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Adult rainbow trout were exposed to a single oral dose containing a mixture of eight PAHs, and fish were sampled at intervals between 5–48 days after exposure. Regression analyses on whole fish indicate levels declined significantly in four of the compounds monitored. Their biological half-lives were estimated as 9 days for phenanthrene, 7 days for fluorene and anthracene and 6 days for fluoranthene. No reliable estimates could be derived for benzo[a]pyrene, benz[a]anthracene, chrysene or pyrene because of low or nondetectable concentrations at the first sample interval although it could be suggested that their half-lives would be less than several days. The data also suggested that these PAHs are poorly absorbed by trout.  相似文献   

D.A. Benoit 《Water research》1976,10(6):497-500
Exposing brook trout to various concentrations of chromium [Cr(VI)] for up to 22 months (including reproduction) significantly increased alevin mortality at 0.35 mg Cr l−1 and retarded growth of young brook trout at the lowest concentration tested (0.01 mg Cr l−1). Eight month exposures of rainbow trout significantly increased alevin mortality at 0.34 mg Cr l−1 and also retarded growth at the lowest concentration tested (0.10 mg Cr l−1). Exposures of brook trout lasting 22 months showed, however, that growth was only temporarily affected, and therefore, it was not used as an end point to measure the affects of chromium on either species. Reproduction, and embryo hatchability of brook trout were unaffected at Cr(VI) concentrations that affected survival of newly hatched alevins. The maximum acceptable toxicant concentration (MATC) for brook and rainbow trout exposed to Cr(VI) in water with a hardness of 45 mg l−1 (as CaCO3) and a pH range of 7–8 lies between 0.20 and 0.35 mg Cr l−1. The 96-h lc50 for brook and rainbow trout was 59 and 69 mg Cr l−1, respectively: therefore, the application factor (MATC/96-h lc50) for both species lies between 0.003 and 0.006.  相似文献   

Critical swimming velocities of Salmo gairdneri at 12°C were determined in different combinations of copper; pH and hardness. Measurements were made after exposure for 0.5, 5, 10, and 30 days. When copper was not applied, hardness, pH and exposure time had no appreciable effect on critical performance. Copper had the greatest effect on swimming performance at 5 days of exposure. At pH 7.5–8.0, recovery from the initial depression was complete after 10 days of exposure, but critical swimming performance did not return to control levels in pH 6.0 treatments. For any given hardness, copper had a greater effect on critical speed at low than at high pH. A given copper treatment had a more pronounced effect at low than at high hardness.No distinction could be made among total, soluble, or extractable copper but predicted concentrations of 6 specific cupric ions varied with pH and hardness. Of these copper species, only Cu2+ and CuOH+ were found to be related significantly to critical performance.Oxygen consumption of trout was determined in different combinations of copper and pH. In the presence of copper the maximum oxygen consumption decreased and the energy expenditure for a given swimming speed increased.The above observations are discussed in relation to reported toxic actions of copper.  相似文献   

A 12-month bioassay was conducted to determine the effects of unchlorinated, treated, domestic wastewater on survival, growth, swimming performance, and gill tissue of brown trout (Salmo trutta). Ammonia was the toxicant of concern, because the facility's effluent periodically exceeded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) recommended criterion. Juvenile brown trout (initial weight = 2 g), which were exposed to six concentrations (0–37%) of effluent, were fed a restricted ration, so that growth rates were similar to those of wild stream residents. At the highest effluent concentration, monthly mean concentrations of un-ionized ammonia ranged from 0.004 to 0.055 mg l−1 NH3---N (at. wt = 14); these concentrations exceeded the EPA criterion of 0.016 mg l−1 about 40% of the time. There were no significant effects of effluent concentration on survival, growth, or swimming performance of brown trout, but the degree of damage to gills was directly related to effluent concentration.  相似文献   

Acute toxicity bioassays in which fish were exposed to short-term cyclic fluctuations of ammonia were conducted on rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) and on cutthroat trout (S. clarki). Companion tests were also conducted in which test fish were subjected to ammonia at constant concentrations. The tests ranged in duration from 96 h to 4 weeks. Median lethal concentration (LC 50) values in terms of both average and peak concentrations of ammonia for the fluctuating concentration tests were compared with LC 50 values for the constant concentration (conventional) tests. Based on comparisons of total dose exposure, results showed that fish were more tolerant of constant concentrations of ammonia than of fluctuating concentrations. Fish subjected to fluctuating concentrations of ammonia at levels below those acutely toxic were subsequently better able to withstand exposure to higher fluctuating concentrations than fish not previously so acclimated.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the mean concentration (per litre) of Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts in recreational river areas (n = 28), drinking water treatments plants (DWTPs; n = 52) and wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs; n = 50) in Galicia (NW Spain). Water samples from rivers and from the influent (50–100 l) and the treated effluent (100 l) of the water plants were filtered using Filta-Max filters (IDEXX Laboratories, Inc., Westbrook, ME, USA). A total of 232 samples were processed and the (oo)cysts were concentrated, clarified by IMS and then detected by IFAT. The viability was determined by applying fluorogenic vital dye (PI).In the recreational areas, infective forms of Cryptosporidium and Giardia were detected in 16 (57.1%; 1–60 oocysts per litre) and 17 (60.7%; 1–160 cysts per litre) samples, respectively. In the water flowing into the water treatment plants, oocysts were detected in 21 DWTPs (40.4%; 1–13 oocysts per litre) and cysts were observed in 22 DWTPs (42.3%; 1–7 cysts per litre). In the effluents from the treatment plants, Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts were identified in 17 DWTPs (32.7%; 1–4 oocysts per litre) and in 19 DWTPs (36.5%; 1–5 cysts per litre), respectively. The highest concentrations of (oo)cysts were found in the WWTPs; specifically, oocysts were detected in 29 (58.0%; 1–80 oocysts per litre) and cysts in 49 (98.0%; 2–14.400 cysts per litre) WWTP effluents. Cryptosporidium and Giardia were detected in 32 (64.0%; 1–120 oocysts per litre) and 48 (96.0%; 2–6.000 cysts per litre) WWTP effluents, respectively. The percentage viability of the (oo)cysts ranged between 90.0% and 95.0%. In all samples analysed. Moreover, it was found that the effluents from coastal WWTPs were discharged directly into the sea, while inland WWTPs were discharged directly into rivers. The concentrations of both enteropathogens detected in effluents from WWTPs therefore represent a significant risk to human and animal health.These results demonstrate the wide distribution of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in the environment, the ineffectiveness of treatments in DWTPs and WWTPs in reducing/inactivating both protozoa and the need to monitor the presence, viability and infectivity of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in water bodies. In conclusion, the findings suggest the need for better monitoring of water quality and identification of sources of contamination.  相似文献   

Hepatic metallothionein (MT) levels and mixed function oxidase (MFO) activity (7-ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase or EROD) were measured in fingerling rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to sublethal concentrations of 12 pulp and paper effluents, after completion of 96 h static acute lethality assays. Barring one primary-treated effluent where MFO levels were significantly depressed and two secondary-treated effluents where no significant MFO induction were observed, all other effluents triggered significant induction of MT and EROD, regardless of mill process/treatment or of effluent lethality and chemical characteristics. MT and EROD inductions were significant, however, at higher concentrations for secondary-treated effluents than for primary-treated ones. Lethal (96 h LC50s) to sublethal (MT and EROD lowest observable effect concentrations) ratios were variable and indicated that significant biochemical effects were present at effluent concentrations that were roughly 4–33 (MT) and 3–59 (EROD) times lower than the LC30. Enzyme induction ranged from 1.3 to 2.5-fold for MT and from 1.3 to 9.4-fold for EROD compared to controls. Limited chemical data available suggest that there were indeed classes of compounds present capable of inducing MT or EROD. Observed patterns of MT/MFO responses also suggest that contaminant interactions may have interfered with induction for some of the effluents studied. Refinements of this combined (sub)lethal bioassay procedure are envisaged to determine whether it can provide an efficient means of detecting hazardous chemicals in industrial wastewaters.  相似文献   

G.M. Hughes  R.J. Adeney   《Water research》1977,11(12):1069-1077
Recordings were made of the cardiac and ventilatory rhythms of rainbow trout subjected to solutions of 40 and 10 ppm zinc in an experimental circulation. The higher concentration produces clearly-defined increases in ventilatory and coughing frequency and a decrease in heart rate; the percentage coupling between the two rhythms usually increased.

During exposure to 10 ppm added zinc the effects are not so readily discernible but are comparable in type. The addition of 10 ppm zinc has a significant effect on the responses of rainbow trout to hypoxia before and after this treatment.

It is concluded that zinc interferes with some of the mechanisms involved in the uptake of oxygen at the gills and consequently can significantly affect the ability of fish to respond to the additional stress of oxygen lack in its environment.  相似文献   

Zinc accumulation by whole gill, skin, body mucus and blood plasma were measured during short term episodic exposure in acidic and neutral soft water using fed fish and also in neutral soft water using starved fish. Water pH did not influence zinc accumulation in 1 h using fed fish indicating that pH effects on zinc accumulation occur over a longer time period. The gill tissue and body mucus were primary sites of zinc accumulation in fed and starved fish, while plasma zinc increases were observed only in fed fish during a 2 h episode of neutral soft water. Starved fish gill tissue and body mucus accumulate zinc quicker than fed fish tissues. The increased zinc accumulation by starved fish may be explained in terms of an increased contribution by waterborne zinc to total body zinc levels, achieved partly by changes in mucus ion content and also by possible effects of starvation on tissue zinc distribution.  相似文献   

Acute lethality and sub-lethal effects of acetone, ethanol, and propylene glycol on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) were examined. The 24 h LC50 values for acetone and ethanol in a flow-through bioassay system at 10°C ± 0.5, are 6100 mg l−2 and 11,200 mg l−1, respectively. No mortality to fingerling trout was produced by propylene glycol at 50,000 mg l −1 during a 24 h exposure period in a static system.Acetone and ethanol, at about 0.48 and 0.26 of the fingerling LC50, respectively, affected cardiovascular/respiratory parameters in adult rainbow trout. Acetone produced an increase in ventilation rate to a maximum of 158% of control values, as well as an increase in buccal pressure amplitude attaining a maximum of 410% of control values. Ethanol exposed fish exhibited a slight depression in ventilation rate and buccal pressure amplitude during initial stages of the 24 h exposure period. Ethanol had no effect on heart rate, despite a significant decrease in Q-T interval. Propylene glycol, at less than 0.08 of a concentration not producing apparent stress in fingerlings, had a mildly stimulatory effect on ventilation rate, and heart rate in adults. It is concluded that of the three solvents employed in this study, propylene glycol is most suitable for use as a solvent in fish toxicity tests.  相似文献   

Toxicity of the lamprey larvicide TFM to rainbow trout embryos was found to be greatest immediately following fertilization and least after neurulation. Embryonic mortality in the early stages was delayed and not recognized by the presence of a white protein precipitate.  相似文献   

River Po waters were collected at the end of the drainage basin, extracted by means of XAD-2 resins and tested for toxicity on aquatic organisms (Daphnia magna and Selenastrum capricornutum) and for mutagenicity with a modified Ames test. The extracts were analyzed by HRGC/FID and selective detectors for the determination of the most common classes of toxic compounds. The relationships between toxicological responses and analytical results are discussed.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of using the microbial insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) to control the nuisance fly Sylvicola fenestralis at Rossendale Sewage Works, Lancashire, was investigated. Following a provisional trial in 1987, the whole Works (28 filter beds) was treated with a two-stage application of Bti in 1988; the first application in late April was separated from the second in late May by about half the length of the Sylvicola life-cycle. The Bti treatment was timed to reduce fly nuisance in June, the month when most complaints (71%) had been received. For each application, 0.161. of the Bti preparation, containing nearly 1010 spores·cm−3, was applied per square metre of bed surface. An 80 and 98% kill of Sylvicola larvae was recorded following the first and second applications respectively. The lower kill achieved by the first application was believed to be due to insufficient mixing of the Bti with the settled sewage prior to dosing. Nuisance caused by the flies was considerably reduced; there were no complaints from the public during June, although a few were received in late July, early August. Sewage purification efficiency was not affected by Bti treatment. The maximum concentration of Bti spores in the Works' effluent was 7 × 104 spores·cm−3. This concentration did not appear to affect the already impoverished macro-invertebrate fauna of the receiving river.  相似文献   

The acute and chronic toxicity of nonylphenol to the freshwater invertebrate Daphnia magna has been determined. The acute 24 and 48 h EC50 values, based on immobilization, were 0.30 and 0.19 mg/l, respectively, using mean measured concentrations. In a separate study, effects of nonylphenol on survival, growth and reproduction of D. magna were measured over a period of 21 days. The no observed effect concentration (NOEC), based on mean measured concentrations, was found to be 0.024 mg/l. This is approximately one order of magnitude below the acute value and one order of magnitude higher than the highest reported environmental levels.  相似文献   

Changes in buccal and opercular pressure amplitude, as well as ventilation and coughing frequency were monitored in rainbow trout using catheterization of respiratory cavities and pressure transducers. One or more of the ventilatory parameters measured were found to change under toxicant stress at concentrations of copper or zinc at or below the LC 50. Possible synergistic effects were indicated when the two metal ions were tested together.Serial analyses of arterial PO2 and pH in fish exposed to copper and zinc individually at concentrations approximating the LC 50 showed that environmental zinc produced a sharp decrease in both PO2 and pH. Copper, however, caused little effect other than a transient increase in pH. The toxic action of the two metals in low concentrations thus may not be the same.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) concentrations were determined in the canine teeth of ringed seals (Phoca hispida) harvested during the 13th–14th, late 19th and early 21st Centuries in Amundsen Gulf, Northwest Territories, Canada. Most historical and pre-industrial teeth contained undetectable Hg levels (i.e. < 1.0 ng/g DW), whereas samples from 2001–03 contained up to 12 ng/g DW in an age-dependent pattern. Assuming a median [Hg] value in 13th–14th Century teeth of half the detection limit (i.e. 0.5 ng/g DW), geometric means of Hg in modern teeth were 9–17 times those of seals in the 14th Century, equivalent to an anthropogenic input of 89–94% of total Hg in modern seals. These results corroborate a previous study of beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) in the nearby Beaufort Sea. While the seals' trophic position (inferred from δ15N values) did not change over time, modern δ13C values were lower by about 2‰ than in the 14th and 19th Centuries. This could be due to increased dissolution of anthropogenically derived CO2 in the ocean from the atmosphere, but could also indicate more offshore pelagic feeding by modern seals, which might be a factor in their Hg exposure. New tooth [Hg] data are also presented for the Beaufort Sea beluga, using recently-discovered museum samples collected in 1960/61, which showed that most of the anthropogenic contribution to beluga Hg had already taken effect by 1960 (reaching  75% of total Hg). Taken together, the long-term seal and beluga data indicate that whereas Hg levels in the marine ecosystems of the western Canadian Arctic were probably unchanged from pre-industrial times up to the late 19th Century, there was a significant, many-fold increase in the early to mid-20th Century, but little or no change after about the early 1960s.  相似文献   

The effects of variation in climatic temperature on breeding behaviour and tadpole growth were investigated using data collected during a 22-year study of a single population of common toads, Bufo bufo, in southern England. Although the start of the breeding season each year, taken as the day when adult toads first arrived at their breeding pond in large numbers, showed no trend over time (1980–2001) it was highly correlated with climatic temperature. Thus, toads started breeding approximately 50 days earlier in the year following very mild winters (1993: February 2nd) compared with very cold ones (1986: March 23rd). Regression analysis of the relationship between the mean temperature of the 40 days immediately preceding the main arrival of toads at the breeding pond revealed that for every 1° increase (or decrease) the toads arrived 12 days earlier (or later). Although the duration of the tadpole stage was longer when spawning was early, toadlets still emerged from the pond earlier than when spawning was late. The increased length of the tadpole stage, in years when spawning was early, was due to an increase in the proportion of cold days when the minimum ground temperature was at or below 0 °C. Thus, the tadpole stage was approximately 6 days longer (or shorter) for every 5% increase (or decrease) in the proportion of cold days the tadpoles were exposed to.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Legionella in water of 30 cooling tower systems was studied, as well as the relationship of its occurrence with the physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of the waters. The samples were concentrated by membrane filtration and one part of the concentrate was acid washed. Three types of culture media, MWY, CCVC and BCYEα were used. Fourteen (47%) of the cooling systems were Legionella-positive. Numbers of Legionella in the positive systems varied between 50 and 490,000 cfu/l. Legionella pneumophila was the dominant isolate, and the serogroups 6 and 1 were the commonest ones. There was no statistically significant difference in mean water temperature between the Legionella-positive (27°C) and -negative (24°C) systems. The total number of bacteria (AODC) was lower in the Legionella-positive than in the negative systems. Also the nutrient concentrations were generally lower in the Legionella-positive cooling systems. The results suggest that different factors regulate the occurrence of Legionella than that of overall bacterial populations in the cooling tower systems.  相似文献   

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