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碳捕集与封存技术的现状与未来   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
全球气候变暖问题已经越来越严重,碳捕集与封存(CCS)技术被看作是最具发展前景的解决方案之一,随着研究的不断深入,CCS技术成本将进一步降低。碳捕集工艺按操作时间可分为燃烧前捕集、富氧燃烧捕集和燃烧后捕集,其中最有发展前景的是富氧燃烧捕集。CO2-EOR技术虽然不是直接针对性地封存二氧化碳,但其不仅可以解决二氧化碳的封存问题,还能提高油田采收率,近年来得到广泛应用。我国在CCS技术的研究上进行了大量工作,CCS技术已被列入"973计划"和"863计划",北京高碑店热电厂二氧化碳捕集示范工程受到国内外的关注。虽然CCS技术取得了长足的进步,但仍面临着很多问题,如二氧化碳泄漏问题、技术难点、建设和运行成本高昂等。CCS技术项目投资较大,如果没有政府在立法和税收机制上的激励与优惠措施,很难真正进入商业化应用阶段。好在种种迹象表明,随着全球气候问题的加剧,各国政府越来越重视CCS技术的研发和利用。  相似文献   

CO_2捕集与封存(CCS)技术现状与发展展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍CCS技术的发展和现状,列举法国道达尔(Total)石油公司和挪威国家石油(Statoil)公司经过周密的准备,各自在CCS试验性项目方面取得成功,证明CCS技术是成熟可靠的。指出目前是中国发展CCS技术的良好时机,建议制订发展CCS技术目标规划并逐步完成,达到最终提升中国在CCS技术开发方面的竞争力。  相似文献   

在中国能源供应结构仍以化石能源为主、电力供应仍以燃煤电厂为主的状况下,为实现碳中和的目标,二氧化碳捕捉技术作为可能的兜底技术仍具有重要的意义.通过对主流的二氧化碳捕捉技术的原理和特点进行系统梳理,得出了富氧燃烧技术尤其是化学链燃烧技术、氧化钙循环捕捉技术与燃煤电厂的工艺耦合性好、成本相对较低,适用于燃煤电厂存量市场的技...  相似文献   

碳捕集与封存技术(CCS)成本及政策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张建府 《中外能源》2011,16(3):21-25
当前,减排CO2的呼声日益高涨。在未来相当长的时间内,我国一次能源仍将以煤为主,而用于发电的煤炭量占到煤炭消费总量的一半以上,已成为国内CO2排放的重要来源。整体煤气化联合循环(IGCC)发电技术不仅具有燃料来源广、发电效率提升空间大等优点,而且能以较低的成本实现CO2减排。以IGCC碳捕集结合强化采油为例,分析碳捕集与封存(CCS)全过程CO2减排成本。结果表明,在IGCC电站进行碳捕集结合强化采油的情景下,捕集CO2的IGCC系统的发电成本低于不捕集CO2的IGCC电站的发电成本。CO2减排成本主要受井口油价及CO2利用率影响,当井口油价超过14.642美元/bbl时,CO2减排成本为负值。CCS的发展将经历示范、扩大规模和商业化三个阶段,针对不同的发展阶段,政府应分别采取相应的政策措施。在示范阶段,应加强对相关技术研究的支持,提供财政补贴;在扩大规模阶段,应重点采取财政补贴措施,并配以CCS发电配额标准和CCS电力贸易体系;在商业化阶段,政府已无需继续提供财政补贴,而CCS发电配额标准和认证贸易体系仍将是一个有效的方法。  相似文献   

碳捕集与封存(Carbon Captureand Storage,简称CCS)。是指把发电等固定排放源排放的CO2捕集起来,进行利用或注入到深部咸水层等永久封存的过程。它是包括CO2捕集、输送、利用、封存等多种技术的组合技术,是潜在的重要碳减排技术之一。据IEA估计。若要达到2050年全球温室气体排放相比2005年减少50%的目标,  相似文献   

于强 《能源与环境》2010,(1):64-65,79
介绍CCS技术的发展和现状,列举法国道达尔(Total)石油公司和挪威国家石油(Statoil)公司经过周密的准备,各自在CCS试验性项目方面取得成功,证明CCS技术是成熟可靠的。指出目前是中国发展CCS技术的良好时机,建议制订发展CCS技术目标规划并逐步完成.达到最终提升中国在CCS技术开发方面的竞争力。  相似文献   

当前全球碳捕集与封存(CCS)技术进展及面临的主要问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文分析了当前全球碳捕集与封存(CCS)的最新技术进展及面临的主要问题,指出碳捕集与封存虽然被广泛认为是未来主要的碳减排技术,且当前全球的CCS示范和规划项目在不断增加,但是CCS项目仍面临诸如成本昂贵、使总能效下降、缺乏法律基础、公众难以接受等一系列问题。  相似文献   

作为应对全球气候变化的技术途径之一,碳捕集与封存在全球各地受到了广泛重视。国际能源署研究表明,  相似文献   

乐观地估计,如果2050年允许中国排放二氧化碳80×108t,其中50×108t可排入大气层,剩余30×108t需要地质封存,碳捕集与封存(CCS)任务十分艰巨。预计可物理或化学利用的二氧化碳总量微乎其微,不会超过1×108t。从增产原油角度看,EOR将起到重大作用,但所占比率太小,从减排的宏观层面还应优先考虑"封存"。中国圈闭卤水层分布很广,潜在容量很大,选址相对容易,需加大适合二氧化碳地质封存的卤水层的地质选址研究。中国土壤有机碳储量仅50~100Gt碳,平均单位面积储碳量仅48.8t碳/ha,如果及时采取有效措施增加中国土壤的有机碳,今后40年应该可争取增储37Gt二氧化碳,相当于这期间累积二氧化碳排放量的1/10,可缓解碳排放的压力。岩溶对回收大气、附近地区土壤和水中的二氧化碳有明显作用,中国是名副其实的岩溶大国,宣传岩溶碳汇的作用,保护岩溶地区的地质、地貌和森林植被应该得到足够的重视。中国工业(制造业)部门排碳量太大,现在已超过欧盟。外贸输出了大量高耗能产品,净出口产品的二氧化碳排放量已占到国内二氧化碳排放量的13%~15%,这种高排碳量的外贸出口结构极不合理,调整产业结构、加大服务业的比重和增加外贸产品的科技含量有利于减少中国的二氧化碳排放量。中国目前关于CCS的文件和法规略显深度不够,执行力度不足,仍然是条块分割,划分为多个部门,各自为战,不利于CCS目标的实现。CCS工程所需资金额巨大,涉及社会、法律、教育、安全、金融等多方面工作,迫切需要政府集中力量,统筹安排,编制今后40年的CCS路线图和不同预案,纳入各时期的五年国民经济发展规划。  相似文献   

China now faces the three hard truths of thirsting for more oil, relying heavily on coal, and ranking first in global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Given these truths, two key questions must be addressed to develop a low-carbon economy: how to use coal in a carbon-constrained future? How to increase domestic oil supply to enhance energy security? Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) may be a technological solution that can deal with today's energy and environmental needs while enabling China to move closer to a low-carbon energy future. This paper has been developed to propose a possible CCS roadmap for China. To develop the roadmap, we first explore major carbon capture opportunities in China and then identify critical CCS-enabling technologies, as well as analyze their current status and future prospects. We find that coal gasification or polygeneration in combination with CCS could be a nearly unbeatable combination for China's low-carbon future. Even without CCS, gasification offers many benefits: once coal is gasified into syngas, it can be used for many different purposes including for alternative fuels production, thereby increasing the domestic oil supply and the flexibility of the energy system.  相似文献   

Climate change is fast becoming the major environmental and energy concern worldwide. There is a major dilemma between the continued reliance on fossil fuel for our energy supply and the pressing need to address the problem of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from combustion process. This paper reviews the potential for carbon capture and storage (CCS) as a part of the climate change mitigation strategy for the Malaysian electricity sector using a technology assessment framework. The nation's historical trend of high reliance on fossil fuel for its electricity sector makes it a prime candidate for CCS adoption. The suitability and practicality of the technology was reviewed from a broad perspective with consideration of Malaysia-specific conditions. It is apparent from this assessment that CCS has the potential to play an important role in Malaysia's climate change mitigation strategy provided that key criteria are fulfilled.  相似文献   

We present results of a major survey of Chinese opinion leaders conducted from March to April 2009, supported by EU–UK–China near zero emissions coal (NZEC) initiative. Respondents were drawn from 27 provinces and regions using an online survey with follow-up face-to-face interviews. A total of 131 experts and decision-makers from 68 key institutions were consulted through online survey. This survey is the first to focus on demonstration projects in particular and is the most geographically diverse. We aim to understand perceptions of applying CCS technologies in the first large-scale CCS demonstration project in China. Though enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and enhanced coal bed methane recovery (ECBM) may not be long-term solutions for CO2 storage, they were viewed as the most attractive storage technologies for the first CCS demonstration project. With regard to CO2 capture technology, on the whole, post-combustion (which would be most applicable to the vast majority of existing power plants which are pulverised-coal) received slightly higher support than pre-combustion. More surprising, respondents from both the power and oil industries favoured pre-combustion. There was no consensus regarding the appropriate scale for the first demonstration. A large number of respondents were concerned about the energy penalty associated with CCS and its impact on the long-term sustainability of coal supply in China, although such concerns were much reduced compared with surveys in 2006 and 2008.  相似文献   

基于单一发动机电子控制单元(ECU),针对压缩天然气(CNG)模式下的NEDC循环排放水平进行标定匹配开发研究。对NEDC工况分解,研究了冷起动、过渡工况、断油恢复供油及稳态闭环控制等工况下,标定匹配对CNG发动机排放水平的影响。结果表明:采用1400r/min的上冲转速、0.78的沉底空燃比带来10%的HC排放改善;对于稳态50km/h工况点通过推迟3°CA(BTDC)的点火提前角度,改善了NOx排放水平。  相似文献   

我国洪水保险的实施方式研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在研究美国洪水保险理论、实践及我国洪水保险存在的问题基础上,指出我国应实行国家补贴的强制性、非盈利性、政策性的洪水保险;且洪水保险基金的主要来源为国家补偿费、保险费与防洪保护费三部分。同时,探讨了洪水保险的经营风险,并建议通过扩大承保面、实施洪水再保险来降低经营风险。  相似文献   

From March to July of 2008, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 31 experts from the Chinese government, scientific institutes and industrial sectors. This paper summarizes the experts’ opinions and draws conclusions about four crucial aspects that influence CO2 capture and storage (CCS) deployment in China: technology research and experience accumulation, finance support, market development and policy and system. According to interviews result, technological improvement is necessary to cut down on CO2 capture cost and decrease technological uncertainty. Then, to make some rational policies and systems, with elements such as a carbon tax and clean electricity pricing, to drive power plants to adopt CO2 capture technology. Furthermore, financial incentive in both the long term and the short term, such as subsidies and CDM, will be important for CCS incentives, encouraging enterprises’ enthusiasm for CCS and their capacity to enact it. Lastly, CCS deployment should be conducted under a market-oriented framework in the long term, so a business model and niche market deployment should be considered in advance. Among these aspects, policy and system is more complex than other three aspects, to resolve this obstacle, the innovation on electricity market and government decision model for climate change is crucial.  相似文献   

为探究不同类型前期降雨下涩草湖尾矿坝的渗流稳定性变化差异较大的问题,利用Geostudio软件对涩草湖尾矿坝进行了数值模拟,得到了不同表层、纵深孔压及安全系数变化规律。结果表明,前期降雨过程中表层孔压不断升高,而在前期降雨接近结束时孔压则逐渐降低或增速减缓,短历时、强降雨下主降雨过程中,孔压有个突然升高的过程;前期降雨条件下,尾矿坝安全系数呈持续下降的规律,在主降雨过程中,安全系数降幅更大,最终安全系数降幅逐渐减小并最终趋于稳定。不同类型前期降雨影响了涩草湖尾矿坝的长期安全稳定性的规律。  相似文献   

Low-energy efficiency and environmental pollution have long been taken as key problems of Chinese industry, although a number of command-and-control and economic instruments have been adopted in the last few decades. In this paper, policy and legislation development for voluntary agreements were summarized. The voluntary agreements pilot project in two iron and steel companies in Shandong Province as well as other cases were analyzed. In order to identify the existing problems in Chinese cases, comparison was made between China and industrialized countries in the practices of energy efficiency voluntary agreements. Based on the analysis, detained recommendations, including the use of supporting policies for voluntary agreements, were raised. It is expected that voluntary agreements could play a more important role in energy efficiency improvement of Chinese industry.  相似文献   

李秀琴 《中外能源》2013,18(2):77-81
为实现重油催化裂化装置能量的合理利用,降低能源需求量,采用流程模拟软件Petro-SIM和FCC-SIM,对某企业重油催化裂化装置进行全流程模拟计算,并用于指导生产和改进操作.在装置全流程模型等能量集成优化技术平台基础上,利用最佳能量使用技术(BT)评估方法、TOTAL SITE全厂分析方法、夹点分析方法,对装置进行能耗评价.结合该企业炼化一体化公用工程系统现状,根据重油催化裂化装置能耗基准评价结果,在保证安全生产和经济效益前提下,提出多项符合生产实际的节能机会,最终实施优化方案6项,实现经济效益2314万元/a,年节能24.3kt标煤.为加强对已实施项目的管理,建立了能量优化项目跟踪与管理系统.用户使用时可以直观地看到每个周期各个节能项目的应用情况,包括节能量、经济效益、累计节能及累计经济效益等.  相似文献   

王越 《中外能源》2012,17(12):24-29
油气资源管理体制是油气产业发展的前提和保障.但我国油气资源管理体制中仍然存在不少问题,如国家油气资源管理部门在协调、管理国有大型石油公司时难以发挥应有的功能,政府与企业对油气资源勘查开发管理的功能定位不清晰,市场参与者错位,管理部门众多,缺乏一个统一管理的能源综合管理部门进行协调和组织;资源税费改革有待进一步深化;油气资源勘查开发的监管机制不健全;缺乏完整的油气行业管理法律框架基础;市场化机制弱化;国家油气资源发展战略、政策和法规等缺乏整体协调性等.为了构建全新的油气资源管理体制,应转变政府管理方式,建立科学、高效的油气资源勘查开发管理模式;建立完善的油气矿业权管理制度,推进油气资源税费改革:加强油气资源监管,保障油气资源勘查开发的科学、合理和高效;构建法律保障体系;建立健全油气资源勘查开发的市场化运行机制;同时借鉴国外先进经验,建立高级别的油气资源集中管理模式.  相似文献   

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