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We describe a mother and her twin daughters affected with severe hypodontia of the permanent teeth, precocious calcification of the choroid plexus, and minor digital anomalies. The presence of inner telecanthus, broad and flattened nasal bridge, mild ocular proptosis, small nose with anteverted nostrils, and slight microretrognathia gives them an unusual appearance. All three affected persons are of normal intelligence.  相似文献   

This article describes growth hormone deficiency in adults. The causes and clinical features are explained and the article looks at treatment approaches, their effects and the role of the nurse.  相似文献   

The dose of prophylactic cranial irradiation given to patients for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia has been decreased from 24 to 18 Gy, but the beneficial effect of this decrease on growth is controversial. This study compares the growth hormone (GH) secretion and growth of 35 patients (20 boys) given 18 Gy at 3.7+/-0.3 (SE) years, and routinely evaluated 5.4+/-0.4 years after irradiation to define the indications for GH treatment in these patients. Of these, 63% had a low GH peak (< 10 microg/l) after one (22 cases) or two (17 cases) stimulation tests. The plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor I and its GH-dependent binding protein were normal for age in all but two cases. The height changes between irradiation and evaluation were correlated with the GH peaks (P < 0.03) and were concordant, except in patients with early puberty. This occurred in 16 patients including all 12 girls irradiated before 4 years of age. A significant (P < 0.03) reduction in height (SD) between irradiation and adult height occurred in untreated GH-deficient patients (-1+/-0.3, n=6), but not in GH-deficient patients given GH (-0.6+/-0.3, n=8) or in those with normal GH peak (-0.4+/-0.3, n=7). CONCLUSION: In children irradiated for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, GH deficiency is frequent after 18 Gy but its impact on adult height is smaller than after higher doses. We suggest that the indications for gonadotropin releasing hormone analogue therapy should be broad in patients with early or rapidly progressing puberty and those for GH therapy in those patients with a below average constitutional height before irradiation.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of elevated free glycoprotein hormone alpha-subunit in different pituitary adenomas, to establish the diagnostic value of the basal and stimulated free alpha-subunit secretion in non-functioning adenomas. Serum basal levels of alpha-subunit were increased in 1 of 22 untreated, in 1 of 16 operated patients with non-functioning adenoma, in 6 of 28 untreated, in 1 of 7 operated patients with acromegaly, in 0 of 5 untreated prolactinomas and in 0 of 1 untreated gonadotrop adenoma. Overall free alpha-subunit levels were increased in 9 of 79 cases (11.4%). In 6 of 9 patients with untreated non-functioning adenoma thyrotrop hormone releasing hormone caused an abnormal--paradox--elevation of serum alpha-subunit. These data indicate that measurement of basal and stimulated alpha-subunit is of relatively poor value in the diagnosis of non-functioning pituitary adenomas. The transsphenoidal surgery did not resulted in a change of alpha-subunit secretion neither in patients with non-functioning adenoma nor with acromegaly. The present data confirm the view that non-functioning pituitary adenomas are not homogeneous since this subset of tumors includes adenomas that either do not secrete measurable amounts of free alpha-subunit or produce normal or supranormal amounts of subunits as consequence of still undefined biosynthetic abnormalities.  相似文献   

Reproductive hormone profile among pesticide factory workers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and testosterone levels, as well as urinary levels of FSH, LH, and E1C, a metabolite of testosterone, were measured to investigate the adverse reproductive effects of organophosphate pesticides among Chinese factory workers who were occupationally exposed to ethylparathion and methamidophos. Thirty-four exposed workers were randomly chosen and recruited from a large pesticide factory, and 44 unexposed workers were selected from a nearby textile factory. A quantitative pesticide exposure assessment was performed among a subset of the exposed and unexposed workers. Information on potential confounders was collected in an interview. A single blood sample was collected at the end of a work shift, when each subject also donated a semen sample. Three first-voided urine samples were collected from each worker on 3 consecutive days. Urinary p-nitrophenol level at 1 hour after the work shift correlated with serum (r = 0.71, P < 0.01) and urinary (r = 0.51, P = 0.04) FSH levels. Stratifying by the subjects' exposure status, we found a significant negative correlation among the exposed group between urinary FSH level and sperm count (r = -0.61, P < 0.01) and between urinary FSH level and sperm concentration (r = -0.53, P = 0.03). Pesticide exposure alone was significantly associated with serum LH level (beta [coefficient of exposure effect] = 0.79; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.42, 1.16) but not with serum FSH or testosterone or with any urinary hormone levels. With adjustment for age, rotating shift work, current cigarette smoking, and current alcohol consumption, exposure significantly increased the serum LH level by 1.1 mIU/mL (95% CI = 0.34, 1.82). Meanwhile, the serum FSH level was slightly elevated (beta [coefficient of exposure effect] = 1.38; 95% CI = -0.09, 2.85) and the serum testosterone level was decreased (beta = -55.13; 95% CI = -147.24, 37) with increased pesticide exposure. Age and rotating shift work appeared to act as confounders. We conclude that organophosphate pesticides have a small effect on male reproductive hormones, suggestive of a secondary hormonal disturbance after testicular damage.  相似文献   

In the present study we explored the possibility that the pituitary functions as an autonomous clock and is capable of generating rhythms of luteinizing hormone (LH) release independently of hypothalamic control. Pituitaries from estrous or diestrous day 1 female mice were perifused separately with Medium-199. Effluent samples were collected at 10-min intervals and assayed for LH levels. Fourier analysis and curve-fit analysis served to elucidate the presence of prominent periods whose significance was then determined by best-fit cosinor. The latter method was used to determine additional parameters for the significant rhythm. All perifused pituitaries exhibited LH release patterns that were composed of significantly long ultradian rhythms (approximately 16 and 8 h, p < 0.001). Continuous stimulation with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) or estradiol did not alter the periods of the observed rhythms but affected other rhythm parameters. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone increased the mesor of the rhythm and estradiol increased the amplitude. The results indicate that pituitary gonadotropes are capable of producing rhythms of LH release for a long duration in vitro, in the absence of hypothalamic control. Both GnRH and estradiol affect different rhythm parameters but do not change the periods of these rhythms.  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH) is a very potent anabolic agent released in the physiological situation in a pulsative manner from the pituitary gland. GH stimulates the protein synthesis and increases the intracellular transport of amino acids. When GH is administered to surgical patients, nitrogen retention is regularly seen, and in most situations fast mobilization takes place. The present data indicate that GH has a beneficial effect on the healing processes after surgery and trauma.  相似文献   

It is well known that GH is important in the regulation of longitudinal bone growth. Its role in the regulation of bone metabolism in man has not been understood until recently. Several in vivo and in vitro studies have demonstrated that GH is important in the regulation of both bone formation and bone resorption. In Figure 9 a simplified model for the cellular effects of GH in the regulation of bone remodeling is presented (Fig. 9). GH increases bone formation in two ways: via a direct interaction with GHRs on osteoblasts and via an induction of endocrine and autocrine/paracrine IGF-I. It is difficult to say how much of the GH effect is mediated by IGFs and how much is IGF-independent. GH treatment also results in increased bone resorption. It is still unknown whether osteoclasts express functional GHRs, but recent in vitro studies indicate that GH regulates osteoclast formation in bone marrow cultures. Possible modulations of the GH/IGF axis by glucocorticoids and estrogens are also included in Fig. 9. GH deficiency results in a decreased bone mass in both man and experimental animals. Long-term treatment (> 18 months) of GHD patients with GH results in an increased bone mass. GH treatment also increases bone mass and the total mechanical strength of bones in rats with a normal GH secretion. Recent clinical studies demonstrate that GH treatment of patients with normal GH secretion increases biochemical markers for both bone formation and bone resorption. Because of the short duration of GH treatment in man with normal GH secretion, the effect on bone mass is still inconclusive. Interestingly, GH treatment to GHD adults initially results in increased bone resorption with an increased number of bone-remodeling units and more newly produced unmineralized bone, resulting in an apparent low or unchanged bone mass. However, GH treatment for more than 18 months gives increased bone formation and bone mineralization of newly produced bone and a concomitant increase in bone mass as determined with DEXA. Thus, the action of GH on bone metabolism in GHD adults is 2-fold: it stimulates both bone resorption and bone formation. We therefore propose "the biphasic model" of GH action in bone remodeling (Fig. 10). According to this model, GH initially increases bone resorption with a concomitant bone loss that is followed by a phase of increased bone formation. After the moment when bone formation is stimulated more than bone resorption (transition point), bone mass is increased. However, a net gain of bone mass caused by GH may take some time as the initial decrease in bone mass must first be replaced (Fig. 10). When all clinical studies of GH treatment of GHD adults are taken into account, it appears that the "transition point" occurs after approximately 6 months and that a net increase of bone mass will be seen after 12-18 months of GH treatment. It should be emphasized that the biphasic model of GH action in bone remodeling is based on findings in GHD adults. It remains to be clarified whether or not it is valid for subjects with normal GH secretion. A treatment intended to increase the effects of GH/IGF-I axis on bone metabolism might include: 1) GH, 2) IGF, 3) other hormones/factors increasing the local IGF-I production in bone, and 4) GH-releasing factors. Other hormones/growth factors increasing local IGF may be important but are not discussed in this article. IGF-I has been shown to increase bone mass in animal models and biochemical markers in humans. However, no effect on bone mass has yet been presented in humans. Because the financial cost for GH treatment is high it has been suggested that GH-releasing factors might be used to stimulate the GH/IGF-I axis. The advantage of GH-releasing factors over GH is that some of them can be administered orally and that they may induce a more physiological GH secretion. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)  相似文献   

This article reviews some recent studies on alcohol preference, dependence, metabolism and pharmacokinetics which were mainly carried out in our department. The inbred strains of mice with genetically different alcohol drinking behavior and alcohol animal model treated with the neurotoxins, 6-hydroxydopamine and 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine, are useful for a behavioral and pharmacological approach to evaluate the contribution of specific neural systems to alcohol, drug dependence mechanism and alcohol drinking behavior. The relations between alcohol preference and some physiological conditions are reviewed. On the drug-alcohol interaction, some drugs containing the chemical group = CHONO2, antimony and methamphetamine are addressed. This article also deals with recent topics in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of alcohol. The dose-dependency of the alcohol elimination rate, the first-pass metabolism during alcohol drinking, and the pharmacodynamic model for describing pulse rate reaction to plasma acetaldehyde are discussed.  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH) has been in clinical use for almost 40 years to promote linear growth in growth hormone deficient children. Treatment has usually been stopped after the epiphyseal plates have fused or when the person reaches a proper height. Previously, GH replacement therapy in adults was not deemed clinically indicated. GH-deficiency in adults is now accepted as a clinical entity, manifested by cardiovascular dysfunction, dyslipidemia, reduced capacity for exercise and muscular weakness, altered body composition, increased prevalence of osteoporosis, and impaired psychological well-being. The treatment of adults used to be unrealistic, because of the limited supply of human pituitary-derived GH. Moreover, the risk of transferring Creutzfeldt-Jakobs disease led to a stop in the therapeutic use of pituitary GH preparations. The availability of recombinant human prion-free GH has made replacement therapy possible in GH-deficient adults. In this review, the GH deficiency syndrome in adults is described, together with the results of recent clinical studies of GH replacement treatment in adults.  相似文献   

开办农民工夜校是提升农民工素质的有效途径.分析了建筑业农民工夜校开展法制教育的意义,阐述了建筑业农民工夜校法制课程教学应遵循的原则、教学内容的安排和教学手段、方法的选择.  相似文献   

Specific inhibition of mammalian genes is possible through the use of antisense oligonucleotides (AS ODNs) or ribozymes. These strategies have led to a better understanding of several cellular and molecular mechanisms, among which cancer development. Recently, these strategies have been applied also for therapeutical purposes in diseases such as AIDS and cancer. In some of these therapeutical trials the antisense strategy is combined with gene transfer technology: the AS ODN or the ribozyme are expressed within the cell by the use of adenoviral or retroviral vectors. However, many difficulties have still to be overcome before ODNs and ribozymes can be used routinely in the clinic.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is a key hypothalamic peptide that controls the secretion of pituitary gonadotropins, particularly luteinizing hormone (LH), and hence gonadal function. Hypothalamic GnRH is released in a pulsatile manner. In the female, the pattern of GnRH pulses, i.e., pulse frequency and amplitude, varies during different reproductive stages and among different species. Several central and peripheral signals modulate GnRH neuronal activities. Some of these signals are stimulatory to GnRH release, e.g., norepinephrine (NE) and neuropeptide Y (NPY); some are inhibitory, e.g., beta-endorphin and interleukin-1; others are both stimulatory and inhibitory, e.g., estradiol-17 beta (E2). The neuronal structures and chemical interactions that result in pulsatile GnRH release remain unresolved. However, the core of the so-called 'GnRH pulse-generator' likely involves NE and NE transporter (NET, the protein for pre-synaptic re-uptake of NE). Both secretion and re-uptake of NE may determine hypothalamic NE availability. Many of the GnRH-stimulating and GnRH-inhibiting signals may influence the 'pulse-generator' by acting on GnRH neurons as second level signals. Hypothalamic GnRH is also released in a "surge" manner that is triggered either by increasing levels of circulating steroids (E2 and progesterone) during the preovulatory period in spontaneous-ovulating species, or by coitus in induced-ovulating animals. The sequential steps and mechanisms by which the GnRH surge occurs after E2 or coitus are not clear. However, it is unlikely that the E2 or coital stimuli act directly on GnRH neurons; E2 receptors have not been found in GnRH cells whereas coital signals must stop in the brainstem before they reach the hypothalamus. The brainstem may be an extra-hypothalamic site where both E2 and coital stimuli are transformed into GnRH-stimulating signals. One such signal may be NE whose brainstem cell bodies send terminals into the hypothalamus. Evidence from our laboratory suggests that a hypothalamic NE surge occurs at the time of the preovulatory GnRH surge in both the monkey and rabbit. Moreover, gene expression of both tyrosine hydroxylase (the rate-limiting enzyme for NE synthesis) and NET (the rate-limiting factor for synaptic NE transmission) in the brainstem increases after E2 in the monkey and after coitus in the rabbit. Other hypothalamic and/or brainstem signals, i.e., NPY, galanin, beta-endorphin, nitrous oxide and gamma aminobutyric acid, are likely involved in generating, maintaining and/or modulating the GnRH surge process. A better understanding of the up-stream GnRH-regulating signals will help improve treatments for many reproductive disorders associated with stress, obesity, infection and aging.  相似文献   

Since growth hormone has been implicated as a possible etiologic factor in the development of diabetic retinopathy, we examined growth hormone levels in two groups of growth-onset diabetics matched for age and duration of disease. The experimental group had definite proliferative diabetic retinopathy; the control group of growth-onset diabetics had no significant retinopathy. Basal and levodopa-stimulated levels of growth hormone were determined for each group. Growth hormone response could not be correlated with the presence or absence of diabetic retinopathy (P less than .05).  相似文献   

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