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The Inventory of Drinking Situations (H. M. Annis, 1982) was used to assess the situations in which 286 clients drank heavily in the year before entering an alcohol treatment program. The modal profile analysis (H. A. Skinner & H. Lei, 1980) classified 88% of this clinical sample into one of four types solely on the basis of profile shape: high negative profile, high positive profile, low physical discomfort profile, and low-testing personal control profile. The discriminant function analysis indicated that high negative profile clients as compared with high positive profile clients were more likely to be women, to drink alone, and to have high alcohol dependence scores. High positive profile clients were more likely to be older, to report fewer years of problem drinking, and to report less alcohol consumption on a typical drinking day as compared with clients having low physical discomfort profiles. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Evaluated in 479 cancer patients the psychometric properties of the Cancer Inventory of Problem Situations (CIPS), a cancer-specific survey designed to assess day-to-day problems and rehabilitation needs. CIPS was factored into 31 clinically useful subscales and 5 higher order factors representing the physical, psychosocial, medical interaction, marital, and sexual problem areas characteristic of cancer and its treatment. Internal consistency of all the scales was high. Test–retest reliability and validity of the instrument were studied in 120 cancer patients. Analyses of items, subscales, higher order factors, and total CIPS score suggest excellent reliability. The pattern of correlations of CIPS with other measures provided preliminary evidence of concurrent, discriminant, and convergent validity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Identifying situations in which individuals gamble may be important for developing or improving treatments, but few instruments exist for examining high-risk gambling situations. This study evaluated the factor structure of the Inventory of Gambling Situations (IGS), an instrument that assesses situations that may lead to gambling episodes. Individuals seeking alcohol and drug abuse treatment who were identified as problem or pathological gamblers (N = 283) completed the IGS, and principal component analysis revealed a 4-factor solution best fit the data; the factors represented items related to Negative Affect, Positive Affect, Gambling Cues, and Social Situations. Across the whole scale, Cronbach's alpha was 0.97, ranging from 0.83 to 0.96 for the four factors. IGS total scores correlated with other indices of gambling problems, including number of pathological gambling criteria endorsed and frequency and intensity of gambling. Race, education, and severity of psychiatric, drug, and alcohol problems were significantly predictive of some factor scores. Specifically, African Americans were more likely to gamble in response to Negative Affect situations than Caucasians, and education was inversely associated with wagering in response to Gambling Cues. Psychiatric symptoms were predictive of gambling in response to both Positive and Negative Affect situations and Gambling Cues. Severity of drug and alcohol problems were related to gambling in Social Situations. Results from this study indicate that the IGS has good psychometric properties and suggest areas in which intervention efforts may be tailored to prevent or treat gambling problems among individuals seeking substance abuse treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The development, factor structure, and validity of the Inventory of Drug-Taking Situations (IDTS) is described. This 50-item self-report questionnaire, which is an extension of the Inventory of Drinking Situations (Annis, 1982. Inventory of drinking situations; Annis, Graham & Davis, 1987, Inventory of drinking situations (IDS): User's guide), is designed to assess the situational antecedents to use of a wide range of drugs of abuse. The IDTS consists of 8 subscales that measure a client's substance use in the 8 situations identified in the work of Marlatt (1978, Alcoholism: New directions in behavioral research and treatment): Unpleasant Emotions, Physical Discomfort, Pleasant Emotions, Testing Personal Control, Urges and Temptations to Use, Conflict with Others, Social Pressure to Use, and Pleasant Times with Others. Reliability, factor structure and validity of the IDTS were assessed on 699 clients admitted to the Addiction Research Foundation's treatment facility in Toronto. The IDTS was shown to have reliable subscales. The IDTS total score correlated with self-ratings of the severity of the clients' substance use problem, and with retrospective reports of frequency of use (drugs) and quantity of use (alcohol), years of usage, and severity of dependence. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the fit of the data to Marlatt's model of substance use situations, as well as to several alternative models. The goodness-of-fit indicators suggested that the best fit for the data was an 8-factor model corresponding to the 8 subscales based on the Marlatt categories. Evidence was presented that the 8 subscales can be further grouped into 3 second-order factors: (1) negative situations, (2) positive situations, and (3) temptation situations. The negative situation subscales of Unpleasant Emotions, Conflict with Others and Physical Discomfort were found to be correlated with the SCL-90R Depression scale. Interpersonal Sensitivity scale and Somatization scale respectively. The positive social situation subscales of Pleasant Times with Others and Social Pressure to Use were found to be negatively correlated with percentage of time using alone, and positively correlated with pressure from friends and family to use. On the States of Change Readiness and Treatment Eagerness Scales (SOCRATES), clients at the precontemplation stage of change had relatively flat, undifferentiated IDTS profiles (i.e. little scatter of subscale scores), whereas clients in the determination stage had the most differentiation in their IDTS subscale scores. Excellent comparability was found for alcohol clients between the IDS and the IDTS. Evidence was also presented for adequate comparability between the computer and paper and pencil administrative formats of the IDTS.  相似文献   

Used factor-analytic methods to assess construct validity of the Classroom Behavior Inventory (CBI) by L. M. Greenberg, et al, a clinically developed scale for rating behaviors associated with hyperactivity. Administration to 320 kindergarten males revealed that the CBI measures 3 dimensions of behavior: Hyperactivity, Hostility, and Sociability. Correlations of CBI ratings and classroom observations were used to measure concurrent validity. Significant concurrent validity was obtained only for the CBI impulsiveness category. The utility of the CBI in identification and treatment of Ss with behavior problems is discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The 42-item version of the Inventory of Drinking Situations (IDS-42) assesses relative frequency of drinking behavior across eight categories of drinking situations and was originally developed as a method for identifying high-risk situations in alcoholic samples. This study was designed to examine the psychometric properties of the IDS-42 in a sample of university students in order to assess its suitability as an assessment tool in the non-clinical population. Three hundred and ninety-six students (111 M, 283 F, 2 with missing gender data) completed the IDS-42 and a well established measure of drinking motives, the Drinking Motives Questionnaire (DMQ). Confirmatory factor analysis of the IDS-42 established a hierarchical factor structure with eight lower-order factors and three higher-order factors of negatively-reinforcing situations, positively-reinforcing situations, and temptation situations. The eight lower-order IDS-42 factors demonstrated moderate to high internal consistency and excellent concurrent validity with conceptually-similar DMQ subscale scores. Non-parametric analyses revealed that male students reported a higher drinking frequency overall as compared to female students, particularly in IDS-42 situations involving Social Pressure to Drink, Pleasant Times with Others, Testing Personal Control, and Urges and Temptations. Across the entire sample of university student drinkers, a higher drinking frequency was reported in positively-reinforcing situations as compared to negatively-reinforcing situations and temptation situations, as predicted. Results suggest the IDS-42 possesses good psychometric properties and support its utility as a tool in identifying situation-specific antecedents to drinking among university students.  相似文献   

Pet and wildlife populations are a potential source of various public health problems, and injuries and complications due to animal bites and scratches are the most obvious. As no population based data on the frequency of animal bites were available at a national level in Switzerland, a study was conducted by the Swiss Sentinel Surveillance Network. The objectives of this study were to estimate the incidence of medical consultations due to bite and scratch injuries in humans caused by vertebrate animals, to identify possible risk factors, and to assess bite management habits in primary health care. An annual bite and scratch incidence rate of 325 per 100,000 population was estimated. Consultations peaked during the summer months and geographical differences in the reported incidence were observed. Dogs accounted for more than 60% and cats for about 25% of all cases reported. Animal bites and scratches were frequent in persons under 20 years of age. In most ages, the incidence was higher among women than among men, but not in children under the age of ten years. The incidence of cat bites was especially high in adult women. Bites to the head and neck were most frequent in infants and young children and accounted for approximately one third of the reported cases in this age group. Patients sought medical care principally for primary wound care (52.0%) and for vaccination advice (29.6%). Rabies postexposure prophylaxis was initiated in 1.1% of patients. Wound infection was reported in 10.9% of cases, with cat bites/scratches being more often infected than injuries due to dogs. Hospitalization was reported in 0.3 % of patients. Data from the emergency department of two district hospitals showed that head and neck injuries were more frequent in out-patients and a higher proportion of persons presented with wound infections (14.1%). The hospitalization rate for emergency department visits was 4.7%. Animal bites and scratches are common events in Switzerland. They represent a public health issue of growing importance due to the steadily increasing pet population. A practice based sentinel surveillance system may be an appropriate tool to monitor national trends in animal bites and scratches.  相似文献   

Assessed the criterion validity of 3 cognitive development scales (Intellectual Screening, Achievement, and Development scales) within the Personality Inventory for Children (PIC) via correlations with the WISC—R. 48 children who were referred to an interdisciplinary university clinic for academic as well as social/emotional difficulties completed the WISC—R, and their parents completed the PIC. Results suggest that the PIC has validity for the task of screening children's cognitive abilities. One unexpected finding suggests that the WISC—R freedom from distractibility factor may reflect sensitivity to internal rather than external stimulation. (5 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that intravenous infusion of fenoldopam, a selective dopamine-1 receptor agonist, elevates intraocular pressure (IOP) in man. This study evaluated the effect of intravenous fenoldopam on IOP, aqueous humor outflow facility and gonioscopy in 12 healthy human subjects. Three doses (0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 microg/kg/min) were infused for 120 minutes in a double masked, placebo controlled, four-way crossover design. IOP was measured every 20 minutes in the supine position and every 40 minutes while sitting during the drug and placebo infusions. Tonography and gonioscopy were performed at baseline and after 120 minutes of infusion. Compared to placebo, IOP increased by 3.5 mm Hg (32%) for the lowest dose, 5.8 mm Hg (46%) for the intermediate dose, and 6.9 mm Hg (55%) for the highest dose (p<0.05 for all three doses). IOP returned to baseline within 30 minutes of stopping the infusion. The outflow facility decreased from baseline by 26% after 120 minutes of infusion for all drug doses. In contrast, outflow facility increased from baseline by 11% during placebo infusion. Compared to placebo, the fenoldopam induced changes in outflow were statistically significant (p<0.05). There was no change in the gonioscopic appearance of the anterior chamber angle during the infusion. This study shows that systemic administration of a selective dopamine-1 receptor agonist causes a significant dose-dependent increase in IOP that can be explained in part by diminished outflow facility. These results support a role for the dopamine-1 receptor in the modulation of IOP in general and suggest modulation of aqueous humor outflow by dopaminergic receptors.  相似文献   

Following inpatient treatment in an acute psychiatric facility, 253 adolescents (129 boys and 124 girls; mean age?=?15.3 years) evaluated individual psychotherapy by completing the Child Evaluation Inventory (CEI). A principal-components analysis (varimax rotation) was conducted on the intercorrelations of the 19 CEI items. The results suggested a 2-factor structure consisting of Progress and Acceptability. Internal consistencies (Cronbach's alpha) for the Factor 1 and Factor 2 items were .928 and .889, respectively. Zero-order correlations with independent ratings by the individual therapists suggest reasonably elevated concurrent validity for the CEI. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Applied 3 readability formulas differing in criterion for comprehension to the Personality Inventory for Children (PIC), PIC—Revised, and abbreviated forms of the PIC to investigate overall readability. Reading difficulty ranged from the 5th- to 6th-grade level for the least stringent formula to the mid-7th-grade level for the most stringent formula, and readability of abbreviated forms approximated readability of the entire PIC. It is recommended that mid-6th-grade reading skills be required of PIC respondents. (7 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Administered R. I. Lanyon's (see record 2005-09936-001) Psychological Screening Inventory to 150 undergraduates. Ss' responses to the 130 items were subjected to a factor analysis to define an oblique simple structure. This analysis yielded 3 relatively independent and psychologically meaningful factors: Introversion, Social Maladjustment, and Emotional Maladjustment. These factors have a substantial general correspondence to certain Psychological Screening Inventory scales, although it was not possible to define a 5-factor solution that corresponded directly to Lanyon's 5 scales. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Factor-analyzed the Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI), which conceptualizes masculinity and femininity as 2 independent dimensions rather than using the traditional notion of a single bipolar dimension. BSRI scores from 253 male and female industrial workers, 36 police officers, and 36 nonworking housewives were analyzed. 4 factors were defined: Masculinity, Femininity, Sex of S, and "Mature" Neutral. Since a few "masculine" and "feminine" items from the original version of the BSRI did not load on either factor, a revision of the scale to exclude these items is recommended. However, the results support the contention that masculinity and femininity are more reasonably considered as independent traits rather than as a single bipolar dimension. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Working Alliance Inventory (WAI; A. O. Horvath and L. S. Greenberg [see PA, Vol 76:24600]) was completed after the 1st psychotherapy session by 84 university counseling center clients and 15 therapists rating their work with 123 clients. The factor structure of these responses was examined using confirmatory factor analysis. A model with 1 general factor, a model with 3 specific factors, and a bilevel model of the factor structure were examined. The bilevel factor structure, with a General Alliance factor as its primary factor and 3 secondary specific factors, fit the data best. The items most indicative of the 3 specific factors were selected to form a 12-item short form of the WAI. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Administered a battery of tests to 65 1st graders. Nine months later the Metropolitan Achievement Test was administered to 62 of the Ss. The McCarthy General Cognitive Index, the Adaptive Behavior Inventory for Children Average Scaled Score, and the McCarthy Motor Index demonstrated significant correlations with achievement. The McCarthy General Cognitive Index emerged as the only significant predictor of achievement in multiple regression analyses. Implications for 1st-grade screening are discussed. (19 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present studies deal with the integration of theoretical models and empirical work on the antecedents of causal attributions with conceptions about attributional consequences. A central, although thus far neglected, postulate of attribution is addressed: the assumption that realistic attributions lead (or, more specifically, are perceived as leading) to functional behaviors and emotions. First, definitions of veridicality and functionality are discussed within an attributional framework. Second, three simulation studies that investigate whether realistic attributions are perceived as leading to functional reactions were conducted. Results indicated that stimulus persons who are described as exhibiting behaviors that are guided by unrealistic attributions are judged to be less likely to attain long-range success in both achievement and social situations and are thought of as being less contented and less likeable than persons who show reactions that are tied to realistic attributions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"In order to determine the present status of psychology in state institutions, a questionnaire was sent to 101 institutions in the United States and Canada… . Replies were received from 72% of the total sent. Thirteen reported that they have no psychologists… . The 72 institutions which replied have 109,010 patients served by 143 full-time and 14 part-time psychologists—approximately 725 patients per psychologist." In general, the functions of psychologists in these institutions are very similar. The "role of the department of psychology, as with other services in an institution, should not be as an autonomous unit with separate function, but as an integral part of a patient-centered team." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A new measure, the Rhode Island Stress and Coping Inventory (RISCI), was developed to examine perceived stress and coping independent of specific stress situations. An adult sample (N = 466) was randomly divided into equal halves for developmental and confirmatory instrument development. Initial instrument development used principal components analysis, item analysis, and a measure of internal consistency (Coefficient alpha). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was employed on the confirmatory sample to examine the structure of the refined item set. Several CFA fit indices indicated excellent fit for a model that represents perceived stress and coping as two moderately correlated dimensions. Validity analyses found strong relationships in the expected directions for both RISCI subscales with the 5-item Mental Health Inventory. Further validity analyses supported the utility of the RISCI in applied research with smokers and confirmed past research findings that successful quitters experience less perceived stress and cope better than relapsers.  相似文献   

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