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空气污染、电动汽车和燃料电池   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 内燃机汽车的尾气是主要污染源 由于近百年来人们对环境问题的忽视,全球环境恶化成了现代化不应该付出的代价。近年来,空气污染、酸雨、温室效应、臭氧层破坏成了全球性的严重环境问题,威胁着人类的生存,引起了全人类的关注。我国的情况也不例外,特别是一些大城市,空气污染十分严重。在大城市的污染源中,车尾气是罪魁祸首,常占总污染量的40%~50%。 为了减轻汽车尾气对空气的污染,学习先进国家成功的经验,近年来我国已经和正在采取下列“清洁汽车”措施:(1)用先进的具有电子喷射控制系统的“电喷发动机”取代老式的化油器发动机并加装“三元催化”系统。现在进口汽车一般都应用了这项有利于提高燃料效率和降低尾气排放的技术。(2)对于现有国产汽车要求使用清洁能源,实现“油改气”。经验证明,压缩天然气  相似文献   

燃料电池是一种先进的化学电源,它作为开放式电源系统,已成为新的发电技术,燃料电池是高效,无噪声和少污染的洁净能源,必然受到人们的青睐,燃料电池的主要类型有碱性燃料电池,磷酸燃料电池,熔融碳酸盐燃料电池,质子交换膜燃料电池和固体氧化物燃料电池,本文就燃料电池的发生,发展,原理,特点,类型,应用等作一简要的综述。  相似文献   

作为环境保护的对策之一,丰田汽车公司从1971年开始进行了对电动汽车的研究和开发,并于1996年10月在日本首家推出了安装着以氢为燃料的燃料电池(Fuel Cell)的电动汽车(Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle,简称FCEV),燃料电池作为划时代的动力能源而备受关注。 通过施加电压,水会被分解为氢和氧。燃料电池发电的系统就是利用水的这种电分解原理。从氢和氧两者的化学反应的过程中获得  相似文献   

燃料电池是一种先进的化学电源,它作为开放式电源系统,已成为新的发电技术。燃料电池是高效、无噪音和少污染的洁净能源,必然受到人们的青睐。燃料电池的主要类型有碱性燃料电池、磷酸燃料电池、熔融碳酸盐燃料电池、质子交换膜燃料电池和固体氧化物燃料电池。本就燃料电池的发生、发展、原理、特点、类型、应用等作一简要的综述。  相似文献   

燃料电池的发展和应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍燃料电池的工作原理、结构、特性,国内外开发和应用的情况,以及日本NTT公司两个通信试验局采用磷酸型燃料电池供电系统的实用化经验。  相似文献   

燃料电池是一种先进的化学电源,它作为开放式电源系统,已成为新的发电技术。燃料电池是高效、无噪音和少污染的洁净能源,必然受到人们的青睐。燃料电池的主要类型有碱性燃料电池、磷酸燃料电池、熔融碳酸盐燃料电池、质子交换膜燃料电池和固体氧化物燃料电池。本文就燃料电池的发生、发展、原理、特点、类型、应用等作一简要的综述。  相似文献   

随着人类环保意识的不断提升,汽车行业同样与时俱进,不断研发最新型的节能环保车,其中包括燃料电池电动汽车。燃料电池电动汽车实质上是电动汽车的一种,在车身、动力传动系统、控制系统等方面,燃料电池电动汽车与普通电动汽车基本相同,主要区别在于动力电池的工作原理不同。本文从燃料电池电动汽车的结构原理方面进行了详细的分析。  相似文献   

燃料电池是一种先进的化学电源,它作为开放式电源系统,已成为新的发电技术.燃料电池是高效、无噪音和少污染的洁净能源,必然受到人们的青睐.燃料电池的主要类型有碱性燃料电池、磷酸燃料电池、熔融碳酸盐燃料电池、质子交换膜燃料电池和固体氧化物燃料电池.本文就燃料电池的发生、发展、原理、特点、类型、应用等作一简要的综述.  相似文献   

燃料电池堆控制系统的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
燃料电池(Fuel-Cell,FC)是21世纪新型的高效、节能、环保的发电方式之一。它是一种将储存在燃料和氧化剂中的化学能通过电极反应直接转变成电能的电化学反应装置,最大特点是不经过热机过程,因此不受卡诺循环限制,能量转换效率高、噪声低、污染小,被公认为是21世纪首选的清洁、高效的新型发电技术。文章根据燃料电池发动机的功能和特点,给出了一种适合汽车用的高功率质子交换膜燃料电池堆控制系统的实现方法。此控制系统经过燃料电池汽车实际测试,运行良好。  相似文献   

1 燃料电池的分类 燃料电池是一种直接将燃料和氧化剂中的化学能高效地转化为电能的装置,反应生成电流、热量和水,洁净无污染。目前燃料电池常以电解质作为划分标准,电解质的类型决定了燃料电池的工作温度、电极上所采用的催化剂以及发生反应的化学物质。  相似文献   

李晓  陈静 《现代电子技术》2011,34(15):200-203
在燃料电池汽车中,电能转换是一个核心问题。结合燃料电池的特性,简要说明了燃料电池汽车中现有变换器的不足。同时,为了克服传统燃料电池汽车电能变换器两级结构固有的不足,进一步提高其稳定性,提出了一种性能较高的Z源逆变器,分析了该结构的工作原理,采用了一种新型的具有直通零矢量的三相电压空间矢量调制方法,介绍了其工作特点以及直通零矢量的产生方法,进行了相关的仿真实验。仿真结果表明,该电路结构能够达到较高的性能要求,适合在燃料电池汽车上应用。  相似文献   

介绍了一种新能源装置——燃料电池的原理、分类、特性及其在通信电源中的应用,并将其与柴油发电机组、铅酸蓄电池在能量转换效率、环境兼容性、可靠性、成本等诸多方面进行了比较,分析了燃料电池在通信行业中的应用现状以及存在的问题,并对燃料电池在通信行业中的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

在21世纪的今天,能源和环境对人类的压力越来越大.当人们把能源供应仍然寄托于煤的综合利用为主时,可以直接使用多种碳基燃料的高温固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)发电技术将是新型高效洁净能源的有效途径之一.在发展大型电站技术的同时,固体氧化物燃料电池作为分布式电站和备用电源技术及示范工程蓬勃开展.世界范围内,各种相关鼓励SOFC快速发展的政策陆续出台.千瓦量级的SOFC发电系统将在军方首先试用,多国联合的SOFC商业化进程正在加速实施.  相似文献   

空间燃料电池技术发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
载人航天、探月与深空探测等空间计划需要高品质的电能源技术以支持负载的用电需求。燃料电池具有高比能量等诸多优势和鲜明的特点,可在一些未来空间任务中发挥重要作用。主要介绍了空间用的燃料电池技术发展现状和趋势,以及面向空间应用的主要问题及其解决途径。  相似文献   

Significant recent interest has been directed towards the relationship between interfaces and reports of enhanced ionic conductivity. To gain a greater understanding of the effects of hetero‐interfaces on ionic conductivity, advanced analytical techniques including electron microscopy (TEM/STEM), electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) are used to characterize CeO2/Ce0.85Sm0.15O2 multilayer thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition. High quality growth is observed, but ionic conductivity measured by impedance spectroscopy and 18O tracer experiments is consistent with bulk materials. EELS analysis reveals the unusual situation of layers containing only Ce(IV) adjacent to layers containing both Ce(III) and Ce(IV). Post oxygen annealing induced oxygen diffusion and mixed oxidation states in both layers, but only in the vicinity of low angle grain boundaries perpendicular to the layers. The implications of the anomalous behavior of the Ce oxidation states on the design of novel electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells is discussed.  相似文献   

硅基微型直接甲醇燃料电池的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
设计了一种基于MEMS技术的硅基微型直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC),采用流体力学软件进行了DMFC三维阳极模型的模拟,〖JP2〗利用MEMS加工技术和PDMS封装工艺实现了这种燃料电池,并在室温下对有效面积为8600μm×8600μm的电池样品进行了性能测试.测试得到该DMFC的开路输出电压为0.5V,短路工作电流密度达到78.1mA/cm2,最大输出功率密度为3.86mW/cm2.主要参数已达到了一些电子器件的要求,具有一定的实用价值.  相似文献   

The world has entered an era featured with fast transportations, instant communications, and prompt technological revolutions, the further advancement of which all relies fundamentally, yet, on the development of cost-effective energy resources allowing for durable and high-rate energy supply. Current battery and fuel cell systems are challenged by a few issues characterized either by insufficient energy capacity or by operation instability and, thus, are not ideal for such highly-demanded applications as electrical vehicles and portable electronic devices. In this mini-review, we present, from materials perspectives, a few selected important breakthroughs in energy resources employed in these applications. Prospectives are then given to look towards future research activities for seeking viable materials solutions for addressing the capacity, durability, and cost shortcomings associated with current battery/fuel cell devices.  相似文献   

Although extensive research has been conducted, understanding the exact phenomena occurring during the operation of polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) remains difficult. This research attempted to identify new reasons for the reduced performance of PEFC using an imaging technique. To begin with, H+ and OH indicator sensors, which display red, blue, and green values (RGB) using digital microscopes, are developed and attached to each electrode of a membrane electrode assembly to enable quantitative analysis of ion generation. The proposed reaction in the fuel cell can be confirmed, and various reactions occurring in the electrode can be examined using this approach. In particular, H+ is generated at the anode and cathode of the anion exchange membrane fuel cell, which is found to be a major cause of performance deterioration.  相似文献   

Although the proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) has made great progress in recent decades, its commercialization has been hindered by a number of factors, among which is the total dependence on Pt‐based catalysts. Alkaline polymer electrolyte fuel cells (APEFCs) have been increasingly recognized as a solution to overcome the dependence on noble metal catalysts. In principle, APEFCs combine the advantages of and alkaline fuel cell (AFC) and a PEMFC: there is no need for noble metal catalysts and they are free of carbonate precipitates that would break the waterproofing in the AFC cathode. However, the performance of most alkaline polyelectrolytes can still not fulfill the requirement of fuel cell operations. In the present work, detailed information about the synthesis and physicochemical properties of the quaternary ammonia polysulfone (QAPS), a high‐performance alkaline polymer electrolyte that has been successfully applied in the authors' previous work to demonstrate an APEFC completely free from noble metal catalysts (S. Lu, J. Pan, A. Huang, L. Zhuang, J. Lu, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2008 , 105, 20611), is reported. Monitored by NMR analysis, the synthetic process of QAPS is seen to be simple and efficient. The chemical and thermal stability, as well as the mechanical strength of the synthetic QAPS membrane, are outstanding in comparison to commercial anion‐exchange membranes. The ionic conductivity of QAPS at room temperature is measured to be on the order of 10?2 S cm?1. Such good mechanical and conducting performances can be attributed to the superior microstructure of the polyelectrolyte, which features interconnected ionic channels in tens of nanometers diameter, as revealed by HRTEM observations. The electrochemical behavior at the Pt/QAPS interface reveals the strong alkaline nature of this polyelectrolyte, and the preliminary fuel cell test verifies the feasibility of QAPS for fuel cell applications.  相似文献   

As in many other electrochemical energy-converting systems, the flexible direct ethanol fuel cells rely heavily on high-performance catalysts with low noble metal contents and high tolerance to poisoning. In this work, a generic dealloying procedure to synthesize nanoporous multicomponent anodic and cathodic catalysts for the high-performance ethanol fuel cells is reported. On the anode side, the nanoporous AlPdNiCuMo high-entropy alloy exhibits an electrochemically active surface area of 88.53 m2 g−1Pd and a mass activity of 2.67 A mg−1Pd for the ethanol oxidation reaction. On the cathode side, the dealloyed spinel (AlMnCo)3O4 nanosheets with no noble metals demonstrate a comparable catalytic performance as the standard Pt/C for the oxygen reduction reaction, and tolerance to high concentrations of ethanol. Equipped with such anodic and cathodic catalysts, the flexible solid-state ethanol fuel cell is able to deliver an ultra-high energy density of 13.63 mWh cm−2 with only 3 mL ethanol, which is outstanding compared with other similar solid-state energy devices. Moreover, the solid-state ethanol fuel cell is highly flexible, durable and exhibits an inject-and-run function.  相似文献   

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