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A simple, rapid, rugged, sensitive, and specific method for the confirmation and quantitation of 10 beta-lactam antibiotics in fortified and incurred bovine kidney tissue has been developed. The method uses a simple solvent extraction, dispersive solid-phase extraction (dispersive-SPE) cleanup, and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) for confirmation and quantitation. Dispersive-SPE greatly simplifies and accelerates sample cleanup and improves overall recoveries compared with conventional SPE cleanup. The beta-lactam antibiotics tested were as follows: deacetylcephapirin (an antimicrobial metabolite of cephapirin), amoxicillin, desfuroylceftiofur cysteine disulfide (DCCD, an antimicrobial metabolite of ceftiofur), ampicillin, cefazolin, penicillin G, oxacillin, cloxacillin, naficillin, and dicloxacillin. Average recoveries of fortified samples were 70% or better for all beta-lactams except DCCD, which had an average recovery of 58%. The LC/MS/MS method was able to demonstrate quantitative recoveries at established tolerance levels and provide confirmatory data for unambiguous analyte identification. The method was also tested on 30 incurred bovine kidney samples obtained from the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service, which had previously tested the samples using the approved semiquantitative microbial assay. The results from the quantitative LC/MS/MS analysis were in general agreement with the microbial assay for 23 samples although the LC/MS/MS method was superior in that it could specifically identify which beta-lactam was present and quantitate its concentration, whereas the microbial assay could only identify the type of beta-lactam present and report a concentration with respect to the microbial inhibition of a penicillin G standard. In addition, for 6 of the 23 samples, LC/MS/MS analysis detected a penicillin and a cephalosporin beta-lactam, whereas the microbial assay detected only a penicillin beta-lactam. For samples that do not fall into the "general agreement" category, the most serious discrepancy involves two samples where the LC/MS/MS method detected a violative level of a cephalosporin beta-lactam (deacetylcephapirin) in the first sample and a possibly violative level of desfuroylceftiofur in the second, whereas the microbial assay identified the two samples as having only violative levels of a penicillin beta-lactam.  相似文献   

A liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) screening method has been developed targeting 23 pharmaceuticals and 2 metabolites with differing physicochemical properties in fish tissue. Reversed-phase separation of target compounds was achieved using a C18 column and a nonlinear gradient consisting of 0.1% (v/v) formic acid and methanol. Eluted analytes were introduced into the mass analyzer using positive or negative electrospray ionization, as appropriate. A variety of extraction solvents, differing in polarity, pH, or both, were investigated in order to assess recovery of target compounds from 1-g tissue homogenates. Among 10 solvents tested, a 1:1 mixture of 0.1 M aqueous acetic acid (pH 4) and methanol was identified as optimal, resulting in extraction recoveries for 24 of 25 compounds exceeding 60%. Tissue extracts were found to influence the LC-MS/MS response for several analytes. Consequently, matrix-matched calibration standards were employed to determine analyte concentrations in environmental samples. Statistically derived method detection limits were <6 ng/g for most analytes. The method was subsequently used to screen for target analytes in fish from an effluent-dominated stream. Diphenhydramine, diltiazem, carbamazepine, and norfluoxetine were detected in 11 of 11 environmental samples at concentrations ranging from 0.11 to 5.14 ng/g.  相似文献   

An analytical method for the determination of the concentrations of total lycopene and its cis and all-trans isomers in human plasma has been developed using high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS). This method was based on the observation that, during negative ion atmospheric pressure chemical ionization with collision-induced dissociation, a unique fragment of m/z 467 was formed from the molecular ion of m/z 536 by elimination of a terminal isoprene group. The use of multiple reaction monitoring facilitated the selective detection of lycopene isomers and an internal standard without interference from the isobaric carotenoids a-carotene and beta-carotene, which are also abundant in human plasma. Measurement of total lycopene was carried out using a C18 high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) column and an isocratic mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile/methyl tert-butyl ether (95:5) so that all lycopene isomers eluted as a single chromatographic peak. all-trans-Lycopene was separated from its various cis isomers by using a C30 carotenoid column and a gradient solvent system from methanol to methyl tert-butyl ether. The effects of sample preparation and handling parameters on the stability of lycopene were evaluated such as the stability of lycopene in the HPLC autosampler and the effect of saponification upon lycopene isomerization. For example, the half-life of all-trans-lycopene in the HPLC mobile phase in the autosampler at 4 degrees C was determined to be approximately 16 h. Also, saponification of plasma samples was determined to cause lycopene degradation and isomerization so that lycopene recovery was reduced. The accuracy and interassay precision of this LC-MS-MS assay for lycopene showed a standard deviation of less than 10% over the range of 5-500 pmol injected on-column. The limit of detection was 11.2 fmol injected on-column, and the limit of quantitation was 22.8 fmol.  相似文献   

Zhang N  Li L 《Analytical chemistry》2002,74(7):1729-1736
Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) is a strong surfactant that is widely used in protein sample preparation. While protein and peptide samples containing up to approximately 1% SDS can be analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI MS) using a two-layer matrix/sample deposition method, the presence of SDS in a protein sample generally degrades mass resolution and mass measurement accuracy. This degradation in performance is found to be related to the formation of sodium-protein adducts in the MALDI process. If the instrument resolving power is insufficient to separate these adduct peaks from the protonated molecular ion peak, peak broadening is observed in the protein molecular ion region, and as a result, the peak centroid shifts to a higher mass. In this work, we present a method using ammonium dodecyl sulfate as a viable alternative to SDS for protein sample preparation with much improved MALDI MS performance. Three non-sodium-based dodecyl sulfate surfactants, ammonium dodecyl sulfate (ADS), hydrogen dodecyl sulfate, and tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane dodecyl sulfate were investigated. Of the three surfactants tested, it is found that ADS gives the best performance in MALDI. For proteins with moderate molecular masses (i.e., up to approximately 25 kDa), the presence of ADS in a protein sample does not result in significant degradation in mass resolution and accuracy, and the protonated molecular ion peak is the dominant peak in the MALDI spectrum. The ammonium adduct ions dominate the MALDI spectra when the protein mass exceeds approximately 25 kDa; however, ADS still gives better results than SDS. The behavior of ADS in gel electrophoresis was also investigated. It is shown that cell extracts dissolved in ADS can be separated by normal SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis by simply mixing them with the SDS sample buffer. The application of ADS as the surfactant for protein solubilization with improved performance in MALDI analysis is demonstrated in the study of a detergent insoluble fraction from a Raji/CD9 B-cell lymphocyte lysate.  相似文献   

Electrospray ionization (ESI) liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) assays provide high-throughput and selective methods for quantitation of small molecules. Use of LC/MS/MS assays for macromolecules, like oligonucleotides, is challenging due to lack of sensitivity and low analyte recovery from biomatrixes. Due to this fact, the method of choice for oligonucleotides quantitation remains hybridization-based ligand-binding assays. These biological assays usually possess high sensitivity but low selectivity and narrow dynamic range. They also require optimizing suitable "capture and detection" probes, which can be prohibitively time-consuming and expensive in a drug discovery lead-optimization scenario. In this paper, we present a unique LC/MS/MS assay for a model phosphorothioate backbone oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) drug (7692 amu) from rat plasma. Multiple analytical challenges were encountered. The strategies used to solve these challenges should prove useful to scientists pursuing mass spectrometry (MS) to quantitate oligonucleotides. The challenges include analyte multiple charging and cation adduction (reduced sensitivity), oxidation of analyte on drying and high protein binding (low recovery), ODN affinity to exposed silica (low chromatographic reproducibility and high carryover), nonspecific binding of analyte to containers (low storage stability), and optimization/synthesis of an appropriate internal standard (interference and cross-talk). A buffer (7 mM triethylamine and 3 mM ammonium formate)/methanol, 50:50 (v/v), was used as an ESI-MS infusion solvent and produced a sharp multiple charge-state distribution. The sample extraction method combined a phenol/chloroform liquid-liquid extraction and solid-phase extraction steps, which improved the absolute recovery to >70%. The method was validated in the range of 5-2000 ng/mL and had precision (percent relative standard deviation)<10.1% and accuracy (percent relative error)<11.4%.  相似文献   

We have developed an analytical method, consisting of ion-pair liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (IP-LC-ESI-MS), for the simultaneous quantitative analysis of several key classes of polar metabolites, like nucleotides, coenzyme A esters, sugar nucleotides, and sugar bisphosphates. The use of the ion-pair agent hexylamine and optimization of the pH of the mobile phases were critical parameters in obtaining good retention and peak shapes of many of the above-mentioned polar and acidic metabolites that are impossible to analyze using standard reversed-phase LC/MS. Optimum conditions were found when using a gradient from 5 mM hexylamine in water (pH 6.3) to 90% methanol/10% 10 mM ammonium acetate (pH 8.5). The IP-LC-ESI-MS method was extensively validated by determining the linearity (R2 > 0.995), sensitivity (limit of detection 0.1-1 ng), repeatability, and reproducibility (relative standard deviation <10%). The IP-LC-ESI-MS method was shown to be a useful tool for microbial metabolomics, i.e., the comprehensive quantitative analysis of metabolites in extracts of microorganisms, and for the determination of the energy charge, i.e., the cellular energy status, as an overall quality measure for the sample workup and analytical protocols.  相似文献   

Glycoproteins carrying O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) modifications have been isolated from a wide range of organisms ranging from trypanosomes to humans. Interest in this modification is increasing as evidence accumulates that it is an abundant and transient modification that is dynamic and responsive to cellular stimuli. Concurrent advances in biological mass spectrometry (MS) have facilitated high-sensitivity protein identification by tandem MS. In this study, we show that the lability of the O-GlcNAc moiety to low-energy collision in tandem MS offers a means of distinguishing such peptides from others that are not modified. The differential between the energy required to remove the O-GlcNAc group and the energy required to fragment the peptide chain allows the O-GlcNAc group to be detected and the peptide sequence, and therefore the protein, to be identified. This technique thus allows the simultaneous detection and identification of O-GlcNAc-modified peptides, even when present at low levels in complex mixtures. The method was initially developed and validated using a synthetic O-GlcNAc-modified peptide and then applied to the detection of an extremely low abundance O-GlcNAc-modified peptide from bovine alpha-crystallin. We believe that with further development this assay system may prove to be a useful tool for the direct investigation of intracellular O-GlcNAc levels, thus providing valuable insights into the physiological role of O-GlcNAc modified proteins.  相似文献   

One of the strategies of functional proteomics, research aiming to discover gene function at the protein level, is the comprehensive analysis of protein-protein interactions related to the functional linkage among proteins and analysis of functional cellular machinery to better understand the basis of cell functions. Here, we describe the direct nanoflow LC (DNLC) system, which is equipped with a fritless high-resolution electrospray interface column packed with 1-microm reversed-phase (RP) beads and a novel splitless nanoflow gradient elution system to operate the column. Using RP-DNLC at an extremely slow flow rate, <50 nL/min, combined with data-dependent collision-induced dissociation tandem MS (MS/MS) and computer-assisted retrieval of spectra, we identified approximately 100 protein components in a biological complex such as a premature mammalian ribosome pull-down from cultured cells when we used an epitope-tagged protein as bait. Because this analysis is most sensitive, requires approximately 0.2 microg of total protein, and is a fully automated 1-h process, we anticipated that it should be an excellent tool for analyzing a limited amount of functional multi-protein complexes in cells.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the use of capillary zone electrophoresis with an electrokinetically pumped sheath-flow electrospray interface for the analysis of a tryptic digest of a sample of intermediate protein complexity, the secreted protein fraction of Mycobacterium marinum. For electrophoretic analysis, 11 fractions were generated from the sample using reverse-phase liquid chromatography; each fraction was analyzed by CZE-ESI-MS/MS, and 334 peptides corresponding to 140 proteins were identified in 165 min of mass spectrometer time at 95% confidence (FDR < 0.15%). In comparison, 388 peptides corresponding to 134 proteins were identified in 180 min of mass spectrometer time by triplicate UPLC-ESI-MS/MS analyses, each using 250 ng of the unfractionated peptide mixture, at 95% confidence (FDR < 0.15%). Overall, 62% of peptides identified in CZE-ESI-MS/MS and 67% in UPLC-ESI-MS/MS were unique. CZE-ESI-MS/MS favored basic and hydrophilic peptides with low molecular masses. Combining the two data sets increased the number of unique peptides by 53%. Our approach identified more than twice as many proteins as the previous record for capillary electrophoresis proteome analysis. CE-ESI-MS/MS is a useful tool for the analysis of proteome samples of intermediate complexity.  相似文献   

When the mass spectra of biological samples (proteins, peptides, and so on) are obtained routinely by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS), a serious problem is the reduction of the ionization efficiency by impurities, such as buffer salts and detergents. We focused our attention on devising a method to maintain the ionization efficiency of protein samples, even in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), without any extra purification step. Although no protein ion peaks are observed in the presence of 2.5% SDS with the usual methods, the addition of a granular anion exchange silica gel to the matrix solution allowed the protein ion peaks to be obtained with an excellent signal-to-noise ratio. Together with other supporting experiments, we suggest that the positively charged surface (the basic environment derived from the anion exchange groups) and the roughness of the particles were important for good ionization in the presence of a high SDS concentration. For a very uneven surface, the SDS might be absorbed into the particle interiors during the process of cocrystallization with the matrix and analytes, which is known as the molecular sieve effect, and the SDS concentration in the surface crystalline film might be reduced. As a result, we developed an on-probe sample preparation method without washes for MALDI, using a strong anion exchange silica gel. This method is applicable even in the presence of 2.5% SDS, and is not only very simple but also inexpensive, because it can be used with the standard MALDI target plates.  相似文献   

The design and operation of a microfluidic device for sample preparation in MALDI mass spectrometry of peptides and proteins is described. It is particularly useful for proteomics applications and for mass determination of proteins in salt- and detergent-containing solutions. The system consists of a flow channel with two conductive areas or electrical junctions where proteins and peptides are retained by means of an electric field. The microfluidic device is made of PEEK tubing, and the junctions are covered with a conductive polymeric membrane. A syringe pump connected to the device produces a flow stream, and injection of sample is carried out manually via hydrodynamic pressure. Proteolytic peptides and intact proteins in salt- and detergent-containing acidic media were captured at the cathode junction followed by exchange of the original solution to a solvent suitable for subsequent mass spectrometry. Using this principle, a significant desalting effect was obtained for tryptic peptides in mass-mapping experiments. Protein sequence coverages were high (up to 40%) at subpicomole levels with results better than those obtained using reversed-phase solid-phase extraction. In contrast to the latter technique, the microfluidic device has the capacity to efficiently remove detergents such as CHAPS before peptide mapping and protein analysis.  相似文献   

In this report, we describe an approach for identification and relative quantitation of individual proteins within mixtures using LC/MS/MS analysis of protein digests. First, the proteins are automatically identified by correlating the tandem mass spectra with peptide sequences from a database. Then, peak areas of identified peptides from one protein are added together to define the total reconstructed peak area of the protein digest. The total reconstructed peak area is further normalized to the peak area of an internal standard protein digest present in the mixture at a constant level. The method was illustrated using digested mixtures of five standard proteins as follows. One protein was gradually diluted while the other four components were present in the mixtures at constant level. This study revealed that relative peak area of the variable protein increased linearly (trend line R2 = 0.9978) with increasing amount from 10 to 1000 fmol, while relative peak areas of four constant proteins remained approximately the same (within 20% relative standard deviation). To further evaluate the applicability of this method for the quantitation of proteins from complex mixtures, human plasma protein digest was spiked with 200 and 400 fmol of myoglobin digest. Total peak area of myoglobin peptides was normalized to the total peak area of apolipoprotein A-I peptides from human plasma, which played the role of an internal standard. The myoglobin/apolipoprotein A-I peak area ratio was 2 times larger for the human plasma digest spiked with a double amount of myoglobin. After several repetitions, the error of the relative peak area measurements remained below 11%, suggesting that the method described here can be used for relative concentration measurements of proteins in the complex biological mixtures. In the presented method, chemical derivatization steps are not needed to create an internal standard, as in isotope-coded affinity tag or similar methods.  相似文献   

Xie J  Miao Y  Shih J  Tai YC  Lee TD 《Analytical chemistry》2005,77(21):6947-6953
A microfluidic chip that integrates all the fluidic components of a gradient liquid chromatography (LC) system is described. These chips were batch-fabricated on a silicon wafer using photolithographic processes and with Parylene as the main structural material. The fabricated chip includes three electrolysis-based electrochemical pumps, one for loading the sample and the other two for delivering the solvent gradient; platinum electrodes for delivering current to the pumps and establishing the electrospray potential; a low-volume static mixer; a column packed with silica-based reversed-phase support; integrated frits for bead capture; and an electrospray nozzle. The fabricated structures were able to withstand pressures in excess of 250 psi. The device was used to perform a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysis of a mixture of peptides from the trypsin digestion of bovine serum albumen (BSA). Gradient elution through the 1.2-cm column was performed at a flow rate of 80 nL/min. Compared to the analysis of the same sample using a commercial nanoflow LC system, the chromatographic resolution was nearly as good, and the total cycle time was significantly reduced because of the minimal volume between the pumps and the column. Results demonstrate the potential of mass-produced, low-cost microfluidic systems capable of performing LC separations for proteomics applications.  相似文献   

We report here the development of a precise and sensitive method for the determination of vitamin K homologues including phylloquinone (PK), menaquinone-4 (MK-4), and menaquinone-7 (MK-7) in human plasma using HPLC-tandem mass-mass spectrometry with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (LC-APCI-MS/MS). The method involves the use of stable isotope (18)O-labeled internal standard compounds, which were synthesized in our laboratory, and the selection of a precursor and product ion with a MS/MS multiple reaction monitoring method. The average intraassay and interassay variation values for PK, MK-4, and MK-7 were <10%. Average spiked recoveries from authentic compounds added to normal human plasma samples for PK, MK-4, and MK-7 were 98-102%. Mean plasma concentrations of PK, MK-4, and MK-7 from healthy subjects (n = 20) were 1.22 +/-0.57, 0.39 +/- 0.46, and 6.37 +/- 7.45 ng/mL, respectively. We conclude that this novel LC-APCI-MS/MS method should be useful for the evaluation of vitamin K status in postmenopausal women and elderly subjects and provides useful information for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis with vitamin K.  相似文献   

A rapid, accurate, sensitive, and simple method for simultaneous speciation analysis of mercury and tin in biological samples has been developed. Integrated simultaneous sample preparation for tin and mercury species includes open focused microwave extraction and derivatization via ethylation. Capillary gas chromatography-inductively plasma mass spectrometry (CGC-ICPMS) conditions and parameters affecting the analytical performance were carefully optimized both for species-specific isotope dilution analysis of MMHg and TBT and for conventional analysis of MBT and DBT201Hg-enriched monomethylmercury and 117Sn-enriched tributyltin were used for species-specific isotope dilution mass spectrometry (SIDMS) analysis. As important, accurate isotope dilution analysis requires equilibration between the spike and the analyte to achieve successful analytical procedures. Since the spike stabilization and solubilization are the most critical and time-consuming steps in isotope dilution analysis, different spiking procedures were tested. Simultaneous microwave-assisted spike stabilization and solubilization can be achieved within less than 5 min. This study originally introduces a method for the simultaneous speciation and isotope dilution of mercury and tin in biological tissues. The sample throughput of the procedure was drastically reduced by fastening sample preparation and GC separation steps. The accuracy of the method was tested by both external calibration analysis and species-specific isotope dilution analysis using the first biological reference material certified for multielemental speciation (oyster tissue, CRM 710, IRMM). The results obtained demonstrate that isotope dilution analysis is a powerful method allowing the simultaneous speciation of TBT and MMHg with high precision and excellent accuracy. Analytical problems related to low recovery during sample preparation are thus minimized by SIDMS. In addition, a rapid procedure allows us to establish a performant routine method using CGC-ICPMS technique.  相似文献   

Recent advances in mass spectrometry have revolutionized the analysis of lipid compositions of cells and other biomaterials by simplifying the analytical protocol dramatically and by increasing the sensitivity of detection by several orders of magnitude. However, the throughput of the published mass spectrometric methods is severely limited by data analysis, which requires extensive operator involvement. Consequently, we have developed an automated method that allows unattended identification and quantification of lipid molecular species of all the major lipid classes from a two-dimensional chromatographic/mass spectrometric data set. More than 100 polar lipid species could be automatically quantified from different biological samples with good accuracy and reproducibility. The response was linear over approximately 3 orders of magnitude with the equipment used, and approximately 35 samples could be analyzed in a day. This method makes high-throughput lipidomics feasible in biology, biotechnology, and medicine.  相似文献   

So PK  Yao ZP 《Analytical chemistry》2011,83(13):5175-5181
Common mass spectrometric techniques, e.g., electrospray ionization (ESI) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI), require samples to be soluble in suitable solvents. Samples with solubility problems have difficulties for their mass spectrometric characterization. In this paper, an oil-assisted sample preparation (OASP) method was introduced for the analysis of solid samples using MALDI-MS. The novel method involves the use of a droplet of oil (i.e., paraffin oil) as the mixing and loading media for solid analyte and solid matrix. Using this method, rapid on-target sample preparation can be easily achieved, and only a transferable minimal amount of analyte and matrix is required. This method was demonstrated to be applicable for a wide range of analytes, including poorly soluble organic compounds, polymers, organometallic compounds, membrane peptides, and biological solid samples. The novel method can also be used for the analysis of "wet" and solution samples. The limit of detection of the OASP MALDI-MS was determined to be 1 ng with reserpine.  相似文献   

Y Du  F Wang  K May  W Xu  H Liu 《Analytical chemistry》2012,84(15):6355-6360
The sites and levels of Asn deamidation in proteins are often determined by LC-MS analysis of peptides obtained from enzymatic digestion. However, deamidation that occurs during sample preparation steps results in overestimation of the original level of deamidation. The inherent deamidation and those introduced by sample preparation can be differentiated by preparing samples in (18)O water. When using H(2)(18)O, the formation of isoAsp and Asp by Asn deamidation during sample preparation results in a molecular weight increase of 3 Da due to the incorporation of the (18)O atom to the side chains of isoAsp or Asp; in contrast, inherent deamidation only results in a molecular weight increase of 1 Da. In addition, up to two (18)O atoms can also be incorporated into the peptide C-terminal carboxyl group during enzymatic digestion. Therefore, the 2 Da molecular weight difference at the deamidation sites can only be used to differentiate deamidation that occurs prior to or during sample preparation under conditions that a fixed number of (18)O atoms are incorporated into the peptide C-terminal carboxyl groups. Otherwise, it is challenging to apply this procedure because of the resulting complicated isotopic distributions. Here, a new procedure of using (18)O-water for sample preparation coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) was established to calculate the deamidation artifacts. In this method, b ions were used for the calculation of Asn deamidation that occurred prior to or during sample preparation, which eliminated the complicated factor of various number of (18)O-atoms to the peptide carboxyl groups. This procedure has the potential to be applied under the general peptide mapping conditions.  相似文献   

This paper describes the optimization of sample preparation for MALDI 193-nm photofragment ion time-of-flight mass spectrometry to sequence small to medium-sized peptides from peptide mixtures. We show that matrix additives, such as fructose and phenylbutyric acid have a dramatic effect on the abundance of fragment ions observed in the post-source decay spectra. A dried-droplet MALDI matrix consisting of 1:1 alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid/fructose proves to be an excellent matrix for photodissociation because [M + H]+ ions are formed with low internal energies, and the photofragment ion spectrum contains high abundances of sequence-informative ions. The addition of fructose appears to improve overall sample homogeneity and durability, as compared to conventional alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid dried-droplet preparations. MALDI-TOF photodissociation is then used to selectively sequence the peptides bradykinin (RPPGFSPFR), des-Arg9 bradykinin (RPPGFSPF), and substance P-amide (RPKPQQFFGLM-NH2) from a mixture of five peptides.  相似文献   

本文采用高效液相色谱-串联质谱(HPLC-MS/MS)同时测定饲料中的矮壮素和缩节胺残留。样品先用正己烷脱除油脂,后用缓冲溶液(含0.2%甲酸-0.05mol/L乙酸铵)提取,离心上清液用乙腈沉淀净化后进行测试。结果表明:两种化合物在1.0~50.0μg/L范围内线性关系良好;定量限(S/N=10)矮壮素为0.32μg/L,缩节胺为0.45μg/L;加标回收率为91.7%~94.3%;相对标准偏差3.9%~6.1%;实测有30%的样品中含有矮壮素或缩节胺,含量范围为:矮壮素11.2μg/kg-78.4μg/kg;缩节胺9.7μg/kg-126.6μg/kg。该方法简便、快速、灵敏和准确,适合饲料中这两种农药残留的快速检测和定量分析。  相似文献   

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