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枫叶 《中国食品》2008,(4):56-57
金泰福龙,顾名思义即"龙游金泰福满楼"之意."山不在高,有仙则灵;水不在深,有龙则灵";金泰福龙,龙行西坝河畔,灵秀清新的感觉,一览无遗,是京城和平里第一家观景餐厅,致力给社会各界朋友带来高品质的用餐享受.龙之骄子,龙腾福到,金泰福龙是您与您朋友用餐、聚会、宴请、婚宴、寿宴的最佳选择.  相似文献   

2011香港秋季灯饰展于10月27-30日在香港会展中心举行.借助于灯饰展的这一展示平台,由贸发局主办的第五届香港灯饰设计竞赛,为业界发掘创意人才,进一步提高香港灯饰设计水平作出了贡献.本届竞赛以炫目光芒为主题,评委就作品的创意、美观和功能进行甄选,分别有7件公开  相似文献   

逸鹏 《印刷杂志》2001,(6):24-26
根据香港特区贸易发展局和生产力促进局的官员在一次会议上的讲话了解到,现在香港的印刷业已经成为香港最大的产业。1999年的年产值超过了360亿港元,就业人数名列全港第一,出口的总额已飙升为香港的三甲。香港特区政府为了支持印刷业的质量管理、信息技术的应用与产品的开发,生产力促进局专门成立了由20多人组成的印刷及包装小组进行指导。特区政府对印刷业的重视和支持可见一斑。据香港业内资深人士介绍,近20年来,香港的印刷业紧跟世界印刷科技发展的潮流,顺势转型,积极淘汰落后的旧工艺,发展数字化的印刷新技术,使印刷产品的质…  相似文献   

由香港贸易发展局主办的第六届香港夏季礼品、家庭用品及玩具展将于2009年7月6~9日在香港会议展览中心举行。作为亚洲年中的主要采购展览会,香港夏季贸易展将奉献给国际买家一个最佳机会去丰富他们的年底节庆市场的商品种类。  相似文献   

通过对黄浦区里弄过街楼进行实地考察测绘与文献回顾梳理,纵向以黄浦区的地理沿革演变为主线,横向以黄浦区里弄空间变迁和形态演进为面向,绘制出近代以来黄浦区里弄的具体类型、建设年代与数量统计,在此基础上梳理出黄浦区里弄过街楼的装饰风格类型.黄浦区所在区域作为近代上海开埠后最早由外国人建设的市区,是上海近代化与受西方建筑文化影...  相似文献   



Costs of tobacco‐related disease can be useful evidence to support tobacco control. In Hong Kong we now have locally derived data on the risks of smoking, including passive smoking.


To estimate the health‐related costs of tobacco from both active and passive smoking.


Using local data, we estimated active and passive smoking‐attributable mortality, hospital admissions, outpatient, emergency and general practitioner visits for adults and children, use of nursing homes and domestic help, time lost from work due to illness and premature mortality in the productive years. Morbidity risk data were used where possible but otherwise estimates based on mortality risks were used. Utilisation was valued at unit costs or from survey data. Work time lost was valued at the median wage and an additional costing included a value of US$1.3 million for a life lost.


In the Hong Kong population of 6.5 million in 1998, the annual value of direct medical costs, long term care and productivity loss was US$532 million for active smoking and US$156 million for passive smoking; passive smoking accounted for 23% of the total costs. Adding the value of attributable lives lost brought the annual cost to US$9.4 billion.


The health costs of tobacco use are high and represent a net loss to society. Passive smoking increases these costs by at least a quarter. This quantification of the costs of tobacco provides strong motivation for legislative action on smoke‐free areas in the Asia Pacific Region and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Complexity theory and curriculum reforms in Hong Kong   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hong Kong is embarking on curricular and pedagogic reforms which replace modernist, Tylerian approaches to the curriculum with recommendations that echo many features of complexity theory. The nature of complexity theory-based curricula are outlined, and these are used to interrogate three seminal curriculum reform documents in Hong Kong. The article suggests that they embody a paradigm shift in curriculum thinking. However, given that complexity theory is not without its problems for curricula, a case is made for an eclectic approach to curriculum planning, and it is this that is taking place in Hong Kong's reformist agenda.  相似文献   

Acrylamide in Asian foods in Hong Kong   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
About 400 food samples, mainly Asian foods available in Hong Kong, were tested for acrylamide by an LC-MS/MS method using [1, 2, 3-13C3]-acrylamide as surrogate. The acrylamide levels in the more commonly consumed food items in the food groups such as rice and rice products, noodles, bakery and batter-based products, were generally less than 60 μg kg-1. Higher levels were found in the food groups such as biscuit-related products and crisps. The highest levels were detected in potato crisps (1500-1700 μg kg-1). Lower levels were found in rye flour-based crisps (440 μg kg-1), followed by corn-based (65 to 230 μg kg-1) and wheat flour-based crisps (61-200 μg kg-1), and then rice flour-based crisps (15-42 μg kg-1). The acrylamide formation during deep frying of a wheat flour-based product, Chinese fried fritter, was studied. Deep-frying at 170°C resulted in gentle but steady rise in acrylamide content. A steep rise for frying at 210°C was recorded. The moisture content of the product decreased with frying time, but the fat content increased. It is proposed that the reaction for the formation of acrylamide was initiated on the surface and then penetrated into the interior of the food matrix by heat transfer via radiation/conduction and diffusion of hot oil.  相似文献   

Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), such as perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) and related compounds, have recently been identified in the environment. PFOS, the terminal degradation product of many of the PFCs, has been found globally in many wildlife species, as well as open ocean waters, even in remote regions far from sources. In this study, a solid-phase extraction procedure coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography interfaced to high-resolution mass spectrometry was used to isolate, identify, and quantify small concentrations of PFCs in seawater. These techniques were applied to investigate the local sources of PFCs in several industrialized areas of Asia and provide information on how the PFCs are circulated by coastal currents. Ranges of concentrations of PFOS in coastal seawaters of Hong Kong, the Pearl River Delta, including the South China Sea, and Korea were 0.09-3.1, 0.02-12, and 0.04-730 pg/mL, respectively, while those of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) were 0.73-5.5, 0.24-16, and 0.24-320 pg/mL, respectively. Potential sources of PFCs include major industrialized areas along the Pearl River Delta of southern China and major cities of Korea, which are several of the fastest growing industrial and economic regions in the world. Detectable concentrations of PFOS and PFOA in waters of southern China were similar to those in the coastal marine environment of Japan and certain regions in Korea. Concentrations of PFCs in several locations in Korean waters were 10-100-fold greater than those in the other locations on which we report here. The spatial and seasonal variations in PFC concentrations in surface seawaters in the Pearl River Delta and South China Sea indicate the strong influence of the Pearl River discharge on the magnitude and extent of PFC contamination in southern China. All of the concentrations of PFOS were less than those that would be expected to cause adverse effects to aquatic organisms or their predators except for one location in Korea adjacent to an industrialized area. Hazard quotients were from <0.001 to 0.002 for aquatic animals and ranged from <0.001 to 17 for predatory birds.  相似文献   

介绍了港台地区曲奇饼的生产工艺和配方以及制作方法。  相似文献   

据官方统计数字显示,2000年香港印刷业的总生产值达到了298.22亿港币,在2001年9月共有4846家印刷厂,雇员4.3万余人。85%的厂家是不超过10人的小型和中型企业。  相似文献   

由香港贸发局主办的2011香港夏季礼品、家庭用品及玩具展将于2011年7月4日-7日在香港会展中心举行.展览专设礼品坊、环保礼品、家庭用品、时尚家居.品味居家、家居科技、餐厨廊、宣传赠品、设计师园地、时尚首饰、女士天地,以及汇聚高档产品的卓萃廊共12个主展区.  相似文献   

We examined tobacco retailers' rates of compliance to the law forbidding the sale of tobacco products to persons under 18 years of age in Hong Kong. The overall compliance rate was only 18.9%. The low compliance rate may be attributed to poor enforcement of the youth access law. Overseas experiences show that regular checking is an effective way to evaluate the compliance of tobacco retailers to restrictions on youth access to tobacco. Periodic tobacco compliance checks should be adopted in Hong Kong to exert pressure on law enforcement bodies and tobacco retailers.  相似文献   

“港澳台”是对我国香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾省的统称。2010年中国省域竞争力蓝皮书《中国省域经济竞争力发展报告(2008~2009)》指出:根据2007~2008年的经济数据,台湾、香港的经济综合竞争力排名居前两位,澳门位列第十。  相似文献   

When samples of certain teas were analysed for lead, repeat determinations made on the same samples showed a wide variation in the results. This was found to be due to dust particles, with a high lead content, which were dispersed throughout the tea leaves. Further work showed that there was also more iron, zinc and copper in the dust than in the leaves. Analyses of tea prepared as for drinking showed that only a small amount of the lead, cadmium, nickel, iron, zinc and copper present in the leaves passed into the brew. The proportion of each metal extracted into the brew appeared to be independent both of the strength of brew and of the type of water used. Work with tannic acid solution indicated that soluble polyphenols could be responsible for complexing metals.  相似文献   

<正> 3月中旬笔者去香港参加印艺学会成立20周年庆典,并作短暂参观学习,情况己见4月份《印刷杂志》,不再重复。本文就个人见闻,谈些粗浅体验。 香港市区仍是那样车来人往,熙熙攘攘,酒楼饭馆生意似仍热火。可是与人们交谈之中,就感到精神状态似没有以往那么振奋乐  相似文献   

本文主要介绍香港生物发酵技术与食品技术学术界,在藻类生物技术、工业发酵技术、食品科学技术以及植物细胞及组织培养技术等方面的最新研究情况。  相似文献   

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