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Gas-liquid chromatography, several versions of paper chromatography, and alkaline isomerization have been applied to one preparation ofChlorella fatty acid methyl esters. GLC outranks other methods in rapidity, reproducibility, and resolving power. The presence of nonvolatile components in the sample can lead to erroneous results. Among PC methods which might arise from autoxidation and polymerization are detected. Esters or acids with 14 or fewer C atoms should be analyzed as nonvolatile derivatives. AI, as used here, introduces a systematic error in the determination of linoleic and linolenic acids. The quantitative results of the methods are in agreement for the major components, which all belong to the C10 and C18 series. A number of minor components have been revealed by GLC and/or PC. They are tentatively identified as <C12, C12, four C14, C15, two C17, C19, three C20, two C22, and C24 acids. Several of these compounds have been found independently by different methods in hydrogenated form or as radioactive esters. This enhances the certainty of their identification. Eurichment by fractional distillation was essential for their detection. Possible losses in their distillation and other considerations make uncertain the assay of most of the minor components by GLC or PC. Work supported in part by grant RG-4226 from the Division of General Medical Sciences of the U. S. Public Health Service and in part by the Hormel Foundation.  相似文献   

The growth of the green algaChlorella pyrenoidosa was inhibited by terpene alcohols and the terpene aldehyde citral. The strongest activity was shown by citral. Nerol, geraniol, and citronellol also showed pronounced activity. Strong inhibition was linked to acyclic terpenes containing a primary alcohol or aldehyde function. Inhibition appeared to be taking place through the vapor phase rather than by diffusion through the agar medium from the terpene-treated paper disks used in the system. Inhibition through agar diffusion was shown by certain aged samples of terpene hydrocarbons but not by recently purchased samples.  相似文献   

介绍了直链不饱和脂肪酸制备支链脂肪酸的研究现状,综述了脂肪酸异构机理,异构催化剂如白土催化剂、沸石催化剂,催化剂的筛选原则,着重讨论了各种常用沸石对于脂肪酸异构反应不同的影响以及现有的合成工艺。分析了脂肪酸的分离技术,包括精馏分离法、溶剂结晶法、尿素包结法、超临界流体萃取法的优缺点,指出沸石催化生产支链饱和脂肪酸的关键问题是需要解决混合脂肪酸作为原料反应的选择性问题,其相关的基础性工作,如更明确的反应机理和催化剂结构参数对反应的影响,仍是将来的研究方向。  相似文献   

When hydroformylation of unsaturated fatty materials is done with rhodium-triphenyl phosphine (or phosphite) catalysts, a number of advantages become apparent compared to cobalt carbonyl-catalyzed reactions. With rhodium, the reaction can be carried out (a) at pressures as low as 200 psi, (b) at each double bond location in a polyunsaturated fatty acid, and (c) in high yield and conversion. Solubilized catalyst can be recovered from distillation residue and readsorbed on spent catalyst support by thermal treatment in a rotary kiln. The reconstituted catalyst is more active than the original catalyst and can be recycled indefinitely at a relatively low cost. Recently developed supports for “homogeneous” catalysis may make catalyst recovery even more effective. Acetalation, oxidation with air to polycarboxylic acids and catalytic hydrogenation to hydroxymethyl compounds can be done easily and in high yield on mono-, di- and triformyl derivatives alike. Other reactions investigated for monoformyl fatty esters include reductive amination to form aminomethyl derivatives and Tollen’s condensation with formaldehyde to form geminal,bis-hydroxymethyl compounds. although the Northern Center has carried out some basic investigations on the hydroformylation reaction and on the chemistry of the hydroformylated products, there is a great deal more that can be done with regard to synthesis of new compounds and development of new applications.  相似文献   

Summary A method is proposed for the preparation of polybasic fat acids or “dimer” acids directly from fatty acids which is readily adaptable to commercial use. The presence of moisture maintained in the reaction vessel by steam pressure substantially prevents decomposition and decarboxylation of the fatty acids. By this method a larger percentage of dibasic acids, as compared to tribasic acids, is produced than by the previously described methods. The method of high temperature polymerization of fatty acids in the presence of moisture is also used to remove polyunsaturated fatty acids from commercial oleic acid. Presented at 20th fall meeting, American Oil Chemists’ Society, Chicago, Ill., Oct. 30–Nov. 1, 1946.  相似文献   

The equivalent chain length (ECL) has been determined on 79 methyl esters of unsaturated fatty acids and on 7 ethyl esters by gas chromatography. Ethylene glycol succinate (EGS), diethylene glycol succinate, β-cyclodextrin acetate and Apiezon L were chosen as the liquid phases to be used. For methyl esters of mono- and polyenoic acids, the differences between ECL on EGS and ECL on Apiezon L approximate 0.84 per double bond. For positional isomers, the ECL on both EGS and Apiezon L are usually greater for the isomer having the longer proximal end of the molecule (smallest ω value). In these terms a triple bond is approximately equal to three double bonds. Esters of nonconjugated dienoic and trienoic acids of the same chain length are not separable on Apiezon L if their proximal structures are the same. This also applies to tetraenoic and pentaenoic acids of the same chain length and the same proximal structure. Conjugation of double bonds, either with the ester carbonyl group or with themselves, yields ECL values on Apiezon L greater than the number of carbon atoms in the acid. Monounsaturated and nonconjugated polyunsaturated esters have ECL values on Apiezon L lower than the number of carbon atoms of the acid. The ECL values of ethyl esters of 18 and 20 carbon acids are greater than the corresponding methyl esters on Apiezon L. Presented at the Chicago meeting of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, Oct. 13, 1964.  相似文献   

Three new 10-hydroxy fatty acids, all optically active, have been prepared by the anaerobic microbiological hydration of acis-9 double bond. Substrates that formed these new hydroxy fatty acids are linoleic, linolenic, and ricinoleic acids. The hydroxyl group has the D configuration and the methyl esters are levorotatory. Infrared, mass spectral, specific rotation and ultraviolet data on these compounds were determined. There was no migration of the unreated double bonds at C12 and C15 in linoleic or linolenic acids. The presence of a double bond in the 10-hydroxy fatty acids significantly increased the optical rotation of the methyl esters. The hydratase enzyme showed unusual specificity among Δ9 unsaturated acids. While it hydrates methylene interrupted and hydroxy unsaturated acids, it failed to hydrate either 9-decenoic, 12,13-epoxy- or 12-keto-cis-9-octadecenoic acids or sterculic acid. Presented at the AOCS Meeting, San Francisco, April 1969. No. Marketing and Nutrition Res. Div., ARS, USDA.  相似文献   

The use of copper and cadmium oxides or soaps as catalysts for the hydrogenation of unsaturated fatty acids to unsaturated fatty alcohols has been investigated. It is shown that copper soaps homogeneously activate hydrogen. When copper and cadmium oxides are used as catalysts, they react with the acid under formation of a homogeneous soap solution. A continuous reaction system for the preparation of unsaturated fatty alcohols by hydrogenation under the influence of copper and cadmium soaps is described.  相似文献   

Summary Goats were fed alfalfa meal containing 10% cottonseed or linseed oil. After 11 weeks the fatty acids of rumen, stomach, and caecum contents were compared to those of the feed. It was found that the high levels of linoleic and linolenic acis of the feed were reduced to very low levels in the rumen, with comparable increases in the saturated acids. Monoethenoid acids were increased after linseed oil ingestion and in one animal after cottonseed oil ingestion. The ratio of monoethenoid to saturated acids in the rumen fat was lower than in the endogenous fat of nonruminant animals. This explains the paradox of the low ratio in the depot fat of ruminants even after the ingestion of highly unsaturated fats. Supported, in part, by a grant from the Office of Naval Research. Scholar of the government of Mysore, India.  相似文献   

Long‐chain internal olefins were prepared by silver(II)‐catalyzed oxidative decarboxylation of unsaturated fatty acids by sodium peroxydisulfate. Similar to saturated carboxylic acids, 1‐alkenes were the major decarboxylation product in the additional presence of copper(II), whereas in the absence of copper(II) alkanes were predominantly formed. In both cases, the internal unsaturation of the fatty acids remained largely intact, although the moderate yields indicated that side reactions occurred to a significant extent. The simple procedure makes this multistep one‐pot reaction useful for the synthesis of a variety of internally unsaturated hydrocarbons. The purified products, almost all of which are prepared for the first time, may serve as reference compounds for studies on the heterogeneously catalyzed decarboxylation of triglycerides and fatty acids in the absence of hydrogen. Practical applications: The products of the chemistry described in this contribution, i.e., unsaturated long‐chain hydrocarbons, provide bio‐based building blocks for further chemical modification toward products which may be applied as (bio)fuels, lubricants, solvents, and polymeric materials.  相似文献   

Diels-Alder reactions with methyl conjuenate ( 2 ) at room temperature, with methyl E-12-oxo-10-octadecenoate ( 11 ) as dienophile and radical cation catalyzed cycloadditions of 2 are described. 2 is prepared from methyl linoleate by base catalyzed isomerization with sodium dimethylsulfoxide in 90% yield. It undergoes readily Diels-Alder reactions at room temperature in the presence of 1–1.8 equivalents of a Lewis acid and catalytic amounts of iodine to form cycloadducts in 55–90% yield. At 140°C 2 reacts with dimethyl maleate and dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate to cycloadducts in 86% and 73% yield, respectively. Methyl E-12-oxo-10-octadecenoate ( 11 ) can be combined in a Diels-Alder reaction with the dienes 2-(trimethylsilyloxy)-1,3-butadiene and 2,3-dimethylbutadiene in 69% and 86% yield, respectively. By way of radical cation catalysis 2 undergoes [4+2]-cycloadditions with dienes in high yield.  相似文献   

Trans unsaturated fatty acids in bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The occurrence oftrans unsaturated fatty acids as by-products of fatty acid transformations carried out by the obligate anaerobic ruminal microflora has been well known for a long time. In recent years, fatty acids withtrans configurations also have been detected in the membrane lipids of various aerobic bacteria. Besides several psychrophilic organisms, bacteria-degrading pollutants, such asPseudomonas putida, are able to synthesize these compoundsde novo. In contrast to thetrans fatty acids formed by rumen bacteria, the membrane constituents of aerobic bacteria are synthesized by a direct isomerization of the complementarycis configuration of the double bond without a shift of the position. This system of isomerization is located in the cytoplasmic membrane. The conversion ofcis unsaturated fatty acids totrans changes the membrane fluidity in response to environmental stimuli, particularly where growth is inhibited due to the presence of high concentrations of toxic substances. Under these conditions, lipid synthesis also stops so that the cells are not able to modify their membrane fluidity by any other mechanism.  相似文献   

Bottino NR 《Lipids》1967,2(2):155-160
Rats fed a fat-free diet from weaning were contined on that diet alone or supplemented with methyl linoleate, methyl linoleate plus a mixture of antibiotics, or methyl arachidonate. Dietary linoleate and arachidonate reduced the concentration of octadecenoic acid and increased that of stearic acid in the mucosa and luminal lipids. This effect was prevented in the mucosa but not in the intestinal contents by antibiotic supplementation of the linoleate diet. Evidence for the conversion of linoleic into eicosatetraenoic acid was found in both mucosa and luminal lipids. The conversion was impaired by the addition of antibiotics to the diet. Linoleate feeding combined with antibiotic addition provided evidence for the intestinal hydrogenation of dietary linoleic into either octadecenoic or stearic acids by separate routes, the latter being impaired by antibiotic ingestion. The ingestion of methyl linoleate or arachidonate modified only slightly the fecal fatty acid pattern of rats previously on a fat-free diet.  相似文献   

Double bond oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Different oxidizing agents for performing the cleavage oxidation of the double bond of the unsaturated fatty acids are presented, and their economic performance is analyzed. Ozone and sodium hypochlorite are the most commercially efficient oxidants. Laboratory work for the oxidation of oleic acid to azelaic and pelargonic acids using hypochlorite as oxidant is described. The advantages of working in an emulsion system and using RuCl3 as a catalyst are discussed, and a possible mechanism of the reaction is presented. A flow sheet for an industrial process based on this concept is proposed. A simulation of a plant using this technology is made by a computerized model, and the economic parameters obtained permit us to conclude that the sodium hypochlorite can be an interesting reagent for industrial oxidations of double bonds in fatty acids.  相似文献   

Liquid-phase catalytic oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Liquid-phase catalytic oxidation of oleic acid with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of various transition metal/metal oxide catalysts was studied in a batch autoclave reactor. Azelaic and pelargonic acids are the major reaction products. Tungsten and tantalum and their oxides in supported and unsupported forms were used as catalysts. Alumina pellets and Kieselguhr powder were used as supports for the catalysts. Tungsten, tantalum, molybdenum, zirconium, and niobium were also examined as catalysts. Tertiary butanol was used as solvent. Experimental results concluded that tungsten and tungstic oxide are more suitable catalysts in terms of their activity and selectivity. The rate of reaction observed in the case of supported catalysts appears to be comparable or superior to that of unsupported catalysts. In pure form, tungsten, tantalum, and molybdenum showed strong catalytic activity in the oxidation reaction; however, except for tantalum the other two were determined to be economically unfeasible. Zirconium and niobium showed very little catalytic activity. Based on the experimental observations, tungstic oxide supported on silica is the most suitable catalyst for the oxidation of oleic acid with 85% of the starting oleic acid converted to the oxidation products in 60 min of reaction with high selectivity for azelaic acid.  相似文献   

Oxygen reacts readily with unsaturated fatty acids so that every time these compounds are handled there is a danger they will become contaminated with oxidation products. The products formed first are allylic hydroperoxides which are labile molecules that change rapidly to other compounds, some of which are highly flavorous. Sometimes these changes are desirable and may be promoted: frequently they are not and have to be inhibited. Instrumental procedures recently introduced—especially separation by high performance liquid chromatography and identification by1H and13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy—have led to a renewed interest in this subject. For the nonenzymic processes of autoxidation and photooxygenation we now have a better understanding of the routes leading to the first-formed allylic hydroperoxides and an improved appreciation of the structure of further oxidation products including dihydroperoxides and hydroperoxides which also contain one or more cyclic peroxide units. Direct chemical routes to several of these compounds have also been developed. Oxidation of linoleic acid by plant-derived lipoxygenases gives diene hydroperoxides similar to those produced by autoxidation, except that the former are optically active and the latter racemic. Enzymic oxidation of arachidonic acid and certain related C20 acids in animal systems produces a wide variety of prostaglandins, physiological properties. These compounds have been described as “tomorrow’s drugs”.  相似文献   

Separation of saturated/unsaturated fatty acids   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fatty acid mixtures can be separated into one fraction rich in saturated fatty acids and the other rich in unsaturated acids. Since saturated fatty acids have a higher melting point than unsaturated, liquid mixture to be fractionated is cooled to a temperature at which the larger part of the saturated acids crystallize, while the greater part of unsaturated acids remain in liquid form. Different industrial methods to separate the two phases are described. The oldest and simplest method is slowly to cool and crystallize the mixture in shallow pans to form cakes which then are pressed in presses of different design. By applying high pressure, the liquid olein is thus squeezed out from the cake, leaving the stearin fraction behind. A new process to separate the phases is to mix an aqueous solution, containing a wetting agent, with the crystallized fatty acid mixture. The stearin crystals are thus wetted and transferred into the aqueous phase, which then can be separated from the olein phase in a centrifuge. The stearin/aqueous suspension is heated to melt the stearin, which can then be separated in a second centrifuge. Other methods to improve phase separation use organic solvents, among which are methanol, acetone, methyl formate and propane. In the solvent fraction process, the miscella has to be cooled to a lower temperature than in the aforementioned methods, due to the solubility effect of the solvents. The solvents are removed by distillation from the fraction. Typical operation results with different types of raw materials are given. The advantages and disadvantages of the different methods are discussed.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of fatty acids in the diatomPhaeodactylum tricornutum was studied. The diatom was incubated with sodium [114C] acetate and the acids [1-14C] palmitic, [1-14C] stearic, [1-14C] linoleic and [1-14C] α-linolenic. The distribution of radioactivity in the products was determined by gas liquid radiochromatography. The diatom synthesized “de novo” not only saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, but also linoleic, α-linolenic and other fatty acids including the highly polyunsaturated 20∶5ω3 and 22∶6ω3. When labeled acetate, stearic, α-linolenic or even linoleic acid were incubated with the diatom, the polyunsaturated C20 fatty acids synthesized belonged predominantly to the ω 3 family. The existence of Δ9, Δ6, Δ5, Δ4, ω6 and possibly ω3 desaturases inP. tricornutum is suggested. Member of the Carrera del Investigador Científico of the Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Member of the Carrera del Investigador Cientifico of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas.  相似文献   

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