by up to 100%) than the initiation time calculated from actual chloride concentration data. Such results are useful for the realistic estimation of the service lives of bridge decks and for scheduling bridge deck maintenance and rehabilitation programs.  相似文献   

Corrosion of SFRC (Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete) in an adverse environment, less harmful as compared to corrosion of steel reinforced concrete, is often considered to be of minor importance, however it exists. It can affect the fibres bridging the cracks and then decrease the strength of the concerned structures. As well, it results in the appearance of corrosion spots at exposed surfaces. Then the damaging effect is no longer expressed in terms of resistance, it is only aesthetic. It is especially undesirable in prefabricated structures.The work developed in this paper focuses on this second point: surface corrosion. Fibre reinforced concrete prisms have been subjected to cycles of salt fog (1 week) and drying (1 week). The results obtained demonstrate that with high W/C ratio (0.78), all the fibres which are embedded in concrete less than 1 mm are susceptible to give corrosion spots at the surface. When W/C is reduced to about 0.5, the minimum necessary cover to prevent surface corrosion drops to 1/10 mm or 2/10 mm and further decrease of W/C does not bring extra significant benefit. This result is in agreement with the analysis, by mercury intrusion, of the skin concrete porosity. It confirms a sharp change in the pore diameters when W/C is decreased from 0.78 to 0.48 and a quasi stability when it is varied from 0.48 to 0.36.  相似文献   

Analyzing crack width to predict corrosion in reinforced concrete   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Our aim in this paper is to introduce a set of relationships linking the distribution of reinforcement corrosion and the width of cover crack that results from such corrosion. This work is based on experimental results obtained on the longitudinal reinforcements of two beams naturally corroded over periods of 14 and 17 years. We first compared these experimental results with existing models linking crack width and attack penetration. Noting that such models only partially predict actual experimental data, we put forward a new model using the parameter of reinforcement cross-section loss.  相似文献   

Corrosion of steel fibre reinforced concrete from the cracks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The corrosion of steel fibres in the cracked section has been under investigation by many researchers since the last 15 years. It is reported widely that in case of steel fibres reinforced concrete (SFRC), corrosion is less active as compared with steel bars. In the cracked section, the durability of the material depends on the performance of the bridging capacity of the fibres embedded in the concrete. The corrosion of the fibres not only could produce the spalling of concrete but it could also reduce the sectional area of the fibres, turning the durability of structures in danger. This study focuses on those two aspects of fibre corrosion. The tests were performed on cracked SFRC samples with 0.5-mm crack mouth openings (CMOs) exposed to marine-like environment for 1 year. The results confirm the small sensitivity of SFRC to corrosion. Surprisingly, they made appear an increase of the flexural strength after corrosion. The factors affecting the corrosion of the fibres and the reasons for the increase in flexural strength after corrosion are discussed.  相似文献   

Effect of corrosion on bond in reinforced concrete under cyclic loading   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cyclic loading can result in severe deterioration in the bond between reinforcing steel bar and the surrounding concrete, especially when the reinforcement is corroded. In this study, tests were carried out for bond stress-slip response of corroded reinforcement with concrete under cyclic loading. Parameters investigated include: corrosion level, confinement, bar type, and loading history. The results revealed that bond behaviour was significantly reduced under cyclic loading. Degradation in bond was significantly less for deformed bars than for smooth bars at the initial loading cycle, but the difference was diminished with loading. The bond reduction was more substantial for unconfined steel bars than for confined bars. The relatively high level of corrosion caused degradation primarily in the initial five cycles, the effect of corrosion being decreased with loading. It was also demonstrated that the cyclic bond stress-slip curves depended on loading history.  相似文献   

The mineralogy and spatial distribution of nano-crystalline corrosion products that form in the steel/concrete interface were characterized using synchrotron X-ray micro-diffraction (μ-XRD). Two types of low-nickel high-chromium reinforcing steels embedded into mortar and exposed to NaCl solution were investigated. Corrosion in the samples was confirmed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). μ-XRD revealed that goethite (α-FeOOH) and akaganeite (β-FeOOH) are the main iron oxide–hydroxides formed during the chloride-induced corrosion of stainless steel in concrete. Goethite is formed closer to the surface of the steel due to the presence of chromium in the steel, while akaganeite is formed further away from the surface due to the presence of chloride ions. Detailed microstructural analysis is shown and discussed on one sample of each type of steel.  相似文献   

简要介绍了钢筋混凝土的破坏机理和主要表现形式,以及公认比较有效的防腐蚀方法——涂层、阻锈剂和阴极保护。  相似文献   

Predicting carbonation in early-aged cracked concrete   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Carbonation in cracked concrete is considered as one of major deteriorations accelerating steel corrosion in reinforced concrete structures. For durable concrete structures, it is necessary to control crack in concrete through crack resistance evaluation for early-aged concrete structures, but often unavoidable cracks in early-aged concrete may occur. These cracks become a main path for CO2 penetration inside concrete so that the carbonation is accelerated in cracked concrete.In this study, an analytical technique for carbonation prediction in early-aged cracked concrete was developed for considering both CO2 diffusion of pore water in sound concrete and in cracked concrete. Then, characteristics of diffusivity on the carbonation in early-aged concrete are studied through finite element analysis implemented with the so-called multi-component hydration heat model and micro-pore structure formation model. The carbonation behaviour in sound concrete and cracked concrete are also simulated by using the derived diffusivity with consideration of reaction with dissolved CO2. Finally, numerical results obtained for cracked concrete made with 3 different W / C ratios (45%, 55%, and 65%) with different crack widths were compared with experimental results.  相似文献   

The protection provided by a migrating corrosion inhibitor (MCI) based on an alkylaminoalcohol was tested on concrete specimens containing reinforcing steel bar (rebar) segments. Two inhibitor dosages were investigated, together with two water/cement ratios and various chloride contents. The inhibition efficiency was followed over a period of 1000 days measuring electrical and electrochemical parameters such as the corrosion potential, the corrosion current density, the electrical resistance and performing electrochemical impedance spectra. The inhibitor was able to reduce the corrosion rate only when the initial chloride content was below 0.16 wt.% (percent weight relative to cement content). The efficiency increased as the water/cement ratio increased. There was no beneficial effect when the initial chloride content was greater than 0.43 wt.%. The efficiency of the product increased when the amount of inhibitor being applied doubled.  相似文献   

国内部分水泥厂已经对二氧化硫超标的生产线采取了石灰石—石膏湿法脱硫技术,但同时产生了一些新的问题——烟囱腐蚀问题。本文探讨了水泥窑尾钢筋混凝土结构的烟囱在湿法脱硫后存在的腐蚀问题,以及腐蚀后导致混凝土结构的变化,通过对国内常用的烟囱防腐施工方案进行优缺点的对比,提出了经济合理且耐用的烟囱防腐施工方案.  相似文献   

Cracks induced by rebar corrosion are among the most important causes of performance deterioration in reinforced concrete elements. Even though several methods have been developed to detect the amount and location of corrosion-induced cracks, the sensitivity to small closed cracks located well below the concrete surface is still an issue to be faced. In this paper, we show the high sensitivity of nonlinear ultrasonic measurements performed using the Scaling Subtraction Method to point out that, under certain conditions, nonlinear indicators might prove to be very efficient and suitable to identify small variations in the element microstructure, such as those due to corrosion crack initiation.  相似文献   

Metal-metal oxide (MMO), graphite and laboratory-made Ag/AgCl electrodes were electrochemically characterized to be used as reference electrodes embedded in concrete structures. Electrodes were studied in both, aqueous solutions of pH ranging from 7 to 13.5 and embedded into cement mortars; and the electrochemical studies were carried out in the absence and presence of chloride ions. Potential evolution, polarization behaviour, galvanostatic pulse response and impedance characteristics of the electrodes were carried out in aqueous solutions. Besides, the electrochemical stability of the electrodes embedded in mortar was studied for an exposure period of 2 years. It was found that the MMO pseudo-reference electrode is pH-sensitive, the graphite pseudo-reference electrode is oxygen sensitive and the Ag/AgCl pseudo-reference electrode is chloride sensitive. In spite of the fact that any of them can be used to determine the corrosion rates of rebars because they do not depend on the absolute potential and/or the long-term stability of the reference electrode when using traditional electrochemical techniques, long-term drifts in the electrode potentials may lead to misinterpretations of the rebar state. In this context graphite electrodes are recommended because they provide conservative results regarding the active/passive state of the rebars.  相似文献   

Carbonation on concrete structures in underground sites or metropolitan cities is one of the major causes of steel corrosion in RC (Reinforced Concrete) structures. For quantitative evaluation of carbonation, physico-chemo modeling for reaction with dissolved CO2 and hydrates is necessary. Amount of hydrates and CO2 diffusion coefficient play an important role in evaluation of carbonation behavior, however, it is difficult to obtain a various CO2 diffusion coefficient from experiments due to limited time and cost.In this paper, a numerical technique for carbonation behavior using neural network algorithm and carbonation modeling is developed. To obtain the comparable data set of CO2 diffusion coefficient, experimental results which were performed previously are analyzed. Mix design components such as cement content, water to cement ratio, and volume of aggregate including exposure condition of relative humidity are selected as neurons. Training of learning for neural network is carried out using back propagation algorithm. The diffusion coefficient of CO2 from neural network are in good agreement with experimental data considering various conditions such as water to cement ratios (w/c: 0.42, 0.50, and 0.58) and relative humidities (R.H.: 10%, 45%, 75%, and 90%). Furthermore, mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) test is also performed to evaluate the change in porosity under carbonation. Finally, the numerical technique which is based on behavior in early-aged concrete such as hydration and pore structure is developed considering CO2 diffusion coefficient from neural network and changing effect on porosity under carbonation.  相似文献   

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