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气空间可压缩性对两相流动系统稳定性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王飞  马昌文 《核动力工程》1997,18(2):119-123
实验研究了反应堆一回路上方气体空间可压缩性对反应堆一回路自然循环两相流流动稳定性的影响。通过发迹液位的办法改变一回路中气空间占整个回路的体积比,得到了不同体积比条件下,流量振幅与加热段入口过冷度的关系。  相似文献   

低温核供热反应堆的设计研究和开发,促进了低压,低士度自然循环流系统中汽水两相混合物流动稳定性的研究。本文论述了在HRTL-200热工水力学实验回路上,以水为工质,在加热功率为131kW,加热段入口流动阻力因数为25,冷却剂入口欠热度为5-80℃的条件下,针对系统压力变化对流动特性的影响所进行的实验研究。  相似文献   

叙述了用相关分析系统辨识方法判别两相流动不稳定性的原理、实验方法及测试结果。该方法将信息科学中的系统稳定和系统辨识理论应用于热物理科学中的两相流稳定性研究,发展了新概念的两相流稳定性实验技术和方法。该方法使得在稳定工况下判别两相流系统的不稳定边界和稳定裕度成为可能。实验是在低温堆热工水力学模拟实验系统HRTL-5上进行的,实验中以加热功率的逆重复伪随机序列做为输入信号源,系统流量作为响应函数,用相关分析研究了两相流动系统自然循环的稳定性和稳定裕度。实验结果证明系统辨识方法判别两相流动稳定性是成功的。该实验结果对确立两相流动态数学模型,验证理论模型对稳定边界的判别提供了基础数据。对发展系统分析和状态监视方法,对建立工程系统中两相流不稳定性预报方法具有一定学术和实用参考价值。  相似文献   

实验研究在5MW核供热堆热工水力学模拟系统HRTL-5上进行。计算分析采用带有质量,蒸汽质量,能量及动量守恒方程的一维两相流漂移模型。用Clausius-Clapeyron方程计算上升段中闪蒸起始点。通过在过冷沸腾区,饱和沸腾区及上升段中推导守恒方程,得到可描述自然循环两相流系统特性的常微分方程组。用时域法求解。研究表明过冷沸腾及空泡的闪蒸对空泡分布,系统循环流量及流动稳定性都有很大影响,且系统压力越低,过冷沸腾及闪蒸的影响越大;在相当宽的两相流动条件下,加热段中只发生过冷沸腾;揭示了两相流不稳定时振荡的传播特性。在5MW核供热堆条件下理论分析与实验结果吻合得很好。  相似文献   

在大型热工水力学实验回路HRTL-200上,以水为工质,在压力1.0 ̄4.0MPa加热功率27 ̄240kW,入口欠热度5 ̄80℃,加热段出口质量含汽率小于5%的实验参数范围,研究了系统压力,加热功率,冷却剂入口过冷度及人口阻力等对低压,低干度自然循环系统的两相流稳定流动及不稳定流动特性的影响。实验结果表明上述参数对循环流量,流动稳定区及流动振荡特性均具有影响。所进行的实验研究,参数范围包括了200  相似文献   

利用稳定性实验回路的实验结果校核了 RETRAN-02,NUFREQ 程序和一简单无因次准则判据的适用性和可靠性,研究了低压低含汽量自然循环系统稳定性的规律及其影响因素。在此基础上预测了5MW THR 微沸运行工况的两相流稳定性。  相似文献   

实验研究了低压低干度汽水两相混合物在自然循环条件下产生密度波不稳定性时的流量振荡特性。实验在大型热工水力学实验回路HRTL-200上以水为工质进行,压力为1.0-4.0MPa,加热功率为27-190kW,人口欠热度为5-80℃,加热段出口质量含汽率小于5%,实验参数范围包括200MW核供热堆微沸腾工况运行的参数。获得了有关自然循环流量振荡模式、相对振幅、振荡周期等振荡特性参数随系统压力,加热功率和  相似文献   

介绍了5MW THR 启动过程的实验研究结果,描述了两相流稳定性对低压自然循环反应堆启动的影响,提出了沸水启动要经过压水启动和压水向沸水转换两个过程来实现。  相似文献   

研究是在5MW核供热反应堆的模拟试验台架HTRL-5完成的,经研究,给出了小破口失水闪蒸过程中回路内压力,温度、空泡份额、循环流量等重要参数的变化规律,揭示了闪蒸过程的两个阶段,给出了换热系数的实验结果,结果表明小破口失水过程由于闪蒸改善了自然循环和传热情况,使无件棒温度保持在较低水平,不会烧毁。  相似文献   

功率密度分布对两相流稳定性影响的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张佑杰  姜胜耀 《核动力工程》1998,19(3):239-232,288
叙述了不同功率密度分布工况下的自然循环两相流稳定性实验研究。实验是在5MW核从热堆煤水力学模拟实验回路(HRTL-5)上进行的,实验中分别采用了功率密度线性分布和功率密度余弦分布两种加热元件。其结果表明:在低压低干工自然循环系统中,加热元件的功率密度分布形式对两相流稳定性的影响,很小,验证了功率密度线性分布下两相流稳定性实验结果的通用性。  相似文献   

In this paper, simultaneous optimization is carried out for successive two cycles of pressurized water reactors. At first, a simplified problem of the simultaneous optimization was studied by assuming the batch-wise power sharing as independent variable, i.e., batch-wise power sharing was optimized without considering corresponding loading patterns. The optimization of the batch-wise power sharing was carried out for the conventional single cycle, the equilibrium cycle and the two successive (tandem) cycles. The analysis indicated that the tandem cycle optimization well reproduce that of the equilibrium cycle optimization, which is considered as a typical case of the true multicycle optimization. Next, simultaneous optimization of loading patterns for tandem cycles is carried out using the simulated annealing method. Since the design space of the tandem cycles optimization is much larger than that of the conventional single cycle optimization, the optimization condition (i.e., number of calculated patterns) are established through sensitivity study. The optimization results are compared with those obtained by the successive single cycle optimizations and it is clarified that the successive single cycle optimization well reproduces the optimization results obtained by the simultaneous optimization if objective functions are appropriately chosen. The above result will be encouraging for the current in-core optimization method since single cycle optimization is utilized due to limitation of computation time.  相似文献   

The gas carry-under characteristics in liquid down flow from a two-phase mixture flow have been studied for various flow parameters, based on experiments with a small scale air- water system simulating the concept of a natural circulation BWR with no separators. For high void fraction in the riser, as the liquid superficial velocity jf increased to 0.17 m/s, the void fraction in the lower part of the downcomer αd increased sharply due to the descent of comparatively large bubbles (diameter: about 4–6mm). In the region of jf> 0.17m/s, on increasing jf, the void fraction αd increased until it reached a maximum value at jf.3. For liquid descending velocities higher than 0.3 m/s, αd became almost constant and the level of the mixture above the riser had little effect on the void fraction ad due to the phase separation of the large bubbles formed by bubble coalescence in the upper part of the downcomer. The void fraction αd increased as the void fraction αr increased until bubble coalescence occurred in the upper part of the downcomer, and αd became constant and independent of αr after the occurrence of bubble coalescence. Under the conditions of high void fractions in the riser, 0.4<αr<0.64 (upper limit of the tests), and high liquid descending velocities in the down-comer, 0.3 m/s<jf.<0.4 m/s (upper limit of the tests), the void fraction αd was represented by a dimensionless number (G = η4 g3 pf) and by the upper limit of void fractions in bubbly flow, αd=0.3.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of considering liquid density dependence on local fluid temperature in the thermal-hydraulic stability, a linear stability analysis is performed for a boiling natural circulation loop with an adiabatic riser. Type-I and Type-II instabilities were to investigate according to Fukuda-Kobori's classification. Type-I instability is dominant when the flow quality is low, while Type-II instability is relevant at high flow quality. Type-II instability is well known as the typical density wave oscillation. Neglecting liquid density differences yields estimates of Type-II instability margins that are too small, due to both a change in system-dynamics features and in the operational point. On the other hand, neglecting liquid density differences yields estimates of Type-I stability margins that are too large, especially due to a change in the operational point. Neglecting density differences is thus non-conservative in this case. Therefore, it is highly recommended to include liquid density dependence on the fluid subcooling in the stability analysis if a flow loop with an adiabatic riser is operated under the condition of low flow quality.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to analyze the nuclear performance of a typical D-T fusion reactor blanket cooled by two-phase flow, and, in particular, the dependence of tritium breeding ratio (TBR), nuclear heating and neutron (energy) leakage on design variations such as the volume fraction γ occupied by coolant materials.

The value of γ plays a central role in determining the nuclear performance of the blanket considered. The TBR and nuclear heating decrease with decreasing γ while the inverse trend is found for the leakage from the blanket. To obtain the TBR greater than unity would require γ at least 30%. The feasibility of the two-phase flow cooling concept for D-T reactor blankets is contigent upon finding the way of taking advantage of the many good features associated with the flow, even at such γ.  相似文献   

结合热离子发电元件工作环境,分析了TOPAZ-2型空间核反应堆电源热离子发电元件除气的必要性。根据电源结构特点,确定氦气腔体、热离子发电元件发射极和接收极、铯集气腔体和冷却剂内套管为主要除气部件。利用CFD程序和专用程序分别计算得到堆芯容器和热离子发电元件额定工况下的工作温度,结合部件除气要求最终确定了各部件除气工况。编制了用于热离子发电元件发射极和接收极除气计算的二维传热程序,通过对比程序计算结果与单根热离子发电元件除气试验结果验证了程序编制的正确性。利用该程序计算得到热离子发电元件发射极和接收极的除气功率。综合电源除气部件除气工况、除气环境要求和除气计算结果,确定了转换器除气方案。  相似文献   

在高压汽水回路上对3根并联蒸发管内两相流压力降型水动力不稳定进行了试验研究.分析了系统压力、质量流速、入口过冷度、出口节流和上游可压缩容积对压力降型不稳定的影响。得出了压力降型不稳定的脉动起始点,给出了3根并联管中计算不稳定起始条件的无因次经验公式,为大型电站锅炉和蒸汽发生器的设计提供依据。  相似文献   

空间气冷反应堆堆芯流动换热数值仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以美国普罗米修斯计划反应堆为参考,建立了空间气冷反应堆堆芯结构的三维模型,利用蒙特卡罗方法计算得到了堆芯真实功率分布,并使用Star-CCM+软件开展了1/6堆芯的流动换热计算,分析得到了堆芯温度场、速度场和压力场的分布情况,评估了现有设计中仍待优化之处,并提出了相关的优化建议。计算结果表明,该反应堆设计可将冷却剂加热到工作温度,能满足基本的技术指标。但从优化角度考虑,需对堆芯入口段与出口段进行优化设计,通过改变入口管与压力容器间的角度等,可降低不必要的能量损失,提高堆芯出口温度与速度分布均匀性,同时降低冷却剂对诸如气轮机等设备的不利影响。  相似文献   

球床通道内气液两相竖直向上流动流型实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对球形颗粒填充通道内的空气-水竖直向上两相流动流型进行了可视化实验研究。实验段填充球直径分别为3、5和8mm,气相表观流速为0.005~1.172m/s;液相表观流速为0.004~0.093m/s。实验观察得到4种典型流型:泡状流、串状流、液柱脉冲流和乳沫脉冲流,并绘制出流型图,其中脉冲流占据较大区域。通过与常规通道流型图对比发现:由于填充颗粒的影响,球床通道泡状流区域较常规通道显著减小。对比3种球床通道流型图得到:随着颗粒直径的增加,串状流区域增大;在低液相流速下,对于8mm直径颗粒,串状流可直接过渡到乳沫脉冲流。  相似文献   

本文以空气和水为工质,对竖直向上矩形通道(40 mm×1.41 mm,40 mm×10 mm)和圆形通道(D=25 mm)内的两相流流型特性进行了可视化研究。气液两相的表观速度分别为:0.03~24.71 m/s和0.03~3.73 m/s。3个实验段内均出现了泡状流、弹状流、搅混流和环状流4种流型,40 mm×10 mm和圆形通道中流型特征较为接近,与40 mm×1.41 mm通道中流型相比存在明显差别。此外,绘制出了3种通道详细的流型图。对比结果显示,矩形通道窄边宽度对流型转变有显著的影响,随着矩形通道窄边宽度的增加,其流型转变边界更加趋近于圆形通道。  相似文献   

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