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Effectively atomically flat interfaces over a macroscopic area (“(411)A super-flat interfaces”) were successfully achieved in In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As quantum wells (QWs) grown on (411)A InP substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) at a substrate temperature of 570°C and V/III=6. Surface morphology of the In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As QWs was smooth and featureless, while a rough surface of those simultaneously grown on a (100) InP substrate was observed. Photoluminescence (PL) linewidths at 4.2 K from the (411)A QWs with well width of 0.6–12 nm were 20–30 % narrower than those grown on a (100) InP substrate and also they are almost as narrow as each of split PL peaks for those of growth-interrupted QWs on a (100) InP substrate. In the case of the (411)A QWs, only one PL peak with very narrow linewidth was observed from each QW over a large distance (7 mm) on a wafer.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that a self-organization phenomenon occurs in strained InGaAs system on InP (311) substrates grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. This suggests that a similar formation process of nanocrystals exists not only on the GaAs (311)B substrate but also on the InP (311)B substrate. However, the ordering and the size homogeneity of the self-organized nanocrystals are slightly worse than those of the InGaAs/AlGaAs system on the GaAs (311)B substrate. The tensilely strained condition of a InGaAs/InP system with growth interruption in a PH3 atmosphere reveals a surface morphology with nanocrystals even on the InP (100) substrate. It was found that strain energy and high growth temperature are important factors for self-organization on III-V compound semiconductors. Preliminary results indicate that the self-organized nanostructures in strained InGaAs/InP systems on InP substrates exhibit room temperature photoluminescent emissions at a wavelength of around 1.3 p.m.  相似文献   

Wide-gap II-VI MgZnCdSe quaternary compounds were grown on InP substrates by molecular beam epitaxy, for the first time. Changing the Mg composition (x = 0 to 0.63), various Mgx(ZnyCd1_y)1_xSe lattice-matched to InP were grown. Mirror-like surface morphologies and streaky reflection high energy electron diffraction patterns of MgZnCdSe were obtained. With increased Mg compositions, the band-edge emissions wavelength in photoluminescence spectra was shifted from 572 nm (2.17 eV) to 398 nm (3.12 eV) at 15K. Furthermore, the absolute PL peak intensity increased drastically with increased band-edge emission, being accompanied by a relative decrement in the deep level emission intensities were also observed.  相似文献   

This article describes the effects of rapid thermal annealing (RTA) on the photoluminescence (PL) emission from a series of GaIn(N)As quantum wells. Indium compositions of both 20% and 32% were examined with nominal N compositions of 1% or 2%. The N location was varied within our quantum structure, which can be divided into three regions: (1) quantum well, (2) Ga(N)As spacer layers at the barrier-to-well interface and well-to-barrier interface, and (3) barriers surrounding each quantum well. Eight combinations of samples were examined with varying In content, Ga(N)As spacer layer thickness, N content, and N location in the structure. In the best cases, the presence of these Ga(N)As spacer layers improves the PL properties, due to annealing, with a reduction in the emission wavelength blueshift by ~400 Å, a reduction of the decrease in the full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) by ~5 meV, and a threefold reduction of the increase in integrated intensity. It was also observed that relocating N from the quantum wells to the barriers produces a comparable emission wavelength both before and after annealing. Our results further show that the composition of incorporated N in the material is most influential during the stages of RTA in which relatively small amounts of thermal energy is present from our lower annealing times and temperatures. Hence, we believe a low thermal-energy anneal is responsible for the recovery of the plasma-related crystal damage that was incurred during its growth. However, the In composition in the quantum well is most influential during the latter stages of thermal annealing, at increased times and temperatures, where the wavelength blueshift was roughly independent of the amount of incorporated N. As a result, our investigations into the effects of RTA on the PL properties support other reports that suggest the wavelength blueshift is not due to N diffusion.  相似文献   

Growth of In0.52Al0.48As epilayers on InP (100) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy at different silicon doping levels is carried out. The doped samples show an inverted S-shaped dependence of the PL peak energy variation with the temperature which weakens at high doping levels due to a possible reduction in the donor binding energy. There is a reduction in both the AlAs-like and InAs-like longitudinal-optic (LO) phonon frequencies and a broadening of the LO phonon line shape as the doping level is increased. The PL intensity also showed in increasing degrees at higher doping levels, a temperature dependence which is characteristic of disordered and amorphous materials.  相似文献   

The idea of combining self-organized growth with growth on patterned substrates to produce new types of nanostructures in a controlled manner is realized in atomic hydrogen assisted molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on patterned GaAs (311)A substrates. In conventional MBE on patterned substrates mesa stripes along [01 ] develop a fast growing sidewall to form quasi-planar lateral quantum wires having a smooth, convex curved surface profile. In atomic hydrogen assisted MBE, the surface naturally develops quasiperiodic one-dimenional step arrays by step bunching along [ 33], i.e., perpendicular to the wire direction with a lateral periodicity around 40 nm. The step array is maintained over the curved sidewall without displacement. Thus, a dense array of dotlike nanostructures is realized with precise control of the position on the substrate surface. High uniformity of the dot array is revealed in micro-photoluminescence spectroscopy with the emission dominated by one single sharp line.  相似文献   

The P-As exchange reaction on InP surface exposed to As4 beam was studied using photoluminescence (PL) and x-ray diffraction measurements as well as ultra-high vacuum scanning tunneling microscopy observation. It was found that as high as 90–95% of P can be exchanged by As and that the average depth of exchange reaction increases with the increase of As exposure time, being as deep as 5.5 ML for a long exposure. The splitting of PL peak takes place when the reaction depth exceeds 2 ML and the number of the split subpeaks increases with the increase of As exposure time. The PL peak splitting originates from the fluctuation of well thickness, caused by formation of InAs islands for strain relief during the exchange reaction.  相似文献   

The properties of single quantum well (SQW) structures on (111)A GaAs grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) have been investigated. The interface abruptness of SQWs is estimated to be less than one monolayer through full width at half maximum measurements of photoluminescence. The novel lateral p-n junctions have been formed by MBE growth of silicon-doped GaAs on (111)A substrates patterned with equilateral triangles on the basis of these high-quality (111)A GaAs films. The idea of the lateral p-n junctions with a triangular p-type region bounded by three equivalent n-type slopes is based on the threefold symmetry of the (111)A surface and the acceptor nature of the silicon dopant on that surface. The lateral p-n junctions have been confirmed spatially-resolved cathodeluminescence and current-voltage measurements.  相似文献   

The formation of triangular-shaped dot-like (TD) structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs (311)A substrates patterned with square- and triangular-shaped holes is compared. On substrates patterned with square-shaped holes, TD structures are formed via the pinch-off of two symmetrically arranged {111} planes which develop freely in the regions between the holes on the original substrate surface, while the (111)A sidewalls of the as-etched holes develop a rough morphology during growth. The evolution of the rough (111)A sidewalls is eliminated on substrates patterned with triangular shaped holes resulting in similar TD structures with highly improved uniformity over the entire pattern. Spectrally and spatially resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy reveals the lateral variation of the quantum-well confinement energy in the TD structures generating distinct lateral energy barriers between the top portion and the nearby smooth regions with efficient radiative recombination. Formation of TD structures provides a new approach to fabricate three-dimensionally confined nanostructures in a controlled manner.  相似文献   

We have investigated, as a function of indium content x, the galvanomagnetic and Shubnikov de Haas (SdH) properties of two-dimensional electron gases (2DEG) formed at lattice matched, strain relaxed InAlAs/InGaAs heterojunctions. These were grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs misoriented substrates with a two degree offcut toward the nearest (110) plane. Variable temperature resistivity and Hall measurements indicate an increase in the electron sheet density ns from 0.78×1012cm−2 for x=0.15 to 1.80×1012 cm−2 for x=0.40 at 300K, and from 0.75×1012cm−2 to 1.67×1012cm−2 at T=1.6K. The room temperature electron mobility, measured along the in plane [110], direction is independent of indium content and equals approximately 9500 cm2/Vs. For T<50K, the mobility is independent of temperature decreasing with increasing x from 82000 cm2/Vs for x=0.15 to 33000 cm2/Vs for x=0.40. The ratios (τtq) at 1.6K between the electron relaxation time τt and the single particle relaxation time τq, for the strain relaxed specimens, as well as for pseudomorphically strained Al0.35Ga0.65As/In0.15Ga0.85As structures grown on GaAs substrates, and In0.52Al0.48As/In0.53Ga0.47As heterostructures grown lattice matched on InP substrates. Such a study indicates the presence of inhomogeneities in the 2DEGs of the strain relaxed specimens which appear to be related to the process of strain relaxation. Such inhomogeneities, however, have little effect on the electron relaxation time τt which, at low temperatures, is limited principally by alloy scattering.  相似文献   

Behavior of Sn as donor species in the MBE growth of GaAs on (111)A substrates has been investigated by varying the growth temperature from 460 to 620°C, As4:Ga flux ratio from 4 to 25, and Sn concentration from 1016 to 1020 atoms cm-3. Secondary ion mass microscopy measurements show that Sn does not surface segregate on (111)A substrates under this growth condition, in contrast to that on (001) substrates. Sn is uniformly incorporated throughout the bulk of the grown layer for all samples, apart from the most highly doped ones. To increase the Sn carrier concentration on the (111)A substrates, the measured carrier concentration shows that doping should be carried out at a low growth temperature and/or high As4:Ga flux ratio.  相似文献   

We present a study on the growth of visible (∼700 nm) vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. The structure was based on AlGaAs for both the quantum well active region and the distributed Bragg reflectors. Photoluminescence intensity from AlGaAs quantum wells was optimized vs the substrate misorientations from the (100) surface. The doping efficiency for n-type by Si and p-type by C was studied as a function of the substrate misorientation and the growth temperature. High-quality VCSEL materials were grown on (311)A substrates. The structure was processed by selective oxidation, and high-performance VCSELs emitting at ∼700 nm were achieved in a continuous-wave mode at room temperature.  相似文献   

GaAs-AlAs corrugated superlattices (CSL) are formed on spontaneously nanofaceted (311)A surfaces. Using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) along the $[\bar 233]$ zone axis with an appropriate image evaluation technique to enhance the contract between GaAs and AlAs we found two distinct lateral periodicities along the $[0\bar 11]$ directions for two different CSL layer thickness regimes. For multilayer deposition with GaAs layer thickness exceeding 1 nm the lateral periodicity of 3.2 nm is clearly revealed. The contrast originates from the thickness modulation of both AlAs and GaAs layers with a period of 3.2 nm in the $[0\bar 11]$ direction. The corrugation height is about 1 nm and it is symmetric for both upper and lower GaAs-AlAs interfaces. Thicker sections of the thickness-modulated AlAs and GaAs layers of the CSL are shifted by a half period with respect to each other. In the regime when the GaAs deposited average thickness is below 1 nm, which is necessary for complete coverage of the AlAs surface, a lateral periodicity of ≈1.5–2 nm is additionally revealed. We attribute this effect to the formation of local GaAs clusters dispersed on a corrugated (311)A AlAs surface resulting in a local phase reversal of the AlAs surface in their vicinity upon subsequent overgrowth. This reversal can be explained by the same effect as the phase shift of the surface corrugation upon heteroepitaxy on (311)A. In our model AlAs does not wet the GaAs cluster surface, unless different more energetically favorable scenario is possible. This causes accumulation of AlAs in the vicinity of the GaAs cluster and, as a result, the local phase reversal of the AlAs surface. The AlAs corrugated surface domains with different phases coexist on the surface resulting in an additional periodicity revealed in the HREM contrast modulation. Additionally HRTEM studies indicate that the AlAs-GaAs interface inclination angles in both regimes are 40° and 140° with respect to the flat (311) surface in an argreement with the {331} facet geometry model proposed by R. Nötzel, N.N. Ledentsov, L. Däweritz, M. Hohenstein, and K. Ploog.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the effect of interfacial layers on GalnAs(P)/GalnAsP and GalnAs/InP multiple quantum well structures with x-ray diffraction and photoluminescence. We observe a decrease in the room temperature and low temperature photoluminescence intensity as the number of periods is increased which we attribute to the interfaces. Furthermore, different growth interruption schemes show that decomposed As species from TBA have an effect on the structural and optical quality of these structures at both the lower and upper interfaces due to As carry-over. The effect of this carry-over is shown in structural measurements and laser diode results.  相似文献   

We study the adsorption of Hg on CdTe(211)B using an 88-wavelength spectroscopic ellipsometer mounted on a commercial, molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) chamber. A detailed analysis of the pseudo-dielectric function shows that Hg is present at the surface both in chemisorbed and physisorbed form. Effective medium models for a mixture of chemisorbed and physisorbed Hg on the microscopically rough CdTe surface could not fit our data. However, a proposed model in which a partial layer of physisorbed Hg sits on top of a partial layer of chemisorbed Hg fits the measured pseudo-dielectric function well and yields precise values for the thicknesses of the chemisorbed and the physisorbed Hg layers. These values change in the expected manner as a function of Hg flux, temperature, and Te coverage. An analysis of the uncertainty in the measured thicknesses is carried out in detail, and a study of the limitations of the ellipsometer used for this study is presented. The effects of these limitations on the precision and accuracy of in-situ data are enumerated.  相似文献   

Middle wave infrared (MWIR) HgCdTe p-on-n double-layer heterojunctions (DLHJs) for infrared detector applications have been grown on 100-mm Si (112) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) for large format 2,560×512 focal plane arrays (FPAs). In order to meet the performance requirements needed for these FPAs, cutoff and doping uniformity across the 100-mm wafer are crucial. Reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED), secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR), x-ray, and etch pit density (EPD) were monitored to assess the reproducibility, uniformity, and quality of detector material grown. Material properties demonstrated include x-ray full width half maximum (FWHM) as low as 64 arc-sec, typical etch pit densities in mid-106 cm−2, cutoff uniformity below 5% across the full wafer, and typical density of macrodefects <1000 cm−2. The detector quality was established by using test structure arrays (TSAs), which include miniarray diodes with the similar pitch as the detector array for easy measurement of critical parameters such as diode I-V characteristics and detector quantum efficiency. Typical I-V curves show excellent R0A products and strong reverse breakdown characteristics. Detector quantum efficiency was measured to be in the 60–70% range without an antireflection coating.  相似文献   

We report on the first successful growth of the quaternary alloy Cd1−yZnySexTe1−x(211) on 3-in. Si(211) substrates using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The growth of CdZnSeTe was performed using a compound CdTe effusion source, a compound ZnTe source, and an elemental Se effusion source. The alloy compositions (x and y) of the Cd1−yZnySexTe1−x quaternary compound were controlled through the Se/CdTe and ZnTe/CdTe flux ratios, respectively. Our results indicated that the surface morphology of CdZnSeTe improves as the Zn concentration decreases, which fits well with our previous observation that the surface morphology of CdZnTe/Si is poorer than that of CdSeTe/Si. Although the x-ray full-width at half-maximums (FWHMs) of CdZnSeTe/Si with 4% of Zn + Se remain relatively constant regardless of the individual Zn and Se concentrations, etched-pit density (EPD) measurements exhibit a higher dislocation count on CdZnSeTe/Si layers with about 2% Zn and Se incorporated. The enhancement of threading dislocations in these alloys might be due to an alloy disorder effect between ZnSe and CdTe phases. Our results indicate that the CdZnSeTe/Si quaternary material with low Zn or low Se concentration (less than 1.5%) while maintaining 4% total Zn + Se concentration can be used as lattice-matching composite substrates for long-wavelength infrared (LWIR) HgCdTe as an alternative for CdZnTe/Si or CdSeTe/Si.  相似文献   

Ultra-thin films of Dy are grown on Ge(0 0 1) substrates by molecular beam deposition near room temperature and immediately annealed for solid phase epitaxy at higher temperatures, leading to the formation of DyGex films. Thin films of Dy2O3 are grown on the DyGex film on Ge(0 0 1) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. Streaky reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) patterns reveal that epitaxial DyGex films grow on Ge(0 0 1) substrates with flat surfaces. X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectrum suggests the growth of an orthorhombic phase of DyGex films with (0 0 1) orientations. After the growth of Dy2O3 films, there is a change in RHEED patterns to spotty features, revealing the growth of 3D crystalline islands. XRD spectrum shows the presence of a cubic phase with (1 0 0) and (1 1 1) orientations. Atomic force microscopy image shows that the surface morphology of Dy2O3 films is smooth with a root mean square roughness of 10 Å.  相似文献   

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