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水利普查成果数据具有数据量大、维度多、维度分层等特点,因此物化水利普查成果数据立方体,所需的时间空间成本非常高。提出一种基于Map/Reduce计算模型进行外壳片段立方体并行计算的新方法。实验结果表明,该方法能够有效地提高在大数据集上计算外壳片段立方体的效率,降低物化水利普查成果数据立方体的时间空间成本。将水利普查成果数据立方体应用于多维分析系统,从多方面清晰直观地展现水利普查成果数据。  相似文献   

从港口企业面临的决策需求出发,分析港口现有数据来构建港口数据立方体。多维联机分析处理(MOLAP)是在数据立方体上进行的应用查询,支持维层次是MOLAP的一个重要特征,一般层次维是以数组形式进行存储的,但是数组存储不仅不能体现维的层次特征,还使得数据单元出现冗余。针对数组存储的不足,采用维层次存储树来保存层次维信息,体现了维的层次特性,消除了冗余数据,方便层次维的查询和更新,且各层维成员采用二进制编码方式,不仅节省了存储空间,还提高了查询效率。  相似文献   

针对高维、维度分层的大数据集,提出一种基于Map/Reduce框架的并行外壳片段立方体构建算法。算法采用Map/Reduce框架,实现外壳片段立方体的并行构建与查询。构建算法在Map过程中,计算出各个数据分块所有可能的数据单元或层次维编码前缀;在Reduce过程中,聚合计算得到最终的外壳片段和度量索引表。实验证明,并行外壳片段立方体算法一方面结合了Map/Reduce框架的并行性和高扩展性,另一方面结合了外壳片段立方体的压缩策略和倒排索引机制,能够有效避免高维数据物化时数据量的爆炸式增长,提供快速构建和查询操作。  相似文献   

在研究BUC算法的基础上探讨了维层次数据的计算方法,提出一种改进的雏层次计算方法,减小其排序开销,加快计算速度,从而提高聚集查询处理的性能.  相似文献   

Star Cube--一种高效的数据立方体实现方法   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
一个具有n个维的数据立方体有2^n个视图,视图越多,用于维护数据立方体的时间也就越长。通过将维分成划分维和非划分维,数据立方体可以转换成star cube.stal cube由一个综合表和那些仅包含划分维的视图组成。star cube使用前缀共享和元组共享技术不仅减少了所需的存储空间,还大大减少了计算和维护时间。在把一个分片限制在一个I/O单位的条件下,star cube的查询响应时间与数据立方体基本相同。实验结果也表明,star cube是一种在时空两方面均有效的数据立方体实现技术。  相似文献   

一种基于维层次编码的OLAP聚集查询算法   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
联机分析处理(OLAP)查询往往需在海量数据上进行即席的复杂分组聚集查询,在其SQL语句中通常包含多表连接和分组聚集操作,因而减少多表连接和压缩关键字,以及对查询数据进行有效地分组聚集操作,成为ROLAP查询处理的关键问题。提出了一种基于维层次编码的新型预分组聚集算法DHEPGA.DHEPGA算法充分利用了编码长度较小的维层次编码及其前缀,来快速检索出与查询关键字相匹配的维层次编码,求得维层次属性的查询范围,减少了I/O开销,提高了OLAP查询效率。理论分析和实验结果表明,DHEPGA算法性能是非常有效的。  相似文献   

针对水利普查数据海量、多维的特点,研究近年来在“大数据”概念下发展迅速的Hadoop与Hive,结合传统数据仓库在多维数据分析方面的成熟技术,提出基于Hive的水利普查数据仓库的构建方法,描述数据仓库系统的架构,并根据Hive的设计特点,通过分桶、消减维度表和冗余事实表的方法来改进传统的多维分析模型,最后搭建集群系统对水利普查数据集进行查询与分析测试。测试结果表明该数据仓库可以满足海量多维水利普查数据的存储与查询要求。   相似文献   

数据立方体计算方法研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着多维数据分析在各领域的广泛应用,基于数据立方体的计算方法受到大量研究者的关注.分析了影响 数据立方体计算的各种因素,其中包括数据存储空间、查询处理效率和数据立方体的维护消耗,并且阐述了数据立方体的物化策略.分别从冰山立方体、紧凑数据立方体、高维数据立方体、近似计算、流式数据立方体等几个方面综述了国内外现有的计算方法,分析了各种方法的特点以及适用范围.  相似文献   

数据立方体在许多多维数据的数据仓库的高速OLAP操作中扮演着重要的角色.但是在许多高维的数据仓库的应用中,例如超过100维,大约106个元组,在这样高维下建立物化数据立方体是不可行的.利用最小方的方法可以在高维数据集上进行有效OLAP操作的方法.但每次进行OLAP操作所涉及的维大多有固定的分布,所以大量的查询都有重复计算.如果能部分物化与大多数OLAP操作相关维的立方体ID,就能在进行OLAP操作时可以大大的提高OLAP操作的效率.  相似文献   

多特征方用于计算复杂的数据挖掘查询,在2n个粒度进行多个依赖的复杂聚集计算。现有的立方体粒度计算技术可以有效计算分布和代数多特征方,针对整体多特征方提出了优化策略:先将立方体水平分块,然后采用冰山查询技术动态选择数据以及局部分布聚集特性优化计算过程。该优化策略既减少了计算复杂度又节省了聚集计算时间,实验结果表明该计算策略比基本的解决方法性能提高一倍以上。  相似文献   

Efficient Computation of Iceberg Cubes by Bounding Aggregate Functions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The iceberg cubing problem is to compute the multidimensional group-by partitions that satisfy given aggregation constraints. Pruning unproductive computation for iceberg cubing when nonantimonotone constraints are present is a great challenge because the aggregate functions do not increase or decrease monotonically along the subset relationship between partitions. In this paper, we propose a novel bound prune cubing (BP-Cubing) approach for iceberg cubing with nonantimonotone aggregation constraints. Given a cube over n dimensions, an aggregate for any group-by partition can be computed from aggregates for the most specific n--dimensional partitions (MSPs). The largest and smallest aggregate values computed this way become the bounds for all partitions in the cube. We provide efficient methods to compute tight bounds for base aggregate functions and, more interestingly, arithmetic expressions thereof, from bounds of aggregates over the MSPs. Our methods produce tighter bounds than those obtained by previous approaches. We present iceberg cubing algorithms that combine bounding with efficient aggregation strategies. Our experiments on real-world and artificial benchmark data sets demonstrate that BP-Cubing algorithms achieve more effective pruning and are several times faster than state-of-the-art iceberg cubing algorithms and that BP-Cubing achieves the best performance with the top-down cubing approach.  相似文献   

Graphics processing units (GPUs) have an SIMD architecture and have been widely used recently as powerful general-purpose co-processors for the CPU. In this paper, we investigate efficient GPU-based data cubing because the most frequent operation in data cube computation is aggregation, which is an expensive operation well suited for SIMD parallel processors. H-tree is a hyper-linked tree structure used in both top-k H-cubing and the stream cube. Fast H-tree construction, update and real-time query response are crucial in many OLAP applications. We design highly efficient GPU-based parallel algorithms for these H-tree based data cube operations. This has been made possible by taking effective methods, such as parallel primitives for segmented data and efficient memory access patterns, to achieve load balance on the GPU while hiding memory access latency. As a result, our GPU algorithms can often achieve more than an order of magnitude speedup when compared with their sequential counterparts on a single CPU. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to develop parallel data cubing algorithms on graphics processors.  相似文献   

数据仓库多维模型中的维结构具有层次性的特点,并且动态决策分析也有在维的不同层次间切换的需求,因此维在逻辑上一般采用层次结构来组织.传统的代数格模型只支持单维单关键字,维组合格模型则对代数格模型进行了扩展,能够支持单维复合关键字.进一步改进了维组合格模型,引入了不完全维组合格的概念,以实现在多维数据立方体的维模型建模阶段对立方体视图空间的约简.给出了维组合格上的基本操作,并应用这些基本操作实现了一种由维格增量构造不完全维组合格的算法.  相似文献   

A Genetic Selection Algorithm for OLAP Data Cubes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multidimensional data analysis, as supported by OLAP (online analytical processing) systems, requires the computation of many aggregate functions over a large volume of historically collected data. To decrease the query time and to provide various viewpoints for the analysts, these data are usually organized as a multidimensional data model, called data cubes. Each cell in a data cube corresponds to a unique set of values for the different dimensions and contains the metric of interest. The data cube selection problem is, given the set of user queries and a storage space constraint, to select a set of materialized cubes from the data cubes to minimize the query cost and/or the maintenance cost. This problem is known to be an NP-hard problem. In this study, we examined the application of genetic algorithms to the cube selection problem. We proposed a greedy-repaired genetic algorithm, called the genetic greedy method. According to our experiments, the solution obtained by our genetic greedy method is superior to that found using the traditional greedy method. That is, within the same storage constraint, the solution can greatly reduce the amount of query cost as well as the cube maintenance cost.  相似文献   

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