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The het-s locus of Podospora anserina is a heterokaryon incompatibility locus. The coexpression of the antagonistic het-s and het-S alleles triggers a lethal reaction that prevents the formation of viable heterokaryons. Strains that contain the het-s allele can display two different phenotypes, [Het-s] or [Het-s*], according to their reactivity in incompatibility. The detection in these phenotypically distinct strains of a protein expressed from the het-s gene indicates that the difference in reactivity depends on a posttranslational difference between two forms of the polypeptide encoded by the het-s gene. This posttranslational modification does not affect the electrophoretic mobility of the protein in SDS/PAGE. Several results suggest a similarity of behavior between the protein encoded by the het-s gene and prions. The [Het-s] character can propagate in [Het-s*] strains as an infectious agent, producing a [Het-s*] --> [Het-s] transition, independently of protein synthesis. Expression of the [Het-s] character requires a functional het-s gene. The protein present in [Het-s] strains is more resistant to proteinase K than that present in [Het-s*] mycelium. Furthermore, overexpression of the het-s gene increases the frequency of the transition from [Het-s*] to [Het-s]. We propose that this transition is the consequence of a self-propagating conformational modification of the protein mediated by the formation of complexes between the two different forms of the polypeptide.  相似文献   

In an attempt to decipher their role in the life history and senescence process of the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina, we have cloned the su1 and su2 genes, previously identified as implicated in cytosolic translation fidelity. We show that these genes are the equivalents of the SUP35 and SUP45 genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which encode the cytosolic translation termination factors eRF3 and eRF1, respectively. Mutations in these genes that suppress nonsense mutations may lead to drastic mycelium morphology changes and sexual impairment but have little effect on life span. Deletion of su1, coding for the P. anserina eRF3, is lethal. Diminution of its expression leads to a nonsense suppressor phenotype whereas its overexpression leads to an antisuppressor phenotype. P. anserina eRF3 presents an N-terminal region structurally related to the yeast eRF3 one. Deletion of the N-terminal region of P. anserina eRF3 does not cause any vegetative alteration; especially life span is not changed. However, it promotes a reproductive impairment. Contrary to what happens in S. cerevisiae, deletion of the N terminus of the protein promotes a nonsense suppressor phenotype. Genetic analysis suggests that this domain of eRF3 acts in P. anserina as a cis-activator of the C-terminal portion and is required for proper reproduction.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2), an important element in eukaryotic signal transduction, is synthesized either by phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase (PtdIns(4)P 5K) from phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PtdIns(4)P) or by phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase (PtdIns(5)P 4K) from phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate (PtdIns(5)P). Two Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes, MSS4 and FAB1, are homologous to mammalian PtdIns(4)P 5Ks and PtdIns(5)P 4Ks. We show here that MSS4 is a functional homolog of mammalian PtdIns(4)P 5K but not of PtdIns(5)P 4K in vivo. We constructed a hemagglutinin epitope-tagged form of Mss4p and found that Mss4p has PtdIns(4)P 5K activity. Immunofluorescent and fractionation studies of the epitope-tagged Mss4p suggest that Mss4p is localized on the plasma membrane, whereas Fab1p is reportedly localized on the vacuolar membrane. A temperature-sensitive mss4-1 mutant was isolated, and its phenotypes at restrictive temperatures were found to include increased cell size, round shape, random distribution of actin patches, and delocalized staining of cell wall chitin. Thus, biochemical and genetic analyses on Mss4p indicated that yeast PtdIns(4)P 5K localized on the plasma membrane is required for actin organization.  相似文献   

Amplification is a key mechanism whereby a cancer cell increases the message level of genes that confer a selective advantage when they are overexpressed. In breast cancer, there are many chromosome regions present in multiple copies relative to overall DNA copy number (amplicons), and their target genes are unknown. Using differential display, we have cloned and sequenced the full coding region of a candidate amplicon target gene located on chromosome 13. This candidate is the human homologue of the Caenorhabditis elegans cul-4 gene, cul-4A, a member of the novel cullin gene family, which is involved in cell cycle control of C. elegans. cul-4A was amplified and overexpressed in 3 of 14 breast cancer cell lines analyzed, and it was overexpressed in 8 additional cell lines in which it was not amplified. The latter observation, indicating that its overexpression can occur by mechanisms other than gene amplification, suggests that cul-4A plays a key role in carcinogenesis. Moreover, cul-4A was found to be amplified in 17 of 105 (16%) cases of untreated primary breast cancers, and 14 of 30 cases analyzed (47%) were shown by RNA in situ hybridization to overexpress cul-4A. These results suggest that up-regulation of cul-4A may play an important role in tumor progression.  相似文献   

Results of in vitro and genetic studies have provided evidence for four pathways by which proteins are targeted to the chloroplast thylakoid membrane. Although these pathways are initially engaged by distinct substrates and involve some distinct components, an unresolved issue has been whether multiple pathways converge on a common translocation pore in the membrane. A homologue of eubacterial SecY called cpSecY is localized to the thylakoid membrane. Since SecY is a component of a protein-translocating pore in bacteria, cpSecY likely plays an analogous role. To explore the role of cpSecY, we obtained maize mutants with transposon insertions in the corresponding gene. Null cpSecY mutants exhibit a severe loss of thylakoid membrane, differing in this regard from mutants lacking cpSecA. Therefore, cpSecY function is not limited to a translocation step downstream of cpSecA. The phenotype of cpSecY mutants is also much more pleiotropic than that of double mutants in which both the cpSecA- and DeltapH-dependent thylakoid-targeting pathways are disrupted. Therefore, cpSecY function is likely to extend beyond any role it might play in these targeting pathways. CpSecY mutants also exhibit a defect in chloroplast translation, revealing a link between chloroplast membrane biogenesis and chloroplast gene expression.  相似文献   

We have cloned a Caenorhabditis elegans homologue of the Drosophila gap gene hunchback (hb) and have designated it hbl-1 (hunchback-like). hbl-1 encodes a predicted 982-amino-acid protein, containing two putative zinc-finger domains similar to those of Drosophila Hunchback. The gene is transcribed embryonically, but unlike the maternally expressed Drosophila hb, its mRNA is not detected in C. elegans oocytes. A hbl-1::gfp reporter is expressed primarily in ectodermal cells during embryonic and larval development. Double-stranded RNA-interference (RNAi) was used to indicate hbl-1 loss-of-function phenotypes. Progeny of hbl-1(RNAi) hermaphrodites exhibit a range of defects; the most severely affected progeny arrest as partially elongated embryos or as hatching, misshapen L1 larvae. Animals that survive to adulthood exhibit variably dumpy (Dpy), uncoordinated (Unc), and egg-laying defective (Egl) phenotypes, as well as defects in vulval morphology (Pvl). Abnormal organization of hypodermal cells and expression of a hypodermal marker in hbl-1(RNAi) animals suggests that most of the phenotypes observed could be due to improper specification of hypodermal cells. The pattern of hbl-1 expression is similar to that reported for the leech hunchback homologue Lzf-2, suggesting that these proteins may have similar biological functions in diverse species with cellular embryos.  相似文献   

Petal senescence is an example of a highly reproducible cell death programme. In this programme, DNA is fragmented internucleosomally and cells with condensed nuclei containing an increased number of 5' ends can be detected with the TUNEL technique. The pea homologue of defender against apoptotic death (dad), a gene described to suppress endogenous programmed cell death in Caenorhabditis elegans and mammals was isolated. Expression studies show that dad declines dramatically upon flower anthesis disappearing in senescent petals, and is down-regulated by the plant hormone ethylene.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells, many secretory proteins are targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum co-translationally, by the signal recognition particle (SRP) and its receptor. In Escherichia coli, the targeting of secretory proteins to the inner membrane can be accomplished post-translationally. Unexpectedly, despite this variance, E. coli contains essential genes encoding Ffh and FtsY with a significant similarity to proteins of the eukaryotic SRP machinery. In this study, we investigated the possibility that the prokaryotic SRP-like machinery is involved in biogenesis of membrane proteins in E. coli. The data presented here demonstrate that the SRP-receptor homologue, FtsY, is indeed essential for expression of integral membrane proteins in E. coli, indicating that, in the case of this group of proteins, FtsY and the mammalian SRP receptor have similar functions.  相似文献   

Spindle formation in fission yeast occurs by the interdigitation of two microtubule arrays extending from duplicated spindle pole bodies which span the nuclear membrane. By screening a bank of temperature-sensitive mutants by anti-tubulin immunofluorescence microscopy, we previously identified the sad1.1 mutation (Hagan, I., and M. Yanagida. 1990. Nature (Lond.). 347:563-566). Here we describe the isolation and characterization of the sad1+ gene. We show that the sad1.1 mutation affected both spindle formation and function. The sad1+ gene is a novel essential gene that encodes a protein with a predicted molecular mass of 58 kD. Deletion of the gene was lethal resulting in identical phenotypes to the sad1.1 mutation. Sequence analysis predicted a potential membrane-spanning domain and an acidic amino terminus. Sad1 protein migrated as two bands of 82 and 84 kD on SDS-PAGE, considerably slower than its predicted mobility, and was exclusively associated with the spindle pole body (SPB) throughout the mitotic and meiotic cycles. Microtubule integrity was not required for Sad1 association with the SPB. Upon the differentiation of the SPB in metaphase of meiosis II, Sad1-staining patterns similarly changed from a dot to a crescent supporting an integral role in SPB function. Moderate overexpression of Sad1 led to association with the nuclear periphery. As Sad1 was not detected in the cytoplasmic microtubule-organizing centers activated at the end of anaphase or kinetochores, we suggest that Sad1 is not a general component of microtubule-interacting structures per se, but is an essential mitotic component that associates with the SPB but is not required for microtubule nucleation. Sad1 may play a role in SPB structure, such as maintaining a functional interface with the nuclear membrane or in providing an anchor for the attachment of microtubule motor proteins.  相似文献   

The Ku heterodimer, conserved in a wide range of eukaryotes, plays a multiplicity of roles in yeast. First, binding of Ku, which is composed of a 70 kDa (Hdf1p) and an 80 kDa (Hdf2p) subunit [1-3], to double-strand breaks promotes non-homologous end-to-end joining of DNA [3]. Second, Ku appears to participate in DNA replication, regulating both the number of rounds of replication permissible within the cell cycle and the structure of the initiation complex [3,4]. Furthermore, mutations in HDF1 or HDF2 rapidly reduce telomeric poly (TG1-3) tract size [1-3], hinting also at a possible telomeric function of Ku. We show here that the two subunits of the Ku heterodimer play a key role in maintaining the integrity of telomere structure. Mutations in either Ku subunit increased the single-strandedness of the telomere in a cell-cycle-independent fashion, unlike wild-type cells which form 3' poly(TG1-3) overhangs exclusively in late S phase [5]. In addition, mutations enhanced the instability of elongated telomeres to degradation and recombination. Both Ku subunits genetically interacted with the putative single-stranded telomere-binding protein Cdc13p. We propose that Ku protects the telomere against nucleases and recombinases.  相似文献   

The model carcinogen 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4-NQO) has historically been characterized as "UV-mimetic" with respect to its genotoxic properties. However, recent evidence indicates that 4-NQO, unlike 254-nm UV light, may exert significant cytotoxic and/or mutagenic potential via the generation of reactive oxygen species. To elucidate the response of eukaryotic cells to 4-NQO-induced oxidative stress, we isolated Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants exhibiting hypersensitivity to the cytotoxic effects of this mutagen. One such mutant, EBY1, was cross-sensitive to the oxidative agents UVA and diamide while retaining parental sensitivities to 254-nm UV light, methyl methanesulfonate, and ionizing radiation. A complementing gene (designated yPTPA1), restoring full UVA and 4-NQO resistance to EBY1 and encoding a protein that shares 40% identity with the human phosphotyrosyl phosphatase activator hPTPA, has been isolated. Targeted deletion of yPTPA1 in wild type yeast engendered the identical pattern of mutagen hypersensitivity as that manifested by EBY1, in addition to a spontaneous mutator phenotype that was markedly enhanced upon exposure to either UVA or 4-NQO but not to 254-nm UV or methyl methanesulfonate. Moreover, the yptpa1 deletion mutant exhibited a marked deficiency in the recovery of high molecular weight DNA following 4-NQO exposure, revealing a defect at the level of DNA repair. These data (i) strongly support a role for active oxygen intermediates in determining the genotoxic outcome of 4-NQO exposure and (ii) suggest a novel mechanism in yeast involving yPtpa1p-mediated activation of a phosphatase that participates in the repair of oxidative DNA damage, implying that hPTPA may exert a similar function in humans.  相似文献   

Myxococcus xanthus contains two genes (lonV and lonD) homologous to the Escherichia coli lon gene for an ATP-dependent protease. We found that the lonD gene encodes a 90-kDa protein consisting of 827 amino acid residues. The lonD gene product shows 49, 48, and 52% sequence identity to the products of the M. xanthus lonV, E. coli lon, and Bacillus brevis lon genes, respectively. When a lonD-lacZ fusion was used, lonD was expressed during both vegetative growth and development. However, while lonD-disrupted strains were able to grow normally vegetatively, the development of M. xanthus was found to be arrested at an early stage in these strains. The mutant strains were able to form neither fruiting bodies nor myxospores.  相似文献   

Elongation factor P (EFP) is a protein that stimulates the peptidyltransferase activity of fully assembled 70 S prokaryotic ribosomes and enhances the synthesis of certain dipeptides initiated by N-formylmethionine. This reaction appears conserved throughout species and is promoted in eukaryotic cells by a homologous protein, eIF5A. Here we ask whether the Escherichia coli gene encoding EFP is essential for cell viability. A kanamycin resistance (KanR) gene was inserted near the N-terminal end of the efp gene and was cloned into a plasmid, pMAK705, that has a temperature-sensitive origin of replication. After transformation into a recA+ E. coli strain, temperature-sensitive mutants were isolated, and their chromosomal DNA was sequenced. Mutants containing the efp-KanR gene in the chromosome grew at 33 degrees C only in the presence of the wild-type copy of the efp gene in the pMAK705 plasmid and were unable to grow at 44 degrees C. Incorporation of various isotopes in vivo suggests that translation is impaired in the efp mutant at 44 degrees C. At 44 degrees C, mutant cells are severely defective in peptide-bond formation. We conclude that the efp gene is essential for cell viability and is required for protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Although it is known that calmodulin is involved in G1 progression, the calmodulin-dependent G1 events are not well understood. We have analyzed here the role of calmodulin in the activity, the expression, and the intracellular location of proteins involved in G1 progression. The addition of anti-calmodulin drugs to normal rat kidney cells in early G1 inhibited cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (Cdk4) and Cdk2 activities, as well as retinoblastoma protein phosphorylation. Protein levels of cdk4, cyclin D1, cyclin D2, cyclin E, p21, and p27 were not affected after CaM inhibition, whereas decreases in the amount of cyclin A and Cdc2 were observed. The decrease of Cdk4 activity was due neither to changes in its association to cyclin D1 nor to changes in the amount of p21 or p27 bound to cyclin D1-Cdk4 complexes. Calmodulin inhibition also produced a translocation of nuclear cyclin D1 and Cdk4 to the cytoplasm. This translocation could be responsible for the decreased Cdk4 activity upon calmodulin inhibition. Immunoprecipitation, calmodulin affinity chromatography, and direct binding experiments indicated that calmodulin associates with Cdk4 and cyclin D1 through a calmodulin-binding protein. The facts that Hsp90 interacts with Cdk4 and that its inhibition induced Cdk4 and cyclin D1 translocation to the cytoplasm point to Hsp90 as a good candidate for being the calmodulin-binding protein involved in the nuclear accumulation of Cdk4 and cyclin D1.  相似文献   

Serum amyloid A (SAA) is a plasma protein which has been associated with several diseases, including amyloidosis, arthritis, and atherosclerosis, and its abnormal expression, particularly in nonhepatic cells, is implicated in the pathogenesis of these diseases. Transfection and DNA-binding studies were performed to investigate the mechanism controlling cytokine-induced, nonhepatic expression of the SAA gene. We have identified a novel promoter, located between positions -280 and 224, that confers interleukin-6 (IL-6) inducibility to an SAA-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene in both nonhepatic and hepatic cells. DNase I protection assays revealed, within this region, three homologous highly pyrimidine rich octanucleotide sequence motifs, termed SAA-activating sequences (SAS). Specific mutations within these three SAS motifs severely reduced IL-6-mediated induction of the reporter gene in transfected nonhepatic cells but not in liver cells. A nuclear factor activated by IL-6 in both hepatic and nonhepatic cells efficiently interacts with the SAS. The induction kinetics and cycloheximide sensitivity of this SAS-binding factor (SAF) suggested that de novo synthesis of this factor itself or an activator protein is essential. Loss of DNA-binding ability as a result of in vitro dephosphorylation, induction of SAA-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene activity in the presence of genistein, a protein kinase inhibitor, further indicate that a phosphorylation step is necessary for the activation of SAF. Our results suggest that SAF is a key regulator of cytokine-mediated SAA gene expression in some nonhepatic cells.  相似文献   

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