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Nuclear energy was adopted in Italy in the past to deal with the insufficient fossil fuels on the national territory. After a public vote subsequent to the Chernobyl accident, Italy abandoned the use of nuclear energy and nowadays adopts a mix of fossil fuels and renewable energy sources for electricity production. However, the urging environmental pollution and climate change issues are forcing Italy to realize a so-called “energy transition” towards a more sustainable energy production and consumption system. In this framework, following the examples of other countries, it could be re-evaluated the adoption of nuclear to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels. In the present paper, it is presented an overview of the nuclear energy history in Italy and the current and projected electricity demand and supply. Then, with reference to the Italian framework and policies, the main advantages and disadvantages of a hypothetical reintroduction of nuclear energy are presented. The analysis shows that the adoption of nuclear energy would bring several advantages in terms of lower emissions, higher security of supply and enabling of possible other technologies; the main disadvantages are related to the opposing public opinion and the nuclear waste management.  相似文献   

Pueblo, Colorado is undergoing a major transformation towards becoming a clean energy hub, with lessons for the whole country. The transition began as the community started to move away from its steel- and coal-based economy to found jobs and economic salvation in a diversified industry. We consider the evolution of the city’s relationship with energy and manufacturing, and conclude with some lessons learned about partnership, government engagement, utility collaboration, and energy transition leadership.  相似文献   

International oil and gas companies are deploying a range of strategies to invest in renewable energy technologies and projects. By now, the IOCs have become substantive players in the renewables market, lending their scale and business expertise to deploying clean energy. But they have seen mixed success in their efforts thus far, and the models IOCs choose to follow as they become interested in deploying renewables are still emerging.  相似文献   

In order to achieve improved power quality and grid reliability, the Indian electricity sector will requires a cumulative energy storage capacity of 270?GW by 2047, at a cumulative capital outlay of US$ 200 billion in pumped hydro storage and US$ 120 billion in electrochemical-based systems.  相似文献   

Increased renewable energy, climate change impacts, and energy storage will affect power system dynamics and thermal plant behavior and emissions. This research explores the effects of these factors on natural gas plant start cycles and consequent emissions. Energy storage can be deployed to mitigate the emissions from increased power plant starting and stopping. Thus, a multi-pollutant, sector-wide approach to protecting air quality will be most appropriate and effective for managing future power system emissions.  相似文献   

从基本构成、运行特性、控制方式等方面阐述了双馈异步风力发电机的工作原理,介绍了在DIgSILENT电力系统仿真软件平台上建立双馈异步风力发电机动态模型的方法,并以此模型进行了机电暂态仿真,验证了在该软件平台上建立双馈异步风力发电机模型及其控制模型的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

The paper maps and evaluates the main economic, institutional, and behavioural barriers to the implementation of energy efficiency in final uses. Barriers prevent the achievement of targets of energy efficiency policies and measures. Assessing the relevance of barriers can lead to their consideration in goal-setting by policy-makers either by reducing ambition or by incorporating solutions to mitigate barriers, We consider three main categories of barriers: economic, institutional, and behavioural ones, in buildings and transport sectors. In order to assess the relevance of each specific barrier in these categories, a survey to experts in eight Countries (Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Estonia, United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium and Serbia) has been performed. The relevance of barriers is assessed by two levels of analysis: 1. their impact on policies and measures, and 2. their impact on the diffusion of key clean technologies and interventions in the two sectors. In the building sector, we find that the most relevant barriers relate to economic and behavioural categories. In the transport sector, we find that the most relevant barriers relate to institutional and economic categories. Economic barriers are also the most relevant in limiting the diffusion of technologies and interventions in both sectors. Results highlight the relevance of identifying and assessing barriers in order to improve policy design.  相似文献   

Electricity generation from renewable energy is increasing globally. However, in most electricity systems this growth comes at a price in the form of increased costs. This paper quantifies the costs for renewable energy installations built in Germany between 2000 and 2011. Our analysis sheds light on the ‘Energiewende’ in Germany, which is a front runner in the worldwide renewables rollout. To evaluate cost, benefits and policy instruments, the methodology can also be applied to other countries.  相似文献   

尤向阳  史敬灼 《微电机》2007,40(10):77-81
总结了超声波电机驱动控制系统建模与仿真研究的现状,指出必要的数学模型和建立在模型基础上的仿真分析是研究超声波电机驱动控制系统的一种重要手段,并对未来发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

Renewable resources generation scheduling is one of the newest problems of the power markets. In this paper, joint operation (JO) of wind farms (WF), pump-storage units (PSU), photo-voltaic (PV) resources, and energy storage devices (ESD) is studied in the energy and ancillary service markets. There are uncertainties in wind power generation (WPG), photovoltaic power generation (PVPG) and the market prices. To model these uncertainties, the WPG is forecasted by using ARMA model and its scenarios are generated using Weibull distribution function. Moreover, other uncertain parameters are forecasted first, and their uncertainties are modeled by using scenario generation and scenario reduction method. The proposed JO method is used to determine the optimal bidding strategy of the PSU, PV, ESD and WF of IEEE 118-bus standard system. The results for these renewable energy resources confirm that the JO of these resources increases the profit and decreases the risk of the resources in comparison with their uncoordinated operation (UO).  相似文献   

孙继强  张闯  刘洋  杨扬  陈月  国帅 《电测与仪表》2023,60(7):176-182
直流充电机作为电动汽车充电设施,其能效问题愈发受到重视,国内外目前对于直流充电机能效的研究主要集中在提高能效计量精度和改善能效计量方法,缺乏对于直流充电机自身能效改善的研究,对此,文章主要在直流充电机的能效改善上进行了研究,通过分析各主要功能单元的功耗构成分布,重点对直流充电机的功率转换模块、控制器、液晶屏、辅助电源等部件进行了优化设计,提出相应的节能降损方案,对每个部分针对性的优化解决,以降低各个功能单元在实际运行中产生的能量损耗,并根据优化方案改善设计了直流充电机,通过实验验证了所提出的节能降损措施的有效性。文章研究结果对充电桩提高充电服务水平,改善能效问题具有重要意义,有利于电动汽车领域的长足发展,可以加快节能减排政策的落实。  相似文献   

基于C MEX S-函数直流无刷电机控制系统仿真建模研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析直流无刷电机系统(BLDCM)数学模型的基础上,利用C语言编写S-函数,提出了BLDCM控制系统仿真建模的新方法.在Matlab/Simulink中,构造C MEX S-函数的三类简化结构,建立独立的功能模块,如电动机本体模块、速度控制模块、电流滞环控制模块等,再进行功能模块的有机整合,搭建BLDCM控制系统快速高效的仿真模型,为提高复杂系统模型的仿真速度、硬件控制器的设计与调试提供了新的思路.BLDCM系统采用双闭环控制:速度环采用PI控制,电流环采用滞环电流控制.仿真结果证明了采用C MEX S-函数方式建模的快速性和有效性.  相似文献   

基于开关磁阻电机的数学模型,利用MAT- LAB/SIMULINK中的相关模块建立开关磁阻电机电动/发电系统的非线性仿真模型。该模型具有仿真便捷,结果直观等特点。利用该模型对一台三相12/8结构样机进行了仿真,仿真结果证明了该模型的有效性。该模型为今后优化开关磁阻电机的控制策略提供了依据。  相似文献   

自"十一五"规划实施开始,"节能降耗、污染减排"就被列为政府重点工作之一.对承担着"十一五"期间要"上大压小",关停5000万千瓦小火电机组(2007年就要关停1000万千瓦小火电)任务的电器工业协会而言,确保行业节能减排目标的实现,责无旁贷、任重道远.  相似文献   

杨家然  罗晓芬  蒋程 《电气开关》2014,(2):36-38,42
以双馈风力发电机组的控制器为研究对象,分析了发电机速度控制环节和无功控制环节的原理,在matlab/simulink中建立了相应的仿真模型,并对无功控制环节进行了详细的仿真,分析了无功功率变化时对网侧逆变器和发电机定子转子电流的影响,结果表明,在无功功率调节的过程中网侧变流器的电流的幅值和相位变化很小,当发出容性无功增加时,网侧电压会下降,定子侧电流会上升,其相位会变大,网侧变流器的电流变化不大。  相似文献   

《The Electricity Journal》2021,34(10):107048
The Energy Act of 2020 authorizes $1 billion over five years from 2021 to 2025 to support energy storage development in the United States. In addition, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Orders 841 and 2222 opened the wholesale energy markets for distributed energy resources, including energy storage. The statute and orders pave the way for novel energy storage technologies to participate in electricity markets as the qualifying facilities, thereby expanding opportunities for energy storage development. However, the existing policy, legal, and regulatory regime, including these much-welcomed newcomers, fails to recognize and support the entire spectrum of benefits that some forms of energy storage create. In this paper, we focus on Pumped Underground Storage Hydro (PUSH), a variant of pumped hydro storage (PHS), which currently provides over 90% of the world's energy storage capacity. PUSH operates with the same principle as PHS; however, it is an entirely underground variant of PHS. In addition to becoming competitive in the wholesale electricity market, PUSH facilities can be developed as community infrastructure in the postindustrial landscape, particularly in abandoned underground mines. Given federal energy law and policy development, this paper identifies how communities with abandoned mines, technically feasible for PUSH facilities and operating as municipal-owned utilities or cooperatives, can participate and take advantage of federal legislation. We further look into the implications through the lens of technical, economic, and social aspects of energy justice. We consider energy justice as a conceptual framework that seeks to explain the occurrence of injustice within energy system decisions and outcomes and how policymakers can respond to these injustices. We use it as a conceptual tool for understanding policy formulation and detailing the energy system's missing ethical and justice dimension. We argue that as a technically mature technology, PUSH facilities can act as a potential means to speed up the energy transition in the United States. The federal and state law along with utility market structures are vital in shaping the potential opportunities and barriers for energy storage facilities like PUSH. We show that although it supports PUSH development, there are gaps in the current market structure, specifically in the regulatory framework, when seen through the lens of justice and valuation of just energy services. These gaps limit the realization of utility-scale energy storage technology's potential to fully contribute to a decarbonized energy system that is more resilient and more just than the incumbent system.  相似文献   

Within the energy community, conventional dam and reservoir-based hydroelectricity is often viewed as a low-cost, immediately available zero-carbon resource that could facilitate more intermittent renewable electricity integration, seasonal storage, and other grid benefits. Conventional hydroelectricity systems, however, are potentially unique among power plants in that energy provisioning is not the only priority for their fuel, stored water. This paper presents a record linkage between electricity- and dam management-oriented datasets to facilitate attention to the fundamental challenge of altering operational regimes for systems that have other uses.  相似文献   

HARE, a systematic tool to evaluate demand side measures to face sustained energy supply risk in hydrothermal power systems is presented in this paper. The main focus of the paper is to help centralized planners to systematically discuss, select, and plan the measures that better respond to the variety of critical situations that can arise due to expected energy shortage, integrate them into the usual medium-term scheduling tool and consequently keep the associated overall costs as low as possible. A medium-term definition of the system state is proposed as a decision-making aid, as well as a set of general energy saving measures that can be applied with their corresponding attributes (time delays, costs of implementation, and energy saving impact). The tool is demonstrated and applied to a simplified version of Chilean’s medium-term hydrothermal scheduling model and to a specific risk scenario experienced during 2011. The results show that it is possible to define various sets of demand side measures that avoid the impacts on the system and subsequently to select among them those with least expected implementation costs. This tool seems mainly useful for hydro-electric systems, which are more vulnerable to sustained energy supply risk. Every power system will have to go through a detailed review and planning process to implement this type of tool.  相似文献   

This study examines the development prospects of wind energy in the Russian energy complex. At present, the wind energy potential of Russia is huge, so any wind power plants, both large and small, are an alternative industry of the state's energy, which is quite extensive. The purpose of this study is to identify promising areas for the development of power plants that use wind energy in their work in Russia, as well as specific measures for the development of these areas. The leading approach in this study is a combination of a systematic analysis of the main development aspects of wind energy in Russia as a separate energy industry with an analytical study of the current development prospects of this industry. The main results of this study are an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of wind power plants regarding the prospects for their implementation in the Russian energy complex and a numerical assessment of the introduction results of this energy source. The prospects for further research in this area are determined by the increasing need of the Russian economy in the development and practical application of alternative energy sources, one of which is wind, as well as the availability of this energy source and its environmental safety. The applied value of this study lies in the possibility of the practical application of the obtained results in order to accelerate the processes of introducing wind energy into the Russian energy system.  相似文献   

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