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超高频RFID读写器基带模块的原理与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了一种超高频RFID读写器基带模块的原理和设计方法.依据ISO/IEC18000-6协议,提出将单片机与FPCA相结合,充分利用两者优点来实现设计.文中描述了单片机和FPGA协调工作的方法,着重阐述了编码、译码、出错校验等模块的原理和功能以及在FPGA中实现各模块的方法.  相似文献   

介绍一种符合EPCTM Class-1 Generation-2 860MHz-960MHz UHF RFID通信协议的RFID标签数字部分的基本架构.提出超低功耗的实现方案.采用SMIC 0.13um工艺,面积仅有0.75mm*0.75mm,平均功耗为10.45uW.  相似文献   

超高频RFID标签一致性的近场检测技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
超高频RFID标签一致性直接影响RFID系统中采集数据的识别率和准确率。采用接收信号强度指示RSSI(Received Signal Strength Indicator)技术及数理统计,采集标签反射信号强度,设定标准差阈值,作为标签一致性检测参数。研制弯折偶极子近场天线,实现0.1 mm近距离标签识读。利用屏蔽效应,在全自动卷筒式RFID标签套装上设置打点标识机构,对标签批量标记,可实现对柔性超高频RFID标签的高速、批量一致性检测。  相似文献   

RFID低功耗电子标签和手持阅读器设计开发   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
设计了一种短距离2.4 GHz无线通信方案,基于此方案研制的手持阅读器和低功耗电子标签成功应用于油田设备上。电子标签和阅读器分别由ARM和MSP430系列单片机控制无线收发芯片NRF24L01实现身份识别与数据传输,相关参数由软件进行设置。手持阅读器具有好的人机接口,电子标签具有体积小、功耗低、性能稳定、抗干扰能力强的特点。可在一定距离范围内实现误码率低的快速通信。  相似文献   

整流电路的设计是无源射频识别(RFID)标签关键技术之一.首先讨论了超高频无源电子标签整流电路的基本工作原理,然后分析了整流电路的等效电路模型.基于TSMC 0.18μm CMOS混合信号工艺设计了一种具有双输出的整流电路,并通过MPW项目流片验证.测试结果表明,该电路具有低输入电压,高整流效率的特点.  相似文献   

提出了在独立式结构的基础上进行结构和算法优化的方法。采用软硬件结合的方法来实现卫星信号的捕获、跟踪以及导航计算。载波解调和C/A码解扩由ASIC硬件形式的基带信号处理器来完成,而在微处理器中运行的信号跟踪控制软件则调节基带信号处理器中的各种操作。微处理器对快速捕获模块和相关器多个通道进行流水线配置,协调利用相关器模块的多个通道,达到节省电路资源和降低功耗的目的。  相似文献   

针对超高频射频识别系统,深入分析其结构组成,相关的标准及目前主流的ISO 18000-6 TYPE B和TYPE C空中接口协议.针对空中接口中涉及的问题,提出解决RFID应用问题的关键技术.  相似文献   

田佳音  何艳  施汝杰  闵昊 《计算机工程》2008,34(14):231-233
设计一款新型低频电子标签基带处理器,提出一种新颖的异步解码机制,解决了100% 振幅键控调制模式下时钟中断的问题,利用指令头解析与片选信号相结合的指令解析机制,提高了指令解析速度,并综合应用能量管理、结构优化等多种低功耗设计方法提高电子标签响应速度和抗干扰能力,降低芯片功耗与面积。该芯片采用SMIC 0.18 μm 2P4M标准CMOS工艺实现。与国外同类芯片相比,该设计以较小的面积与功耗实现了更高的性能。  相似文献   

设计一款新型低频电子标签基带处理器,提出一种新颖的异步解码机制,解决了100% 振幅键控调制模式下时钟中断的问题,利用指令头解析与片选信号相结合的指令解析机制,提高了指令解析速度,并综合应用能量管理、结构优化等多种低功耗设计方法提高电子标签响应速度和抗干扰能力,降低芯片功耗与面积.该芯片采用SMIC 0.18 μm 2P4M标准CMOS工艺实现.与国外同类芯片相比,该设计以较小的面积与功耗实现了更高的性能.  相似文献   

设计一种基于无源超高频(UHF)射频识别(RFID)温度标签的温度监测系统.系统由课题组自主研发的无源超高频RFID温度标签、Speedway R220商用阅读器和上位机应用软件组成,实现了物品身份识别、温度实时测量和显示的功能.为提高温度标签的测温精度,提出了一种自适应功率匹配算法,使得天线扫描范围内的多个标签都能在最佳测温功率下测温.测试结果表明:当温度标签与阅读器天线的距离分别为0.5,1.0,1.5m时,测温误差小于±1℃.  相似文献   

针对无源UHF RFID系统通信距离受限的问题,提出了一种新型无源双端口智能标签的设计方案.阐述了智能选择的实现方法以及提高系统识别距离的原理,并给出了标签其他部分电路包括整流及稳压电路、调制电路和解调电路的电路结构,电路基于0.18 μm CMOS工艺实现.仿真结果表明:各部分电路均可实现正常功能.  相似文献   

The article presents an experimental platform, so called “RFID Waveformer,” dedicated to the study of waveform optimization in the radio frequency identification (RFID) context. It is a flexible solution that enables waveform design and their energetic performance evaluation in a ultra high frequency (UHF) RFID link following the ISO‐18000 GEN2 standard protocol. It consists of a reader emulated by a LabVIEW interface controlling radiofrequency laboratory instruments, which perform real time tag response detection. Its interconnection with MATLAB routines enables the design and the evaluation of arbitrarily shaped RFID waveforms. In this article, for illustration, three waveforms are tested with RFID Waveformer in a complex propagation environment: pulsed wave (PW) and time reversal (TR) modes compared to the traditional continuous wave (CW) mode. Experimental results show that both PW and TR modes improve the energetic efficiency of the forward link and so the RFID read range compared to CW mode. Furthermore, TR presents the optimal efficiency in complex propagation medium. The RFID Waveformer enables tag response detection in the three modes offering ease of use and repeatability of measurements. The RFID Waveformer being not limited to the scenario considered in this article, it is a versatile solution extendable to other contexts.  相似文献   

提出一种用于UHF无源RFID标签芯片阻抗测试的新方法.利用ADS仿真软件对测试原理进行了仿真并实际制作了测试板.利用设计的测试板对NXP_XM芯片和Impinj_Monza4芯片进行了测试,分析了误差产生的原因,最终测试结果符合预期效果.  相似文献   

无源UHF频段RFID技术信号传输速度快,覆盖距离远,通过与互联网、通讯等技术相结合,可实现全球范围内物品的跟踪与信息共享。该技术由射频模拟前端电路、控制逻辑电路等组成的无源UHF超高频射频识别标签系统,由外接天线与读写器完成通信,天线既要与识别标签相匹配,又要与读写器较好地通信,天线决定了标签是否能正常工作,同时也决定了信号传输的距离。为此,通过研究天线的匹配阻抗、形状尺寸与大小,以及频带的设计,探索出了低成本、高可靠的天线设计方案。  相似文献   

In this article, a new design of miniaturized split‐ring resonator antenna using a meander line technique with a simple impedance matching method applicable to UHF‐RFID tags is presented. The new approach is based on the integration of a meander line into the radiating element of SRR to reduce the electrical tag size and a theoretical demonstration to calculate the conjugate impedance matching and directly attach the antenna with the chip. The new SRR antenna, which is printed on the flexible substrate Arlon CuClad 250LX, is designed using Alien Higgs 3 RFID ASIC whose input impedance is 25‐j190. The prototype antenna has a low‐cost compact size (18.28 mm × 18.28 mm) with a read range higher than 4 m within the RFID UHF band and with a roughly 4.2‐m peak range at 915 MHz. As a proof of behavior, a tag prototype is fabricated and measured to operate at a UHF RFID band. Based on some works' results, an optimized design is obtained with a 48% size reduction compared with the classic split ring resonator antenna and with a good impedance matching the antenna with RFID ASIC without the need for any external matching network.  相似文献   

This article presents a novel dual antenna structure for dual ultra high frequency bands (f1 = 866 MHz and f2 = 915 MHz) for radio frequency identification tags. The proposed structure consists of two dual band antennas, one acting as a receiving antenna and the other as a backscattering antenna at both the frequency bands. The receiving antenna is designed to have input impedance complex conjugate to the impedance of tag IC in order to maximize power transfer between the antenna and the microchip. The backscattered antenna is designed to have real‐valued input impedance at both the operating frequency bands to obtain maximum differential radar cross section leading to read range enhancement. The dual band receiving antenna is designed by embedding a pair of thin slits at a radiating edge of inset fed microstrip antenna. The backscattering antenna is comprised of two elements, one is a comb‐shaped open ring element, and the other is a meander line structure which is within the open ring element. Compared to conventional antennas, the proposed dual antenna structure provides a read range enhancement due to improved maximum differential RCS. The proposed dual antenna produced 4.3 m and 6.8 m read range at 866 MHz and 915 MHz, respectively.  相似文献   

A very small size radio frequency identification (RFID) tag antenna specifically designed for racing pigeon ring applications is proposed. The structure of this UHF tag is a closed‐loop type printed on a 30 × 8 mm2 polyimide film of thickness 0.063 mm. Thus, it can be wrapped into a double layer plastic cylindrical ring of size similar to those used for racing pigeon. By simply tuning the inner width of the loop, good conjugate matching between the tag chip input impedance and the tag antenna can be achieved. When mounted onto a real preserved dried pigeon feet specimen, the measured impedance bandwidth of the tag antenna was 901‐929 MHz. Further experimental results have also shown that the proposed antenna has a maximum reading range of up to 50 cm.  相似文献   

针对超高频(UHF)RFID标签群快速运动通过读卡器的情景进行了研究,分析了ISO/IEC 18000-6Type C类防冲突算法的具体实现过程。结果表明,当UHF RFID标签群在快速运动通过读卡器范围时,会产生新旧标签竞争现象。部分标签一段时间内不被识别,然后离开读卡器识别范围,导致"漏读",造成系统不可靠。在Type C类防冲突算法的前提下,提出了两种解决方案。  相似文献   

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