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Public utilities and regulators are decoupling revenues from sales to remove a disincentive for utilities to invest in end-use electricity, natural gas and water efficiency. Decoupling is primarily a US ratemaking policy for energy and water utilities as are price caps in Europe. Empirical testing consistently demonstrates that decoupling has no statistically measurable impact on risk and the cost of common equity, yet policy is moving ahead without consideration of that empirical evidence.  相似文献   

Timely investment in economically warranted capacity is as necessary for long-run efficiency as marginal-cost allocation of existing capacity is for short-run efficiency, yet little attention is being given to capacity planning. If an efficient energy market gives rise to an inefficient capacity market, utilities may become the investors of last resort.  相似文献   

本文采用具有谐波计量功能的多功能三相电能表对湖北省电力公司下属6个非线性用户进行约3个月的挂网试验并进行了数据分析.挂网试验实践与理论均表明,非线性用户的电能总是少计,直接影响了供电企业的经济利益.建议尽快建立谐波计量标准,利用经济杠杆实现公平计费,减少谐波的产生.  相似文献   

To effectively decarbonize the electric sector, utilities will need to address the growing load shape challenges driven by the variability of many renewable resources. Behind-the-meter solutions, such as energy efficiency, demand response, electrification and storage, will play an important role in grid stability, but only if they can deliver changes in demand that meet the time and locational needs of the grid. This article will discuss how smart meter interval data, combined with open source methods and software, provide transparent measurement of savings load shapes (resource curves) that enable the integration of demand flexibility into energy, capacity and carbon markets, and as a transmission and distribution resource. This allows utilities to procure demand flexibility in the same way they procure other resources by leveraging a price signal and pay-for-performance to drive innovation and attract private investment.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for coordinating sulfur dioxide (SO 2) emission allowance trading, energy and spinning reserve transactions, and consumption of take-or-pay fuels in the context of generation dispatch. Beginning in 1995, electric power utilities will be required by the US Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) of 1990 to have allowances for SO2 emissions. In order to make the compliance program more flexible, electric utilities will be permitted to trade emission allowances. Thus it is essential to properly coordinate the emission allowance trading with other closely correlated operational decisions to achieve overall efficiency in generation dispatch. This paper presents the coordinating equations and outlines the coordination procedure. Simple examples are also given to illustrate the basic coordination principle  相似文献   

Several US and Canadian utilities have implemented demand side management (DSM) programs for retrofitting energy efficient (EE) motors. This article examines some of the practical problems associated with this. When determining the energy savings achievable by retrofitting standard efficient (SE) motors with EE motors, the nominal efficiency difference between the SE and EE motors is often used. However, EE motors often operate at a higher speed or a lower slip in order to achieve the higher efficiency. This has an impact on centrifugal loads where the power consumed goes up as the cube of the speed, but the increased flow goes up only linearly with speed. Since the majority of loads in the petrochemical industry are centrifugal in nature (fans, pumps, and compressors), the impact of this speed differential on the actual efficiency difference is highlighted. Another consideration when retrofitting EE motors is the effect of operating voltage on efficiency. From end use metering it has been observed that most motors are supplied at above their rated voltage. The difference in rated voltage and realistic operating voltages also affects motor efficiency; however, SE and EE motors are affected differently. The impact of this operational difference on energy efficiency is also examined. Manufacturers' data is also presented to show relationships between efficiency, power factor, horsepower, and percentage load. As a consequence of this, the important question of downsizing of motors to operate closer to the smaller motor's maximum efficiency is considered  相似文献   

结合目前实际的供电局安全性评价工作的运行情况以及存在的问题,设计出一套供电企业安全性评价自动化管理系统.介绍了系统的网架结构、设计思路和关键模块.实践证明,系统可以优化供电企业安全性评价的工作流程,提高安评工作的效率.  相似文献   

Electric energy is one of the most versatile and widely used forms of energy. Generation and delivery of this energy form requires diligence in safe work practices and procedures that are best established through proper training. This article reports on a survey of rural electric utilities and the responses provided on issues and practices relating to job training and safety for rural utility employees. A total of 3,075 surveys were mailed to rural utilities throughout the United States. Responses were received from 675 utilities, representing a 22% response rate  相似文献   

对离心泵叶轮车削进行研究是实现水泵节能的重要途径。利用水泵叶轮车削定律,结合现场实际应用情况,可得出既能满足运行需要,又有最大可能降低泵用电动机耗电量的方法。通过学习水泵叶轮车削理论,掌握车削量与比转速、效率的关系及车削的注意事项,并结合凝升泵和氢冷升压泵叶轮车削的实践经验,为其它发电企业提供参考。  相似文献   

Manufacturers can reduce transformer energy losses by utilizing different construction materials and designs for transformer core and windings. While potential reductions in future energy prices may exist due to utility deregulation and retail wheeling of electricity, significant opportunity still remains to impact the corporate bottom line through use of improved efficiency electrical equipment. Electric power transformers may last from 20 to 50 years depending on their loading and application. Thus, the life-cycle or total owning cost must be considered during the initial investment phase to evaluate the total energy savings against the added capital expenditure for an improved efficiency transformer. This involves using an economic evaluation process known as the discounted cash flow method. Many utilities offer economic incentives to companies who implement energy conservation programs. Such programs realize the dual benefits of cost savings and environmental relief from reduced emissions. Another possible benefit is the prevention of economic losses by minimizing the probability of fuel supply curtailment. This article explores existing and future design techniques which enable efficiency improvements in various types of transformers. This work also provides detailed analysis for investment guidance regarding additional dollars chat can be justified for applying improved efficiency transformers  相似文献   

The Inter-Utility Data Exchange Consortium (IDEC) provides a data communication capability interface to exchange data between host EMS computers of different utilities. The IDEC protocol defines the interfaces between the host EMS computer and the communications network processor (CNP), and between CNPs. Both NEPEX and CONVEX have EMS supplied by the same vendor. To take advantage of the commonality between their energy management systems, they jointly developed host to CNP IDEC software to replace an existing datalink between the utilities and to exchange data with other utilities in the IDEC network. The IDEC software provides capability to model the IDEC database using existing generation and SCADA databases. The IDEC data model was extended to provide flexibility in scheduling data blocks. The completed software has been exchanging operational data between the utilities, using CNPs at their respective control centers for almost a year. This study reports the results of the design and development of the IDEC software. The completed IDEC software requires minimal computational resources on the host machine  相似文献   

Decades of effort have been dedicated to understanding precisely where energy is consumed in residences to help consumers, device manufacturers, utilities, and policymakers better manage this consumption. We review and classify the three most prevalent methods currently used to build this understanding. We then compare two prominent studies, and make recommendations for how existing datasets can inform estimates of device-level energy consumption in the U.S.  相似文献   

针对城市高峰电力负荷大、持续时间短的特点,采用车网互联(V2G)模式,通过电动车集群晚间低谷充电,白天停驶时反馈给电网以支持高峰电力负荷,有利于城市电网削峰填谷,并提高能源利用效率。以带有30 kW·h动力电池的电动车集群集中放电来支持上海地区12 h的800 MW高峰电力为例,通过V2G模式中成本和收益的经济核算,发现电动车主和电网企业都能从V2G模式中受益。与风能、太阳能一样,V2G模式是一种节能、环保、可持续发展的模式。  相似文献   

The substantial increases in the energy consumption during the second half of the last century have amplified the use of fossil fuels in various economic sectors, mainly the power sector. Also, the low-efficient technologies still adopted in many countries have mounted the losses associated with various energy conversion processes to substantial levels. Tasks and challenges associated with transferring power sectors from energy-wasting utilities into advanced smart grid-based utilities are discussed in this article. To transfer the Lebanese dilapidated and aging electrical power sector into a modern economically profitable sector, adopted two major projects have been adopted: the Lebanese Electrical Network Control Center and the Advanced Metering Infrastructure. This article explains the outcomes and impacts of the major components of these two projects; it article also discusses the problems encountered during the implementation process of the Lebanese Electrical Network Control Center, where several original software packages have been modified by the research team to properly integrate the Lebanese Electrical Network Control Center with the aging Lebanese power sector. Finally, the article describes the controlled design project, which also has been implemented as part of the Lebanese Electrical Network Control Center project and highlights problems associated with upgrading the high-voltage transmission lines.  相似文献   

Electric utilities all over the world are being challenged to provide safe and dependable electric energy. Sharing data and experiences regarding generating unit performance helps utilities meet that challenge, but common terminology and performance assessment techniques are needed for exchanges to happen. Two international organizations, the IEEE and UNIPEDE, have each developed reference standards for utilities to use for this purpose. Both offer similar terms and definitions. These reference standards are reviewed, and similarities and differences between the reference standards are identified  相似文献   

Innovations in energy products and services, facilitated through effective partnerships with research centers, may provide benefits to utilities across the value chain. Policy implications could be significant in shifting from traditional regulatory models to flexible frameworks that encourage innovation. A collaborative mindset will be needed to ensure utilities recognize the role they must also play in guiding regulatory reform.  相似文献   

Distributed energy resources and electrification are countervailing trends in the electricity business. DER challenges the traditional electric utility business model, while electrification presents new opportunities for the economy, for the environment, and for utilities. Both of these new developments highlight the importance of the electric grid, and the critical need for utilities to manage this integrated grid of the future.  相似文献   

Different load management strategies and utility approaches are used to obtain efficient utilization of electric energy in Europe. This paper focuses on the use of pricing as a marketing tool, the importance of pilot programs in marketing, and especially on the broader approach to marketing used by utilities. As the energy market becomes more complex, several utilities extend their endeavours to comprehensive programs. The utility either acts as co-ordinator itself, or as a part of a joint venture. A broad utility approach to customers, often as a total entrepeneur, is becoming more common in Europe.  相似文献   

配电市场价格监管方法   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
运用数据包络分析(DEA)方法对当前配电市场中配电商的生产效率进行评价与分析,得出配电商生产效率相对有效的定量化的结果,并对有效性相对不高的配电商提出了改进各种资源配置的方法。进而,把该方法用于配电市场价格监管机制的研究中,提出了配电商效率因子的确定方法和基准竞争方法中基准组的确定方法。最后,提出了基准竞争与最高限价(RPI-X)联合的配电市场价格监管新方法。  相似文献   

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