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Water scarcity is matter of growing concern in Brazil, especially in the semi-arid, inland area of the Northeast, where the São Francisco River flows. This paper concentrates on the relations between the concrete experience of water resources development and the remaining demands for efficient water management in that river basin. The emphasis is on its Sub-Middle section, which since 1948 has been the preferential area for irrigation projects and hydropower generation. Recent modifications in the Brazilian legislation provide for a new approach to water resources policy, which is in favor of more decentralized and proactive forms of water management. In spite of such institutional evolution, conservative political groups in the SãTo Francisco River Basin have put obstacles before the transformation of established practices. In addition, there are other structural limitations contributing to hinder the adoption of a more comprehensive framework of water management. Resulting water conflicts have raised increasing demands for proper attention to the social, economic and environmental requirements of the sustainable management of water. The requisites for that go beyond the water question itself because they involve broader political and socio-economic controversies. At the local level, priority must be given to measures aimed at achieving water efficiency and conservation. It is fundamental to address the reduction of human vulnerability to climatic risks and to adopt alternatives of better utilization of water resources  相似文献   

Significant changes in the Júcar River Basin District’s hydrology in the Mediterranean side of Spain, have been observed during last decades. A statistical change-point in the year 1980 was detected in the basins’ hydrological series in the main upper river, Júcar and Túria basins. In the study scope are, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is linked with the winter precipitations in the Upper Basins, which are here responsible for the major part of streamflow. So changes in the rainfall has an important effect in the natural river flows. The statistical analysis detected a change at NAO’s seasonal pattern, what means a considerable reduction of winter rainfalls in the Upper River basins located in the inland zone which is simultaneously the water collection and reservoirs area (a???40% of water resources availability since 1980). Hydro-meteorological data and a Water Balance Model, Patrical, have been used to assess these water resources’ reduction. Results points out to the change in the Basin’s precipitation pattern in the inland areas (upper basins), associated to Atlantic weather patterns, as the main cause, while it has not been detected in the coastal areas. All these changes implies water stress for water resources planning, management and allocation, where more than 5.2 million people and irrigation of 390,000 ha are served, joint to the time variability, an important territorial imbalance exists between resources and demands. Thus, in the main upper basins, with the biggest streamflow’s reductions, locate the largest reservoirs in terms of water resources collection and reserves.  相似文献   

Energy, environmental protection and water resources technologies top the agenda for China's international science co-operation in the 11 th Five-Year Plan (2006-10), according to a document released by the Ministry of Science and Technology yesterday.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionTheLowerJingjiangsectionislocatedonmiddleChangjiang (Yangtze)River.Thisriversectionisatypicalmeanderingstreamwithmeanderingchannelswherefloodscannotbesmoothlyreleasedanddifficultyencounteredinnavigation .Studiesonandplanningforrivercutoffo…  相似文献   

Long-term (2001–2015) water quality monitoring data for the St. Clair River are presented with data from studies in the Detroit River in 2014 and 2015 to provide the most complete information available about nutrient concentrations and loadings in the Lake Huron–Lake Erie interconnecting corridor. Concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) in the St. Clair River have reflected declines in Lake Huron. We demonstrate that St. Clair River TP concentrations are higher than offshore Lake Huron values. The recent average (2014 and 2015) incoming TP load from the upstream Great Lakes is measured here to be 980 metric tonnes per annum (MTA), which is roughly three times greater than previous estimates. Significant TP load increases are also indicated along the St. Clair River. We treat the lower Detroit River as three channels to sample water quality as part of a two year monitoring campaign that included winter sampling and SRP in the parameter suite. We found concentrations of many parameters are higher near the shorelines, with the main Mid-River channel resembling water quality upstream measured at the mouth of the St. Clair River. Comparison with past estimates indicates both concentrations and loadings of TP have dramatically declined since 2007 in the Trenton Channel, while those in the Mid-River and in the Amherstburg Channel have remained similar or have possibly increased. The data demonstrate that the TP load exiting the mouth of the Detroit River into Lake Erie is currently in the range of 3740 (in 2014) to 2610 (2015) MTA.  相似文献   

1农村水电管理及其相关法律法规和文件《水电农村电气化标准》明确规定:"农村水电是指主要由地方组织建设和管理的中小水电站及其电网"。也即主要由地方组织建设和管理的农村水电,不仅指电源,而且指与其配套的电网,是中小水电电源、电网的统称。  相似文献   

2农村水电技术标准目前,已颁布农村水电技术标准39项,其中国家标准5项目,水利和农业行业标准34项,涉及农村水电规划、勘测、设计、施工安装、质量验收、运行维护、安全评价、监测预测、材料试验、设备等方面。  相似文献   

1 StudyAreasandStudyMethodology1.1 SamplingAreasandSampleTypesAllthesampleswerecollectedfrommainstemcross-sectionsandnearshorewatersof 2 2majorcityriverreachesofPanzhihua ,Yibin ,Luzhou ,Chongqing ,Fuling ,Wanx ian ,Yichang ,Shashi,Yueyang ,Wuhan ,Ezhou ,Huang shi,J…  相似文献   

正(二)宅内、室内悬挂或张贴图、画,必须遵循风水之空间有别之原则。风水学所说的空间,有两层意义,一是方位空间,又叫八卦空间,这个空间,重在八卦;二是功能空间,又叫立体空间,这个空间,重在功能。两个空间,既互通联系,又各有侧重、区别。宅内、室内挂图或贴画,要遵循空间有别的风水原则,在不同的空间,挂或贴不同的图、画,将不同的图、画,挂在贴在不同的相应的空间,才能助益于挂画、贴画人之"运",产生趋吉的效应。方位空间,即八卦空间,因其是以八卦定位的空间,以八卦之类象,不同的空间,类象不同的人事;  相似文献   

A time-series (1990–2013) of classified vegetation cover maps was produced for Netley-Libau Marsh, a 26,000 ha coastal wetland on Lake Winnipeg, to assess its current status and verify earlier trends of emergent vegetation loss. Open water area in the marsh was measured from late-summer Landsat images for 20 years; three classes of vegetation types (emergents, wet meadows, upland) could also be identified for 12 images covering the same period. Temporal changes in area and distribution of marsh vegetation were related to adjoining Lake Winnipeg water-level and Red River discharge, as well as marsh connectivity and bathymetry. From 1990 to 2002, an increase in open-water areas and decrease in emergent vegetation coincided with rising levels and flows. The year 2003 marked major wetland regeneration and a decrease of open-water area under extremely low water-levels and flows. From 2005 to 2013, open-water area remained consistent, under high but variable levels and flows. A strong negative correlation was found between area of emergent vegetation and mean Red River discharge in the previous June-July. Superimposition of the limit of new emergent vegetation observed in 2003 with depth contours surveyed in 2010 revealed the dynamic nature of marsh bathymetry. Periods of extremely low water as short as one year (2003) induced a marked expansion in emergent vegetation cover that persisted over the next ten years despite higher water-levels. Rather than being gradual, changes in the spatial extent of Netley-Libau Marsh vegetation appeared to proceed by fits and starts, wherein periods of relative stasis were disrupted by major changes in abundance.  相似文献   

在水文学的探索过程中,对河槽演变的研究是揭示河流流量变化、河流水势变化与研究流域自然地理演变的基础。在中国国内对黑龙江(阿穆尔河)流域的研究中,关于河槽演变的成果和分析不多。《Formation of the Riverbed Relief and River Banks》一书是由俄罗斯科学院远东分院水生态研究所(IWEP FEB RAS,文中简称IWEP)副所长阿雷克谢·尼古拉耶维奇·马奇诺夫教授为第一作者编著的,该书从东亚的地区特征出发,对黑龙江(阿穆尔河)河床地貌的形成与河槽演变过程作了详细的说明。全书共分为五章,共172页,附图片44张(9张是实景彩图),并有英语和俄语两版简介与结论。该书对黑龙江河槽演变的研究具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

没有辜负过白夭的吩咐,苦爱寒星令月和灯光;指缝间的烟雾是悠扬的夜歌,催我清醒是别人奸声的鸣响。思念云天里无限的水珠,毕生去提炼江河中的电光。常为人间的苦难自找忧郁,谁知同情的暗泪有多少重量?风口上总有第一排树林,扭曲的树仍有春绿惹人张望,思索和沉默,是深埋在我心底的矿藏。厌恶雨夭里雷电交战,幻想着人的微笑铸成一轮朝阳。诚然,有一天我会走到九泉之下,我应该属于地下的岩浆。水的后裔 一一写给女儿肠跳和展帆我是隐约地听到过,别人夸你们长得水灵。就算是真的,应该归于父亲血汗的闪光,属于母亲乳汁的温存。....肠.﹁且盯.女儿…  相似文献   


正春天携着细细的春雨,无声无息地来了,一棵棵嫩芽从土中探出头来,其实冰消雪化时,她们就已经开始了不安的萌动。春天,来了。清晨,从远方飘来一场淅淅沥沥的春雨,细细的,似有似无,如薄烟般笼罩着大地。"好雨知时节,当春乃发生,随风潜入夜,润物细无声"。古往今来,有多少文人墨客在雨中寄情,又有多少人赞美春回雨至!因她的到来,是人们渴望已久的期盼。在这特定的轮回中滋润着大地,把绿色播洒世间。  相似文献   

是一粒小小的红豆春雾中开一朵朦胧的情窦是一片淡淡的白云夏日里飘一缕彷徨的相思  相似文献   

陪同联邦德国水利专家金斯巴赫教授考察沂蒙山区人畜饮水,每见到一眼山泉,他总要停下来良久.并啧啧称赞:”宝贝,宝贝……”————摘自×月×日手记淙淙地从你欧式舌尖上流出来,每一滴都变成甜甜的汉语赞美  相似文献   

列车快要开,满头白发的王为民一手提着一个大提包,脚步蹒跚地走进卧铺车厢。放下提包,凑近壁灯,戴上他的老花眼镜,看了看车票。一张是12号上铺,一张是下铺,王为民便奔向了12号。 跟在王为民后面的是他的处长,看上去他的年龄至少要比王为民小十几岁。穿奶油色的风衣,头发梳得整齐,象用摩丝定了型的一样,非常条理,车厢里的灯光虽然很柔,洒向他头上的微光,依然反射出光泽。他迈着方步,来到王为民的跟前,问:“为民,我们是哪个  相似文献   

夜,弯月爬上了树梢。 水渠上坐着一对悄悄细语的人影。渠水“哗哗”地流进了玉米地里。 “石柱哥,想啥呢?”秀兰轻声问。 “你猜?” “筹备料物盖新房。” 石柱摇了摇头。 “……种麦买化肥的事……哼,你的心事,我哪里去猜?”秀兰噘起了小嘴儿。 “哟,哟,这点儿事也值得生气!你往那边看看。” 石柱指的地方,有一片干黄叶的玉米地。那本是本村青年二春家的地。  相似文献   

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